population molecule

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Take home assignment I (6 october 2005)
(Adjunct Instructor: SHREYAS KRISHNAN)
Open book assignment
If you downloaded this soon after class on Thursday, the instructions were not on, but it
will not matter
The questions are the same as your test
Answer the questions independently
Turn in your scantrons on Tuesday
This assignment will form 50% of your first test grade
1. Life is organized in a hierarchical fashion. Which one of the following sequences illustrates
that hierarchy as it increases in complexity?
a) ecosystem, population, organ system, cell, community, molecule, organ, organism, tissue
b) cell, molecule, organ system, organ, population, tissue, organism, ecosystem, community
c) organism,organ system, tissue, population, organ, community, cell, ecosystem, molecule
d) molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem
e) ecosystem, molecule, cell, tissue, organism, organ, organ system, population, community
2. The tree in your backyard is home to two cardinals, a colony of ants, a wasp‘s nest. Two
squirrels. And millions of bacteria. Together, all of these organisms are
a) a species
b) a community
c) a population
d) an ecosystem
e) a community and a population
3. A hypothesis is
a) the same as a theory
b) a tentative explanation for a specific phenomenon
c) an explanatory idea that is braod in scope and supported by a large body of evidence
d) a widely accepted idea about a phenomenon
e) a widely accepted theory that is braod in scope and supported by a large body of evidence
4. A scientist performs a controlled experiment. This means that
a) the experiement is repeated many times that the results are accurate
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b) the experiment proceeds at a slow pace to guarantee that the scientist can carefully
observe all reactions and process all experimental data
c) two experiments are conducted, one differing from the other by only a single variable
d) two experiments are conducted, one differing from the other by two or more variables
e) one experiment is performed, but the scientist controls the variables
5. what are the essential ingredients for adaptive change of populations (i.e. evolution)
a) organisms do not adapt to changes in their environment
b) heritable variation in the population that allows the organism to produce more offspring
c) inheritance and variation
d) fitness advantage (i.e. ability to produce more offspring)
e) none of the above
6. Organisms that are not prokaryotes are in the Domain
a) Bacteria
b) Monera
c) Eukarya
d) Archaea
e) Fungi
7. Which of the following is a kingdom in the Domain Eukarya
a) Viruses
b) Monera
c) Algae
d) Archaea
e) Protista
8. Which one of the following statements is true of the Domain Bacteria
a) al bacteria are ‘animal-like’ in that they eat other organisms
b) all bacteria have a membrane-bound nucleus
c) all bacteria are multicellular organisms
d) all bacteria lack a nucleus
e) all bacteria are ‘animal-like’ in that they eat other organisms and all bacteria have a
membrane-bound nucleus
9. A scientist examining a group of cells under the microscope notices the presence of nuclei
within the cells. Chemical tests reveal the presence of cellulose. A large central vacuole is also
observed. These cells belong to which kingdom
a) Monera
b) Protista
c) Plantae
d) Fungi
e) Animalia
10. Fungi include
a) mushrooms
b) yeasts
and absorb nutrients from leftovers
produce their own food
c) decompose the remains of dead organisms
d) [a, b & c]
e) use photosynthesis to
11. Autotrophs are organisms that
a) decompose material
b) use solar or chemical energy to store energy resources or foods
c) consume other organisms for energy
d) consume only plants for energy
e) use only light as a source of energy
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12. Goiter is
a) one of the essential elements required in our diet
b) a condition cause by the trace element Iodine in the diet
c) a condition caused by deficiency of the trace element Iodine in the diet.
