Friday, February 12, 2016 SCHOOL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING FACULTY ADMINISTRATIVE & COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS (2015-2016) FACULTY ADVISORY Serve as focal point for faculty participation and input with respect to governorship of school—its vision, philosophy, and policies, and provide this feedback to the school chair. [Chair to be elected by committee] Continuing: Garmestani (14–16), Lin (14–16), Singh(14–16), ZL Wang (14–16); Kumar (15-17); Srinivasarao (15-17); Y.Wang (1417); Russo (15-17). Staff: Mayo GRADUATE PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Administer graduate (MS and Ph.D) programs in MSE including recruitment, admission, qualifiers, and plan and prepare program assessment documents Singh (Chair), Gerhardt, Gokhale, Jacob, Lin, Liu (ex-officio), Muhlstein, Russo, Sanders, Tsukruk, Srinivasarao, Vogel, Wang-Y Staff: Bowman & Nelson Singh and Liu Teaching Assignments and review financial support UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Administer B.S. program in MSE including undergraduate recruitment, student advising/scheduling, transfer credit, minor, and plan and prepare ABET and other assessment documents Undergraduate Advisors. Undergraduate Student Mentoring COURSE SCHEDULING REAPPOINTMENT, PROMOTION, AND TENURE MSE RPT committee responsible for RPT evaluation CoE RPT Assistant to Associate – MSE Representative CoE RPT Associate to Full – MSE Representative CoE Research Promotion – MSE Rep CoE Regents – MSE Rep Institute RPT – MSE Representative Institute Regents Cook (Chair), Alamgir, Garmestani, Gokhale, Jang, Losego, Qin, Realff, Shofner, Sanders, Singh, Speyer, Liu (ex-officio), Staff: Washington, Manchester, Johnson Freshman: Shirley Manchester Others: Cook, Garmestani, Gerhardt, Jacob, Jang, Jayaraman, Kumar, Losego, Muhlstein, Qin, Realff, Sanders, Shofner, Singh, Srinivasarao, Thadhani, Vogel, Wang-Y, Yao Mary Lynn Realff (Chair) Liu (Chair), Cook, and Singh, Staff: Washington Tsukruk (Chair), Gerhardt, Kumar, Singh, Speyer, Vogel, Yao, Wang-Y. Staff: Beggs Jacob, 2015-16 Srinivasarao, 2014–16 None at this time None at this time None at this time None at this time Friday, February 12, 2016 STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Develop and prioritize strategies for implementation of strategic plan, define and track measures, and recommend changes FACULTY RECRUITMENT & SEARCH Solicit faculty input for hiring in critical areas, Advertise and solicit applications, review resumes, identify and invite candidates for campus interviews, collect evaluations present results to faculty ENTREPRENEURESHIP AND INDUSTRY RELATIONS entrepreneurship opportunities, best practices, COI management, and student innovation competitions Establish/assist with methods of interactions with industry to facilitate executive seminars, faculty research collaborations, undergraduate design projects, assistance with potential recruits, etc. FACULTY & STAFF AWARDS Identify internal (GT) and external professional society awards and fellow nominations for faculty and staff, assist with nominations, and preparation of nomination packages Vogel (Chair), Alamgir, Jayaraman, Kumar, Li, Lin, McDowell, Milam, Muhlstein, Realff, Russo, Speyer, Wong; Ex-officio - Singh, Cook, Liu, Staff: Barnes Milam (Chair), Kumar, Lin, Reynolds, Russo, Shofner, Yao Staff: Kitchings Speyer (Chair), Jayaraman, Kumar, Yushin, Jacob (Chair), Kumar, Realff, Shofner, Vogel, Yushin, Y.Wang Staff: Whitner-Bason Wang, Z. (chair), Tsukruk (GT faculty awards), Z.L. Wang (ACS), Gokhale (ASM&TMS), Jacob (ASME), Jayaraman (SPIE), Realff (GT-WLC), Srinivasarao (APS), Tsukruk (MRS), Gerhardt (ACerS), Mayo (GT Staff) Staff: Barnes FACULTY DEVELOPMENT AND MENTORING Develop and coordinate opportunities for faculty