Monash University Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 How to Contact the Department ii 1. Introduction 1 2. The Department 2 2.1 Courses Available. 2 2.2 Academic Staff 3 2.3 General Staff 4 2.4 Other Facilities 5 2.5 Building Plans 6 2.6 Security 8 2.7 Safety 9 2.8 Professional Societies 10 2.9 Scholarships 11 2.10 Prizes 11 2.11 Postgraduate Opportunities 11 2.12 U/grad Exchange Schemes 11 3. Course Arrangements Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.1 Credit Points Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.2 Enrolment Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3 Time to Complete the Course Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.4 Overweight and Underweight Courses Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.5 Examinations and Academic Progress Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.6 Averages and Honours Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.7 Individual Subject Requirements Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.8 Vacation Employment Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Course Description - BE in Electrical and Computer Systems EngineeringError! Bookmark not defined. 5. Course Description - BE(Electrical & Computing) Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Course Description - BE/BCom Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Course Description - BE/LLB Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Course Description - BE/BA Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Course Description - BSc/BE Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Course Description - BCSE Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Course Description - BTech(Computer Studies) Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Course Description - Bachelor of Telecommunications Engineering (BTE)Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendices: A: Subject Descriptions B: IEAust Code of Ethics C: Occupational Health and Safety Reference Guide for Students D: Vacation Employment E: Final Year Projects F: Technical Report Writing Guidelines G: Prizes H: Important Dates 2001 Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. How to Contact the Department Location: Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, First Floor, Building 72 Monash University Wellington Road, Clayton, Vic Melways ref 70F10 Postal Address Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering PO Box 35 Monash University Clayton Victoria 3800 Australia Phone Numbers University Departmental General Office Departmental FAX Security (a/h) World Wide Web Address: 9905 4000 9905 3486 9905 3454 9905 2054 The Undergraduate Handbook is published by the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering in order to provide staff and students with essential information and advice on the courses undertaken within the department. All information is as accurate as possible at the time of publication but is subject to change at any time. This handbook is authorised by Prof. G K Egan, Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering. The Monash University Undergraduate Courses and Subjects 2001 is published by the University and provides the official requirements for the degrees offered. This may be purchased from the University Bookshop, or viewed on the web at: ii Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 October 2000 iii Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 1. Introduction This booklet is designed to introduce you to your course in Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering at Monash University’s Clayton campus, be it a Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Computing), Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering, Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering. Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering Bachelor of Telecommunications Engineering or a Bachelor of Technology (Computer Studies) It introduces you to the Department, tells you how to find your way around, and outlines some of the more important regulations governing your course, particularly in relation to safety, enrolment and assessment. Please read these regulations - adherence to them is vital, particularly if you get sick, or need to change the subjects in which you are enrolled. Each course is described, the subjects outlined and options available explained. If you need help... Should you encounter problems, it is important that you seek help as soon as possible. The staff of this department are here to help you. In addition to Lecturers, who are happy to answer any questions you may have about their particular subjects, your Level Coordinator should be consulted if you have any concerns about the course in general. Questions regarding your enrolment should be taken to the Faculty Office on the ground floor of Building 72. Level Coordinators: The Department has designated a coordinator for each level of your course. In 2001 the coordinators are: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Project Selection/Coordination Vacation Employment BTech(CompSt) all levels Director, Undergraduate