Extraterrestrial Energyzoa Hypothesis

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Daniel Tarr
Extraterrestrial energyzoa hypothesis
- Földönkívüli energialény hipotézis first published: 2006 - updated in 2009
The extraterrestrial energyzoa hypothesis
(ETZH) is and alternative hypothesis of the
extraterrestrial hypothesis, that some of the
UFO phenomena is best explained as being
some kind of biological lifeforms and NOT
creatures from other planets occupying
physical spacecraft visiting Earth.
These lifeforms could be a new species of
animals living in interstellar space. They are
called "energyzoa", because they are made up
of pure energy. They are not highly intelligent
beings, but primitive lifeforms similar to the
the deep sea lifeforms of planet Earth...
The issue has already been a matter of
discussion in astrobilological speculation
known as the atmospheric beast hypothesis.
"UFO" type energyzoa approaching the ISS
The hypothesis relating certain kind of UFO
phenomenon to biological hydrozoa behavior
was first formulated by Daniel Tarr[1] in 2006.
The hypothesis was published on Wikipedia,
but was removed as non-scientific in 2007.
However with the help of an insider the
original article is still hidden archived here.
Although the theory is slowly getting more
attention from UFO researchers, it has not
been accurately explored by the scientific
community yet, and many organizations still
have to engage in the study of UFO sightings
and contact reports in relation to the
extraterrestrial energyzoa hypothesis.
Other UFO reserchers who came to similar
conclusions include Joseph P. Skipper »
Report#159 - Planetary Atmospehric Life?
(2009) and Chris Zimmerman » NASA
Unkowns (2007).
As more and more » NASA orbital space video
footage is made available to the public, it is
becoming evident that the hypothesis could in
fact be true. Observations show, that
energyzoa seem to concentrate in large
numbers near Earth orbit (See: NASA » MIR
Sequence ) and sometimes seem to penetrate
the ionosphere to feed on energy from electric
storms and lightning (See: NASA » UFOS
filmed from Space Shuttle over Electrical
Storm) as well as any other electro-magnetic
source (See: NASA » STS-75 Tether
experiment ).
The scientific study would be necessary to clarify wether these lifeforms present any danger to Human
Spaceflight. For example you don't want the spaceship's electrical system fail because the craft was
swallowed up by a giant space amoeba. Energyzoa interference could account for a number of lost
satellite and probe cases...
Could it be, that some of the orbital
extraterrestrials are indeed some kind of
plankton like energy creatures, with the
difference of relative size and makeup. What if
they are not flying saucers or mechanical
spacecrafts flying in hyperspace, but in fact
"primitive" energy beings gathering around an
energy source - Planet Earth. As small and
tiny the plankton may seem to us, as big and
giant these orbs and disks may seem also.
Giant they may seem, in fact these lifeforms
may easily be different kinds of cosmic
planktons of space.
If you observe their behavior and movement it
is obvious that they act just like the
microorganisms of our biological sphere. It's
beautifuly portrayed in the first few minutes of
David Sereda's film » Evidence the Case for
These creatures are made up of pure energy,
thus not biological in their makeup. They are
physical, but on the higher end of the energy
spectrum. This is why they are "invisible" and
suddenly appear out of nowhere and this is
why you can see them with infrared cameras,
but not the naked eye. When some inner
mechanism triggers, then they overflow with
energy and thus appear in the visible
spectrum too - this is what humans observe
"Rod" type energyzoa feeding on "Orb" type flock
as strange lights or ufo phenomenon.
They are subtle energy beings living on the
edge of our three dimensional physical
dimension. They manifest in ours but probably
inhabit another dimension made up of higher
level energy. This is why they can flow
through solid objects, appear and disappear,
or "jump" great distances.
It is also likely that some of these energy creatures not only live in orbit, but also descend into the
atmosphere and move about in high altitude. This could account for the more than common ufo orb
phenomena and the ufo orb "fleets".
