Grade 3 Reading Pacing Guide Grades 3-5 Symbol Key Split: This Standard of Learning has Integrate: This skill should NOT be taught in 2008 Review: isolation. Integrate the skill into daily lessons. been split into more than one nine-week block. This skill was taught for mastery in a previous nine-week block. Continue to review this mastered skill, with heavy emphasis, in the listed nine-week block. ^ Skill is introduced at this time. First Nine Weeks Week 1 Back to School Week 2 The Lost and Found (fantasy) Week 3 The Ballad of Mulan (folktale) Lost & Found 3.4.c Apply meaning clues, language structure to make meaning from text (by using signal words of time sequence. 2.8.f-g ® Describe characters, setting, and important events (plot); Identify problem, solution, & main idea. 3.5.g Draw conclusions about character & plot. 3.5.e Identify the author’s purpose. The Ballad of Mulan 3.5.b-c Gain meaning before, during and after reading by understanding that the answer to some questions must be inferred; make connections; make, confirm, or revise predictions 2.8.f-g® Describe characters, setting, and important events (plot); Identify problem, solution, & main idea. 3.4.f Reread and self correct when necessary. Wks. 1-3 3.4.e Read for fluency and accuracy 3.3.a Use knowledge of all vowel patterns. Revised August 2007 Week 4 Week 5 The Waterfall (realistic fiction) Focus on Text Features/Data Driven Review/Assess Week 6 The Keeping Quilt (personal narrative) The Waterfall 3.4.c Apply meaning clues, language structure, and phonetic strategies to make meaning from text (using signal words of cause-effect). 3.5.a Read for a specific purpose by locating specific information in a reading selection. 3.5.b Make connections between previous experiences & reading selection 3.5e Identify the author’s purpose The Keeping Quilt 3.6.a^ Identify author’s purpose (*Practice addresses author’s viewpoint, not purpose. Would need to cover purpose) 3.6.b Make connections between previous experiences and reading selections. 3.6.c Ask & answer questions; Understand that sometimes two or more pieces of information need to be put together to answer a question 3.5.d Compare and contrast settings, character, and events (add in applied writing) 3.4.c Apply meaning clues; Use knowledge of how ideas are connected between sentences when one word is used in place of another, such as the use of a pronoun for a noun, the use of a general location word (such as here or there) for a specific location, and the use of a synonym for an earlier word (Not an HM focus) Wks. 3-6 3.4.e 3.4.d. Read for fluency and accuracy Clarify meaning. 3.4.f Reread and self correct when necessary 3.3.a Use knowledge of all vowel patterns. 3.7.a Use available technology. Week 7 Week 8 Anthony Reynoso: Data driven Born to Rope Review/Assess/ (nonfictionPacing Adjustment autobiography) Anthony Reynoso 3.6.e Organize, using graphic organizers, information by chronological sequence. 3.6.g Identify the characteristics of autobiographies and biographies. 3.5.d Compare and contrast settings, characters, and events. (Compare QUILT and Reynoso) 3.6.b Make connections between previous experiences and reading selections. 3.6.h Compare & contrast the lives of two persons as described in biographies and/or autobiographies. 3.6.a Identify the author’s purpose. 3.3.c Decode multisyllabic words. Week 9 Pacing Adjustment & Benchmark Assessment Grade 3 Reading Pacing Guide Grades 3-5 Symbol Key 2008 Split: This Standard of Learning has been split into more than one nine-week block. Integrate: This skill should NOT be taught in isolation. Integrate the skill into daily lessons. Review: This skill was taught for mastery in a previous nine-week block. Continue to review this mastered skill, with heavy emphasis, in the listed nine-week block. ^ Skill is introduced at this time. Second Nine Weeks Week 1 The Talking Cloth (realistic fiction) Week 2 Dancing Rainbows (nonfiction) Week 3 Dogzilla (fantasy) TheTalking Cloth 3.5.g Draw conclusions about character & plot; Support with specific detail generalizations about characters from a selection 3.5.h Organize information and events logically. 3.5.a Set a purpose for reading; Identify details that support a stated main idea. 3.5.i Summarize major points in fiction material; Express a stated main idea in own words (add, use thinking map) 3.5.g Draw conclusions about character and plot; Identify character’s attributes 3.5.b Make connections between previous experiences and reading selections. 3.5.d Compare and contrast settings, characters, & events 3.5.g Draw conclusions about character and plot. Dancing Rainbows 2.7a Preview selection using pictures, diagrams, titles, & headings 3.6.f Summarize major points found in nonfiction materials; State main idea. 3.6.c Ask & answer questions about what is read; Identify details that support the main idea of a nonfiction selection; Gain meaning before, during and after reading by understanding that some questions are answered directly in a nonfiction text. 3.6.b Make connections between previous experiences and reading selections. 