AFES: letter heading

Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society
Free entry to meeting and a wine buffet following the meeting
Wednesday 14 January 2004 at 6:00pm
Lecture Theatre 1
Department of Geology
Meston Building, University of Aberdeen
Simon Stromberg (Reservoir Management Ltd)
Understanding NMR Logging in Carbonate rocks: Use and Application of the
Carbonate NMR rock Catalogue and Innovative Techniques of Forward
Modelling Log Response
Strategies for the evaluation of sandstone pore space geometry using nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR) and special core analysis are well founded. Such studies
on carbonate pore systems are rare. The ResLab ART NMR carbonate rock
catalogue was established to provide an extensive database of rock properties for a
wide range of carbonate rock types. The catalogue includes NMR T1 and T2
distributions on saturated and de-saturated samples, mercury injection and image
analysis data and basic petrophysical parameters.
Examples from the database are presented with special reference to the problems
encountered in NMR measurements on carbonates. The relative merits of using
whole core and plug scale samples for NMR measurements will be evaluated. The
effect of diffusion and paramagnetic minerals on NMR measurements within
carbonates is also discussed.
Combining the carbonate rock catalogue with innovative forward modelling
techniques allows NMR response for different logging tools and different reservoir
hydrocarbon saturations to be evaluated. The modelling techniques include fluid
substitution and synthetic log data generation. The synthetic data can be produced to
replicate specific logging tools, acquisition sequences and signal to noise. Using
synthetic data allows the impact of signal-to-noise and acquisition parameters to be
evaluated. In this paper we will outline the principals of forward modelling and
demonstrate the use of the carbonate catalogue in developing forward models for the
understanding and interpretation of NMR logs in carbonate rocks.
Simon is Senior Petrophysicist with Reservoir Management Ltd. Prior to this he
worked as Senior Petrophysicist with Paradigm Geophysical, based in the Middle
East. He has also worked on the development of NMR processing and interpretation
software. Specialist interests include NMR logging, NMR SCAL, saturation height
functions, optimising systems in petrophysics and LWD/MWD geo-steering