interactions, strategies for connecting junior and senior faculty on collaborative activities, mentoring plans for junior faculty and assistance with RPT packages SEMINARS AND PRITCHETT LECTURE Pritchett Lecture MSE: Development of annual seminar program, administration of student seminar program INSTRUCTIONAL & INVENTION LABS AND EQUIPMENT Develop MSE invention labs and acquire equipment Tech Fee proposals, and equipment acquisition, and upkeep/upgrade of instructional laboratories Milam (Chair), Gerhardt, Kumar, Liu, McDowell, Tsukruk, Vogel Staff: Kitchings Jacob (Chair), Garmestani, Cai, Jang, Kacher, Kalidindi, Li, Lin, Losego, Qin, Wang-ZL, Yushin Staff: Angie Beggs (Pritchett) Russo (Invention Lab chair), Yao (Tech Fee chair), Kacher, Cook, Garmestani, Losego, Muhlstein, Shofner, Srinivasarao, Wang-Y, Parachuru Staff: Moss, Bryant Friday, February 12, 2016 INSTRUCTION & RESEARCH LABORATORY SAFETY Coordinate safety training for all students & researchers in MSE, interact with students/researchers and campus safety office to ensure best/safe lab practices, assist with waste disposal and other lab safety operations Parachuru (Chair), Moss, Bryant, Staff: Nelson SPACE AND FACILITIES Liu (chair); Russo-MRDC, TsukrukMoSE, Singh-RBI, Muhlstein-BH Staff: Moss, Bryant Conduct space inventory & policies for shared spaces for labs and offices FACULTY ADVISORS FOR STUDENT CHAPTERS Serve as faculty advisors for student chapters in coordinating activities on campus and professional society meetings in addition to identifying students for respective student society awards. MSE FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE TO INSTITUTE ACADEMIC SENATE, FACULTY ASSEMBLY, & OTHER COMMITTEES MSE Rep Academic Senate & General Faculty Assembly MSE Rep for Library MSE Rep for GT Research Advisory Committee MSE Rep in General Faculty Assembly Inst. Undergrad Committee Inst. Grad Curriculum Committee & X-degree Committee Inst. Chemical & Environment Safety Committee Int. Research Faculty Senate Singh (Joint Materials Societies), Lin (ACS), Gerhardt (ACerS), Li (MRS), Singh (ASM/TMS), Speyer (Keramos), Yao (SPE), Realff Srinivasarao Srinivasarao Alamgir Singh Jayaraman Shofner Berta Friday, February 12, 2016 MSE FACULTY COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS ALAMGIR: Strategic Plan Implementation; UG Committee; Faculty Rep to Inst. Gen. Faculty Assembly (2012-15) BERTA: Institute Research Faculty Senate (2014/15 – 2017/18) CAI: Seminars COOK: Assoc. Chair (UG), UG Comm.; Strategic Plan Implementation (ex-officio); UG Advisor; Course Scheduling/Teaching Assignments; Instructional & Invention Labs/Equipment. GABLE: Strategic Plan Implementation & Communications GARMESTANI: Undergrad Comm.; Faculty Advisory Comm (2014/15 – 2015/16); Seminars; Instructional Labs/Equipment; UG Advisor GERHARDT: Graduate Comm.; Faculty Search; Faculty Development/Mentoring; Awards-ACerS; UG Advisor; Faculty Advisor for AcerS; Exec Director for Res & Inst Collaborations, Office of Institute Diversity GOKHALE: Undergrad Comm.; Faculty Search; Awards-TMS/ASM JACOB: Pritchett Lecture and Seminars; Entrepreneurship/Industry; Awards-ASME; UG Advisor JANG: Undergrad Comm.; UG Advisor; Seminar JAYARAMAN: Strategic Plan Implementation; Entrepreneurship/Industry; Awards-SPIE); UG Advisor; Inst. Graduate Curriculum Committee; X-Degree Committee KACHER: Seminar; Instru. & Invention Labs and Equipment KALIDINDI: Seminar KUMAR: Strategic Plan Imp; RPT Comm.; Faculty Development/Mentoring; Faculty Search; Entrepreneurship/Industry; UG Advisor; Faculty Advisory Comm (2015-2017) LI: Strategic Plan Implementation; Seminars & Communications; Faculty Advisor - MRS LIN: Strategic Plan Implementation; Graduate Comm.; Faculty Advisory Comm (2014/15 – 2015/16); Faculty Search; Faculty Advisor - ACS; Seminars