PROPOSED TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD (TMDL) For Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Dissolved Oxygen, Nutrients and Unionized Ammonia In the Lake Okeechobee Tributaries Osceola, Polk, Okeechobee, Highlands, Glade, Hendry, Palm Beach, Martin, and St. Lucie Counties, Florida Prepared by: US EPA Region 4 61 Forsyth Street SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 September 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Purpose of Report ............................................................................................................. 6 1.2 Previous Studies in the Lake Okeechobee Watershed ..................................................... 6 1.3 Identification of Impaired Waterbodies............................................................................ 9 1.3.1 Lake Okeechobee Basin ................................................................................................ 9 1.3.2 Kissimmee River Basin ............................................................................................... 15 1.3.3 Fisheating Creek Basin .............................................................................................. 17 1.3.4 Caloosahatchee River Basin ....................................................................................... 21 1.3.5 L-8 Basin..................................................................................................................... 21 1.3.6 Everglades Agricultural Area ..................................................................................... 22 2 STATEMENT OF WATER QUALITY PROBLEM ................................................... 24 3 WATER QUALITY STANDARDS ............................................................................... 25 3.1 Nutrient Criterion ........................................................................................................... 25 3.2 Dissolved Oxygen Criterion ........................................................................................... 25 3.3 Biochemical Oxygen Demand Criterion ........................................................................ 26 3.4 Unionized Ammonia Criterion ....................................................................................... 26 4 TARGET IDENTIFICATION ....................................................................................... 26 4.1 Basis and Rationale For Nutrient Targets ...................................................................... 27 4.2 Nutrient Target Development ......................................................................................... 31 4.2.1 Approach #1: Reference condition value from reference streams dataset (FDEP) ... 31 4.2.2 Approach #2: Reference condition value from an all streams dataset (EPA Region 4)32 4.2.3 Approach #3: A modeling approach removing land disturbance (EPA Region 4) .... 33 4.3 Nutrient Target Application ........................................................................................... 34 4.4 DO and BOD Target....................................................................................................... 36 i 4.5 Unionized Ammonia Target ........................................................................................... 36 5 WATER QUALITY RESULTS ..................................................................................... 38 6 SOURCE ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................... 46 6.1 Background Loads .......................................................................................................... 46 6.2 Permitted Point Sources ................................................................................................. 46 6.2.1 Inventory of Point Sources ......................................................................................... 46 6.2.2 Estimating Point Source Loads .................................................................................. 47 6.2.3 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permittees ................................................. 48 6.3 6.3.1 Agriculture .................................................................................................................. 50 6.3.2 Sediment...................................................................................................................... 51 6.3.3 Septic Systems ............................................................................................................. 52 6.3.4 Stormwater Runoff ...................................................................................................... 52 7 DEVELOPMENT OF THE TMDL ............................................................................... 53 7.1 Nutrient TMDL .............................................................................................................. 53 7.2 Unionized Ammonia TMDL .......................................................................................... 59 7.3 BOD TMDL ................................................................................................................... 59 8 9 Nonpoint Sources ........................................................................................................... 50 TMDL ALLOCATION ................................................................................................... 59 8.1 Allocation ....................................................................................................................... 60 8.2 Load Allocation .............................................................................................................. 67 8.3 Wasteload Allocations.................................................................................................... 67 8.4 Margin of Safety............................................................................................................. 67 8.5 Seasonal Variability ....................................................................................................... 68 TMDL IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................................ 68 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 69 APPENDIX A: Water Quality Plots......................................................................................... 72 ii Appendix B: Flow Records from DBHYDRO for WBIDs 3238 and 3238E ........................ 76 Appendix C: Derivation of WLA for Clewiston STP (FL0040665) ..................................... 77 Appendix D: Calculation of Limiting Nutrient ...................................................................... 81 Appendix F: Modeling Results of Natural Landuse Conditions ........................................... 91 Appendix G. Rationale for Controlling Nitrogen in Impaired WBIDs ................................ 93 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Planning Unit and Basin Group of Impaired WBIDs ...................................................... 2 Table 2. Comparison of SWIM Basins and Impaired WBIDs ....................................................... 7 Table 3. Summary of Total Phosphorus Loads Discharging into Lake Okeechobee ................... 10 Table 4. Summary of Land Cover in Impaired WBIDs ............................................................... 18 Table 5. Existing Limiting Condition in Impaired WBIDs (based on TP and TN data) ............. 