The energyzoa hypothesis also explains some of the fundamental problems that are hard to ignore,
such as if these things are animals / lifeforms / biological, and live in the atmosphere, why are we not
inundated with UFO reports. Given the amount of global air traffic there should be far more reports
than submitted by passengers than have been. The sky should be full of energyzoa all the time, yet it
would appear that they can only been seen at certain locations, and atmospheric conditions. In fact
the sky IS full of energyzoa, yet unvisible to the naked eye.
The extraterrestrial energyzoa hypothesis
can be dated back to Trevor James
Constable's » "Sky Critter Theory", which is
perhaps one of the strangest theories
advanced as an explanation for the UFO
phenomenon. Trevor James Constable was
one of the proponents of the theory, claiming
that UFO's came from a parallel universe
known as Etheria and that there were two
categories of UFO, some were machines and
others living creatures. These invisible
creatures he called "Sky Critters" and that
they live in the atmosphere. Constable
claimed to have captured both types of UFO
on film, while working with James Woods
during the 1950's and 60's. He wrote several
books on the theory "They live in the Sky" in
1959,[2] under the pen name Trevor James,
and "Sky Creatures-Living UFO's" in 1978.[3]
According to Constable, these bioforms, which
are invisible to normal sight, can be recorded
by infrared film and special techniques devised
by Constable and described in his book "The
Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary
Biological Power Behind Ufo's". [4] These
Trevor James Constable's 1957 Amoeboid Bioform
objects, which Constable claims are an
integral part of the overall UFO scene, are
biological organisms native to our atmosphere
and not extraterrestrial spaceships. When
such bioforms enter the spectrum of visible
light, they appear as rapidly moving, pulsatory
light sources and are mutually confused with
the more classical, structured interdimensional
machines known as flying saucers.
Read my summary on » The Sky Critters of
Trevor James Constable
UFO Energyzoa
Some of the imagery of
space phenomena
discovered by » Martyn
Stubbs and » David
Sereda, clearly resembles
some of the imagery of the
microscopic deep ocean life
forms, known as hydrozoa.
(See my » Hydrozoa Picture
Could it be possible that the
ufo orbs and lights are
indeed new lifeforms very
much like the hydrozoa of
the deep oceans? Is it
possible that such creatures
actually exist? Well, lets
bare in mind that new
species are being discovered
in the oceans regularly. So
it is entirely possible that
some unknown species of
insect or other animal may
somehow survive in the
upper atmosphere. But is it
This possibility was
considered by the US Air
Intel, as it was mentioned in
"Project Saucer" a digest of
Project Sign released 27
April 1949, stating that the
objects appeared to act
more like animals than
anything else, and that the
airmen involved in the
incidents expressed the
feeling that they were living
Further, one of Project Blue
Book "Unknowns" describes
the object(s) as being
"Amoeba like": 208. Sept.
23, 1948; San Pablo,
California. 12 noon.
Witnesses: Sylvester
Bentham and retired U.S.
Army Col. Horace Eakins.
Two objects: one, a buff or
grey rectangle with vertical
lines; the other a
translucent "amoeba" with a
dark spot near the center.
The arms of the "amoeba"
undulated. Both objects
traveled very fast.
This mysterious aerial
phenomena was also
referred to as Foo Fighter
during World War II.
In other reports during and
after the War, the witnesses
often describe the object or
object's behavior or flight as
resembling a flock of birds
or a swarm of bee's. It
should be noted that when
allied aircraft were equipped
with the H2S 10-centimetre
radar, the Foo Fighter
reports increased.
Now, when dealing in conjecture anything is
possible. These biological UFO's live in the
atmosphere. By the same token, given the
reports of Undersea Objects, is it not possible
that the creatures actually dwell in the sea,
most of the time? As life began in the sea,
why should some form of intelligent or semiintelligent life not have evolved in, and
remained in the Sea?
