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The Compound Sentence
Sometimes two simple sentences that express related ideas are joined together to form
one sentence. The resulting sentences has more than one subject and more than one predicate. It
is a compound sentence.
A compound sentence consists of two or more simple sentences joined together.
The parts of the compound sentence may be joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, or, but)
or by a semicolon (;).
The end of the semester is near, and everyone is looking forward to summer.
Randy is small, but he is an excellent guard.
Prices have been rising steadily; experts expect the rise to continue.
Analyzing Compound Sentences. Underline the subject once and the verb twice in each
part of the compound sentence; circle the conjunction.
1. It rained throughout the night, and our canvas tent was soaked.
2. Janice must stay in the hospital, but she is feeling better.
3. Will Doug speak the Ms. Foster, or should I do it?
4. Moles do not eat crops; their diet consists of insects and grubs.
5. Tickets to the dance are selling fast, and they may all be sold soon.
6. Leslie fixed the tire on her bike, but now the brakes don’t work.
7. The plot of the movie was boring, but the special effects were amazing.
8. Scientists can’t cure a cold, but medicine may relieve its symptoms.
9. The gymnastic meet is Thursday, and several reporters will be there.
10. Did you read the book, or did you see the movie?
11. Some clothes were sent to the cleaners, but others were washed by hand.
12. Philip should hurry, or he will be late for the opening ceremonies.
13. The fog lifted, and we could see the mountains.
14. The Great Depression was a hard time; many people were unemployed.
15. Gasohol is an alternate fuel, and it is now widely available.
16. The chorus sounded good but one soprano sang off-key.
17. You must include a stamped envelope, or you will not get an answer.
18. The radio station gave away T-shirts, and all of us got one.
19. My library card will expire ext week, and I must renew it.
20. Ponce de Leon searched for the fountain of youth, but he never found it.
Punctuating Compound Sentences
One of two punctuation marks is used in a compound sentence. A comma is used before a
coordinating conjunction (and, but, or).
Karen brought her camera, but she forgot the film.
Instead of a comma and a conjunction, a semicolon may be used.
Marshall’s has no openings now; more salesclerks may be hired later.
A Semicolon may also be used with a conjunctive adverb. A conjunctive adverb is an
adverb like therefore, however, moreover, consequently, or otherwise. It shows the relationship
between the two parts of the compound sentence. The conjunctive adverb comes after the
semicolon. It is followed by a comma.
Lighting struck the house; however, it did little damage.
No commas are necessary, however, in very short compound sentences.
Jay won but I lost.
I’ll wash and you dry.
Punctuating Compound Sentences. Place a comma or semicolon wherever it is needed in these
sentences. If a sentence needs no punctuation, write Correct after it.
1. Diane enjoys all types of games and she would like a backgammons set.
2. The film broke however, the projectionist soon had it running again.
3. Newton High has a strong team and is favored in the playoffs.
4. Mr. Clayton hadn’t wanted a pet but he felt sorry for the stray kitten.
5. The exhibit at the museum closes Monday we should see it today.
6. Kenneth drew the illustrations and Sharon wrote the captions.
7. African violets are delicate plants and need special care.
8. Either I call or you call.
9. Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize but she did not attend the ceremony.
10. World leaders discussed energy problems and analyzed possible solutions.
11. Noreen typed her report and checked it for errors.
13. I sent in the application but I forgot to sign it.
13. I sent in the application but I forgot to sign it.
14. Yearbook pictures will be taken tomorrow students should dress appropriately.
15. Data processing is a popular field moreover, it is expected to increase in popularity in
the coming years.