30 Table 6. Summary of Nutrient and Unionized Ammonia Data for Impaired WBIDs ................. 39 Table 7. Summary of DO and BOD Data in WBIDs Impaired For DO ...................................... 41 Table 8. Permitted Wastewater Facilities Discharging in Impaired WBIDs ................................ 47 Table 9. Proposed Permit Limits for Clewiston WWTP (FL0040665) ....................................... 48 Table 10. MS4 Permittees in the Drainage Basins of Impaired WBIDs ...................................... 50 Table 11. Area and Inflows for Impaired WBIDs and LOPP Basins (Baseline Conditions) ....... 54 Table 12. Summary of Existing Conditions for Total Nitrogen .................................................. 57 Table 13. TMDL Components for Total Phosphorus ................................................................... 60 Table 14. TMDL Components for Total Nitrogen ....................................................................... 63 Table 15. TMDL Components for Unionized Ammonia............................................................. 65 Table 16. TMDL Components for BOD ...................................................................................... 66 Table 17. TP Allocations for LOPP Basins Expressed as Daily Loads ....................................... 66 iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Location of Horseshoe Creek (WBID 1436) in the Upper Kissimmee River Basin ...... 4 Figure 2. Location of Impaired WBIDs Below Lake Kissimmee .................................................. 5 Figure 3. Control Structures and Sampling Stations in Lake Okeechobee .................................. 13 Figure 4. Taylor Creek and Nubbin Slough Basins ..................................................................... 15 Figure 5. Location of WBIDs and Monitoring Stations Used to Calculate a Nutrient Target per Section 4.2.2.......................................................................................................................... 37 Figure 6. Distribution of Average TP Concentrations ................................................................. 43 Figure 7. Distribution of Average TN Concentrations................................................................. 44 Figure 8. DO Distribution in the Area Surrounding Lake Okeechobee ....................................... 45 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BMP BOD CFS Best Management Practices Biochemical Oxygen Demand Cubic Feet per Second DMR DO F.A.C. GIS HUC LA LOPP MGD MOS MS4 Discharge Monitoring Report Dissolved Oxygen Florida Administrative Code Geographic Information System Hydrologic Unit Code Load Allocation Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan Million Gallons per Day Margin of Safety Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems Mton NLCD NPDES SOD TN TP WBID WLA WWTP Metric Ton National Land Cover Data National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Sediment Oxygen Demand Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus Water Body Identification Waste Load Allocation Wastewater Treatment Plant iv SUMMARY SHEET 1. Florida 1998 303(d) Listed Waterbody Information WBID Segment Name Classification Constituent County HUC 3186B Kissimmee River 3F DO, BOD Osceola 03090101 3186C Blanket Bay Slough 3F Nutrients, DO Osceola 03090101 3186D Eight Mile Slough 3F DO Polk 03090101 3F Nutrients, DO Okeechobee 03090101 3188A Chandler Slough 3F Nutrients, DO Okeechobee 03090101 3192C Oak Creek 3F Nutrients, DO Okeechobee 03090101 Nutrients, DO Okeechobee 3188 3199B Farm Area Chandler Hammock Slough 3F 03090102 3203A Nubbin Slough 3F Nutrients, DO Okeechobee 03090102 3203B Mosquito Creek 3F Nutrients, DO Okeechobee 03090102 3204 Harney Pond Canal 3F Nutrients, DO Highlands/Glade 03090103 3205 Taylor Creek 3F Nutrients, DO Okeechobee 03090101 3F Nutrients, DO Okeechobee 03090101 3205D Otter Creek 3206 Indian Prairie Canal 3F Nutrients, DO Highlands/Glade 03090103 3209 Kissimmee River 3F Nutrients, DO Glades 03090101 3213A Lettuce Creek 3F Nutrients, DO 3213B Henry Creek 3F Nutrients, DO Okeechobee 03090102 3213C S-135 3F Nutrients, DO Martin 03090102 3213D Myrtle Slough 3F Nutrients, DO Martin 03090102 Okeechobee/Martin 03090102 3233 L-8 3F Nutrients, DO Palm Beach 03090202 3238 W. Palm Beach Canal 3F Nutrients, DO Palm Beach 03090202 M Canal 3F Nutrients, DO Palm Beach 03090202 3238E v 3F Nutrients, DO, Unionized Ammonia Palm Beach East Caloosahatchee 3F Nutrients, DO Hendry 3247 715 Farms 3F Nutrients, DO, Unionized Ammonia Palm Beach 3248 N. New River Canal 3F Nutrients, DO Palm Beach 03090202 3F Nutrients, DO Palm Beach 03090202 Nutrients Palm Beach/Hendry 03090202 3244 East Beach 3246 3248A Hillsboro Canal 3F 03090202 03090202 03090202 3250 S-236 3251 S-3 3F Nutrients, DO Palm Beach 03090202 3253 South Bay 3F Nutrients, DO Palm Beach 03090202 1436 Horseshoe Creek 3F Nutrients, DO Polk 03090101 2. Water Quality Standards: BOD (62-302.530(12)): Levels shall not be increased to exceed values which would cause dissolved oxygen to be depressed below the limit established for each class and, in no case shall it be great enough to produce nuisance conditions. DO (62-302.530(31)): Dissolved oxygen shall not be less than 5.0 mg/l. Normal daily and seasonal fluctuations above these levels shall be maintained. The water quality standard for DO also considers the definition of natural background and the directive not to abate natural conditions (62-302.200(15) FAC and 62-302.300(15) FAC). Nutrients (62-302.530(48)(a)): The discharge of nutrients shall continue to be limited as needed to prevent violations of other standards contained in this chapter. Man induced nutrient enrichment (total nitrogen and total phosphorus) shall be considered degradation in relation to the provisions of Section 62-302.300, 62-302.700, and 62-4.242, FAC. 62-302.530(48)(b) In no case shall nutrient concentrations of a body of water be altered so as to cause an imbalance in natural populations of aquatic flora or fauna. Unionized Ammonia (62-302.530(3)): Ammonia (unionized) levels shall be less than or equal to 0.02mg/l. 3. TMDL Approach Nutrients: The TMDLs target both Total Phosphorus (TP) and Total Nitrogen (TN) based on three approaches as described in Section 4 of this report. Results of the three approaches indicate an appropriate TP target range between 70 and 90 ppb and a TN target between 1.04 and 1.3 mg/l. The averages of these values were selected as the vi target TP and TN concentrations and are equal to 77 ppb and 1.2 mg/l, respectively. The TMDL targets were developed to support the State of Florida’s narrative water quality standard for nutrients by not causing an imbalance in natural populations of aquatic flora and fauna and also to not produce or contribute to conditions that violate the State’s standard for dissolved oxygen. Control of both nutrients, N and P, in upstream waters provides additional assurance that excess productivity will remain in control, and avoids pollutant caused depressions of dissolved oxygen. The TMDL will ensure protection for aquatic life both in the tributary WBIDs, as well as not contribute to water quality impairments in the downstream waters of Lake Okeechobee and its subsequent drainage to the coastal estuaries of the St. Lucie and the Caloosahatchee. Dissolved Oxygen: TMDLs for dissolved oxygen are addressed