Rate Approval Delegation Memo

Vice President James S. Almond
April 29, 2005
Rate Approval Delegations (Revised from February 21,2002)
In accordance with Executive Memorandum A-18, Approval of Fees and Charges, this
memorandum documents further delegations pertaining to the rate approval process.
This memorandum differentiates between Recharge Activities within Academic and
Academic Support areas and Non-Academic areas; reflects a modified review and approval
process for out-of-state offerings; and incorporates a transition in title for the Assistant
Comptroller Costing/Disbursements/Risk Management to Assistant Comptroller to
accommodate changes in reporting structure.
Academic review and approval should be obtained prior to forwarding for approval as
designated in this memorandum.
The rate request approval process is outlined below:
Credit Course Activity
 Rates for new activity that will involve the issuing of Purdue credit must have
academic review by the Provost’s Office before forwarding to the Director of
Business Managers.
 Rates for continuing activity that has already received academic review can be
forwarded to the Director of Business Managers. These activities normally include
the tuition and fees already approved by the Board of Trustees and additional program
fees. (i.e., Study Abroad Programs).
Out-of-State Activity
 Rates for new and continuing out-of-state offerings will be reviewed by the Business
Manager for OCEC and approved by the Vice Provost for Engagement, in accordance
with the June 10, 2003 Approval for Out-of-State Activities delegation memorandum
approved by the Vice President for Business Services.
Vice President James S. Almond
April 29, 2005
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Recharge Activity – Academic and Academic Support
 New and continuing rate requests involving academic areas or academic support areas
will be reviewed by the Assistant Comptroller and approved by the Director of
Business Managers.
 New and continuing rate requests for one-time activities will be reviewed and
approved by the Director of Business Managers.
Recharge Activity – Non-Academic Support
 New and continuing rate requests for non-academic support areas including Physical
Facilities, ITaP, and Housing and Food Services, will be reviewed by the Assistant
Comptroller and approved by the Comptroller.
General Service Centers and Specialized Service Facilities
 New and continuing rate requests originating from a General Service Center will be
reviewed by the Assistant Comptroller and approved by the Comptroller.
 Convocations ticket activities will be reviewed and approved by the Vice President
for Student Services. Approval for the rate for these activities will be delegated to the
Director of Financial Affairs for Student Services.
WBAA Underwriting Rates
 WBAA is required to submit a rate for the underwriting spots sold to their sponsors.
Approval for the rate for these sponsorships will be delegated to the Director of
Financial Affairs for Advancement.
Athletics Department
 Rates originating from the Athletics Department will require the approval of the Vice
President for Business Services.
Regional Campus
 Rates originating from Regional Campuses will be reviewed and approved in
accordance with A-18, Approval of Fees and Charges, and the November 2, 1989
Executive Vice President and Treasurer memorandum, Delegation of Authority for
Fees and Charges.
Rates requiring Board Approval
 Any rates requiring the Board of Trustees approval will require the approval of the
Vice President for Business Services.
Vice President James S. Almond
April 29, 2005
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Any exceptions to policy will need the approval of the Vice President for Business Services.
These may include but are not limited to variance of the F&A rate, use of University
facilities by external users, etc.
Distribution and Filing
 Distribution will be the responsibility of the secretary to the Director of Business
Managers. An approved copy will be returned to the requestor.
 The original rate document will be filed in Central Files in Freehafer Hall. A copy
may be requested with the same process as other documents.
 The approved document for ticket rates will be forwarded to the secretary to the
Director of Business Managers for archival purposes.
 The approved document for WBAA rates will be forwarded to the secretary to the
Director of Business Managers for archival purposes.
Approval recommended:
Lucia M Anderson
John R Shipley
Lucia M. Anderson
Director, Business Managers
John R. Shipley
James S Almond
James S. Almond
Vice President for Business Services
and Assistant Treasurer