Chabot College Fall 2010 Course Outline for Physics 25 COMPUTATIONAL METHODS FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS (See also: Mathematics 25, Engineering 25) Catalog Description: 25 – Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists 3 units Methodology and techniques for solving engineering/science problems using numerical-analysis computer-application programs MATLAB and EXCEL. Technical computing and visualization using MATLAB software. Examples and applications from applied-mathematics, physical-mechanics, electrical circuits, biology, thermal systems, fluid systems, and other branches of science and engineering. Prerequisite: Mathematics 1. Strongly recommended: Computer Science 8. May not receive credit if Mathematics 25 or Physics 25 has been completed. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory. [Typical contact hours: lecture 35, laboratory 52.5] Prerequisite Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. use delta notation; explain limits and continuity; use Newton’s method; apply the definition of the derivative of a function; define velocity and acceleration in terms of mathematics; differentiate algebraic and trigonometric functions; apply the chain rule; find all maxima, minima and points of inflection on an interval; sketch the graph of a differentiable function; apply implicit differentiation to solve related rate problems; apply the Mean Value Theorem; demonstrate an understanding of the definite integral as the limit of a Riemann sum; demonstrate an understanding of the Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus; demonstrate an understanding of differentials and their applications; integrate using the substitution method; find the volume of a solid of revolution using the shell, disc, washer methods; find the volume of a solid by slicing; find the work done by a force; find the hydrostatic force on a vertical plate; find the center of mass of a plane region; approximate a definite integral using Simpson’s Rule and the Trapezoidal Rule. Expected Outcomes for Students Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. analyze engineering/science word problems to formulate a mathematical model of the problem; 2. express in MATLAB notation: scalars, vectors, matrices; 3. perform, using MATLAB or EXCEL, mathematical operations on vectors, scalars, and matrices a. addition and subtraction; Chabot College Course Outline for Physics 25, Page 2 Fall 2010 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. b. multiplication and addition; c. exponentiation; compute, using MATLAB or EXCEL, the numerical-value of standard mathematical functions a. trigonometric functions; b. exponential functions; c. square-roots and absolute values; create, store, and run MATLAB script files; import data to MATLAB for subsequent analysis from data-sources a. data-acquisition-system data-files; b. spreadsheet files; construct graphical plots for mathematical-functions in two or three dimensions; formulate a fit to given data in terms of a mathematical curve, or model, based on linear, polynomial, power, or exponential functions a. assess the goodness-of-fit for the mathematical model using regression analysis; apply MATLAB to find the numerical solution to systems of linear equations a. uniquely determined; b. underdetermined; c. overdetermined; perform using MATLAB or EXCEL statistical analysis of experimental data to determine the mean, median, standard deviation, and other measures that characterize the nature of the data ; compute, for empirical or functional data, numerical definite-integrals and discrete-point derivatives; solve numerically, using MATLAB, linear, second order, constant-coefficient, nonhomogenous ordinary differential equations; assess, symbolically, using MATLAB a. the solution to transcendental equations; b. derivatives, antiderivatives, and integrals; c. solutions to ordinary differential equations; apply, using EXCEL, linear regression analysis to xy data-sets to determine for the best-fit line the: slope, intercept, and correlation-coefficient; draw using MATLAB or EXCEL two-dimensional Cartesian (xy) line-plots with multiple data-sets (multiple lines); draw using EXCEL qualitative-comparison charts such as Bar-Charts and Column-Charts in two or three dimensions; perform, using MATLAB and EXCEL, mathematical-logic operations; plan, conceptually, computer-solutions to engineering/science problems using psuedocode and/or flow-chart methods; compose MATLAB script files that employ FOR and WHILE loops to solve engineering/science problems that require repetitive actions. Course Content (Lecture): 1. Engineering problem solving a. construct Physical Model b. construct Mathematical Model c. solve using graphic-geometrical, analytical, or numerical methods 2. Using MATLAB a. user interface and working-environment b. writing