- Archdiocese of St. Louis

We wish to thank Msgr. McCumber and the Office of Worship for providing these Prayers of the Faithful
Third Sunday of Advent
December 11, 2011
PRIEST: As we strive to make our hearts truly a home for our Lord, Jesus, let us offer
our needs and concerns in prayer to our heavenly Father.
1) For Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Robert Carlson, and all Church leaders, that
through their teaching and preaching of God's holy word more people may come to
know and love Christ, let us pray to the Lord.
2) For the faithful, that we may give witness to Christ as the light of the world by
loving and serving our sisters and brothers in His name, let us pray to the Lord.
3) For all world leaders, that their decisions and policies may always promote the
rights and dignity of every human being as a child of God, let us pray to the Lord.
4) For all who suffer from chronic health problems, discouragement or fear, may they
find in Christ a source of strength, courage and joy, let us pray to the Lord.
5) For the members of our parish, may we proclaim Christ's coming in our words and
deeds and may all we meet come to know the kindness and joy of the Lord, let us pray
to the Lord.
6) For all the faithful departed, may they share in the heavenly banquet prepared for
those who love Him, let us pray to the Lord.
PRIEST: Heavenly Father, we, Your children, come to You in our need. Hear our
prayers and in Your great love for us help us to know Your will. We pray this through
Christ our Lord.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 18, 2011
PRIEST: Rejoicing that the celebration of the birth of Christ is near, let us gather our
prayers and petitions as Christ's brothers and sisters and present them to our heavenly
1) That all members of the Church may be filled with joy as we celebrate the love of
God the Father, who Sent His Only Son to gift us with salvation, let us pray to the Lord.
2) That those who serve in public office may keep as their first priority, the welfare of
the downtrodden, those who feel alienated from the Church, and those on the margin of
society, let us pray to the Lord.
3) That each of us, like Mary in our Gospel, may hasten to the side of those in want and
give willing assistance to meet their material and spiritual needs, let us pray to the
4) That our parish family may welcome all visitors who seek to worship with us and
help them feel at home, let us pray to the Lord.
5) That the faithful of the Archdiocese of St. Louis have the courage to stand up and be
a force for social justice and peace drawing others back to the practice of their faith, let
us pray to the Lord.
6) That our deceased brothers and sisters, faithful in this life, may now be welcomed to
the heavenly banquet of the Lamb, let us pray to the Lord.
PRIEST: Most gracious Father, hear the prayers of Your faithful children, and guide us
always in Your ways to our eternal home. We pray this in the name of Jesus our Lord.
The Nativity of the Lord
December 25, 2011
PRIEST: With heartfelt humility and gratitude for the gift of Christ, our Savior, let us
now offer our petitions for the needs of the Church and world to our heavenly Father.
1) That our celebration of Christ’s birth may enkindle in the hearts of the faithful,
especially those returning to the practice of their faith, a joy that moves us to share
God’s love more fully with our family and friends, let us pray to the Lord.
2) That this season of “peace on earth” may instill our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI,
Archbishop Robert Carlson and all Church leaders a greater resolve to truly work for
peace and justice among all nations, let us pray to the Lord.
3) That all world leaders may resolve to work for the common good of the people they
serve rather than self-centered issues dealing with personal gain and power, let us pray
to the Lord.
4) That the poor and disadvantaged may have their lives brightened through the selfsacrificing assistance of men and women of good will, let us pray to the Lord.
5) That all of us here may celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace all year long by
helping to bring joy to others we meet by sharing our faith, let us pray to the Lord.
6) That those who have died may join the heavenly choir, singing God’s praises this
holy day and always in heaven, let us pray to the Lord.
PRIEST: Heavenly Father, with the deepest gratitude we thank you for sending Your
beloved Son to save us. In Your mercy look favorably upon these prayers, which we
offer through Christ, the newborn King.
Mary, the Mother of God
January 1, 2012
PRIEST: Seeking to live more faithfully the example of Mary, the Mother of God, let us
join in offering our prayers and petitions to our Heavenly Father, always doing His will.
