2011 Iowa All-State Art Awards Portfolio Submission Information Dear Art Educator: AEI invites you to take part in the Iowa All-State Art Awards competition. It has been our honor to recognize Iowa’s best junior and senior visual arts students for 15 years. This is an opportunity reserved for AEI members. (To become a member or to renew your membership, please email Alison Owens the AEI Membership Chair : owensali@gmail.com) This year the judges will select the top 20% to become part of the “Individual All-State Art Team.” Last year we implemented the recognition of “All-State Art Programs.” These are team awards given to the three top scoring schools, based on their top five individual portfolio scores. All honorees will be inducted at the All-State Art Award Program at Grandview College on Saturday, May 7th, 2011 It has been an honor to work with this program for nearly a decade. Each year, I am amazed at the level of work coming out of our Iowa schools, moved by the introductions teachers give to their students at the awards ceremony and touched by the pride that radiates from each student as their slides are shown and they come forward to accept their award. It is a testament to the dedication of our visual arts teachers and the strength the arts programs in Iowa. As the current chair of the All-state Awards Committee, I look forward to honoring new decade of outstanding visual artists. The deadline for submission: Portfolios must be postmarked by March 11, 2011. Forms and information can be accessed at the AEI website: www.artedia.org If you have questions or concerns about the program or the submission process, please, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Maggie Harlow-Vogt, All-State Chairperson 3119 Prospect Drive Des Moines, Iowa 50310 Phone: 515-577-1530 Work phone: 515-981-9655 ext 2650 mharlowvogt@norwalk.k12.ia.us All-State Visual Arts Selection & Summer Camp Committee * Joel Frankin * Dave Pratt * Peggy Leonardo* * Curt Nelson * Maggie Harlow-Vogt * Mike Burgher * Teri Breck * Debby Yellick-Manly * Morgan Singleton Page 1 2011 Iowa All-State Art Awards Portfolio Submission Information The following items are required to be included with each student’s portfolio: 1. NOMINATION FORM (template on Page 4) The AEI All-State Nomination Form, to be filled out by the teacher, allows for the listing of other art teachers who may have taught the nominated student. The names will appear on the plaques as printed. Please submit only one Nominator’s Statement for each student. This should be a written endorsement by the same teacher who is submitting the Teacher Nomination Form. Check the AEI Website for an additional Teacher Nomination Form that may be duplicated. As the student’s teacher, you are required to accompany the student and his or her artwork to the awards ceremony on Saturday, May 7th, 2011 at Grandview College. Each student must have a presenter. If you cannot attend, it is your responsibility to find a replacement. Schools not represented will forfeit all scholarship money and gifts. Plaques and certificates are an exception. There will be a $20.00 charge per student entered. A check made out to Art Educators of Iowa, must accompany the entry packet. If you have multiple entries, you may submit one check for all. School purchase orders will not be accepted. 2. ARTIST’S STATEMENT (template on page 6 - 400 words total) Submitted as a print copy and as a file on the Portfolio CD Please use the Nominee’s Statement Form provided. (page 6 of this document) Statements will be used in the awards program and on the kiosk at the Iowa Hall of Pride. To reduce judging bias, do not directly name any teacher or school in the statement. Deductions: 15 points per judge for a missing statement. 1 point for each uncensored name/school in the statement. 3. INSTRUCTOR’S STATEMENT (Template on page 5 - 300 words) Submitted as a print copy and as a file on the Portfolio CD Please place the student’s name at the top of the statement. Teachers should print their name at the end of the statement. Although this statement will not be judged, statements will be used in the awards programs, press releases and may also be used on the Kiosk at the Iowa Hall of Pride. The statement should focus on the conceptual development of the student. (This may include personal qualities and strengths). Deductions: One point will be deducted if Digital Inventory is missing 4. OFFICIAL HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT Even though the GPA requirement has been eliminated, students must still submit an official transcript (un-weighted 4.00 scale only) for research purposes. Please highlight the GPA on the transcript. Deductions: One point will be deducted if the official transcript is missing Page 2 2011 Iowa All-State Art Awards Portfolio Submission Information 5. DIGITAL INVENTORY SHEET (Template on page 7) Submitted as a print copy and as a file on the Portfolio CD Use the template provided Be sure that the order of the inventory sheet matches the files save on the CD These are used to inform the judges about the work Deductions: One point will be deducted if Digital Inventory is missing. Any Image that is judged to infringe upon copyright law will be disqualified or given a significant deduction. 