Two points are worthy of note: the first is the
incredible speed attributed to these objects,
the second being the objects ability to change
color as it accelerates / decelerates. Several
species of Cephalopod (Squids etc) can
accelerate at considerable speed and also
change color as camouflage. The Humbolt
Squid when angered changes color from placid
white to red. Several UFO reports state the
object changing color from red to white.
"Rod" type energyzoa flock
Similarly a lot of UFO phenomena clearly
resembles the outlook and behavior of various
If you observe the behavior and movement of
these UFO objects, it is obvious that they act
just like the microorganisms of our biological
sphere. It's beautifuly portrayed in the first
few minutes of Martyn Stubb's film » "The
Secret NASA Transmissions" [5] as well as
David Sereda's film » Evidence the Case for
NASA UFO's. [6]
If one observes the filmed phenomenon from the extraterrestrial energyzoa hypothesis perspective, it
is easy to come to some logical explanations for some of the UFO phenomena.
The International Space Station (ISS) surrounded by energyzoa [artist concept]
Energy plankton swarming in the air » video
Energy grimpoteuthis » video
Energy praya » video 1 » video 2
Energy bargmannia » video
Energy Haliscera » video
Energy Arctapodema » video
Energy Mastigias » report
Energy Beroe » video
Energy Leucothea » video
Energy Aurelia » video
(See my » Hydrozoa Picture Gallery)
One practical outcome of the extraterrestrial
energyzoa hypothesis could be, is that a new
line of biology should be introduced, which
would carry out the scientific study of these
"Rod" type energyzoa with "orb" flock
Perhaps the best candidates for "Energyzoa"
are are the "Atmospheric beast" or "Sky
Critters" and the creatures refered to as
"Rods," (see: Rod (cryptozoology)) - objects
filmed globally, and on a scale so large that it
tends to rule out the possibility that all of the
images taken are fakes. (Read my summaries
on:» The Flying Rods of Jose Escamilla and »
The Sky Critters of Trevor James Constable).
Other energyzoa may also include "Sylphs".
Atmospheric beasts are non-winged
organisms which could hypothetically live
within the atmosphere of Earth or other
planets. These could fly (or float) without
wings as they weigh less than air.
Ufologists and cryptozoologists have theorized
about the existence of biological UFOs, citing
photos and observations of sightings that
resemble living beings more than machined
craft. The controversial substance called "star
jelly" is alleged by some to be composed of
the bodies of dead atmospheric beasts.
Atmospheric beasts are speculated by some as
interdimensional beings, able to pop in and
out of existence in a manner similar to ghosts,
while they are thought by others to be fully
natural biological organisms that are related
genetically to terrestrial life and are built like
jellyfish of the air, or that they may be alien
life forms that are native to outer space itself
rather than to any particular planet (extraatmospheric).
Atmospheric beasts are almost never
considered to be the same sort of creature as
rods, mainly because of the obvious
differences in description: atmospheric beasts
are hardly ever considered to be invisible to
the naked eye, and atmospheric beasts are
generally described as far larger than the
biggest rods. Since atmospheric beasts are
not described as being only visible in film, it
would be nearly impossible to explain them as
camera artifacts; Atmospheric beasts also
have a longer history, while rods are a recent
fad. (Read my summary on: » The Flying
Rods of Jose Escamilla)
Such organisms
are widespread in
science fiction.
Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle anticipated
these ideas in his
short story "The
Horror of the
Hights", where an
airman discovers a
unknown ecosyste
m of life forms in
Published in 1913,
the story
documents a
fictional aeronaut's
account of an
ecology of wispy
creatures 40,000
feet above the
ground. [Read »
"The Horror of the
Hights" by Sir
Arthur Conan
Doyle (1913)]
Kenneth Oppel's
novel Airborn, set
in a similar
Victorian milieu,
depicts a
species of
flying mammals na
med "cloud cats",
who live their
entire lives
completely in the
air. In the second
novel of the series,
another species
"Aerozoans", very
much like airborne
squid or jellyfish.