MATLAB software-code using script or function files (“.m” files) c. MATLAB Mathematical functions, including logical operations d. graphical output 3. MATLAB linear algebra using arrays and matrices a. array and Matrix mathematical operations: addition/subtraction, multiplication/division exponentiation, transpose, inversion Chabot College Course Outline for Physics 25, Page 3 Fall 2010 4. MATLAB Files and Data Structures a. importing data from ASCII and spreadsheet files b. complex number formats, rectangular and polar 5. Programming with MATLAB a. psuedocoding (written-english description of the intended program-function) b. basic flow charting c. conditional Branching using if/then/else techniques d. fixed-termination loops (FOR loops) e. dynamically-terminated conditional loops (WHILE loops) f. DeBugging MATLAB programs 6. MATLAB graphical-output and curve-fitting a. two dimensional Cartesian (XY) plots using multiple data-sets with proper scaling and labeling 1) linear-linear 2) log-linear (semilog) 3) log-log b. data-set curve fitting with regression analysis 1) linear 2) polynomial/power function 3) exponential function c. three dimensional plots: line, surface mesh, contour 7. solutions to systems of linear equations a. gaussian elimination b. matrix inversion decomposition c. cramer’s method d. underdetermined systems and the minimum-norm solution e. overdetermined systems and the least-squares solution 8. MATLAB and EXCEL statistical analysis for empirical data a. calculate standard statistical metrics: mean, median, mode, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, range b. generate random numbers c. linear interpolation 9. MATLAB numerical integration and differentiation a. trapezoidal integration b. simpson’s rule integration c. numerical differentiation 1) forward difference 2) backward difference 3) central difference 10. MATLAB solutions for ordinary differential equations a. Runge-Kutta based ODE solvers 1) stiff and nonstiff systems 2) low, medium, and variable order solvers 11. MATLAB symbolic mathematics a. mathematical-expressions and algebra b. solve algebraic and transcendental equations c. ordinary and partial differentiation d. antiderivatives and definite integrals e. solve linear and nonlinear ordinary differential equations 12. EXCEL user-interface and working-environment 13. EXCEL mathematical functions including logical operations 14. EXCEL graphical output a. bar and column charts b. line and xy plots c. three dimensional surface plots Chabot College Course Outline for Physics 25, Page 4 Fall 2010 15. EXCEL statistical analysis, and curve fitting including linear regression Course Content (Laboratory): 1. Use MATLAB’s interactive mode to compute numerical results for scalar, vector, matrix, can array operations 2. compose user-defined, special-purpose, MATLAB programs 3. plan computer-code (“m” file) solutions to engineering/science problems using a. psueodcode b. diagrams and/or tables c. flow-charts 4. design, in detail, computer-code solutions to engineering/science problems using – run, test, and check the solutions 5. import into MATLAB and EXCEL data generated by data-acquisition systems to a. analyze the data statistically b. evaluate the data using visualization tools such as plots, charts, and tables 6. compose MATLAB script-files to solve engineering/science problems that employ a. logical variables b. relational operations c. FOR and/or WHILE loops d. user-defined MATLAB functions 7. Create from experimental or theoretical data visualization objects a. XY Cartesian plots: linear, semilog, and log-log b. XYZ three-dimensional plots c. Comparison charts: bar, column, pie, area, line, radar d. Histograms 8. Numerically Determine using MATLAB the maxima, minima, and zeros of single-variable functions 9. Use MATLAB to solve numerically and symbolically systems of linear equations 10. Use MATLAB to solve numerically and symbolically ordinary differential equations 11. Use MATLAB to perform numerically and symbolically mathematical differentiation and integration 12. Use MATLAB and EXCEL to analyze empirical data using linear regression analysis 13. Use MATLAB and EXCEL to analyze empirical data using higher-order regression analysis 14. Create MATLAB SIMULINK models for time-varying systems that employ feedback loops Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Formal lectures using PowerPoint and/or WhiteBoard presentations Computer demonstrations Reading from the text Laboratory use of computers Class discussion of problems, solutions, and student’s questions Engineering/Science Problem Solving tutorials using this progression a. Use diagrams, charts, and tables to analyze the problem b. Formulation of a mathematical model for the problem c. Translate, conceptually, the math model for computer implementation using psuedocode or flow-charts