3.6.c Ask & answer questions about what is read; Gain meaning by understanding that sometimes 2 or more pieces of information need to be put together to answer a question. 3.6.d Draw conclusions. Dogzilla 2.8.f-g Describe characters, setting, and important events; Identify the problem solution, and main idea; Add story elements: character, setting problem/solution (plot) 3.4.c ^ Apply meaning clues, language structure; Using conventions of dialogue, such as quotations marks to indicate words spoken, indentation to show that the speaker has changed, and signal words like “he said” and “she exclaimed” (no practice) (Fantasy/Realism practice in anthology) 3.4.e Read for fluency and accuracy 3.7.a Use references: dictionary, glossary, thesaurus Revised August 2007 Week 4 Focus on Trickster Tales Data Driven Review/Assess Week 5 The Mysterious Giant of Barletta (folktale) Week 6 Focus on Fairy Tales Trickster Tales 3.5.j Understand the basic plot of a folktale. 3.5.i Summarize major points in a fiction selection. 3.3 a, c Use knowledge of all vowel patterns and decode multisyllabic words. 3.4.a , 3.5.d-e , 3.4.c-d , 3.5.i , 3.5.j , 3.4.f The Mysterious Giant of Barletta 3.4.c Apply meaning clues, text structure, & phonetic strategies; identify sequence and causeeffect relationships of information in functional texts, such as sets of directions. 2.8.f-g Describe characters, setting, and important events; Identify problem, solution and main idea (plot). 3.5.f Answer questions; Understand that some questions are answered directly in the text. 3.5.j Understand the basic plots of folktales 3.5.d Compare & contrast characters, setting, & events; Identify a character’s attributes 3.5.d Compare & contrast characters, settings, & events; Identify the time and place of a story, using supporting details from the text (no practice in HM) Focus on Fairy Tales 3.5.j Understand the basic plot of a folktale (fairy tale) 3.5.d Apply knowledge of characterization by comparing & contrasting characters. 3.5.b Make connections with the text, such as connections between the text they are reading and other texts they have read, such as identifying a similar plot or character 3.5.d Compare two characters within a selection or between/among two or more selections (use thinking map) (Use leveled readers for groups. All are versions of Cinderella. Use Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters from Theme paperbacks to model plot.) 3.5.4.a 3.5.7 Clarify Meaning Write responses beyond literal restatements Week 7 Week 8 Garden of Abdul Gasazi (fantasy) Data Driven Review/Assess/Pacin g Adjustment Garden of Abdul Gasazi 3.5.d Compare & contrast settings, characters, & events. 3.5.j Understand basic plots of fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, & fables. 3.5.h Organize information or events logically. 3.5.i Summarize major points in a selection. 2.8.f-g Describe characters, setting, and important events; Identify problem, solution, & main idea (plot). 3.4.c Apply meaning clues and language structure; Recognize the use conventions of dialogue (such as quotation marks) to indicate spoken words, indentation to show that the speaker has changed, and signal words like “he said” and “she exclaimed.” (Note that the practice provided in HM is in the writing skill; SOL is for reading.) 3.3.b ^ Use knowledge of homophones. Week 9 Pacing Adjustment & Benchmark Assessment Grade 3 Reading Pacing Guide Grades 3-5 Symbol Key 2008 Split: This Standard of Learning has Integrate: This skill should NOT be taught in Review: isolation. Integrate the skill into daily lessons. been split into more than one nine-week block. This skill was taught for mastery in a previous nine-week block. Continue to review this mastered skill, with heavy emphasis, in the listed nine-week block. ^ Skill is introduced at this time. Third Nine Weeks Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Nights of the Pufflings Fables Two Days in May (nonfiction) Nights of the Pufflings 3.4.a, b Use text ormats to preview and set a purpose for reading. 2.7a Preview selection using pictures, diagrams, title, & headings. Fact/opinion 3.6.c Ask & answer questions about what is read; Understand that some questions are answered directly in the text. 3.6.f Summarize major points. (Supplement HM) 3.4.d Use context to clarify meaning. 3.6.c Ask & answer questions about what is read; Gain meaning by combining information to answer a question. 3.6.d Draw conclusions. Fables 3.5.c Make, confirm, revise predictions; Use knowledge of literary forms. 