Affairs Dr H Abachi Assoc Prof L Kleeman Dr F Crusca Mr B Lithgow Dr Ming Liu Mr B Lithgow Mr B Harding Mr B Harding Only the level coordinator can approve your choice of subjects. If your subjects are from a number of levels, you should always seek assistance from the level coordinator for the lowest level subject taken. Enrolment is handled by the Faculty Office, who can advise you on enrolment procedures and the status of your enrolment. Specialised Services: The University provides a number of specialised services for students. Most are located in the Union Floor, New Western Extension, (Building 10). These services include: University Counselling Service 9905 3156 University Housing Office University Chaplains 9905 3160 Language & Learning Services Student Financial Advisor 9905 3064 University Health Service 1 Building, 1st 9905 3195 9905 9181 9905 3175 Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 2. The Department 2.1 Courses Available. The department offers a choice of the following undergraduate degree courses to students of electrical and computer systems engineering at the Clayton campus. The courses available are: Single Degree: Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Systems (BE) Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Computing) (BE(Elec&Comp)) (only if degree commenced prior to 1998) Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering / Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering (BCSE) Bachelor of Telecommunications Engineering (BTE) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Studies) BTech(CompSt) Consecutive Degree: Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Engineering (BSc/BE) (only if degree commenced prior to 1999) Double degrees: Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce (BE/BCom) Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Laws (BE/LLB) Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Arts (BE/BA) Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Engineering (BSc/BE) The first year of the Bachelor of Engineering course is common to all engineering disciplines and taught at Clayton, Caulfield, Gippsland and Malaysian campuses in 2001. These courses, their objectives and focus are described in full in the Monash University Undergraduate Handbook. The Undergraduate Handbook you are now reading describes in detail the course requirements and subjects offered in the degrees available. Degree with Honours The degree of BE, BCSE or BTE with Honours is awarded for meritorious performance in the course as a whole. No additional time is required. All subjects are considered in the determination of an honours result, but greater weight is given to the subjects in the later years of the course than to those in the earlier years. Introduction of common Bachelor of Engineering. In 1998, a new common first year Bachelor of Engineering course was introduced, leading progressively to a single Bachelor of Engineering course. In 2001, this course will be offered at first year level on four campuses. The second year course in Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering will be offered at Clayton and Malaysia. The third and fourth year course in Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering will be offered at Clayton only. Students who commenced their Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering at Clayton or Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Computing) at Caulfield prior to 1998 will complete the degree in which they were initially enrolled. These courses will both be taught at the Clayton campus only. 2 Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 2.2 Academic Staff Area of Speciality Room/Building Head of Department Prof Gregory Kenneth Egan Secretary Miss Lesley Collins Telecommunications 209/72 209/72 Power G09/35 Professors Prof Robert Edward Morrison Sir John Monash Chair of Electrical Power Engineering Secretary Ms Serena Kennedy Prof Raymond Austin Jarvis Secretary Ms Serena Kennedy G10/35 Robotics G11/36 G12/36 Propagation Optical Communications Biophysics Video Coding 219/35 209/35 221/69 115/31 Biomedical Engineering 222/69 Readers Dr John Atkinson Bennett Dr Le Nguyen Binh Dr David Lloyd Morgan Dr Khok Khee Pang Associate Professors Assoc Prof Thomas Ian Henry Brown Centre for Biomedical Engineering Assoc Prof Irena Cosic Assoc Prof Lindsay Kleeman Assoc Prof Kim Chew Ng Assoc Prof Robin Andrew Russell Assoc Prof David Suter Bioelectronics Computer Systems Electronics Computer Systems Computer Systems 221A/35 G16/36 111/35 G05/36 214/35 Microprocessor Systems Fields Control Power Digital Electronics Power Electronics Communications Telecommunications Power Electronics Biomedical Engineering Control Systems Computer Systems Computer Systems Communication Networks High Voltage Power 112/35 217/35 132/72 G17B/35 224/72 G04/69 216/35 114/35 G05/69 225/72 133/72 125/72 G09/36 125/31 G17/36 G15/35 Senior Lecturers Dr Hamid Reza Abachi Dr Gregory Keith Cambrell Dr Francesco Crusca Dr Tadeusz Czaszejko Mr Barrie Thomas Harding Dr Donald Grahame Holmes Mr Stewart Charles Jenvey Dr Donald Bryan Keogh Dr Robin Phillip Lisner Mr Brian John Lithgow Dr Ming Liu Dr Nallasamy Mani Dr Andrew Price Dr Ahmet Sekercioglu Dr Qi Su Dr Ahmad Zahedi Lecturers Mr Ian Kaminskyj Mr John Daumants Zakis Ms Ros Rimington Pattern Recognition Electronics Management 3 226/72 107/35 227/72 Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 Adjunct Professor Prof Peter J Wallace Power G12B/35 Logan Fellow Dr Rob Mahony Systems 234/72 Note: Staff may also be contacted by email, their address being of the form ‘’. 