Grade 1 Mathematics Content

Grade 1 Mathematics Content
Telling Time
Recognize length
Use nonstandard units
Informally explore the inch unit of
Select and use non—standard
units to estimate measurements
Problem solving
Describe and extend patterns
Pattern units
Make new patterns
Find a pattern
Problem solving
Building Numbers
Skip count by 10’s to 100
Skip count by 5’s to 50
Skip count by 2’s to 2
Count backwards from 20 by 1’s
Count out-groups of tens
Explore place value
Compare two numbers
Order numbers to 100
Problem solving
Addition facts to and including 10
Number sentences
Order property
Addition strategies-count on,
doubles, doubles plus one
Problem solving
Subtraction sentences-horizontal
and vertical
Number sentences
Subtraction strategies-count back
Problem solving
Picture graphs for quantities up to
Bar graphs
Make graphs
Use Venn diagrams
Interpret data: most,, least,
greater than, less than,or equal to
Problem solving
Recognize penny, nickel, dime,
Recognize the cent notation as ¢
Count money up to 25¢
Problem solving
Tell time to the hour with digital
and analog clocks
Learn months and days in
Classify months and connect to
Recognize morning, noon,
afternoon, evening
Problem solving
2 Digit numbers
Addition and subtraction
problems without re-grouping
Problem solving
Recognize geometric shapes and
structures in the environment
Symmetry in two dimensional
Characteristics of shapes
(describe, create, sort and
Experiment with slides, flips, and
turns of two-dimensional shapes
Problem solving
New York State Education Department Learning Standard for Mathematics
Students will understand the concepts of and become proficient with the skills of mathematics; communicate and reason
mathematically; become problem solvers by using appropriate tools and strategies through the integrated study of number sense and
operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and statistics and probability.
Content Strands
Strand 1:
Number Sense
and Operations
Students will understand numbers, multiple ways of representing numbers, 1. Verbally count by 1’s to 20.
relationships among numbers, and number systems; understand meanings 2. Solve proportions using equivalent fractions.
of operations and procedures, and how they relate to one another; compute
accurately and make reasonable estimates.
Strand 2:
Students will represent and analyze algebraically a wide variety of
problem solving situations; perform algebraic procedures accurately;
recognize, use, and represent patterns, relations, and functions
1. Use a variety of manipulative materials to
create patterns using attributes of color, size,
or shape.
2. Solve simple one-step equations using basic
whole number facts.
Strand 3:
Students will use visualization and spatial reasoning to analyze
characteristics and properties of geometric shapes; identify and justify
geometric relationships, formally and informally; apply transformations
and symmetry to analyze problem solving situations; apply coordinate
geometry to analyze problem solving situations.
1. Identify and appropriately name twodimensional shapes: circle, square,
rectangle, and triangle (both regular and
2. Classify angles as acute, obtuse, right and
Strand 4:
Students will determine what can be measured and how, using appropriate
methods and formulas; use units to give meaning to measurements;
understand that all measurement contains error and be able to determine
its significance; develop strategies for estimating measurements.
1. Compare the length of two objects by
representing each length with string or a
paper strip.
2. Identify radius, diameter, chords, and central
angles of a circle.
Strand 5:
and Probability
Students will collect, organize, display, and analyze data; make
predictions that are based upon data analysis; understand and apply
concepts of probability.
1. Display data in bar graphs using concrete
objects with intervals of one.
2. Calculate the mean for a given set of data
and use it to describe a set of data.
S:\Ci\MS Word\Math\New Parent Handouts 2005\Gd.2. Parent Handout.doc
1. Example for Primary Instruction.
2. Example for Intermediate Instruction.