Name _______________________________ Date ________________ Class ________ Psychology Biography Mini-Poster Due Date: 9/4/2013 Use a half-sheet or full sheet of poster board to create a mini-poster about one of the prominent psychologists mentioned in the Introduction or another section of the Psychology text. You may need to use the index and the other chapters in the text to develop information about the individual you choose. Be prepared to discuss your poster. Illustrate your poster with drawings or images of the individual, and other relevant images that add to understanding. Be sure to cite any sources of images or information. If you use a web site to get a photo, cite the original web page, not the search engine site. For example: Check with me before you choose an individual. We don’t want a roomful of posters of Philip Zimbardo! Information to include in your poster: 1. A picture of this person. 2. Dates of birth and death and country of origin. 3. Psychological approach. Summarize the basic ideas of the approach: Pre-twentieth century: Philosophy Physiology Structuralism Functionalism Twentieth century: Behaviorism Psychoanalysis Gestalt psychology Humanistic Biological Cognitive Cross-cultural 4. Major Works (writings, experiments, or studies) 5. Citations (Bibliography) Grading Content on Biographical Data : Content on Approach: Content on Major Works: Images and Art: Neatness: Citations: Score: 20 20 20 20 10 10 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Grade __________ Comments ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Name _______________________________ Date ________________ Class ________ Psychology Biography Mini-Poster Aristotle Bandura, Albert Binet, Alfred Calkins, Mary Clark, Kenneth Darwin, Charles Descartes, Rene Ebbinghaus, Hermann Freud, Sigmund Goodall, Jane Hall, Stanley Harlow, Harry von Helmholtz, Hermann James, William Jung, Carl Loftus, Elizabeth Maslow, Abraham Milgram, Stanley Pavlov, Ivan Piaget, Jean Plato Rogers, Carl Seligman, Martin Skinner, B.F. Thorndike, Edward Vygotsky, Lev Watson, John Wertheimer, Max Wundt, Wilhelm Zimbardo, Phillip Another psychologist approved by the teacher