2.3 General Staff Professional Officers Mr Daniel Joseph Grimm Mr Paul Jenkins 124/72 123/72 Facilities Manager Mr Geoff Binns 204/72 Deputy Facilities Manager 113C/35 Mr Eric Lim Academic Registrar 206/72 Mrs Sue Morgan Finance Manager 218/72 Ms Bec Garbellini Administrative Officers Ms Pam Dickinson Ms Roslyn Varley 220/72 221/72 General Office Mrs Maria Scalzo Ms Lilli Todorovska 102/72 Store Mr Ray Cooper,Mr Eric Lim 113B/35 Technical Support Design & Project Lab Biomedical Undergraduate Lab Circuits Lab Computer Systems Lab Control & Mechanoinformatics Lab Computer Engineering (DSP) Lab Electronics and Telecom. Computer Lab Electronics Lab Electronics Workshop Mechanical Workshop Power Lab Telecommunications Lab Mr Ray Chapman, Mr George Yu Mr Brian Webster, Mr Ian Reynolds Mr Daryl Gaspero, Mr Ray Chapman Mr Phil Huynh, Mr Daryl Gaspero, Mr George Yu, Mr Ray Chapman 110/35 224/35 103/35 120/72 136/72 Mr Phil Huynh, Mr Daryl Gaspero, 127/72 Mr Brian Webster, Mr Ian Reynolds 215/35 Mr Brian Webster, Mr Ian Reynolds Mr Ray Chapman, , Mr George Yu Mr Maurice Gay, Mr Tony Brosinsky Mr Martin Linzner, Mr George Yu Mr Brian Webster, Mr Ian Reynolds 220/35 116/35 101/35 G02/35 213/35 All requests for assistance in the labs should be addressed in the first instance to the lecturers responsible for the subject. If they are not available, please contact Mr Eric Lim at or phone 9905 3481. 4 Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 2.4 Other Facilities Email Messages From time to time, the department will need to contact you either individually or as part of a class or course. Such messages may be IMPORTANT and will be sent to your student account (with an address like ''). It is important that you read this mail regularly, or get the mail redirected to an account which you do check. Departmental Library 118/72 Students requiring access to departmental reports, final year and postgraduate theses or other material in the departmental library must arrange access with their academic supervisor. All removals must be recorded on the catalog cards. Components Store via 110/35 Components may only be obtained from the store if the student has the signed authority of their academic supervisor. Access is not permitted to the store at any time. Data Books 116/35 Data sheets on components may be viewed and photocopied, but not borrowed, from the Databook library in the electronics workshop. Level 4 Common Room G04/36 The undergraduate common room, located in room G04, building 36, is for the use of level four ECSE students only. It is furnished with easy chairs, desks, bookshelves, a wide selection of journals and general interest engineering publications and lockers and has limited food preparation facilities. Access to the room is from 7am to 5:30pm during weekdays. The key-code to operate the security lock will be issued at the start of semester 1. The room must be kept clean and tidy at all times or use of the room will be withdrawn. Design and Projects Lab 110/35 This room performs two functions - bench space and a study area. Bench space is intended for students enrolled in thesis subjects requiring bench facilities. Subjects such as the level-3 ECE3905 Design and the level-4 ECE4909/10 Thesis Projects have no scheduled laboratory sessions and students may use the Design and Projects Laboratory for these subjects with their supervisor’s knowledge and approval, as outlined in Section 2.6.2. The laboratory is not to be used as a general catch up laboratory for other subjects. Whereas the Level-Four Common Room (Room G04/36) is intended for students in their final year, all ECSE students may use the study area of the Design and Projects Laboratory for private study. Level 4 Room 223/72 Many classes at Level 4 are held in Room 223/72. Tutorial Rooms 201/72 210/72 Pigeon Holes 1st Floor outside 118/72 Noticeboards Main Assignments and Laboratory reports are to be handed in by depositing them in the appropriate pigeonhole in the bottom row of the mail boxes 1st Floor West Stairs/35 It is the responsibility of all students of the Department to read this noticeboard, as many items of importance will be communicated in this way. As the board is locked, items from students for inclusion on the board may be handed to the Facilities Manager. Level 2 On wall opposite 103/35 Level 3 Level 4 On wall opposite 120/72 Vac. Employment On wall opposite 223/72 Vacation Employment opportunities are posted on the noticeboard adjacent to the staff room (109/B35). 