through controlling nutrients. When BOD data are available and a correlation can be determined between DO and BOD, the TMDL targets BOD. Many of the impaired waterbodies have been channelized or are canals and it may be difficult to consistently meet the statewide DO standards even after controlling pollutant concentrations. In such circumstances calculating allocations would be targeted to achieve the natural background loading and natural instream pollutant concentrations in the waterbody. Any allowance of increased loadings beyond natural background would likely cause other than natural dissolved oxygen levels, which would not be a proper application of the Florida definition. Because the standard prevents abatement of natural conditions, the TMDL can provide an allocation, where necessary, that results in natural conditions. A site specific criterion needs to be established to target a condition other than natural concentrations of pollutants. BOD: A regression analysis correlating BOD to DO was developed to determine the BOD concentration necessary to maintain DO levels above the water quality standard (see the DO discussion above). Unionized Ammonia: The TMDL for unionized ammonia is based on the numerical criteria (0.02 mg/l) and an estimate of flow. Existing conditions are based on the 95th percentile concentration measured in the WBID. 4. TMDL Allocation for Total Phosphorus in WBIDs: Lake Basin/WBIDs WLA LA (ppb) MOS TMDL Lake Load (Mton/yr) S-65A ,B, C, D, E % Reduction WBID Conc. (ppb) 19.25 Lake WBID 76% 3188 0 77 Implicit 77 84% 3188A 0 77 Implicit 77 58% 3186B 0 77 Implicit 77 4% 3186C 0 77 Implicit 77 80% vii Lake Basin/WBIDs WLA LA (ppb) MOS TMDL Lake Load (Mton/yr) % Reduction WBID Conc. (ppb) Lake WBID 3186D 0 77 Implicit 77 6% 3192C 0 77 Implicit 77 72% Taylor Creek / Nubbin Slough (S-191) 19.01 76% 3205 0 77 Implicit 77 84% 3205D 0 77 Implicit 77 88% 3203A 0 77 Implicit 77 84% 3203B 0 77 Implicit 77 92% 3213A 0 77 Implicit 77 82% 3213B 0 77 Implicit 77 83% 3213D 0 77 Implicit 77 93% 0.41 715 Farms 3247 0 77 Implicit C-40 Basin (S-72) 77 2.32 3206 0 77 Implicit C-41 Basin (S-71) 0 77 77 Implicit East Beach DD (Culv 10) 77 77 Implicit L59-E 0 77 77 Implicit S-135 Basin 3213C 77 77 Implicit S-154 Basin 28% 76% 77 5.72 viii 72% 76% 0.82 0 49% 76% 0.36 3209 58% 76% 2.12 72% Reduction 24% 76% 6.17 3204 3244 75% 29% 76% Lake Basin/WBIDs WLA LA (ppb) MOS TMDL Lake Load (Mton/yr) 3199B 0 77 Implicit S-2 Basin % Reduction WBID Conc. (ppb) Lake 77 1.98 WBID 95% 76% 3248 43% Reduction 77 Implicit 77 43% 3248A 31% Reduction 77 Implicit 77 31% S-3 Basin 3251 0.56 0 77 Implicit S-4 Basin 3246 0.15 (Mton/yr) 77 Implicit 0 77 10% Reduction 1.07 76% 77 77 21% 76% 10% 1.89 0 33% Implicit L-8 (Culv 10A) 3233 76% 0.26 77 8% 77 Implicit South Shore / South Bay DD (Culv 4A) 3253 77 1.67 South FL Conservancy DD (S-236) & Industrial Canal 3250 76% Implicit S-5A Basin 76% 77 0 43% N/A 3238 59% Reduction 77 Implicit 77 59% 3238E 0 77 Implicit 77 25% S-65 (Lake Kissimmee) 1436 16.96 0% Reduction 77 Implicit 76% 77 0% Note: A daily TP concentration of 77 ppb should be achieved based on an annual average of the measured days recognizing natural variability; the WLA for WBID 3246 is equivalent to 0.96 lb/day. ix 5. TP Allocations for Lake Okeechobee Basins Expressed as Daily Loads: Basin WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) TMDL (lb/day) S-65A, B, C, D, E 0 116.19 116.19 Taylor Creek / Nubbin Slough (S-191) 0 114.74 114.74 715 Farms 0 2.47 2.47 C-40 Basin (S-72) 0 14 14 C-41 Basin (S-71) 0 37.24 37.24 77% Reduction 12.8 12.8 L59-E 0 2.17 2.17 S-135 Basin 0 4.95 4.95 S-154 Basin 0 34.50 34.50 S-2 Basin 76% Reduction 11.95 11.95 S-3 Basin 0 3.38 3.38 S-4 Basin 0.96 9.11 10.07 South FL Conservancy DD (S-236) & Industrial Canal 0 2.05 2359 South Shore/ South Bay DD (Culv 4A) 76% Reduction 1.57 1.57 L-8 (Culv 10A) 0 11.41 11.41 S-5A Basin 0 0 0 S-65 0 102.37 102.37 East Beach DD (Culv 10) lb/day = Mton/yr * yr/365.25 day * 2204.623 lb/Mton. Note: Achievement of the annual load would imply achievement of the daily load averaged through the year; therefore, implementation should target the annual load. 6. TMDL Allocation for Total Nitrogen: x WBID WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) MOS TMDL (lb/day) % Reduction 3188 0 600.09 Implicit 600.09 32% 3188A 0 65.08 Implicit 65.08 15% 3186B 0 412.44 Implicit 412.44 8% 3186C 0 98.73 Implicit 98.73 35% 3186D 0 149.39 Implicit 149.39 0% 3192C 0 62.98 Implicit 62.98 39% 3205 0 400.12 Implicit 400.12 34% 3205D 0 74.48 Implicit 74.48 43% 3203A 0 115.64 Implicit 115.64 25% 3203B 0 50.72 Implicit 50.72 54% 3213A 0 23.65 Implicit 23.65 35% 3213B 0 120.90 Implicit 120.90 42% 3213D 0 123.41 Implicit 123.41 54% 3247 0 107.61 Implicit 107.61 66% 3206 0 145.32 Implicit 145.32 31% 3204 0 444.90 Implicit 444.90 39% 3244 70% Reduction 105.56 Implicit 105.56 70% 3209 0 57.13 Implicit 57.13 27% 3213C 0 170.44 Implicit 170.44 29% 3199B 0 115.19 Implicit 115.19 60% 3248 69% Reduction 172.84 Implicit 172.84 69% 3248A 44% Reduction 106.52 Implicit 106.52 44% 3251 0 87.50 Implicit 87.50 43% xi WBID WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) MOS TMDL (lb/day) % Reduction 3246 15.02 lb/day 251.89 Implicit 266.91 48% 3250 0 92.42 Implicit 92.42 67% 3253 62% Reduction 72.82 Implicit 72.82 62% 3233 0 467.39 Implicit 467.39 44% 3238 53% Reduction 1397.25 Implicit 1397.25 49% 3238E 0 3074.29 Implicit 3074.29 60% 1436 30% Reduction 240.37 Implicit 240.37 30% Note: The expressed daily TN load should be achieved based on an annual average of the measured days recognizing natural variability. 6. TMDL Allocation for Unionized Ammonia: WBID TMDL (lb/day) WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) Percent Reduction 3244 1.76 0 1.76 60% 3247 1.79 0 1.79 29% 7. TMDL Allocation for BOD: WBID TMDL (lb/day) WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) Percent Reduction 3186B 811.13 0 811.13 38% 3246 433.90 25.03 408.87 48% 8. Endangered Species (yes or blank): Yes 9. EPA Lead on TMDL (EPA or blank): EPA 10. TMDL Considers Point Source, Nonpoint Source, or both: Both 11. Major NPDES Discharges to surface waters: xii Annual Average Permit Limits based on WLA Name of Facility Impacted WBID City of Clewiston WWTP 3246 (FL0040665) Permitted Flow (MGD) BOD (mg/l) TN (mg/l) TP (mg/l) 1.5 2 1.2 0.077 Note: A Site Specific Alternative Criterion for DO may be necessary to adjust the permit limits. WLA is designed to meet the natural background concentrations. Annual Average Loads corresponding to permit limits shown above are: BOD: 25.05 lb/day; TN: 15.03 lb/day; and TP: 0.964 lb/day. MS4 Allocations: MS4 City of Pahokee/ Palm Beach County City of Belle Glades/Palm Beach County City of South Beach/ Palm Beach County City of Davenport/Polk County Impacted WBID NPDES ID 3244, 3238 FLS000018 3248A FLS000018 3248, 3253 FLS000018 1436 FLS000015 % Reduction in Nutrient Load TP: 74% TN: 72% TP: 30% TN: 44% TP: 41% TN: 69% TP: 0% TN: 29% Note: When an MS4 covers more than one WBID, the largest percent reduction calculated for an impaired WBID is assigned to the MS4. The MS4 is responsible for controlling pollutant loads from the urban areas within its jurisdiction. xiii Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load 1 US EPA Region 4 INTRODUCTION Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires each state to list those waters within its boundaries for which technology based effluent limitations are not stringent enough to protect any water quality standard applicable to such waters. Listed waters are prioritized with respect to designated use classifications and the severity of pollution. In accordance with this prioritization, states are required to develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for those water bodies that are not meeting water quality standards. The TMDL process establishes the allowable loadings of pollutants or other quantifiable parameters for a waterbody based on the relationship between pollution sources and instream water quality conditions, so that states can establish water quality based controls to reduce pollution from both point and non-point sources and restore and maintain the quality of their water resources (USEPA, 1991). The TMDLs described in this report are being proposed pursuant to EPA commitments in the 1998 Consent Decree in the Florida TMDL lawsuit (Florida Wildlife Federation, et al. v. Carol Browner, et al., Civil Action No. 4: 98CV356-WS, 1998). Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) developed a statewide, watershed-based approach to water resource management. Under the watershed management approach, water resources are managed on the basis of natural boundaries, such as river basins, rather than political boundaries. The state’s 52 basins are divided into 5 groups. Water quality is assessed in each group on a rotating five-year cycle. The Lake Okeechobee Watershed includes the Lake Okeechobee Basin located in group 1, the Caloosahatchee and Lake Worth Lagoon-West Palm Beach Coast Basins located in group 3, the Fisheating Creek Basin and the Kissimmee Basin located in group 4 and the Everglades Basin located in group 5. FDEP established five water management districts (WMD) responsible for managing ground and surface water supplies in the counties encompassing the districts. The Lake Okeechobee Watershed Tributaries addressed in this TMDL report are managed through the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). For the purpose of planning and management, the WMDs divided the district into planning units defined as either an individual primary tributary basin or a group of adjacent primary tributary basins with similar characteristics. These planning units contain smaller, hydrological based units called drainage basins, which are further divided into “water segments”; each assigned a unique Waterbody IDentification (WBID) number. A water segment usually contains only one unique waterbody type (stream, lake, cannel, etc.). EPA is proposing TMDLs for many of the impaired WBIDs in the Lake Okeechobee watershed in advance of the Consent Decree schedule. The purpose for deviating from the Consent Decree schedule is to encourage implementation of the TMDLs through a watershed approach. The planning unit and Basin group of the impaired WBIDs discussed in this report are identified in Table 1. All segments are classified as freshwater streams. The locations of impaired WBIDs in the Upper Kissimmee River basin are shown in Figure 1. Impaired WBIDs located below Lake Kissimmee are shown in Figure 2. 1 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Table 1. Planning Unit and Basin Group of Impaired WBIDs WBID Segment Name Planning Unit Basin Group 3186B Kissimmee River Lower Kissimmee 4 3186C Blanket Bay Slough Lower Kissimmee 4 3186D Eight Mile Slough Lower Kissimmee 4 Lower Kissimmee 4 3188A Chandler Slough Lower Kissimmee 4 3192C Oak Creek Lower Kissimmee 4 CTP Complex 1 3203A Nubbin Slough NHLMS Complex 1 3203B Mosquito Creek NHLMS Complex 1 3188 3199B Farm Area Chandler Hammock Slough 3204 Harney Pond Canal Northwest Lake Okeechobee 4 3205 Taylor Creek TOL63 Complex 1 TOL63 Complex 1 3205D Otter Creek 3206 Indian Prairie Canal Northwest Lake Okeechobee 4 3209 Kissimmee River Lower Kissimmee 4 3213A Lettuce Creek NHLMS Complex 1 3213B Henry Creek NHLMS Complex 1 3213C S-135 NHLMS Complex 1 3213D Myrtle Slough NHLMS Complex 1 L-8 3 3233 L-8 2 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load 3238 US EPA Region 4 W. Palm Beach Canal Everglades Agricultural Area 5 M Canal Everglades Agricultural Area 5 3244 East Beach Everglades Agricultural Area 5 3246 East Caloosahatchee East Caloosahatchee 3 3247 715 Farms Everglades Agricultural Area 5 3248 N. New River Canal Everglades Agricultural Area 5 Everglades Agricultural Area 5 3238E 3248A Hillsboro Canal 3250 S-236 Everglades Agricultural Area 5 3251 S-3 Everglades Agricultural Area 5 Everglades Agricultural Area 5 3252A Knights Farm Field 1 3253 South Bay Everglades Agricultural Area 5 1436 Horseshoe Creek Upper Kissimmee 4 3 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 N W E S Citrus Ridge W BID 1436 Re ed yC re e k Lake Rus sell # # # # ## ## # Osceola County # # ### Lake Cypress Davenport Polk County Lake Hatc hineha Lake K issimmee Ho rsesho e Creek Mon itoring Station s WBID 1436 Rivers and Lakes LAK E/P OND RES ERVOIR SEA/O CEAN STR EAM/RIVER CANAL/D ITC H SWA MP/MAR SH Co un ty Bo un dary Cities and To wn s (near WB ID 1436) Up per K issim m ee Basin # 5 0 5 10 15 Figure 1. Location of Horseshoe Creek (WBID 1436) in the Upper Kissimmee River Basin 4 20 Miles Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 N W E S S-65 A 318 6C S-65 BC 318 6B 318 6D S-65 D S-19 1 05 D 318 8 B 99 31 320 3B 350 5 03 A 8A 318 35 319 2C 32 S-15 4 C-41 13B 32 321 3D S-13 3 C-40 320 9 320 4 C 13 32 320 6 321 3A S-13 5 L-59 E 323 3 324 4 L-8 323 8 323 8 324 7 E S-5A 325 3 324 6 LOWP Basin TMDL WBIDs WBIDs (IWR Run 22) Waterbody LAKE/POND RESERVOIR SEA/OCEAN STREAM/RIVER CANAL/DITCH SWAMP/MARSH 0 10 324 8 va tio 325 1 nA re a S-3 325 2A S-2 W 10 324 8A 325 0 s S-4 at er 20 30 40 Co ns e rv a ti on Areas 50 Figure 2. Location of Impaired WBIDs Below Lake Kissimmee 5 n W a te r Co 60 70 r se 80 Miles Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load 1.1 US EPA Region 4 Purpose of Report This document presents Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for pollutants contributing to the 1998 listed impairments (i.e., nutrients, DO, BOD and unionized ammonia) in the Lake Okeechobee Tributaries. The tributaries were identified as impaired by nutrients, BOD, DO, unionized ammonia or a combination of the above. Pollutant load reductions to Total Phosphorus (TP) and Total Nitrogen (TN) should result in reduced nutrient loadings to the tributaries and ultimately achieve the designated use of the streams and not contribute to impairments in downstream waters (i.e., Lake Okeechobee).. TMDLs are also established for unionized ammonia and BOD that would restore the tributaries to meet applicable water quality criteria 1.2 Previous Studies in the Lake Okeechobee Watershed Lake Okeechobee TMDL The total phosphorus TMDL for Lake Okeechobee was adopted by FDEP in May 2001 and was approved by EPA in October 2001. The TMDL establishes an annual load of 140 metric tons of phosphorus to Lake Okeechobee to achieve an in-lake target phosphorus concentration of 40 ppb in the pelagic zone of the Lake. The target was developed using chlorophyll a as an indicator of algal biomass, which in turn acts as a surrogate for indicating excessive nutrient concentrations. The TMDL is allocated to atmospheric deposition (35 Mtons) and to the sum of all nonpoint surface water inputs to the Lake (105 Mtons). No portion of the TMDL was allocated to point