1) For the faithful, the Church, may we seek to follow the pattern of our Blessed Mother
by humbly serving the needs of others, especially the poor and abandoned, let us pray
to the Lord.
2) For the people of the world as we begin this New Year, may we recognize that we
are all children of God and seek to live in peace with one another, let us pray to the
3) For those filled with anxiety and confusion about life, may they hear within their
hearts the directive of Mary, our Blessed Mother, when she told them at Cana, “Do
whatever he tells you do to.” Let us pray to the Lord.
4) For our parish in this New Year, may each of us, like Mary to her cousin, Elizabeth,
hasten to the aid of one another especially in sharing our faith, let us pray to the Lord.
5) For the poor, forgotten and most vulnerable of our culture, like Mary who stood at
the foot of the Cross of her beloved Son, may we be willing to be examples of selfsacrificing love for one another, let us pray to the Lord.
6) For the faithful departed, especially our family and friends, may our prayers and the
intercession of our Blessed Mother, Mary, help bring them safely home to heaven, let us
pray to the Lord.
PRIEST: Loving and ever-gracious Father, hear our prayers and help us to follow the
example of our Blessed Mother living lives that give You praise and glory. We ask this
through Your Son, Jesus Christ.
The Baptism of the Lord
January 9, 2012
PRIEST: As we celebrate the baptism of our Lord, let us, as children of God, turn to our
heavenly Father and ask Him to provide for our needs and the needs of all His children.
1) For our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Robert Carlson and all who
teach the Catholic faith, may they be filled with joy as they share the Good News of
Jesus Christ, let us pray to the Lord.
2) For all civil leaders and those of our judiciary, may they safeguard the well being of
the unborn and others who cannot protect themselves, the homeless, the immigrants
and undereducated, let us pray to the Lord.
3) For those whose illness or pain keeps them from participating in Mass, especially
those who feel alienated from the Church, may they be comforted by their faith and by
our prayers for them, let us pray to the Lord.
4) For all of us here at Mass, may we be thankful for this gift of the Mass and allow its
transforming grace into our lives that allow us to grow closer to God, let us pray to the
5) For all parents and grandparents, may they foster in their homes a spirit of prayer
that allows their children to grow in their faith, let us pray to the Lord.
6) For our beloved dead, especially those who have no one to pray for them, may they
come to shear eternal life in heaven, let us pray to the Lord.
PRIEST: Father of mercy and love, we ask that You hear our many prayers and with
Your grace show us the way to Your heavenly Kingdom. We ask this through Christ
our Lord.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 16, 2012
PRIEST: We have been called by Christ, the Lamb of God, to be servants of God and to
serve each other. Mindful of this calling, let us ask God to hear our prayers and those of
our sisters and brother.
1) For our pope, bishops, priests and deacons, that their constant preaching of the
Gospel may help bring more people to know Jesus and the gift of salvation He offers
them, let us pray to the Lord.
2) For all who serve the poor and the homeless, especially our elected officials, that
their efforts may be fruitful, bringing good things to those who rely on their help, let us
pray to the Lord.
3) For the sick and dying, that they may find strength in joining their sufferings to
those of Christ and know that they are called to be saints in the glory of heaven, let us
pray to the Lord.
4) For our family of faith throughout the Archdiocese of St. Louis, as we conclude
CATHOLICS COME HOME®, may we continue to reach out to others by sharing our
faith with them by word and example, let us pray to the Lord.
5) For our parish, may each one of us grow more prayerful, seeking a deeper
relationship with God throughout our days, let us pray to the Lord.
6) For all who have died, especially those whose faith is known to You alone, that they
may see the glory of God in the heavenly Kingdom with all the angels and saints, let us
pray to the Lord.
PRIEST: Heavenly Father, we come to You in our need, mindful of our weaknesses.
Hear our prayers and in Your great love for us help us to know Your will. We pray this
through Christ our Lord.