Similarly, the
"hylighters" of
Pandora, in Frank
Herbert's The
Jesus Incident are
of a similar shape
to the Portuguese
"Seraphim" type energyzoa
Man o' War.
Some works set in
depict hydrogenfilled "living
dirigibles"; Frederic
Pohl's Jem and Joh
Varley's Gaean seri
es are two
The most common setting for these organisms appears to be gas giants. Arthur C. Clarke depicted gas
giant inhabitants in several works including his short story, "A Meeting with Medusa" and the
novel 2010: Odyssey Two.
Spider Robinson's novel Telempath featured airborne entities called "Muskys". These were intelligent
beings described as "plasmoids", composed of plasma or ionized gas, which lived in Earth's
Other depictions include Robert Heinlein's 1942 short story Goldfish Bowl, the James Tiptree,
Jr novel Up the Walls of the World, and Iain M. Banks’ The Algebraist.
The scientific study of such possible living entities are based around the study of Extremophile and
An extremophile (from Latin extremus meaning "extreme" and Greek philiā (φιλία) meaning "love")
is an organism that thrives in and even may require physically or geochemically extreme conditions
that are detrimental to the majority of life on Earth. In contrast, organisms from moderate or neutral
(often referring to pH) environments are termed neutrophiles.
In the 1980s and 1990s, biologists found that microbial life has an amazing flexibility for surviving in
extreme environments - niches that are extraordinarily hot, or cold, or dry, or under immense
pressures - that would be completely inhospitable to complex organisms. Some scientists even
concluded that life may have begun on Earth in heat vents far under the ocean's surface.
Most known extremophiles are microbes. The domain Archaea contains renowned examples, but
extremophiles are present in numerous and diverse genetic lineages of both bacteria and archaeans.
Furthermore, it is erroneous to use the term extremophile to encompass all archaeans, as some
are mesophilic. Neither are all extremophiles unicellular; protostome animals found in similar
environments include the Pompeii worm, the psychrophilic Grylloblattodea (insects), Antarctic
krill (a crustacean), and the tardigrade "water bear". I strongly believe that most hydrozoa should be
also considered an extremophile.
There are many different classes of extremophiles, each corresponding to the way its environmental
niche differs from mesophilic conditions. These classifications are not exclusive. Many extremophiles
fall under multiple categories. For example, organisms living inside hot rocks deep under Earth's
surface are both thermophilic and barophilic.
Astrobiology is the field concerned with forming theories, such as panspermia, about the distribution,
nature, and future of life in the universe. In it, microbial ecologists, astronomers, planetary scientists,
geochemists, philosophers, and explorers cooperate constructively to guide the search for life on other
planets. Astrobiologists are particularly interested in studying extremophiles, as many organisms of
this type are capable of surviving in environments similar to those known to exist on other planets.
For example, Mars may have regions in its deep subsurface permafrost that could
harbor endolith communities. The subsurface water ocean of Jupiter's moon Europa may harbor life,
especially at hypothesized hydrothermal vents at the ocean floor.
In astrobiological speculation Carl Sagan proposed that this kind of animal could live in the
atmosphere of a gas giant, such as Jupiter. Illustrations of atmospheric beasts have frequently
appeared in books and exhibiting speculation as to the exotic forms extraterrestrial life might take.
Descriptions of this sort often portray these beings as living balloons, filled with lighter than air gases.
In the context of a Jupiter-like planet with a hydrogen atmosphere, such an organism would have to
be a hot hydrogen balloon, since there is no other lighter gas.
Ufologist Joseph P. Skipper also speculated that the extremophile tardigrade (water bear) could be of
extraterrestrial origin. See: » Mars organism survivor
Energyzoa are extremophiles existing in the lower and upper end of the energy spectrum.