d) Is a trace element in the diet
13. Calcium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sulphur, Sodium, Chlorine, and Magnesium constitute
approximately what percent of the human body weight
a) 8 %
b) 10%
c) 4%
d) 3%
e) 2%
14. Elements are distinguished by their atomic number which is the
a) Number of nuclei in the atom
b) Number of protons in the atom
c) Number of neutrons in the nucleus of the atom
d) Number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom
e) Number of electrons that the atom has
15. An isotope of an element
a) Has the same number of electrons and protons as the element but different neutrons
b) Has the same number of neutrons and electrons as the element but different protons
c) Has the same number of electrons and neutrons as the element but different protons
d) Has the different number of electrons as the element but same number of neutrons and
e) Has the same number of protons and neutrons as the element but different electrons
16. If an atom donates its electron(s) to a non-metal or a functional group
a) The atom is said to be oxidized and it will form an ionic bond
b) The atom is said to be reduced and it will form an ionic bond
c) The atom is said to be oxidized and it will form a covalent bond
d) The atom is said to be oxidized and it will form a hydrogen bond
17. Covalent bonds involve
a) Donation and reception of electrons to form positively charged ions
b) Sharing of electrons between non-metal atoms only
c) Sharing of electrons between non-metal or metal atoms
d) Endergonic reactions
e) Exergonic reactions
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18. Water serves several functions that are essential to life on Earth
a) Its polarity allows hydrogen bond formation, makes water adhesive, makes ice less dense,
moderates temperature, dissolves various compounds
b) Its polarity allows covalent bond formation, makes water cohesive, makes ice more
dense, moderates temperature, dissolves various compounds
c) Its polarity allows hydrogen bond formation, makes water cohesive, makes ice less dense,
moderates temperature, dissolves some compounds
d) Its polarity allows hydrogen bond formation, makes water cohesive, makes ice more
dense, moderates temperature, dissolves various compounds
e) Its polarity allows hydrogen bond formation, makes water cohesive, makes ice less dense,
moderates temperature, dissolves various compounds
19. Spider silk is made of
a) DNA
b) RNA
c) Proteins
d) Lipids
e) Carbohydrates
20. characteristics of carbon that contribute to its ability to form an immense diversity of organic
molecules include its
a) Tendency to form covalent bonds
b) Ability to bond with upto four other atoms
c) Capacity to form single and double bonds
d) Ability to bond together to form extensive, branched, or unbranched “carbon seletons”
e) All of the choices are correct
21. Sucrose and fructose and propanol and iso-propanol are isomers. This means that
a) They have the same molecular formula but different chemical properties
b) Different molecular formulae but same chemical properties
c) Same molecular formula and same chemical properties
d) Same number of carbon atoms but different numbers of oxygen and hydrogen atoms
e) None of the above
22. A hydroxyl group is characteristic of alcohols and amino group is characteristic of proteins
a) True
b) False
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23. which list below consists of only polymers
a) Sugars, amino acids, nucleic acids, lipids
b) Proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, polysaccharides
c) Proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, amino acids
d) Protens, lipids, nucleotides, sugars
e) Polysaccharides, lipids, amino acds, nucleic acids
24. polymerization of monosaccharides, or amino acids, or fatty acids, or nucleotides is done by
a) Losing a water molecule – hydrolysis
b) Adding a water molecule – hyrolysis
c) Losing a water molecule – dehydration
d) An endergonic reaction
e) An exergonic reaction
25. A triglyceride is
a) Consists of three fatty acid molecules
b) Is hydrophobic
c) Plays a role in energy storage
d) Is a type of fat
e) All of the above
26. fatty acids with double or triple bonds between some of their carbons are
a) Called unsaturated – and are not solid
b) Called saturated – and are not solid
c) Completely hydrogenated
d) Triglycerides
e) monoglycerides
27. fat molecules in cell membranes are
a) Arranged in a layer with hydrophobic portions repelling water
b) Arranged in a two layers with hydrophilic portions repelling water
c) Arranged in a two layers with hydrophobic portions repelling water
d) Arranged in a two layers with hydrophobic portions sandwiched between the hydrophilic
e) There are only proteins in the cell membranes
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28. which of the following statements are true
Enzymes are proteins, and they are substrate specific
ii) Proteins are denatured outside their range of pH, and temperature
iii) A stomach enzyme for proteins will function equally well on proteins in the small
iv) Proteins are polymers of amino acids and have four stages in their development
a) All of the above
b) ii. iii. iv.
c) i. ii. iv.
d) i. iii. iv.
e) i. iii. ii.
29. the first and second laws of thermodynamics state that
a) the total amount of energy in the universe is constant and that all matter is in an ordered
b) the total amount of energy in the universe is constant and that all matter is in an
unordered state because of energy transformations
c) a and d
d) energy lost from one system is gained by another
e) b and d
30. If A and B have potential energy of 30 and 50 calories respectively, and their product C has
potential energy of 20 calories;
a) this is an exergonic reaction because the excess energy is lost to the environment
b) this is an endergonic reaction because the excess energy is lost to the environment
c) this is an exergonic reaction because the excess energy is gained from the environment
d) this is an exergonic reaction because the excess energy is gained from the environment
e) energy is neither lost nor gained in this reaction
31. molecules that promote an enzyme reaction are called
a) coenzymes or cofactors
b) competitive inhibitors
c) non-competitive inhibitors
d) activation energy
e) catalysts
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32. proteins are polymers of amino acids.