6. DIGITAL PORTFOLIO CD: By entering this contest, the student automatically gives permission to the Art Educators of Iowa to use any or all images for educational and promotional purposes. Images will not be used for profit in anyway. CD/DVD’s will not be returned. An Art Portfolio consists of ten works of art, representing the student’s best work. The portfolio must contain 2 drawings. The other 8 works may be in any media. All work must be new to the All-State competition. Each work is submitted digitally and must adhere to the following specifications: Only one Portfolio per CD. Title the CD as “Last Name 2011”. Do not use DVDs to file digital images. What to include on the CD: 10 slide images (See labeling below) The file name indicates the order that the student intends for the works to be viewed. The file name should correspond to the order of the slides on the inventory sheet. Examples: Smithdrawing1.jpg Smithdrawing2.jpg Smithslide3.jpg Smithslide10.jpg Copy of Artist Statement (label file example: Smithartiststatement) Copy of the Instructors Statement (label: Smithinstructorsstatement) Copy of the Slide Inventory (label: Smithinventory) Digital image of the Student (label:Smithphoto.jpg) Digital Slide File Requirements: One JPEG for each work. No detail images please. Crop 2-D images to the matting or the actual artwork. Image Size: 640 X 480 pixels or 5 x 7 inches Save as a jpg not as a photoshop image. Needs to be able to be opened with a basic viewing program. Animation, Movies and Other Media: No more than 2 per portfolio. Each clip should not be longer than 1 minute. If submissions are longer they will be disqualified. These should be on a separate DVD and must be formatted to play in any DVD player. (Please, try it out before submission) Identify the media on the inventory sheet and name the file to correspond Page 3 2011 Iowa All-State Art Awards Portfolio Submission Information TEACHER NOMINATION FORM (type into shaded fields then print and sign) I (SIGNATURE)______________________________ attest that (NOMINEE) him/her for the 2010 All-State Visual Art team. is a student of mine, and I nominate Please list any other art teacher that has taught this student . These names will appear on the plaques as printed. * * * * Artist Information: Name Home Address City Zip Grade: 11 12 Nominee’s School Home Telephone E-mail Address By signing my name, I attest that all work is original . _____________________________________ (student name) Instructor Information: Name AEI/NAEA ID # (required) School Address City Home Telephone ( ) School Telephone ( ) School Fax ( ) E-mail Zip Each student must be introduced at the May 7th reception by the teacher or a selected representative Note: Students who submit electronic images pledge that the images fairly and accurately represent the work and have not been manipulated or altered, with the exception of color and contrast corrections. Further, by signing their names on the Teacher Nomination Form, they are attesting to the above and that the work is original. It would help if each instructor would request a Source Statement or Declaration of Originality on each work, but these statements should not be included in the packet. Student Initial ______ Page 4 2011 Iowa All-State Art Awards Portfolio Submission Information Instructor Statement This statement will be used in the awards programs, press releases and may also be used on the Kiosk at the Iowa Hall of Pride. The statement should focus on the conceptual development of the student. This may include personal qualities and strengths. Please keep the statement close to 300 words. Student Name Nominating Instructor School Page 5 2011 Iowa All-State Art Awards Portfolio Submission Information Artist’s Statement Form (type into shaded fields then print and sign) Directions: Student artists will express their thoughts on the three provided topics. Creativity in writing is strongly recommended by the judges. This statement will be typed and headings will be placed in the order given. The artists name, school, & grade will be concealed at the time of judging. Please do not directly name any specific teacher or school, as they will be censored and a penalty will result. No more than 400 words are to be used. NAME: SCHOOL: GRADE: 1. VALUE OF VISUAL ART IN YOUR LIFE 2. INFLUENCES 3. EXPERIENCES THAT HAVE SHAPED OR CHANGED YOU AS AN ARTIST Page 6 2011 Iowa All-State Art Awards Portfolio Submission Information Slide Inventory Sheet Be sure to match the label on the image file to the heading on this inventory. This will be read to the judges as they view your artwork. Good Titles will help give the judge insight into you idea or concept Name: School: Grade: Drawing 1 Image 6 Title: Size: Media: Title: Size: Media: Drawing 2 Image 7 Title: Size: Media: Title: Size: Media: Image 3 Image 8 Title: Size: Media: Title: Size: Media: Image 4 Image 9 Title: Size: Media: Title: Size: Media: Image 5 Image 10 Title: Size: Media: Title: Size: Media: Page 7 2011 Iowa All-State Art Awards Portfolio Submission Information Please do not submit any of the requested documents front-to-back. Each student entry should have its own envelope. Multiple entries may be sent together in one package. 2011 All-State Art Portfolio Submission Checklist for Teachers ____Teacher Nomination Form ____Student Artist Statement (hardcopy and on portfolio CD) ____Instructor’s Statement (hardcopy and on portfolio CD) ____Official Transcript ____Slide Inventory Sheet (hardcopy and on portfolio CD) ____CD/DVD Portfolio ____Check -$20 per student (no P.O.’s Accepted) ____Entries must be postmarked by March 11, 2011 to be eligible Send Packets to Maggie Harlow-Vogt 3119 Prospect Drive Des Moines, IA 50310 Ph: 515-577-1530 (home) 515-981-9655(work) Page 8