d. Implement the solution using a MATLAB script-file e. Run and Check the MATLAB solution f. Output the solution in the form of a properly constructed table, chart, or graph Chabot College Course Outline for Physics 25, Page 5 Fall 2010 Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Typical Assignments b. Read chapter-2 in the text on MATLAB’s Array and Matrix handling functions c. Exercises from the text book, or those created by the instructor 1) A set of three equations defines the mesh currents in shown in Text Figure 5.5. Write at MATLAB program to compute the mesh currents using the given resistor and voltagesource values 2) The Useful life of a machine bearing depends on its operating temperature as indicated by the following data: Temperature (°F) Bearing Life (kHr) 100 28 120 21 140 15 160 11 180 8 200 6 220 4 Obtain a functional description (curve fit) for this data. Plot the function and the data on the SAME plot. Also estimate bearing life for a 150 °F operating temperature. 3) Given that i = √-1, let y = -3 + ix. For x = 0, 1, 2 use MATLAB to numerically evaluate the following expressions. Hand check your answers. (a) |y| (b) √y (c) (-5-7i)y (d) y/(6-3i) 4) Consider an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) and its analytical solution: Ordinary Differential Equation dx ax b; dt x0 c Solution xt b b c e at a a Verify the solution using two methods (a) By hand take the analytical derivative of x(t) and substitute in to the ODE. (b) Solve the ODE symbolically using MATLAB’s dsolve function 5) Given a set of deflection vs. load data for a cantilever beam use EXCEL to plot the data and calculate the slope of the best straight line through the data. 6) A DIODE is an electronic component that essentially acts as “check valve” for electrical current; i.e., the diode allows current flow in one direction, but not the other. The electrical circuit symbol, and the theoretical equation relating the diode current to the electrical potential (or pressure) in applied across the diode: Circuit Symbol + I Va V-I Relation - I 0; Va 0 I I sat e qVa nkT 1 ; Va 0 Where Va the Applied Electrical Potential in Volts (V) Chabot College Course Outline for Physics 25, Page 6 Fall 2010 I the Diode Current in Amps Isat the Diode SATURATION Current, a PRACTICAL constant, in Amps q the ELECTRONIC CHARGE, a UNIVERSAL constant = 1.6 x10-19 Coulombs k BOLTZMANN’S value, a UNIVERSAL constant = 1.3805 x10-23 J/K n the Diode IDEALITY FACTOR, a PRACTICAL constant without units T the Thermodynamic Temperature in Kelvins (K) H An instrument called a Digital MultiMeter, or DMM (which we will use in ENGR43) can be used to collect Va vs. I data. The CSV (Comma Separated Values) data file provided by the instructor contains Va 0 data for a 1N4123 silicon diode. Use these data to create a SOME TYPE of Plot to reveal the values of the practical constants: o Isat o n Based on your analysis, comment on the quality/reliability of the values for Isat and n y 7) The height, H, reached by a bubble rising through a liquid in time r may be calculated using the double integral equation1. H 0 r tA 0.375 K1vr K 2 vr5 3 K 3vr3 2 dy H g 0 0 ro dt dt A Find the rise velocity, vr, from v r t A 0 tA 3C v 2 t dvr vr (t A ) g D r dt 0 8ro Using the instructor-provided values for the constants r o, CD, and g, determine for the specified rise time the value of H. 8) Create a SimuLink model to plot the solution of the following equation for 0 < t < 10 10 y 7 sin 4t 5 cos 3t y0 4 y 0 1 2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Weekly homework assignments b. Examinations B. Mayer, C. C. Collins, M. Walton, “Transient Analysis of Carrier Gas Saturation in Liquid Source Vapor Generators”, Journal of Vacuum Science Technology A, vol. 19, no.1, pp. 329-344, Jan/Feb 2001 1 Chabot College Course Outline for Physics 25, Page 7 Fall 2010 c. Final examination Textbook(s) (Typical): Engineering Computation with MATLAB, 2/E, David M Smith, Addison-Wesley, 2010 Introduction To MATLAB 7 For Engineers, William Palm, McGraw-Hill 2005 MATLAB®, Katsuhiko Ogata, Prentice Hall, 2008 Mastering MATLAB 7, Duane C. Hanselman and Bruce L. Littlefield, Prentice Hall, 2005 MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications, 3rd Edition, Amos Gilat, John-Wiley, 2008 Engineering Computation: An Introduction Using MATLAB and Excel, Joseph Musto, William E. Howard, and Richard R. Williams, McGraw-Hill 2009 Special Student Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. Laboratory access to MATLAB and EXCEL Software Software: MATLAB and Simulink student version with the Symbolic Math Toolbox Software: Microsoft Office Student and Teacher Edition; includes EXCEL USB Computer Storage Drive Bruce Mayer, PE • C:\WorkingFiles\Bruce_Files\Chabot\Curriculum_Analysis\Curriculum_Proposal_Fa09\ENGR25_Outline0 2_090821.doc Revised 08/21/2009