a) they are important components of the cytoskeleton and cell membrane
b) they are involved in catalyzing reactions
c) ATP-synthase is a protein
d) Have the NH2 functional group
e) All of the above
33. osmosis
a) is the movement of solvent molecules from a hypotonic solution to a hypertonic solution
b) is the movement of solute molecules from a hypotonic to a hypertonic solution through a
semi-permeable membrane
c) is the movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low
d) is the movement of solvent molecules from a hypotonic to a hypertonic solution through
a semi-permeable membrane
e) is the movement of solvent molecules from a hypotonic solution to a hypertonic solution
with the aid of external energy
34. material moves into cells and organelles by
a) diffusion
b) osmosis
c) exocytose
d) endocytosis
e) active transport
35. ATP is the energy molecule that our cells use
a) when a phosphate group is lost, the energy of repelling phosphate groups is used to drive
chemical reactions
b) substrate level phosphorylation occurs in the presence of oxygen and produces most of
the ATP
c) it is produced by oxidative and substrate level phosphorylation
d) a and c
e) b and c
36. Glucose is a 6-carbon sugar
a) it is the starting point for cell respiration; breaking of glucose is called glycolysis
b) 1 molecule of glucose produces a total of 40 ATP under aerobic conditions, but consumes
2 ATP during glycolysis
c) 1 molecule of glucose produces 38 ATP molecules under aerobic conditions
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d) a and b
e) a, b, and c
37. C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (ATP) [which statement is wrong]
a) oxidation reactions involve the loss of electrons and release of their (the electrons)
potential energy
b) oxidative phosphorylation is a series of oxidation reactions involving electron carriers in
the plasma membrane
c) the glucose molecule above is oxidized and oxygen molecule is reduced
d) the above reaction represents one of the steps in photosynthesis
38. which of the following is not true of the inner mitochondrial membrane
a) ATP synthase is associated with it
b) It plays a role in the production of pyruvic acid
c) Electron carriers are associated with it
d) It is involved in chemiosmosis
e) An H+ gradient exists across it
39. bacteria that are unable to survive in the presence of oxygen are called
a) strict anaerobes
b) aerobes
c) facultative anaerobes
d) chemosynthetic bacteria
e) microaerophiles
40. when an organism such as yeast lives by fermentation, it converts the pyruvic acid from
glycolysis into a different compound, such as alcohol. Why doesn’t it secrete the pyruvic acid
a) the conversion yields one ATP per pyruvic acid molecule
b) the conversion yields one NADH per pyruvic acid molecule
c) the conversion yields one FADH2 per pyruvic acid molecule
d) the conversion is needed to regenerate the NAD+ consumed during glycolysis
e) a buildup of pyruvic acid in the surrounding environment would be too toxic
41. the conversion of CO2 and H2O into organic compounds using energy from light is called
a) glycolysis
b) photosynthesis
c) fermentation
d) cellular respiration
e) photorespiration
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42. which of the following statements are not true
a) plants require carbon dioxide, water and sunlight to make glucose
b) photosynthesis is the most important chemical process on earth
c) plants can regulate the amount of moisture they loose on a hot day
d) ATP produced during the light reactions is used to run cellular functions
e) Too much can be detrimental to a plant
43. the oxygen released into the air as a product of photosynthesis comes from
a) Water
b) B) glucose
c) Cabon dioxide
d) Chlorophyll
e) None of the above
44. the calvin cycle involves all of the following except
a) carbon fixation
b) reduction of carbon
c) addition of electrons and H+ to carbon
d) regeneration of NADP+
e) formation of waste products in the form of CO2
45. which of wave length will be least absorbed by chlorophyll-a
a) blue
b) green
c) yellow
d) orange
e) red
46. when a pigment molecule absorbs a photon, one of its electrons
a) becomes excited
b) is raised from the ground state
c) gains energy
d) is put into an unstable state
e) all of the above
47. in photosynthesis (which of the following is not true)
a) the electron transport chain occurs in the thylakoid membrane
b) the end product (NADPH) is at a higher energy state than the end product of cellular
c) the redox reactions of the electron transport chain can occur at night
d) PSII preceeds PSI
e) NADPH and ATP are produced on the stroma side of the thylakoid membrane
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48. the green house effect
a) is enhanced by deforestation
b) is enhanced by the use of fossil fuels
c) is enhanced by increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere
d) will increase the average temperature of the planet
e) all of the above
49. to produce one glucose molecule the calvin cycle needs to run _________ times
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 6
e) 8
50.Calvin cycle constructs ___________ an energy rich molecule that a plant cell can then use to
make glucose or other organic molecules.
a) G3P
b) ATP
e) ATP and NADPH