To sum up the idea: The assumption that
underlines the following viewpoint is
that the Energyzoa are beings which
dwell on a parallel level to man, but due
to their existing at a different vibratory
rate, they are not normally visible to us
or detectable by us. In spite of this
invisibility, when UFO events or psychic
events occur, there are often changes
in an energy that we can measure - and
this is the electro-magnetic spectrum.
There are more and more NASA videos
available. The most famous is the » STS-75
Tether experiment and the » MIR Sequence
MIR Station energyzoa flyby » video
Ufologist Chris Line also theorizes around
the same idea in his article » The Jinn from
a Scientific(?) Viewpoint (1989) referring to
the traditions of Islam, and, in particular,
the Qur'an, which contains some quantity of
information of a metaphysical nature, a
proportion of which deals with the Jinn is
summarized in Gordon Creighton's article »
"A Brief Account of the True Nature of the
UFO Entities", published originally in FSR
29/1 (October 1983) and reprinted in FSR
33/3 (September 1988).
Ufologist Chris Zimmermann also beats
about the bush in his exposition » NASA
Unkowns (2007).
Man's pollutive interference of both the material level and the finer levels
Trevor James Constable in his second book, "The Cosmic Pulse of Life", states that UFOs began to
appear in numbers around the time when man started to use Radar. Or - to put it another way - the
UFOs began to appear around the time when man started to fill the Earth's atmosphere with
microwave radiation. Although plenty of UFOs were undoubtedly seen long before the year 1947, it
does seem that something may have provoked their increased activity, and increased appearances, at
that time. Since the use of Radar became commonplace throughout the world shortly after World War
II, the dates certainly coincide, and, if we look at the nature of Radar - bearing in mind that the
Energyzoa may possess bodies of infra-red - then we can certainly see a good reason for their
becoming concerned! Microwave radiation is just below infra-red in the electro-magnetic spectrum
(i.e. - just above Radio waves) - therefore our projection of microwaves into the Earth's atmosphere
may well disrupt, or disturb, the bodies of the Energyzoa and the medium in which they live and dwell.
Ever since the Industrial Revolution, spurred on by 19th century Rationalism, we have been poisoning
and disturbing life for other types of physical beings on this Planet. Perhaps with the harnessing and
mass employment of electromagnetism, we have now started on yet a further stage, i.e., the
poisoning and disturbing for a whole variety of beings dwelling on the subtler levels of this Planet? If
so, is it any surprise that many of them should be hostile towards us?
How Energyzoa Materialize
Swarming energyzoa
(NASA STS-75 Tether
experiment) » video
Various researchers on the cutting edge of nuclear physics (i.e. Paul
Davies) and also in the border-line medical field (i.e. Harry Oldfield)
have speculated that there exists a kind of blueprint for physical
beings and physical materials - this may be an electro-magnetic
lattice or hologram which tells each atom r molecule what to do and
where to go. The reason for this kind of speculation is that our
present knowledge of natural control systems is unable to explain the
degree of specialization that many atoms/molecules/cells exhibit.
Suppose that the Energyzoa were able to construct and to destroy
electronic blueprints, and once set up, a blueprint will attract to it,
from our environment, the necessary energy (minerals, gases, etc.)
in order to make up the corresponding physical form. When the
blueprint is removed or destroyed, the physical form will disintegrate
or "return to dust". This may provide an explanation for the physical
reality of the crashed discs, whilst still allowing that they are actually
of etheric origin. This also explains the sudden appearance and
dissappearance of the "UFO Orbs" out of nowhere.
Energyzoa may function on Multiple Energy Levels
In ascribing intelligent behaviour to the Energyzoa, it must be accepted that they have at least two
levels of functioning - i.e. (1) the body of electromagnetic energy, and (2) a psyche or intelligence of
some finer energy.
