Climate Leadership Initiative Institute for a Sustainable Environment University of Oregon Calculate your household's global warming impact This worksheet provides a rough estimate of your household emissions of carbon dioxide for residents in the Eugene area (EWEB customers). For each category below follow the instructions then add your totals to find your total household emissions. Some categories (heating oil, for example) do not apply to all households, and this does not include emissions from yard, waste, food and other consumption. Total Your Household Pounds Instructions Multiply By Emissions Carbon Dioxide Electricity Average monthly electric bill in dollars. For wind or greenpower put zero. Natural gas Indicate your average monthly natural gas bill in dollars. Heating oil Estimate your average annual heating oil use in dollars. X 1.4 lbs CO2 EWEB average is $72.00 (not including $6.50 surcharge) X Estimate the number of total miles driven in your household per year. Air travel Estimate the total number of miles flown by members of your household per year. 9 NW Natural average is $77 (not including surcharge) lbs CO2 per dollar X lbs CO2 per dollar US average is $130 Vehicles per dollar X (US average is 12,000 miles per vehicle) X (US average is approximately 2,000 miles per year) TOTAL 9.5 1 lb CO2 per mile* 1 lb CO2 per mile = = = = = = * Assuming US average vehicle efficiency of 20 miles per gallon. Cut the number in half for average fuel efficiency of 40 mpg, or by 75% if your vehicles run on 99% biodiesel. For more information about the Climate Leadership Initiative check our website at To sign up for a household Greenhouse Gas Emissions Consultations contact us at or call us at 541-346-0786. Climate Leadership Initiative Institute for a Sustainable Environment University of Oregon 5247 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403 541-346-0786 Personal Action Plan Name: klkj Phone: You can make a difference in reducing your personal greenhouse gas emissions! To reduce my personal emissions I will: 1. 2. 3. Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________ 2