LIU: Associate Chair (Academics); Course Scheduling/Teaching Assignments; Strategic Plan Implementation (ex-officio); Grad and Undergrad Comm (ex-officio); Faculty Search (exofficio); Entrepreneurship/Industry; Faculty Development & Mentoring; Space and Facilities LOSEGO: Undergraduate Committee; Seminars; UG Advisor; Instruction & Inventional Labs/Equip McDOWELL: Strategic Plan Implementation; Faculty Development/Mentoring; IMAT, Exec. Director MILAM: Faculty Search Comm.; Strategic Plan Imp. & Communications; Faculty Development/Mentoring; Responsible Conduct of Research Advisory Committee; CoE/Inst. Review and Promotions Committee for Research Scientist and Eng. Friday, February 12, 2016 MUHLSTEIN: Strategic Plan Implementation & Communications; Grad Comm.; Undergrad Advisor; Space-BH; Instructional and Invention Labs & Equipment; Assoc. Dir., MPRL. QIN: Undergrad Comm.; UG Advisor; Seminars PARACHURU: Safety; Instructional Labs/Equip; REALFF: Undergrad Comm.; Strategic Plan Implementation & Communications; Awards (GT WLC rep); UG Advisor; Industry Relations, Undergrad Student mentoring program, Faculty Rep to Inst. Academic Senate/Gen. Faculty Assembly (2012-15) REYNOLDS: Faculty Search; Georgia Tech Polymer Network; Equipment Budgeting Committee RUSSO: Graduate Committee; Strategic Plan Implementation & Communications; Space-MRDC; Faculty Search; Instructional & Invent. Lab/Equipment ; Faculty Advisory Comm (20152017) SANDERS: Grad Comm.; Undergrad Comm.; UG Advisor SHOFNER: Undergrad Comm.; Faculty Search; Instructional Labs/Equipment; Industry Relations, UG Advisor; Faculty Advisor for FE Exam; Institute Chemical and Environmental Safety Committee, Associate Director, RBI. SINGH: Assoc Chair (Grad); Grad Comm.; UG Comm.; Course Scheduling; RPT; Faculty Advisory Comm (2014/15 – 2015/16); Space – RBI; Strategic Plan & Communications (ex-officio); UG Advisor; Fac. Advisor - Joint Materials Soc.; Fac. Advisor – ASM/TMS; Institute UGC SPEYER: Strategic Plan Implementation & Communications; RPT Comm; Undergrad Com.; Entrepreneurship/Industry; Faculty Advisor - Keramos SRINIVASARAO: Grad Committee; Instructional & Invent. Lab/Equipment; Awards-APS; UG Advisor; Faculty Advisory Comm (2015-2017); Institute Library Committee; GT Research Advisory Comm.; CoE RPT Assoc/Full (2014-16) TSUKRUK: Grad Comm.; RPT Comm.; Awards-MRS; Awards-GT Faculty Awards; Space – MoSE; Faculty Development and Mentoring VOGEL: Grad. Comm.; RPT Comm., Strategic Plan Implementation & Communications; Industry Relations; Faculty Development and Mentoring; UG Advisor; IMAT coordinator of shared facilities; Materials Characterization Facility WANG-Y: Grad Comm.; UG Advisor; RPT; Industry Relations; Instruction and Invention Labs/Equipment; Faculty Advisory Comm (2015-2017) WANG-Z: Faculty Advisory Comm (2014/15 – 2015/16); Awards; Awards-ACS; Seminars WONG: Strategic Plan Implementation & Communications YAO: RPT; Instructional Labs/Equipment (Tech Fee Proposal); Faculty Search; UG Advisor; Faculty Advisor (SPE) YUSHIN: Entrepreneurship & Industry Relations; Seminars Friday, February 12, 2016 STAFF BARNES: Communications; Strategic Plan Implementation; Faculty Awards BEGGS: RPT Committee, MSE and Pritchett Seminars BOWMAN: Grad Committee BRYANT Space and Facilities, keys, Safety, Instructional Labs and Equipment JOHNSON Undergrad Committee - Recruiting KITCHINGS: Faculty Search; Faculty Development & Mentoring MANCHESTER: Undergrad program Freshman Advisor MAYO: Faculty Meeting Minutes, Faculty Advisory Comm Liason; GT Staff Awards MOSS: Space and Facilities, Instructional Labs and Lab Equipment, Safety NELSON: Grad Committee – Recruiting; Instruction & Res. Lab. Safety WASHINGTON: Undergrad Program; Course Scheduling/Teaching Assign WHITNER-BASON: Pritchett-Lecture; Entrepreneurship/Industry