3.5.j Understand basic plots of fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, & fables. Two Days In May 3.5.g Draw conclusions about character; Make generalizations about a character based on that character’s responses to a problem, the character’s goal, and what the character says to other characters. 3.4.c Apply understanding of language structure; Make meaning from text by using signal words of time sequence. Revised August 2007 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Focus on Across the Wide Yunmi and Biographies/Data Dark Sea (historical Halmoni’s Trip Driven Review/Assess fiction) (realistic fiction) Biographies 3.4.e Read fiction and nonfiction fluently & accurately. 3.4.a Preview & use text format; Use knowledge of literary forms. 3.6.e Organize information & events logically; Use graphic organizers such as a Venn Diagram or time line. 3.6.h Compare and contrast the lives of two persons described in biographies &/or autobiographies Across the Wide Dark Sea 3.5.b Make connections between previous experience & reading selection. 3.5.d Compare & contrast settings, characters, & events. Yunmi and Halmoni’s Trip 3.5.c Make, confirm, or revise predictions; Use specific text details to support. 3.5.f Ask & answer questions to gain meaning and to predict what will happen next. 3.4.a Preview & use text formats; Make predictions based on knowledge of text types, such as narrative. 3.5.d Compare & contrast settings, characters, & events; Identify a character’s attributes (traits). 3.5.g Draw conclusions about the character & plot. 3.4.e Read for fluency and accuracy 3.4.d Clarify meaning 3.5.i Write responses beyond literal restatements Week 7 Week 8 Trapped By the Ice! (narrative Data Driven Review nonfiction) Trapped By the Ice! 3.4.a Preview & use text formats. 3.4.b Set a purpose for reading. 3.6.a Identify the author’s purpose. 3.4.d Use context clues to clarify the meaning of unfamiliar words (ex. restatement, renaming, synonym, example, a direct description, or definition within the text). 3.6.b Make connections between previous experiences & reading selections. 3.4.d Use context to clarify meaning. 3.6.c Ask & answer questions about what is read; Gain meaning by combining two or more pieces of information to answer a question. 3.6.d Draw conclusions. 3.3 a-c Use knowledge of all vowel patterns & homophones; Decode regular multisyllabic words. 3.7.a Use references: encyclopedia Week 9 Pacing Adjustment & Benchmark Assessment Grade 3 Reading Pacing Guide Grades 3-5 Symbol Key 2008 Split: This Standard of Learning has Integrate: This skill should NOT be taught in Review: isolation. Integrate the skill into daily lessons. been split into more than one nine-week block. This skill was taught for mastery in a previous nine-week block. Continue to review this mastered skill, with heavy emphasis, in the listed nine-week block. ^ Skill is introduced at this time. Fourth Nine Weeks Week 1 3.4.a Preview & use text formats. (Poetry features, such as stanzas & lines) 3.4.a-d Preview & use text formats to make meaning from text; Set a purpose fore reading, apply meaning clues, language structure, & phonetic strategies; Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words. 2.7a Preview selection using pictures, diagrams, titles, & headings. 2.8.f-g Describe characters, setting, and important events in fiction & poetry; Identify problem, solution, and main idea. Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 3.7.a Use reference materials: dictionary, glossary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, reference books. 3.5.e Identify author’s purpose in fiction. 3.6.a Identify author’s purpose in nonfiction. 3.4.a-b Preview & use text formats; Set purpose for reading 3.5.a Set purpose for reading (fiction). 3.5.c-d Make, confirm, or revise predictions; Compare & contrast characters, settings, and events (fiction). Week 6 Week 7 Pepita Talks Twice (realistic fiction) Poppa’s New Pants (realistic fiction) Pepita Talks Twice 2.8g Identify the problem, solutions, and main idea. Poppa’s New Pants 3.5.g Draw conclusions about a character and/or the plot Ramona Quimby, Age 8 3.4e Read fiction and nonfiction fluently and accurately. 3.4f Reread and self-correct when necessary. 3.5.g Draw conclusions about a character and/or the plot. 3.5i Summarize major points found in fiction materials. SOL Review (Data Driven Remediation) SOL Testing 3.5.f-g Ask & answer questions (fiction); Draw conclusions about characters & plot (fiction). 3.6.c-g Ask & answer questions about what is read (nonfiction); Draw conclusions (nonfiction); Organize information & events logically (nonfiction); Summarize major points in nonfiction materials (nonfiction); Identify characteristics of biographies & autobiographies (nonfiction). 3.4.5 Read for fluency and accuracy Revised August 2007 Week 8 Ramona Quimby, Age 8 (realistic fiction) Week 9