5 Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 2.5 Building Plans Building 31 First Floor Building 35 Second Floor 223 206 EMC Lab 220 Electronics Laboratory Teaching Support Unit 224 Biomedical Ugrad. Lab 222 Bioelect ronics Lab Building 35 First Floor 113B 113C Office Office 103 Circuits Lab 113 Store 110 Design and Project Lab 113A Display Area Goods Lift West St airs 116 Electronics Workshop 101 Mechanical Workshop 105 Hon Hon. Staff St af f 106 Building 35 107 108 Office Office 109 Staff Room 111 112 114 Office OfficeOffice Ground Floor 6 Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 Building 36 Ground Floor Building 69 Ground Floor G01 G02 G04 G05 G07 G08 Office Office Office Office Office Office G10 G03 Energy Distribution Systems Lab G06 Power Electronics & Drives Robotics Laboratory Building 69 Second Floor 221 222 Offi ce Offi ce 224 Biomedical Laboratory 7 Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 Building 72 Second Floor Professor Postgraduate lab Research 1 4th year teaching room Tutorial room 2 Tutorial room 1 Building 72 First Floor 10 4 12 1 13 6 Control a nd Mechano info rmati cs 12 7 Com pute r Engi - 12 2 ne ering ( DSP) L ab 12 0 Comp uter Sys te ms L ab 102 General Office 11 9 12 5 12 4 12 3 13 5 13 4 13 3 13 2 For experimental work, appropriate supervision is the Academic Staff member(s) responsible for each particular laboratory or associated subject, or designated general staff, post graduate students and demonstrators as approved and agreed by the staff member. For computer work, or other office type work conducted within a laboratory, direct supervision is not required, provided the staff member in charge of the laboratory or a designated substitute is informed and has agreed that the students are to be working in the laboratory in this way. Students working in a laboratory under these conditions are to lock the door on their departure and inform the staff member or the designated substitute that they have finished. During normal working hours, Academic Staff may allow final year students to work in laboratories on experimental equipment without direct supervision, provided at least 2 students work together and the staff member has given direct permission for the work proposed to be undertaken. No other experimental work is to be undertaken when access is allowed in this way. 2.6 Security Normal working hours are 8:00am-6:00pm. 2.6.1 ACCESS TO BUILDINGS Lectures are held between the hours of 8:00am and 6:00pm, and access to buildings is unrestricted during these times. External and Corridor doors are locked from 6:00pm to 7:00am weekdays and during the weekend and holidays, and access to buildings is by special arrangement only during this time. Access to the Level 4 Student Common Room is from 7:00am to 5:30pm during weekdays only. 2.6.2 10 3 ACCESS TO LABORATORIES DURING NORMAL WORKING HOURS During normal working hours, students are only allowed to conduct work in laboratories with appropriate supervision. 8 Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 2.6.3 ACCESS TO WORKSHOPS DURING NORMAL WORKING HOURS 2.7 Safety Safe working practices are most important in all aspects of your work and particularly in laboratories involving electrical apparatus. The Policy Statement from the Occupational Health and Safety Commission appears in Appendix C. All students are urged to read, understand and follow its recommendations and to make suggestions to Staff or the Head of Department where improvements could be made. Safety issues within the department are managed by a Safety Committee, chaired by Dr. D.G. Holmes. Safety Committee members have responsibility for specific areas of the department as listed below, and these staff should be contacted in the first instance for any specific inquiries. Undergraduate students are only allowed access to workshops during normal working hours when appropriate staff are present, and are only to use equipment for which they have been given specific permission to use. Appropriate staff are those staff who are accredited both to use the equipment required and to permit students to use this equipment. 2.6.4 ACCESS TO LABORATORIES AFTER HOURS Undergraduate students are not allowed access to laboratories after hours for safety and security, unless special arrangements are made with Academic Staff. Note that most laboratories and other areas are monitored by alarms after hours, and may not be entered without prior agreement with a staff member to disable the alarms. Students who are allowed to work in laboratories after hours must ensure that all doors are locked when they leave and must inform the staff member or their delegate who authorised their access that they are leaving. 2.6.5 Floor Wardens In an emergency, contact: Building 31 First Floor Building 35 Ground Floor ACCESS TO WORKSHOPS AFTER HOURS Undergraduate students are not allowed access to workshops after hours. 2.6.6 KEYS Keys are the property of the University, and are not issued to students except by special arrangement for specific needs. It is an offence to duplicate keys. It is an offence to be in possession of keys to University buildings unless issued by the Facilities Manager. 