PHYSIOLOGY OF RESPIRATION Breathing during the life span • we first breath at birth • pressure at the birth canal squeeze the thorax expelling liquid amniotic and setting • • • • • • the stage for the first inspiration which come as a result of elastic recoil of the compressed thorax in c-section delivery suction is used to clear the air way also setting up the stage for the first inspiration chemical changes in the blood influence the respiratory center in the brain and a regular respiratory pattern starts as we go from infancy to adulthood respiratory anatomy and physiology changes the capacity of the lungs increases with age with advanced age the lungs and bronchi sink to a lower position in the thoracic cavity lung capacity depends largely on the volume of lung tissue and also on the movements of the chest walls Movements of Chest Wall • vertical expansion of chest wall (diaphragm) • lateral and anterior-posterior expansion of chest wall (all other muscles of inspiration) Lung Volume • lung volume is the amount of air in the lungs • we can measure lung volume using an spirometer • Spirometer is an instrument that provides measures of respiratory volumes and capacities • Volumes refer to a specific amount of air that the lungs can hold • Capacities refer to combination of volumes that express physiological limits Lung Volumes & Capacitites • • • • • • tidal volume inspiratory reserve volume expiratory reserve volume residual volume vital capacity total lung capacity 1 Tidal Volume (TV) is the volume of air exchanged in one cycle of respiration Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) is the volume of air that can be inhaled after a tidal inspiration Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) is the volume of air that can be expired following passive, tidal expiration the volume of air present in the resting lungs after a passive exhalation – resting lung volume (RLV) Residual Volume (RV) • is the volume of air remaining in the lungs after maximum exhalation • that is, after maximum exhalation almost one fourth of total lung capacity will remain as residual volume • this is air in the pulmonary tubing that cannot be forced out without opening the chest and deflating the lungs completely Vital Capacity (VC) • is the volume of air inspired after a maximal expiration (VC=IRV+TV+ERV) • this is the maximum usable volume of air that can be inhaled and exhaled • • • • • Total Lung Capacity (TLC) is the sum of inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and residual volume Lung capacity during the life the capacity of the lungs increases with age (until the early twenties) capacity of the lungs can be measured as vital capacity peak vital capacity is reached in the late teens or early twenties, decreasing along with diaphragmatic action thereafter residual volume increases with age - a smaller volume of air is available for exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide Breathing rate during life span • rate of respiration is determined by lung capacity and efficiency of respiratory exchange, both of which are greater in the older child or adult than in the infant – the respiratory structures increase in size with age – larynx, trachea and lungs increase in size – a newborn has a trachea that is one third as long as the adult’s and one fourth of the diameter – the cartilaginous rings of the newborn trachea are soft • the breathing rate decreases with age 2 • premature and newborn infants have high breathing rates, ranging between 30-90 breaths/minute • irregularity of breathing rate is not uncommon in the infant • in the late childhood and early adulthood a lower and fairly stable rate of about 10 to 22 breaths/minute is established • • • • • Breathing for life respiration is movement of air in and out of lungs a respiratory cycle involves one inspiration/inhalation and one expiration/exhalation inhalation (inspiration) is the portion of the respiratory cycle in which air is sucked into the lungs exhalation (expiration) is the portion of the respiratory cycle in which air is forced out the lungs respiration can be Quiet or Forced Respiration • quiet respiration – quiet inspiration – quiet expiration • forced respiration – forced inspiration – forced expiration • • • • • • • • • Quiet Respiration quiet respiration or quiet breathing is breathing when at rest it reflects the volume of air that can be inhaled from a resting level with contraction of the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles it is a passive process resulting from elastic recoil of lungs and abdomen when the passive expiratory forces reach the resting level, the respiratory cycle is read to be repeated during quiet respiration the resting tidal volume of air is manipulated by quiet inspiration (40% of the cycle) and quiet expiration (60% of the cycle) that is, the duration of inspiration and expiration during quiet breathing are not very different – inspiration takes about 40% of the respiratory cycle – while expiration takes about 60% quiet inspiration reflects the volume of air that can be inhaled from a resting level with contraction of the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles quiet expiration is a passive process resulting from elastic recoil of lungs and abdomen resting tidal volume is the volume of air moved during quiet inspiration and expiration 3 • • • • • Forced Respiration forced respiration or forced breathing involves muscular effort on exhalation as well as on inhalation respiration that goes beyond the resting level (the level at which passive forces are depleted) the deeper a person breathes the more muscles will be recruited for forced inspiration and forced expiration forced inspiration is accomplished when the accessory muscles of inhalation