This might be called "etheric", or possibly "astral", in the Western Occult Tradition. It necessary to
clear up a misunderstanding which often occurs with regard to the term "Ether" or "Etheric". In the
Western Occult Tradition, the "Etheric" is described as the innermost of a series of "bands" around the
Earth, penetrating deep into the Planet, and reaching to a certain height in the Atmosphere. Higher
above that in the Atmosphere is the "Astral"; above that is the "Mental" - and so on, depending on
which terminology you prefer to use. At some point one of the unseen levels must be so expansive
that it is - in fact - interplanetary. (This would perhaps be the "Spiritual" or "Casual" Level.) In Trevor
J. Constable's first book, "They Live in the Sky", where the (apparently beneficent) contacting entities
describe themselves as being "from the interplanetary Etheric". Later in the same book, they are
responsible for protecting Mr Constable from attack by a lower order of unseen entities which Chris
Line would call "Etheric", using the occult terminology to refer to the unseen "band" closest to the
These "energy bands" correspond to the electromagnetic frequency range (Hz) and the spectrum of
light (Nm). Energyzoa reside in these different energy bands, occupying the invisible world.
Since Energyzoa exist on a higher or lower frequency range they seem invisible to the human eye,
becuse of its limited quantum efficiency. Quantum efficiency (QE) is, in simple terms, a percentage of
light you detect with your eye or Charge-Coupled Device (CCD). The human eye only has a QE of
about 10%, but the QE of CCDs can approach 80%. Silicon can see wavelengths in the range of
200 nm to 1200 nm. This is 2-3 times the color range of the human eye! A range from 200 to 1200
nm means that the CCD camera can see the near ultraviolet spectrum (400 to 200 nm),
the visible spectrum (380 to 750 nm), and most of the near infrared (750 to 1400 nm).
Chris Zimmerman points out that the Energyzoa (» NASA Unkowns) we see on the NASA UFO
footages is only visible because of the Silicon CCD used.
The Earth's atmosphere and different types of Energyzoa
Pursuing the idea of there being various different Planes in the unseen world, which surround the
Earth, and pursuing also the thought that they might be connected with electromagnetic energy, Chris
Lane began an investigation of the Earth's Atmosphere and it's practical structure. Putting it in a
simplified form, it seems that High Energy Radiation (Cosmic Rays, etc.), from the Sun, penetrate
right through the Earth's atmosphere and are absorbed by the Earth, to be re-emitted as Infra-red,
Radiation, producing most of the warmth that we experience. The Infra-red is kept in the lower part of
the Atmosphere by clouds and by the Ionosphere (Ozone Layer) from which it is reflected.
The Ionosphere has - as is presently well publicised - another function: this is the reflection of UltraViolet coming from the Sun and hence reducing the amount of it that reaches us. Therefore it can be
said that above the Ozone Layer there is a comparatively high level of Ultra-Violet and a low level of
Infra-red, whilst below the Ozone Layer there is a much higher amount of Infra-red, but comparatively
little Ultra-Violet. From the "occult" point of view, as given in the Western as well as the Eastern
Traditions, it may very well be that the upper limit of the so-called "Etheric Plane" is the Ozone Layer
(Ionosphere), and that above and beyond this lies the "Astral".
"Infra-red" energyzoa denizens could also dwell inside Earth! Lower-frequency Infra-red penetrates
deep into the Earth. Consequently, if a being had a body of low-frequency Infra-red, it could live deep
down inside the Earth, interpenetrating what we consider to be solid materiality. On the other side of
the spectrum "Ultra-Violet" energyzoa angels could dwell in the Sky. If we take the Islamic and
Christian description of Angels as having bodies of Light, and if we ascribe this to the lighter or finer
end of the spectrum (i.e. the Ultra-Violet), then we have an explanation for the age-old tradition that
Angels live "in the clouds", i.e., above the Ozone Layer, where Ultra-Violet prevails.
