

Appendix 9 – Key Performance Indicators for Rhododendron and Invasive Vegetation Control


Quality of Operations raised are rarely resolved within reasonable period. Poor postcompletion service.

Payment of Subcontractors Payment of subcontractors over

30 days of receipt of monies from




Communications and




Non-compliance with specification. Regeneration of rhododendron and invasive vegetation on sites that have been worked common. Issues

Health and Safety

None or very little communication/liaison with FC.

Lack of response to agreements made on site. None or inadequate site management/supervision resulting in abnormal amount of

FC time spent on site. Poor control on site. Additional work undertaken without prior agreement and instructions.





No near miss reporting and investigation takes place. Welfare facilities, where required, not on site. H&S paperwork not provided or in place before moving to site.



Compliance with specification but some issues to be corrected.

Regeneration of rhododendron and invasive vegetation on sites that have been worked is rare. Issues raised are resolved within reasonable period. Satisfactory postcompletion service.

Payment of subcontractors within 15 days of receipt of monies from FC.

Good communication/liaison with

FC, flagging problems on site as they arise. Majority of agreements made on site carried out in a timely manner. Sufficient site management/supervision resulting in limited input from FC. Good control on site. Additional work never undertaken without prior agreement and instructions.

Near miss reporting and investigation takes place. Welfare facilities, where required, on site at last minute or late. H&S Paperwork acceptable and in place before moving to site. Site supervision satisfactory and some liaison with FC staff. Evidence of site inductions, briefings, and audits. Evidence of use



Fully compliant, right first time.

Exceptional, proactive post-completion service

Payment of subcontractors within 5 days of receipt of monies from FC.

Practically no technical input required by

FC. Keeps FWM informed immediately of any problems and consults on a regular basis. Immediate response to tackling agreements made on site. Additional work that may be required is notified to


Supplier able to show the application of a proactive and exemplary approach to

H&S. No accidents or incidents. Supplier also able to demonstrate innovative H&S practices and procedures. Procedures and system in place for near miss reporting and investigation.

Demonstration of lessons learnt being used. Good welfare facilities, where

Appendix 9 – Key Performance Indicators for Rhododendron and Invasive Vegetation Control




Time of Delivery &


Paperwork provided is of poor quality or not suitable. No or limited site supervision or liaison with FC staff. No evidence of site inductions, briefings and audits.

No evidence of use of constraints maps and/or incidents occurring.

Reportable accidents happening.

No Signage in place. Poor control of site.

Operations will be stopped if a site is unsafe!

Invoices are rarely received with work being charged at agreed contract prices.

Requests for management information (including invoices, progress reports and other documentation) rarely answered to deadline, and quality of data when delivered is incomplete.

Documentation is typically not legible.

Poor environmental record and no systems and procedures in place to protect the environment.

Evidence of pollution or damage to the environment.

Unable to undertake operations to the agreed programme. A number of milestones not being of constraints maps. No reportable accidents. Signage in place and good control of site.

Invoices are mostly received with work being charged at agreed contract prices.

Majority of management information (including invoices, progress reports and other documentation) delivered on time and to an expected quality standard

(i.e. meets expectations of requesting party). Documentation is typically legible.

Adequate environmental record and basic systems and procedures in place to protect the environment.

Operations generally undertaken in line with the agreed programme. All milestones being met. Completion required, always on site before work starts. H&S Paperwork to high standard and in place before moving to site.

Excellent site supervision and liaison with

FC staff. High quality site inductions, briefings and audits. Full adherence to constraints maps. Excellent signage and control of site.

Invoices are always received with work being charged at agreed contract prices.

All management information (including invoices, progress reports and other documentation) delivered on, or ahead of time and to expected quality standard.

Contractor works closely with FC to continuously improve measurement approach, targets and data gathering approach. Documentation is always legible.

Excellent environmental record and systems and procedures in place to protect the environment.

Operations undertaken always on schedule or ahead of schedule. Proactive monitoring of milestones, resulting in the

Appendix 9 – Key Performance Indicators for Rhododendron and Invasive Vegetation Control met, resulting in significant impact upon associated activities.

Completion dates significant issue. Clearly under resourced dates at an acceptable level. Under resourcing apparent occasionally, but not representative of normal operations. contractor being able to deliver milestones in advance of programme if this meets with FC expectation.

Completion dates never an issue.

Resources available when required with no wastage or standing and optimisation initiatives are in place.

Performance Criteria

Points are given for each category, matching the description: one point is given if performance is poor, two points for average and three points for excellent. If the total score falls below 16, the action required is discussion with the supplier to improve performance in the necessary areas. If the total score falls below 12 then the action required is a face to face meeting with the supplier’s contract manager to resolve the underlying issues.

Action Required