sources. Several point sources exist in the Lake Okeechobee watershed; however, none of these sources discharge directly to Lake Okeechobee. The TMDL report states that attainment of the TMDL will be calculated using a 5-year rolling average of monthly loads calculated from measured flow and concentration values. Water entering Lake Okeechobee from the watershed should be established at a level to ensure that the applicable water quality standards are met. The 40 ppb goal for the entire pelagic zone is considered a conservative goal that introduces an implicit margin of safety into the TMDL. This reflects the fact that under high lake conditions, total phosphorus concentrations are relatively homogeneous across the open water region, but when lake stages are low, the near shore area displays considerably lower total phosphorus than the open water zone. Hence if 40 ppb is met at the pelagic stations (which represent mid-lake) total phosphorus concentrations below 40 ppb should occur in the near shore area during certain years. Lake Okeechobee Protection Program: Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan The Lake Okeechobee Protection Act (LOPA, Chapter 00-103, Laws of Florida) was passed by the 2000 Legislature, to establish a restoration and protection program of Lake Okeechobee. This is to be accomplished by achieving and maintaining compliance with State water quality standards in Lake Okeechobee and its tributary waters, through a watershed-based, phased, comprehensive and innovative protection program designed to reduce phosphorus loads and implement long-term solutions, based upon the Lake’s phosphorus TMDL and considering the establishment of TMDLs for the tributaries of Lake Okeechobee. This program set forth a series of activities and deliverables for the coordinating agencies- the South Florida Water Management District, the Florida Department 6 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 of Environmental Protection, and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Elements specifically required by the legislation include a formal Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan (LOPP). The LOPP identifies alternative plans, schedules and costs to meet the established TP TMDL for Lake Okeechobee (LOPP, 2004). The TMDLs contained in this report are considered to be consistent with the LOPP and, therefore, the established Lake Okeechobee TP TMDL. The original LOPP Project Area was composed of thirty-four basins that define the Lake Okeechobee watershed. The basins are essentially the same as the basins used in the Surface Water Improvement and Management Plan (SWIM). In 2005, the project boundaries were extended to the north to include the Upper Kissimmee River basin. The approximate project boundaries are shown in Figure 1. EPA hopes to obtain GIS coverages of the new project boundaries during the public comment period. Often more than one WBID will be contained within an LOPP basin. The location of the original basins relative to the impaired WBIDs is shown in Figure 2. A listing of impaired WBIDs within each SWIM basin and the percent of area these WBIDs encompass is provided in Table 2. TP loads allocated in the LOPP to the basins are summarized in Table 3. The column “Target Based on Load” depicts the loading necessary to achieve the Lake Okeechobee TMDL. Table 2. Comparison of SWIM Basins and Impaired WBIDs Lake Okeechobee SWIM Basin SWIM Basin Impaired WBIDs Area (acres) Impaired WBID Area (percentage) 715 Farms 3295 3247 100% C-40 Basin 43,964 3206 100% C-41 Basin 94,928 3204 100% East Beach Drainage Ditch 5275 3244 100% L-59E 14,409 3209 100% Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough 120,754 3205, 3205D, 3203A, 99% 3203B, 3213A, 3213B, 3213D S-135 Basin 25,408 3213C 75% S-154 Basin 24,630 3199B 38% S-2 Basin 31,399 3248, 3248A 100% S-3 Basin 9794 3251 100% 7 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Lake Okeechobee SWIM Basin SWIM Basin Impaired WBIDs Area (acres) Impaired WBID Area (percentage) S-4 Basin 29,164 3246 100% S-65 A, B, C, D, E 427,913 3188, 3188A, 3186B, 53% 3186C, 3186D, 3192C South Shore/South Bay Drainage 2364 Ditch 3253 100% S-5A Basin 120,798 3238, 3238E 80% L-8 Basin 108,402 3233 82% S-65 1,021,674 1436 0.3% Note: Impaired WBIDs listed for S-65 basin are Group 4 WBIDs in the Consent Decree schedule. Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) provides a framework and guide to restore the south Florida ecosystem including the Everglades. The conceptual plan for the Lake Okeechobee watershed consists of construction of stormwater treatment areas (STAs) and reservoirs; restoration of wetlands; and removal of phosphorus-laden sediment from tributaries. The Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough (WBIDs 3505 and 3203A) Reservoir-assisted Stormwater Treatment Area (RaSTA) is one of ten initially authorized projects. The SFWMD purchased pastureland located adjacent to Taylor Creek and converted the land to a reservoir suitable for storage and water quality treatment. The Taylor Creek RaSTA is estimated to remove about 3 to 5 metric tons of phosphorus each year. The Nubbin Slough STA is constructed wetlands for treating stormwater runoff before it enters Lake Okeechobee. The STA is estimated to remove about 22 to 24 metric tons of phosphorus per year. Other phosphorus reduction projects are planned for the watershed and should result in improved water quality in both the impaired waterbodies and Lake Okeechobee. Details on CERP projects can be found on the CERP webpage ( Florida Geological Study Howard T. Odum investigated phosphorus levels in Florida streams in the 1950’s as part of a Florida Geological Survey study (Odum, 1953). This was one of the first studies in Florida on the behavior of phosphorus in water and the impact it has on aquatic growth. Water samples were collected throughout the state from streams, lakes and springs for the purpose of correlating TP levels in water to geological conditions and levels of pollution. A limited number of samples were collected in Lake Okeechobee and Kissimmee River watershed as part of the canals and rivers of south Florida region. 8 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 In June 1952, TP concentrations based on a limited number of samples in the tributaries ranged from 0.031 ppm in Fisheating Creek; 0.057 ppm in Taylor Creek; 0.060 ppm in the Kissimmee River below Lake Kissimmee; and 0.097 in St. Lucie Canal. While these values are informative, they are too limited (spatially and temporally) to represent the water quality condition of the waterbodies. 1.3 Identification of Impaired Waterbodies The Lake Okeechobee watershed consists of the entire area that contributes surface water flow and total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) loads to Lake Okeechobee. This includes lands that drain by gravity to the lake, as well as areas that are drained by pumping into the lake. The entire watershed is being considered in the development of the Lake Okeechobee Watershed Tributary TMDLs. The following watershed descriptions are taken from the Basin Status Reports developed by FDEP. Land cover distribution cited in the planning unit descriptions is from 1999 color infrared imagery downloaded from the SFWMD web page. The LOPA requires that “Prior to authorizing a discharge into works of the District, the District shall require responsible parties to demonstrate that proposed changes in land use will not result in increased phosphorus loading over that of existing land uses.” Table 4 is a summary of land cover in the impaired WBIDs. 