
Anatomy, physiology and examination methods
Applied anatomy: innervation and vascularisation of the eye globe
conjunctiva, lacrimal drainage system, tear film
including innervation: eyelid, extraocular muscles
including innervation and vascularisation of the orbit
of the optic tract and cerebral centres
5. Importance of the anamnesis: vision disorders
red eye
eye pain
8. Subjective and objective investigative methods, differences, examples
9. Fundamentals of the investigation of visual aquity , sight appreciation
10. Investigation of the peripheral vision (static and kinetic perimetry, screening and
threshold assesses with automated perimetry)
11. Importance of investigation of the colour perception and contrast sensitivity
12. Slitlamp examination
13. Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy
14. Ultrasonography
15. Plain X-rays and localization of foreign body, CT and MRI scanning in the
ophthalmology dg.
16. Exophthalmometry and its utilization (endocrinne orbitopathy)
17. Gonioscopy
18. Laser use in ophthalmology
19. Electrophysiological tests (ERG, VEP)
20. Miotics
21. Mydriatics
Eye surroundings and external eye segment
1. Ptosis
2. Blepharospasm-causes and therapy, lagophthalmus and therapy
3. Ectropion, clinical features and therapy
4. Entropion, clinical features and therapy
5. Inflammation of eyelids (blepharitis, chalazion, hordeolum)
6. Tumours of eyelids, conjunctiva and cornea
7. Allergic disorders of eyelids, allergic conjunctivitis
8. Disorders of the lacrimal drainage system
9. Pterygium and pseudopterygium
10. Bacterial conjunctivitis
11. Viral conjunctivitis, especially clinical features of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
12. Chlamydial conjunctivitis, clinical features, prevention and therapy of trachoma
13. Disorders in size and curvature of cornea + keratoconus: clinical features and
14. Herpes simplex corneae
15. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
16. Ulcus serpens corneae, causes, clinics, therapy
17. Cornea transplantation (keratoplasty)
18. Episcleritis and scleritis
19. Uveitis, classification and clinical features
20. Acute anterior iritis and iridocyclitis, clinical features and therapy
21. Chronic iridocyclitis and its complications
22. Posterior uveitis
23. Endophthalmitis, signs, causes and prevention
24. Orbital tumours
25. Differential dg.: open-angle glaucoma x cataracta senilis
: angle-closure glaucoma x acute iridocyclitis
l. Pathologic lens changes
2. Cataract surgery
3. Intraocular lens implantation, possible methods
4. Senile cataract, basic forms, indications for surgery
5. Secondary cataracts
6. Cataract and systemic diseases
7. Cataract surgery and possible operative and postoperative complications
8. Evolutional lens anomalies
1. Intraocular aqueous, outflow, intraocular pressure level
2. Possible methods of tonometry and their adequacy
3. Etiopathogenesis of glaucoma
4. Basic pillars in glaucoma diagnosis
5. Classification of glaucoma
6. Optic nerve head and glaucoma
7. Visual field changes in glaucoma patients
8. Secondary glaucoma
9. Clinical features in patients with open-angle glaucoma
10. Clinical features in patients with angle-closure glaucoma
11. Therapy of glaucoma
Posterior eye segment
l. Vitreous body and possible affections
2. Indications of pars plana vitrectomy
3. Retinal vascular disease ( RVO, RAO, AION )
4. Angiopathy and retinopathy in systemic diseases
5. Diabetic retinopathy: clinical features and classification
prevention and therapy
7. Retinopathy of prematurity
8. Chorioretinitis and parasital disease
9. Hereditary fundus distrophies
10. Age-realated macular degeneration
11. Retinal detachment, classification and signs
12. Retinal detachment, therapy and differential diagnosis
13. Posterior segment tumours
14. Causes of sudden vision loss
1. Disorders along optic tract
2. Neuritis and neuropathy of optic nerve
3. Optic nerve atrophy, types
4. Papilloedema
5. Pupilla, pupillary reactions, pupillar diameter and pathology
6. Peripheral disorders of eye movement, paralysis of n.III,IV,VI
7. Nystagmus
8. Diplopia
1. Mechanic trauma of eyelid, conjunctiva and cornea with and without foreign body
2. Blunt trauma of the globe and possible consequences of trauma
3. Perforating trauma of external eye segment
4. Radiation injury of eye
5. Combustio and corosio of eye, first-aid treatment
6. Orbit trauma
7. Symphatetic ophthalmitis
8. Intraocular foreign body
Refraction and correction of refractive errors
1. correction of refractive errors (myopia, hypermetropia a astigmatism)
2. Presbyopia and its correction
3. Principle of laser refractive interventions, difference between LASIK and PRK
4. When is it possible to perform refractive operation, contraindications and
5. Clear lens extraction ( CLE )
l. Congenital disorders of external eye , globe and eye surroundings
2. Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction
3. Conjunctivitis in newborns and especially postneonatal pyorrhoea
4. Eye tumours in children
5. Leukocoria
6. Concomitant strabismus
7. Evolution of binocular vision and disorders (supression, amblyopia)
8. Therapy of concomitant strabismus
9. Congenital cataract and its therapy
10. Congenital glaucoma