The tradition that unseen beings originate from different areas within the Etheric (i.e. Dense Etheric)
may be explained by variations in frequency of Infra-red: i.e. Dense Etheric around 1012 Hz., and
Finer Etheric nearer 1014 Hz., which would seem to imply that there should be a corresponding
frequency gradient through the lower part of the Atmosphere, the frequency rising with the height
above the Earth's surface. Chris Lane emphasizes that, whilst it is possible that electro-magnetic
energy is the medium of the Etheric, it is equally possible that electromagnetism interacts with a finer
energy which is the true Etheric medium, but that it interacts in such a way as to be like a stain or
indicator, showing the form of the unseen Etheric/Psychic energy.
There is no reason to consider the lower unseen kingdom (i.e., the Lower Etheric) to be in any way
different from the Animal Kingdom in which we ourselves live. Some of the animals here tolerate us
humans, some of them are hostile to us and some are simply benign and objective. It is probably the
same with the energyzoa.
Corresponding ideas
The German scientist Baron von Reichenbach wrote, in the last century, about what he called "the
Odic Force", visible to sensitives, and emanating from each end of a natural crystal, one end being OD
Positive (red and warm), and the other end producing OD Negative (light blue and cool). Could these
be the Infra-red and Ultra-Violet respectively?
Trevor J. Constable suggests that if one looks through a red filter at ordinary daylight for some time
and then looks at a living thing without the filter, the aura of that thing becomes visible for a short
while. This information probably originates with the British Dr Walter John Kilner, who worked during
the early part of this century on the human aura, employing magenta filters. Now, if the eye
accommodates in the same way as our other senses do, then, after looking for some time through the
red filter, it may begin to recalibrate the visual range, taking red as it were the usual light blue (of the
sky in daylight). Hence, when the filter is removed, the usual range may, for a short while, extend
down into the Infra-red.
This latter idea brings up an interesting explanation for psychics like the Anthropologist Dr Rudolf
Steiner who are able to see into the Spiritual Realm with their clairvoyant faculties. Suppose that for
reasons of exceptional physiology (or possibly only of mental programming) they are able to perceive
a greater range of frequencies than is normal, and can therefore see into the Infra-red and the UltraViolet realms?
If we do we surely to see the energyzoa surrounding us and inhabiting Space.
See: » Energyzoa NASA UFO video compilation
Read more about the detailed analyses of these UFO video footages:
Martyn Stubb's film » The Secret NASA Transmissions (2000)
David Sereda's film » Evidence the Case for NASA UFO's (2001)
Chris Zimmermann's video analyses » NASA Unkowns (2007)
1. [1] Daniel Tarr is cyberguru
2. [2] Trevor James Constable, "They live in the Sky", Los Angeles New Age Publishing Company,
3. [3] Trevor James Constable, "Sky Creatures-Living UFO's", New York Pocket Book Library,
1978. (ISBN 0671818422)
4. [4] Trevor James Constable, "The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power
Behind Ufo's", 1975.
5. [5] Martyn Stubbs: "Secret NASA Transmissions - Smoking Gun", UFO TV, 2001.
6. [6] David Sereda: "Evidence - The Case for NASA UFOs", Terra Entertainment, February 2002.
(ISBN 1893792838)
Related articles and links
UFO Video Collection
Hydrozoa Picture Gallery
The Flying Rods of Jose Escamilla
The Sky Critters of Trevor James Constable
Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs by David Sereda
Trevor James Constable's Critters (at Roswell Rods)
Trevor James Constable's 1957 Amoeboid Bioform 'Critter' (at Educate Yourself)
Ben N. Keys: All About Orbs (at Paranormal Plus)
Michael Merchant: Rainbow Rods: the evidence? (at Fortean Times)
James Neff: What The Hell Was That Thing? (at Rense)
Mary Sutherland: Ufos: Ether Ships (at Ufos over Burlington)
Chris Line: The Jinn from a Scientific Viewpoint (at Ufoinfo)
The International Space Station (ISS) surrounded by energyzoa [artist concept]
First published: 26-10-2006
Last updated: 27-07-2009