1.3.1 Lake Okeechobee Basin Lake Okeechobee is a large, shallow eutrophic lake located in south central Florida that is designated a Class I water (potable water supply). The lake is the largest body of freshwater in the southeastern United States and covers a surface area of 730 mi2 (1730 km2) with an average depth of 8.6 ft (2.7m). The Lake is a major feature of the Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades system, which is a continuous hydrologic system extending from Central Florida south to Florida bay. The watershed of the Lake stretches from just south of Orlando to areas that border the Lake on the south, east and west and covers 3.5 million acres. The Lake provides a number of values to society and nature including water supply for agriculture, urban areas, and the environment; flood protection; a multi-million dollar sport fishery; and habitat for wading birds, migratory waterfowl, and the federally endangered Everglades Snail Kite. These values of the lake have been threatened in recent decades by excessive phosphorus (P) loading, harmful high water levels, and rapid expansion of exotic plants. (SFWMD,2007) Two hundred years ago, a large percentage of the lake bottom may have been covered with sand. Today organic mud overlies much of the bottom. The upper 10 centimeters of that mud are estimated to contain more than 30,000 metric tons of phosphorus. The rate of mud sediment accumulation and phosphorus deposition has increased significantly over the past 50 years. 9 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Table 3. Summary of Total Phosphorus Loads Discharging into Lake Okeechobee Basin 715 Farms (Culv 12A) C-40 Basin (S-72) C-41 Basin (S-71) S-84 Basin (C41A) S-308C (St. Lucie-C-44) East Beach DD (Culv 10) East Shore DD (Culv 12) Fisheating Creek Industrial Canal L-48 Basin (S-127) L-49 Basin (S-129) L-59E L-59W L-60E L-60W L-61E L-61W Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough (S-191) S-131 Basin S-133 Basin S-135 Basin S-154 Basin S-2 LOWP Design Loads (Mtons/yr) Alt 1 through Alt 1 through 7 6 (Higher of (Higher of Remain. Remain. Load, Load, Adjusted Adjusted Remain. Load, Remain. and targets) Load, and targets) LOPP Implementation AREA (acres) Average Annual Discharge (1991-2000) (Acre-ft) Average Annual P Load (19912000) (Mtons) Target Based on Flow Target Based on Load Target conc. based on flow Target conc. based on load 3,295 43,964 94,928 58,488 129,428 5,275 8,416 289,366 8,232 20,774 12,093 14,409 6,440 5,038 3,271 14,286 13,567 120,754 12,045 16,266 49,799 51,791 55,880 11,815 14,432 200,766 23,337 23,040 13,189 6,395 8,319 1,236 419 6,997 10,646 101,946 1.67 9.58 25.45 9.06 11.23 8.73 3.10 40.97 2.99 6.58 1.69 1.48 1.93 0.25 0.07 1.13 1.27 78.40 0.56 0.76 2.33 2.42 2.61 0.55 0.67 9.38 1.09 1.08 0.62 0.30 0.39 0.06 0.02 0.33 0.50 4.77 0.41 2.32 6.17 2.20 2.72 2.12 0.75 9.93 0.73 1.59 0.41 0.36 0.47 0.06 0.02 0.27 0.31 19.01 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 27.32 115.81 100.49 34.40 39.53 145.35 42.24 40.13 25.23 56.14 25.18 45.55 45.74 39.20 31.67 31.80 23.39 151.22 0.59 6.98 17.14 6.47 9.86 2.12 0.89 32.99 2.24 5.03 1.31 1.20 1.55 0.21 0.05 0.93 1.08 24.03 0.59 6.02 13.82 5.31 8.09 2.12 0.89 31.81 2.24 4.97 1.29 1.20 1.55 0.21 0.05 0.93 0.90 19.01 7,164 25,660 18,089 33,798 106,044 9,490 26,478 25,408 24,630 31,399 1.28 6.99 3.39 23.59 8.16 0.44 FALSE 1.19 1.15 1.47 0.31 1.69 0.82 5.72 1.98 37.91 0.00 37.91 37.91 37.91 26.58 51.92 26.25 188.33 51.12 0.89 5.13 2.62 8.36 1.98 0.83 4.62 2.29 5.72 1.98 10 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load Basin S-3 S-4 S-65A,B,C,D,E South FL Conservancy DD (S-236) South Shore/So. Bay DD (Culv 4A) Nicodemus Slough (Culv 5) S65 (Lake Kissimmee) ** Lake Istokpoga (S-68)** S5A Basin (S-352-WPB Canal) East Caloosahatchee (S77) *** L-8 Basin (Culv 10A) Total US EPA Region 4 LOWP Design Loads (Mtons/yr) Alt 1 through Alt 1 through 7 6 (Higher of (Higher of Remain. Remain. Load, Load, Adjusted Adjusted Remain. Load, Remain. and targets) Load, and targets) LOPP Implementation AREA (acres) Average Annual Discharge (1991-2000) (Acre-ft) Average Annual P Load (19912000) (Mtons) Target Based on Flow Target Based on Load Target conc. based on flow Target conc. based on load 64,630 39,673 427,913 2,364 9,794 29,164 291,845 10,345 2.33 6.87 79.41 1.42 0.46 1.36 13.64 0.48 0.56 1.67 19.25 0.34 37.91 37.91 37.91 37.91 46.73 46.35 53.50 26.92 0.56 1.67 25.02 0.57 0.56 1.67 19.25 0.57 2,947 8,151 1.07 0.38 0.26 37.91 25.87 0.40 0.40 25,641 3,371 0.25 0.16 0.06 37.91 14.54 0.20 0.20 1,021,674 393,276 120,798 856,146 247,718 11 69.95 14.95 0.00 40.02 11.58 0.00 16.96 3.62 0.00 37.91 37.91 37.91 16.07 11.87 59.91 52.46 14.95 0.00 52.46 14.95 0.00 200,993 205 0.01 0.01 0.00 37.91 12.13 0.01 0.01 108,402 3,451,087 63,865 2,246,336 7.81 433.09 2.99 103.76 1.89 105.00 37.91 37.46 24.06 37.91 6.98 236.49 6.53 213.03 11 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 The surface hydrology in the Lake Okeechobee watershed is largely governed by man-made systems. A system of encircling levees impounds the Lake’s waters, creating a reservoir used for navigation, water supply, flood control, and recreation. Pumping stations and control structures in the levees along Lake Okeechobee are designed to move water either into or out of the Lake as needed, permitting water levels to fluctuate greatly with flood and drought conditions and the demand for water (see Figure 3). The major inflows into the Lake include rainfall (39 percent), the Kissimmee River (31 percent), and numerous smaller inflows (all 5 percent or less) from Fisheating Creek, and Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough, and numerous smaller inflows, such as discharges from the Everglades Agricultural Area. Major outflows include evapotranspiration (66 percent), the Caloosahatchee River to the west (12 percent), the St. Lucie Canal (C-44) to the east (4 percent), and four major agricultural canals (the Miami, New River, Hillsboro, and West Beach Canals) that drain south and southeast (18 percent). The Lake Okeechobee Tributaries that directly affect the Lake are included in the Lake Okeechobee Basin, St. Lucie-Loxahatchee Basin, Upper Kissimmee and Fisheating Creek Basin, Caloosahatchee River Basin and the Everglades Basin. The Lake Okeechobee Basin is divided into three planning units: the CTP Complex, the TOL63 Complex and the NHLMS Complex. The following description of the planning units is from the SFWMD Lake Okeechobee Basin Status Report (2001). 