2.6.7 53412 First Floor Mr M Gay, Mr R Cooper Mr R Chapman 53494 53497 53495 Second Floor Mr B Webster 51876 Building 36 Ground Floor Ms S Kennedy 53477 Building 69 Ground Floor Second Floor Dr D G Holmes Dr D Morgan 53473 54383 Mrs M Scalzo Mr P Jenkins Ms V Luu 53486 51888 51886 Mr G Binns, Ms R Varley Ms R Garbellini Ms L Collins 53498 51899 51863 51827 ACCESS TO ROOF Second Floor 2.7.1 LIFT tel 55572 55709 Mr M Linzner, Building 72 First Floor The roof is out of bounds to all students with the exception of final year students working on antenna projects or similar experimental work. Permission may be granted only after application to the Head of the Department. 2.6.8 Mr J But Mr T Cornall ELECTRICITY IS DANGEROUS! The lift in Building 35 is not to be used by students. There is a passenger lift in Building 72 for students with special needs. A current of 10 mA can be lethal, and voltages as low as 60 V can drive this current through a human body. Never work on a circuit without first ensuring that it is "dead". 2.6.9 2.7.2 REMOVAL OF EQUIPMENT Equipment must not be removed from the Department unless written permission has been given by a member of the Academic Staff and by the Deputy Facilities Manager. Such removals must be recorded by the Deputy Facilities Manager. Equipment must not be removed from one laboratory to another unless approved by a member of the Academic Staff or by the Deputy Facilities Manager. ACCIDENTS Accidents of any kind must be reported in the first instance to the supervisor responsible for the laboratory or workshop area, and then to the Departmental Safety Committee member responsible for the floor where the accident occurred. Floor Wardens are located on each floor and should be alerted in an emergency. 9 Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 2.7.3 IRRESPONSIBLE ACTIONS Students must conduct themselves in an orderly manner. The safety of all concerned is jeopardised by actions of horseplay, practical jokes, contact games etc. 2.7.4 2.8 Professional Societies The Engineering profession is represented by a number of professional organisations. Members of our department are actively involved in these organisations and students are encouraged to broaden their education and understanding of the role of Engineering by actively involving themselves in the programs available. The main organisations are: SAFETY EQUIPMENT Students are required by State Law to wear safety equipment where it is provided. 2.7.5 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Equipment in laboratories is to be operated only when a designated supervisor is present. For all students, the designated supervisor is the academic staff member in charge of the laboratory or subject, a designated substitute academic staff member, or a designated postgraduate student or demonstrator. 2.7.6 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE) The Institute is the world's largest professional engineering society. Its scientific and educational purposes are directed towards the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical engineering, electronics, computer engineering and computer science and the allied branches of engineering, arts and science. It is active in the holding of professional meetings and conferences, the publication and circulation of technical and related works, the advancement of the standing of members of the profession, and the establishment of standards of qualification and ethical conduct. For more information, contact Dr D B Keogh, Assoc Prof L Kleeman or Mr B Harding. Application forms are also available from the General Office. TIDYING UP On completion of experimental work all equipment is to be switched off, and bench areas left in a tidy state. 2.7.7 FAULTY EQUIPMENT When equipment or instruments have been damaged, or their operation or readings indicate some prior damage, the laboratory supervisor should be immediately notified. The instrument should not be returned to its normal position on the shelves, but placed on the shelf reserved for faulty equipment with a note describing the problem. Since laboratory reports are graded partly on the accuracy of results, it is most unfair to other students to return damaged equipment and meters to the normal shelves. 2.7.8 The Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust). The Institution of Engineers was founded in 1919 to unite the members of the engineering professions in Australia. As such, it is one of the few engineering bodies to represent all branches of the profession. Its basic objectives are to promote the interests and professional standards of its members and to ensure that our community is well served by the engineering profession and to encourage and influence the development of Australia’s technological capability in a way which will maximize its contribution to our national economic growth. For further information, contact Mr S Jenvey. TIDINESS Tidiness is a safety function: Wires should not be left trailing on benches and floors. Spilled water or chemicals must be cleaned up immediately. Smoking, drinking and eating are not permitted in the laboratories. Students breaking this rule will be asked to leave the laboratory immediately. Personal effects should be placed out of the way and not in walkways between benches Equipment for experimental work should be arranged in a neat way. Equipment and instrumentation intended for bench use should NEVER be placed or used on the floor. 