assist the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles forced expiration is accomplished with active forces of abdominal and thoracic exhalatory muscles that supplement the passive forces of expiration Purpose of Respiration • in breathing for life the objective is to move oxygen-laden air into and carbon dioxide out of the lungs - flow of air free and facilitated • in breathing for speech production the objective is to generate air pressure, which can force the vocal folds to vibrate or can expel a burst of air into plosion (stops), frication (fricatives) or a combination of both (affricates) - to achieve pressure requires the air flow be resisted Air Pressure • pressure is the result of compression of air in the lungs, which provides the source for speech • there are two ways to achieve the pressure needed for speech production – by adjusting the expiratory force of the respiratory pump – by adjusting airway resistance – that is, by adjusting airway resistance and/or adjusting the expiratory force of the respiratory pump we can affect the pressure within the lungs • alveolar pressure is the pressure measured within the lungs • subglottal pressure is the pressure measured within the trachea below the vocal folds • intraoral pressure is the pressure measured within the mouth Pressure Requirements for Speech Production Control of air pressure during speech production is needed during – variations in stress from syllable to syllable – variations in loudness level in phrases – variations in intensity from sound to sound within the syllable 4 Volume Requirements for speech production • speech breathing requires greater volume of air than quiet breathing • considering the amount of air inhaled above resting volume we can see the following differences – quiet breathing uses 10 to 15 % of vital capacity, that requires inhaling up to 55% of vital capacity – conversational speech uses around 25% of vital capacity, that requires inhaling up to 60-65% of vital capacity – loud speech uses around 40% of vital capacity, that requires inhaling up to 80% of vital capacity • • • • • • • • • • • Breathing rate/depth for speech production during speech production the length of breath depends on how much we choose to say in a phrase most people inhale and exhale 10 to 20 times per minute during quiet breathing making a short statement will take no longer than a quiet breath sustaining a long, loud phrase will require a deep inspiration of air, which will continue to use past the resting volume level down to forced expiratory levels (usually exhalation goes no lower than 35% of vital capacity the duration of most of what we have to say falls between 80% and 35% of vital capacity Duration whether resting or after heavy exercise, the duration of inhalation is about the same of exhalation when we prepare to produce sound, whether whisper, argue, sing, or converse we take a quick breath (inhale) and spend a much longer time producing sound on exhalation 10% of the respiratory cycle will be spent inhaling 90% of the respiratory cycle will be spent exhaling (and producing sound) duration of expiration, however, is affected by how breathy the tone is or how loud during breathier voice we use shorter phrases than during full voice Respiratory Mechanics of Speech • meeting the pressure requirement for speech production involves controlling two components of speech expiration – effects of changes in lung volume during phrase – active expiratory forces needed to maintain required alveolar pressure for the phrase Relaxation Pressure and Lung Volume • the deeper the inspiration the greater the resistance of elastic lung tissue and air sacs against greater stretching and inflation • the elastic recoil from inspiration, supplemented by gravity and untorquing of rib cartilages results in relaxation pressure, the passive expiratory force 5 increase in loudness + increase in length of phrase need for greater volume of air increase in depth of inspiration passive resistance of elastic recoil force mounts greater relaxation pressure • • • • • • • • • Maintaining Alveolar Pressure for Speech for any given alveolar pressure needed for speech, a different balance of active and passive muscular forces will be required to maintain that pressure at each lungvolume level at the beginning of speech both inspiratory and expiratory muscles are often used conversely, expiratory muscles are also used to some extent during inhalation the volume of air inhaled will be affected by length of the phrase, loudness and breathiness of the tone, and the need for oxygen the frequency of inspiration, a flexible requirement, is determinant of the volume that must be inhaled: the more frequent the breaths, the smaller the volume needed per breath, but shorter the phrases will be the other flexible requirement is duration of the phrase. It is the other side of the coin from frequency of inhalation. The longer the phrase must be, the farther apart the breaths must be the remaining requirements of stress and articulation involve what can be thought of as refined adjustments superimposed on the respiratory mechanics of loudness control changes in stress tend to occur from syllable to syllable at a rate of about 6 per second - such appears to be accomplished with a little pulse of alveolar pressure applied by a brief contraction of expiratory muscles and shut off, presumably, by opposition from the inspiratory muscles articulatory changes occur at a rate of 14 per second - articulatory requirements are met by how much intraoral pressure is permitted to squirt air from the reservoir (lungs), where it is held under alveolar pressure - the intraoral pressure fluctuations during articulation have virtually no effect on alveolar pressure in the lungs 6