12 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Figure 3. Control Structures and Sampling Stations in Lake Okeechobee NHLMS Complex The NHLMS Complex includes Nubbin Slough (WBID 3203A), Henry Creek (WBID 3213B), Lettuce Creek (WBID 3213A), Mosquito Creek (WBID 3203B), Myrtle Slough (WBID 3213D), and waters within the drainages leading to the South Florida Water Management District’s structures S135 (WBID 3213C) and S-153 (WBID 3219). The NHLMS Complex covers about 131 square miles and contains about 29 miles of streams. It consists of a collection of small tributary streams along the northeast shore of Lake Okeechobee that once flowed directly into the lake but the tributaries are now intercepted by canals prior to reaching the Hoover Dike/Levee. Land uses in all WBIDs include dairies, pasture, and low-density residential housing. Flows in Mosquito Creek, Nubbin Slough, Henry Creek, Lettuce Creek and Myrtle Slough are intercepted by the L-63 Canal, which transport water to the rim canal and the S-191 structure, which ultimately discharges into the lake (see Figure 4). Mosquito Creek is four miles long and flows from northeast to southwest. Nubbin Slough is about 7 miles long and flows to the southwest. Henry Creek is four miles long and flows from northeast to southwest. Lettuce Creek is located on the 13 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 northeast side of Lake Okeechobee and near the small community of Upthegrove Beach. The surface of the shallow, turbid, eutrophic creek is covered with dense mats of aquatic plants. Myrtle Slough is about 4 miles long and flows to the southwest. The slough is part of a network of interconnecting small canals constructed to drain a low-lying area so that it may be used for agricultural purposes, mostly pastures. High levels of inorganic nitrogen have been measured in the slough indicative of runoff containing animal waste. CTP Complex The CTP Complex includes the S-154 basin and part of the S-133 basin. It covers about 86 square miles and contains about 11 miles of streams. Chandler Hammock Slough (WBID 3199B) is the only impaired WBID on the 1998 303(d) list within the CTP Complex. Chandler Hammock Slough flows southward into Turkey Slough (WBID 3199A), which flows into Popash Slough (WBID 3205C). The rim canal around Lake Okeechobee collects the flow from these connected sloughs (see Figure 3). Depending on lake stage, water can flow from the rim canal into the lake through hurricane gate structure 6. Water can also be pumped through S-133 into the lake. Land cover in Chandler Hammock Slough is predominately agriculture, accounting for approximately 83% (or 10,645 acres) of land, followed by wetlands (1584 acres or 12.3%) and pasture (491 acres or 3.8%). TOL63 Complex The TOL63 Complex covers 108 square miles and contains 45 miles of streams and canals. It includes part of the S-191 basin and the eastern portion of the S-133 basin. Taylor Creek (WBID 3205) and Otter Creek (WBID 3205D) are the two impaired WBIDs within the complex. Otter Creek flows about 3.5 miles southwesterly before joining Taylor Creek. Taylor Creek is 29 miles long. Flows from Taylor Creek are diverted into the L-63 North Canal (WBID 3203C) at structure S-192 north of the town of Okeechobee. The Taylor Creek channel below the S-192 diversion carries flow in a southeast direction until it reaches the rim canal (C-59) and discharges by gravity into Lake Okeechobee at structure S-191 (see Figure 4). Land cover in Taylor and Otter creeks is predominately agriculture, followed by wetlands and pastures. 14 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Figure 4. Taylor Creek and Nubbin Slough Basins 1.3.2 Kissimmee River Basin The Kissimmee River Basin flows into Lake Okeechobee and is part of the Everglades ecosystem. The Kissimmee River Basin is 2,940 square-miles and extends from Orlando southward to Lake Okeechobee. The Kissimmee River is the largest source of surface water to Lake Okeechobee, is about 105 miles long and has a maximum width of 35 miles. The Kissimmee River Basin contains four planning units: Upper Kissimmee, Lower Kissimmee, Lake Istokpoga, and Lake Placid. None of the impaired WBIDs discussed in this report are within either the Lake Istokpoga or Lake Placid basins. A discussion of water quality in these basins can be found in the Kissimmee River and Fisheating Creek Basin Status Report (SFWMD, 2004). Lake Kissimmee is the geographic divide between the Upper and Lower Kissimmee planning units. Lake Kissimmee outflow is regulated through structure S-65. Based on flow data from 1972 through April 30, 2005, the annual average outflow from the lake was 719,120 acre-ft (SFWMD, 2006). 15 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 During the 2004 hurricane season the flow volume from the lake was over 1.9 times the historical average flow. Upper Kissimmee Planning Unit The Upper Kissimmee Planning Unit includes portions of Orange, Osceola, and Polk Counties from Orlando southward to the southern tip of Lake Kissimmee. Hundreds of lakes, ranging in size from small sinkholes to large lakes dot the planning unit. The many lakes and swampy areas in the planning unit provide a relatively large storage capacity which retards drainage and results in relatively slow runoff rates. Water in the planning unit generally flows southward to Lake Kissimmee, then onward to Lake Okeechobee via the Kissimmee River (a.k.a. C-38 Canal). Horseshoe Creek (WBID 1436) is the only WBID in the Upper Kissimmee Planning Unit addressed in this report. Horseshoe Creek is located west of Reedy Creek in the northeastern part of Polk County. The upstream half of the creek is channelized, fed by a number of small canals dug to drain wetlands. The lower half of the creek is unmodified. Discharge from the creek flows to a portion of the Reedy Creek swamp known as the Huckleberry Islands, an extensive wetland area in Osceola County connecting Reedy and Snell Creeks. The city of Davenport is located south of Horseshoe Creek. The creek drains a predominantly agricultural area; however, urbanized areas, especially some medium density residential areas, are primarily located in the southern part of the drainage basin. Lower Kissimmee Planning Unit The Lower Kissimmee Planning Unit is 722 square miles and encompasses portions of Polk, Osceola, Highlands, and Okeechobee Counties. There are no significant urban areas in the planning unit as the area is entirely rural in nature; however, portions of an active military bombing test range (Avon Park Air Force Range) is located in the northern portion of the planning unit near the PolkHighland County line. Impaired WBIDs in the planning unit include: Kissimmee River (WBIDs 3209 and 3186B), Blanket Bay Slough (WBID 3186C), and Eight Mile Slough (WBID 3186D), Oak Creek (WBID 3192C), Farm Area (WBID 3188), and Chandler Slough (WBID 3188A). Land cover in these WBIDs is predominately agriculture followed by wetlands. Historically, the Kissimmee River meandered approximately 103 miles with a 1- to 2-mile-wide floodplain. During the historic period of hydrologic record (1934-1960) the river moved very slowly, with normal river velocities averaging less than 2 feet per second. A severe hurricane occurred within the basin in 1947 resulting in extensive property damage from flooding. The State responded with a request to the federal government to design a flood control plan for central and southern portion of the state. Between 1962 and 1971, the Kissimmee River was channelized and transformed into a series of impounded reservoirs. Inflow from the basin was regulated by six water control structures (S-65 and S-65 A, B, C, D, and E). The Upper Kissimmee Basin (S-65) and Kissimmee River (S-65A through S-65E) contribute about 51 percent of the total surface water inflow to Lake Okeechobee, over 1.1 million acre-feet per year. These basins also contribute 34 percent of the phosphorus load to the lake. 16 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 The Kissimmee River Restoration and the Kissimmee River Headwater Revitalization projects were jointly authorized in the 1992 Water Resources Development Act (SFWMD, 2006). The primary goal of the Kissimmee River Restoration project is to reestablish the ecological integrity of the riverfloodplain system. Restoration efforts require reconstruction of the physical form of the river and reestablishment of pre-channelization hydrologic conditions. Once the project is complete water quality improvements should be achieved in the WBIDs in the S-65 A, B, C, D, and E basins. The primary purpose of the Kissimmee River Headwater Revitalization Project is to provide the water storage and regulation schedule modifications needed to approximate the historical flow characteristics of the Kissimmee River system. Structures and canals in the upper basin will be modified to accommodate the increased capacity associated with the increased lake storage volumes needed to fully meet the requirements of the restoration. 