E X P E R I E N C E O V E R V I E W page 1 Duration: Name of Project: Energy City Subject/Course: 6th Grade Science Other Subject Areas: Social Studies Teacher(s): 6th grade science Rina Almarez 4-5 weeks Grade Level: 6 Unit Goal for Student: Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem: Students will choose a city on Earth that is located near a volcano or on a fault line and conduct research on plate tectonics, energy sources, engineering, and conservation, to design a new city plan/layout for the city in the event of a catastrophic geologic event. Students will present their findings and proposed solution by constructing a model of the new city layout and by housing information on a Weebly website. Enduring Understanding(s) Geographical location and land features impact how communities utilize natural resources for power and electricity. Essential Question(s) If you were a City Planner, how would you rebuild a city that is located on a fault line or near a volcano, after a natural disaster? Curriculum Standards Bundle (Stage 1) Content and Process Standards (TEKS) to be taught and assessed: Highlight those targeted for depth. 7) Matter and energy. The student knows that some of Earth's energy resources are available on a nearly perpetual basis, while others can be renewed over a relatively short period of time. Some energy resources, once depleted, are essentially nonrenewable. The student is expected to: (A) research and debate the advantages and disadvantages of using coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power, biomass, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and solar resources; and (B) design a logical plan to manage energy resources in the home, school, or community. (10) Earth and space. The student understands the structure of Earth, the rock cycle, and plate tectonics. The student is expected to: (C) identify the major tectonic plates, including Eurasian, African, Indo-Australian, Pacific, North American, and South American; and (D) describe how plate tectonics causes major geological events such as ocean basins, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building. Region 10 ESC ADAPTED FROM BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION Other Required Standards to be taught and assessed: HPISD Learner of the Future (i.e. CCRS, Graduate http://www.hpisd.org/About/LearnerfortheFuture.aspx Expectations, Local Objectives, etc.) -application of rigorous and content-rich curriculum -competence with technologies -is creative and productive -identifies, frames & solves complex & multidimensional problems -uses reason, analysis & synthesis to make informed decisions & to draw conclusions -writes & speaks clearly & articulately for varied purposes & audiences -listens actively and respectfully to the opinions and perspective of others -offers and accepts constructive criticism and feedback - works effectively within teams - self-evaluation - disciplined management of self, learning, resources, and time - has a diverse and knowledgeable world view - interprets global issues Region 10 ESC ADAPTED FROM BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION Authentic Learning Elements to be integrated: Check all that are targeted in this unit. Provide authentic context that reflects the way the knowledge will be used in real-life - yes Provide authentic activities - yes Provide multiple roles and perspectives - yes Promote articulation - yes Support collaborative construction of knowledge- yes Provide coaching and scaffolding - yes Provide access to expert performances and the modeling of processes - yes Promote reflection- yes Provide for authentic assessment of learning within the tasks - yes 21st Century Skills/NETS to Creativity and Innovation (NETS 1) - iPad use, digital device be taught and assessed: use, website creation Communication and Collaboration (NETS 2) - group tasks Life and Career Skills - presentation and collaboration Critical Thinking/Problem Solving (NETS 4) - strategy for city layout and building design; plan work day; analyze research for design of city components Digital Citizenship, Technology Operations and Concepts (NETS 5and 6) - digital safety, website publishing, email correspondance A S S E S S M E N T Entry Event to launch inquiry, engage students: Assessments Information, Media, or ICT Literacy (NETS 3) editing skills (STAGE 2) page 2 Hook introducing the event Discussion: Who plays Minecraft or Eden? (game that allows building and design) Summative Assessments: Major Products and/or Performances Final product or performance tasks required. A general description of expectations. Weebly website for information gained from research about the chosen city, its most recent geological event (earthquake/volcano), plate tectonics, building design, and energy sources. Model of “new” city layout to show engineering ideas for safe structures, use of more renewable energy sources, and conservation efforts. Formative Embedded in learning experiences to gauge student progress toward a deep understanding of the Enduring Assessments Understanding (During Learning) Discovery Education Quizzes, sharing future science classroom design, email correspondence with City Planner or Engineer, daily Group Task Chart, Energy Unit “Teacher Check”, Class notes, Region 10 ESC ADAPTED FROM BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION Resources Needed Materials: Resources: Reflection Methods Region 10 ESC Project Memo Project Packet Group Task Chart Project checklist Email handout Computers with internet access to Weebly.com Graph paper Digital devices for Minecraft/Eden Crafts supplies for 2D posters and 3D models DiscoveryEducation.com for scientific research Weebly.com for website creation Nystrom Atlas Dynamic Earth Website - http://www.learner.org/interactives/dynamicearth/index.html SMU School of Engineering - Dr. Nathan Huntoon and students California City Planner - Rob Seeds (Individual, Group, Collaboration rubric - from BIE.org and/or Whole Class) Making a collage rubric - created on Rubistar - http://rubistar.4teachers.org ADAPTED FROM BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION L E A R N I N G E X P E R I E N C E S ( S T A G E 3 ) Discussion about Minecraft game Group Formation - 1) Techie 2) Content 3) Creative 4) Organized City Choices by Lottery Set up Weebly website - class accounts Write and sign Group Work Contract Group Task Chart - daily plan Research - City location - history of geological events - earthquake/volcano research - plate tectonics research - energy sources research - creation of pros/cons energy sources chart - research about building structure and design/engineering Design - future science classroom on graph paper - city layout - model - 2D poster, 3D model, digital model, Prezi, project board, Keynote/Power Point, other approved idea Presentation - Model - Gallery Walk and collage rubric - Website - Email City Engineer/City Planner - Website - Class Presentation Binder - submit to teacher Reflection -Collaboration rubric Region 10 ESC ADAPTED FROM BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION