Proceedings of The 5th Annuual International Conference Syiah Kuala University (AIC Unsyiah) 2015
In conjunction with The 8th International Conference of Chemical Engineering on Science and Applications (ChESA) 2015
September 9-11, 2015, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Full Paper Template for AIC and ChESA 2015
D. Supardan, 2Nasrul Arahman, and
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam,
Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
Department of Veterinary, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, Banda
Aceh 23111, Indonesia;
*Coorresponding Author: d_darmawi@yahoo.com
We are very pleased to invite you to participate in The 5th Annual
International Conference (AIC) 2015 in conjunction with The 8th
International Conference of Chemical Engineering on Science and
Applications (ChESA) 2015, which will be held in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. AIC
will focus on topics related to life science, social science as well as science
and engineering. Meanwhile, ChESA will focus on topics related to chemical
engineering and science. These conferences provide an international forum
for the exchange of information, ideas and knowledge among researchers,
engineers, scientists and academicians as well as industrial professionals.
We look forward to welcoming you at AIC and ChESA 2015.
Key words: AIC 2015, ChESA 2015, international conference, researchers
The full papers should be submitted to The 5th AIC or The 8th ChESA 2015 scientific
committee. The authors must use the MSword® template file to prepare their abstracts or
full papers. The template can be downloaded from the website: . The author(s) are
requested to type the paper(s) onto this template using the fonts, sizes and other
formatting instruction given on the template.
This template is designed to assist you in preparing your manuscript; it is an exact
representation of the format expected by the editor. To use this template, please just Save
As to your document, then copy and paste your document here. The work should not have
been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
According to Engelmore and Morgan (Wang et al., 2010), manuscript content should, in
general, be organized in the following order: Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials
and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments and References
(Pagidi et al., 2014).
Materials and Methods
All presentations and discussions will be carried out in a forum. Two types of oral
presentations are available, i.e. ten minutes presentation with five minutes discussions, and
three minutes presentation accompanied with poster. More discussion is expected on the
poster session. The use of MS PowerPoint® is recommended for all oral presentations.
Results and Discussion
Your papers will be reviewed by our international scientific committee and selected papers
of The 5th AIC and The 8th ChESA 2015 will be published in the special edition of some
International Journals such as: Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis
(BCREC). The BCREC journal has been indexed and abstracted and displayed in Elsevier
Proceedings of The 5th Annuual International Conference Syiah Kuala University (AIC Unsyiah) 2015
In conjunction with The 8th International Conference of Chemical Engineering on Science and Applications (ChESA) 2015
September 9-11, 2015, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
and REAXYS); International Journal of Science and Engineering (IJSE). The IJSE has been
indexed by DOAJ Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Open Archives, getCITED, ResearchBib,
GARUDAPortal, JournalTOCs, ScienceCentral, EBSCO Publishing, ProQuest, Chemical
Abstract /CAS, Ulrich’s); International Journal of Renewable Energy Development (IJRED)
indexed by Journal TOCs, EBSCO Publishing, ProQuest, Chemical Abstract /CAS, Index
Copernicus, Open Archieves, Ulrich’s, Google Scholar, Gulf University Library, pkp OJS ,
Best of the Web (BOTW), Research Bible, getCITED, NewJour, Sciencecentral, IamScientist,
Researchgate, Viesearch, Portal Garuda DIKTI.; International Journal of Waste Resources
(IJWR) indexed by Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Open Archives, getCITED,
ResearchBible, ScienceCentral, VieSearch, EBSCO Publishing, ProQuest, Chemical Abstract
/CAS, Ulrich’s
Figure 1. Title of figure
Recommendations for references are: (i) Include ALL authors. et al., for multiple authors is
not acceptable; (ii) When referencing in the body of text, use 10pt Verdana in square
brackets; (iii) Types of references are as follows:
 For a Dissertation or Thesis, see Clancey (1979)
 For a Proceedings Paper, see Clancey (1983)
 For an Internet Reference, see Dani (2014)
 For a Journal Article, see Pagidi et al. (2014)
 For a University Technical Report, see Rice (1986)
 For a Book, see Wang et al. (2010)
Table 1. Table format
Manuscript should be typed using word processors (Microsoft Word or Open Office)
software. The font used throughout the paper is Verdana. The paper size is A4 (i.e., 210 x
297mm), one-column format with a 2.5cm margin at the top, a 2.5cm margin at the
bottom, a 2.5cm margins on the left and 2.0cm margins on the right. Lines are single
spaced, justified. Page numbers are not to be included in the text. Use of pronouns such as
I, we etc is to be avoided.
Papers accepted for publication are strictly limited to a maximum of 6 pages (including
tables and figures) in a one-column format following this template.
You may wish to thank those who have supported you and your work.
Proceedings of The 5th Annuual International Conference Syiah Kuala University (AIC Unsyiah) 2015
In conjunction with The 8th International Conference of Chemical Engineering on Science and Applications (ChESA) 2015
September 9-11, 2015, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Clancey, W. J. (1979). Transfer of Rule-Based Expertise through a Tutorial Dialogue. PhD
Dissertation, Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford Univ.
Clancey, W. J. (1983). Communication, Simulation, and Intelligent Agents: Implications of
Personal Intelligent Machines for Medical Education. In Proceedings of the Eighth
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 556-560. Menlo Park, Calif.:
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, Inc.
Dani, M. S. (2014). Citing Internet sources URL http://www.justexample.com (2 September
Pagidi, A., Saranya, R., Arthanareeswaran, G., Ismail, A.F., Matsuura, T. (2014). Enhanced
Oil–Water Separation Using Polysulfone Membranes Modified with Polymeric Additives.
Desalination, 344: 280-288.
Rice, J. (1986). Poligon: A System for Parallel Problem Solving, Technical Report, KSL-86-19,
Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford Univ.
Wang, L.K., Ivanov, V., Tay, J.H. eds. (2010). Environmental Biotechnology, Humana Press.