2.7.9 Rings must be removed from fingers when using any type of workshop machinery. Young Engineers The IE Aust runs ‘Young Engineers Australia’, an organisation for undergraduate students of engineering. It organises a conference each year, together with visits and talks. There is a local branch of Young Engineers at Monash. For further information, contact the Faculty Office or IEAust (Vic) on 9329 8188. PERSONAL CLOTHING Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE). This London-based learned society has the most demanding standard for membership, requiring a second class honours degree and a substantial amount of professional experience. It promotes the achievement of the highest standard of scholarship and practice of all branches of electrical engineering, computer engineering and manufacturing, and the interests and professional standing of its members through its activities in holding professional meetings and conferences, publications and the establishment of standards of qualification and professional conduct. Whilst not attempting to dictate the clothing or hairstyles worn by our students, some rules must apply: No student will be admitted to Laboratories or Workshops in bare feet or thongs. Students with long hair will only be permitted to use rotating machinery if their hair is tied back or a hat is worn with the hair tucked in. Appropriate clothing is required for all laboratory work. Long flowing clothes should be avoided for the electrical power laboratories. 10 Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 The IEE presents a prize each year for outstanding academic achievement to a student at Level three or four of the course at Clayton. The Victorian Centre holds several technical meetings each year and also awards an annual prize for the best written thesis or paper by a final year student in the state of Victoria. For more information, contact Assoc Prof K C Ng, Dr H Abachi or Dr A Zahedi. over one year plus the opportunity to undertake up to 12 weeks paid vacation employment, and are principally based on academic excellence. Applicants must be Australian citizens or be permanent residents. Applications close around mid-year. Further details are available from the General Office or University scholarship officer. Students experiencing financial need may get assistance in the purchase of essential textbooks from the Monash Bookshop Grant Scheme. Application should be made to the Student Financial Aid Office. Society of Monash Electrical Engineers (SMEE) 2.10 Prizes SMEE is an undergraduate society for Electrical Engineering students which promotes social, sporting and technical events among the students of the department. A number of prizes are awarded each year for outstanding achievement. A list is included in Appendix G. For further information, contact Assoc Prof K C Ng. 2.11 Postgraduate Opportunities 2.9 Scholarships Final year students contemplating postgraduate study should obtain a copy of the department's booklet entitled "Postgraduate Studies and Research Opportunities" which describes the programs and research areas available within the department. Information on opportunities at other universities and institutions is often displayed on the departmental noticeboard in the west stairwell on level 1 of building 35. The University's Careers and Appointments Office is another good source of information. Many universities will also have nodes on the Internet or World Wide Web which may hold information not only on the courses available but on other student facilities. A number of scholarships are available for students. Most are based on academic merit. The Faculty of Engineering administers the Dean's Scholarships, Industry Scholarships and Monash Engineering Scholarships which are awarded at Level 1 based primarily on VCE results. Details on Monashadministered Scholarships and Conversion from feeliable to HECS-liable places may be found on the web ( htm). A number of organisations offer scholarships tenable at Levels Three and Four of the course. The Victorian Electricity Supply Industry offers scholarships to Monash University students who are Australian citizens or have residential status and who are specialising in electrical engineering with an emphasis on electrical power engineering. They are valued at $10,000/year plus paid vacation employment and are available at Levels 3 and 4. Further details are available from the Head of the Centre for Electrical Power Engineering. Telstra offers a number of Fellowships Australiawide to students in the penultimate year of their degree in Electrical Engineering, Mathematics or Computer Science. The Fellowships are worth $7500 tax free 2.12 U/grad Exchange Schemes Exchange schemes are in place with the University of Waterloo in Canada and other Universities. For further information, contact the Study Abroad Office on 9905 1551, read their booklet "Take your degree further" or refer to their web page at 11 Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001 12 Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering Undergraduate Handbook 2001