1.3.3 Fisheating Creek Basin The Fisheating Creek Basin is located to the west of Lake Okeechobee, adjacent to the Kissimmee River Basin and is part of the Everglades ecosystem. The basin is about 849 square miles and extends from west central Highlands County southward into northern portion of Glades County, and then east ward towards Lake Okeechobee. The basin includes two planning units: Fisheating Creek and Northwest Lake Okeechobee. Of the five major basins draining into Lake Okeechobee, Fisheating Creek is the least impacted by humans in terms of hydrology and land uses, and still contains many areas suited for preservation (SFWMD, 2004). There are two stream segments listed as impaired in the Fisheating Creek Basin. Both the Harney Pond Canal (WBID 3204) and Indian Prairie Canal (WBID 3206) are tributaries to Fisheating Creek and are located in the Northwest Lake Okeechobee Planning Unit. Fisheating Creek drains via gravity flow into Lake Okeechobee on the west shore, near Moore Haven. Land cover in the impaired WBIDs is predominately agriculture followed by wetlands. 17 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Acres % Acres Transportation & Utilities Barren & Extractive Wetlands Water Forest Rangeland WBID Agriculture Residential Commercial, Industrial, Public Table 4. Summary of Land Cover in Impaired WBIDs % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Total (acres) Lake Okeechobee Basin 3199B 106 0.8 0 0.0 10645 82.6 491 3.8 19 0.2 26 0.2 1584 12.3 0 0.0 21 0.2 12893 3203B 353 5.2 37 0.6 5352 79.6 136 2.0 55 0.8 15 0.2 644 9.6 3 0.0 128 1.9 6724 3213A 49 1.6 26 0.8 2618 83.5 77 2.4 71 2.3 73 2.3 109 3.5 70 2.2 42 1.3 3135 3213B 400 2.5 25 0.2 11410 71.2 151 0.9 832 5.2 246 1.5 2703 16.9 134 0.8 129 0.8 16030 3213C 109 0.8 0 0.0 10746 79.1 393 2.9 260 1.9 510 3.8 1056 7.8 508 3.7 0 0.0 13582 3213D 13 0.1 0 0.0 11945 73.0 856 5.2 1583 9.7 30 0.2 1767 10.8 20 0.1 146 0.9 16361 3203A 551 3.6 33 0.2 12676 82.7 510 3.3 44 0.3 121 0.8 1203 7.8 121 0.8 74 0.5 15332 3205 2003 3.8 792 1.5 41876 78.9 1958 3.7 1252 2.4 594 1.1 4402 8.3 96 0.2 76 0.1 53049 34 0.3 42 0.4 8499 86.1 263 2.7 97 1.0 48 0.5 405 4.1 87 0.9 400 4.0 9875 65 0.4 9723 67.5 88 0.6 51 0.4 805 5.6 2699 18.7 970 6.7 0 0.0 14414 3205D Kissimmee River Basin 3209 14 0.1 18 Barren & Extractive Wetlands Water Transportation & Utilities US EPA Region 4 Forest Rangeland WBID Agriculture Residential Commercial, Industrial, Public Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load Total (acres) Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % 3186B 1590 2.3 106 0.2 31778 46.9 10356 15.3 8165 12.1 521 0.8 14539 21.5 591 0.9 43 0.1 67689 3186C 6 0 0 0.0 12389 76.5 127 0.8 30 0.2 30 0.2 3622 22.4 0 0.0 0 0.0 16203 3186D 0 0 0 0.0 3059 12.5 8863 36.1 8385 34.2 4 0.0 4194 17.1 13 0.1 0 0.0 24518 3192C 0 0 0 0.0 8784 85.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1551 15.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 10335 3188 297 0.3 2 0.0 57417 58.3 15793 16.0 1217 1.2 1216 1.2 21937 22.3 516 0.5 91 0.1 98485 3188A 29 0.3 6 0.1 7383 69.1 6 0.1 130 1.2 58 0.5 3005 28.1 52 0.5 12 0.1 10680 1436 255 8.5 6 0.2 1305 43.4 729 24.3 42 1.4 113 3.7 348 11.6 50 1.7 158 5.2 3004 Fisheating Creek Basin 3204 898 0.9 42 0.0 70990 73.9 4845 5.0 3177 3.3 783 0.8 13994 14.6 1258 1.3 126 0.1 96114 3206 36 0.1 8 0.0 37629 84.7 19 0.0 442 1.0 472 1.1 5406 12.2 388 0.9 6 0.0 44406 2.7 35397 82.9 679 1.6 437 1.0 673 1.6 1163 2.7 408 1.0 1000 2.3 42706 Caloosahatchee River Basin 3246 1815 4.3 1134 L-8 Canal 19 Barren & Extractive Wetlands Water Transportation & Utilities US EPA Region 4 Forest Rangeland Agriculture Residential WBID 3233 Commercial, Industrial, Public Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load Total (acres) Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % Acres % 5251 5.9 7 0.0 14199 16.0 4387 4.9 20143 22.7 5229 5.9 38786 43.7 777 0.9 20 0.0 88799 Everglades Agricultural Area 3238 318 0.4 343 0.5 70709 96.1 36 0.0 26 0.0 872 1.2 381 0.5 592 0.8 285 0.4 73561 3238E 15 0.1 39 0.2 21497 92.6 449 1.9 0 0.0 112 0.5 283 1.2 735 3.2 75 0.3 23205 3248 444 0.7 451 0.7 62306 95.4 168 0.3 4 0.0 476 0.7 454 0.7 439 0.7 593 0.9 65336 3248A 1450 3.6 982 2.4 36441 90.5 323 0.8 13 0.0 328 0.8 27 0.1 277 0.7 427 1.1 40268 3253 251 8.6 52 1.8 2504 85.9 28 1.0 0 0.0 7 0.3 0 0.0 11 0.4 62 2.1 2915 3244 699 13.3 122 2.3 4290 81.8 0 0.0 5 0.1 46 0.9 0 0.0 28 0.5 52 1.0 5243 3247 24 0.7 37 1.1 2903 85.0 3 0.1 3 0.1 139 4.1 6 0.2 93 2.7 209 6.1 3415 3250 175 1.6 55 0.5 9904 93.2 112 1.1 23 0.2 99 0.9 5 0.0 123 1.2 128 1.2 10623 3251 65 0.1 43 0.1 63148 97.7 39 0.1 43 0.1 397 0.6 335 0.5 513 0.8 56 0.1 64638 20 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 1.3.4 Caloosahatchee River Basin The Caloosahatchee River Basin encompasses approximately 1,400 square miles of southern Florida and serves as the major source of freshwater in the Lower West Coast Region. The entire basin covers significant portions of four counties and is divided into five planning units: East Caloosahatchee River, West Caloosahatchee River, Orange River, Telegraph Swamp, and Caloosahatchee Estuary. The hydrology and land uses of the Caloosahatchee Basin have undergone significant modification in the last century. Originally, the Caloosahatchee was a shallow, meandering river that flowed westward from its headwaters near Lake Hicpochee to San Carlos Bay in the Gulf of Mexico (Haag et al, 1996). Dredging activities connected the Caloosahatchee to Lake Okeechobee in 1884. Today, the Caloosahatchee River is part of the Okeechobee Waterway that links the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean. The freshwater portion of the river has been channelized into the C-43 canal in order to accommodate navigation and provide flood control. Starting in the 1930’s, three locks or water control structures were constructed: the Moore Haven Lock (S-77), Ortona Lock (S-78), and the Franklin Lock (S-79). The Franklin lock also serves as a salinity barrier dividing the upstream freshwater and downstream tidal portions of the Caloosahatchee. Most freshwater entering the Caloosahatchee estuary flows through Franklin Lock. Currently, approximately half of the water that reaches S-79 is water that had passed through S-77 from Lake Okeechobee (see Figure 3). WBID 3246, East Caloosahatchee, was included on the 1998 303(d) list as impaired for nutrients and DO. The WBID is within the channelized portion of the Caloosahatchee River known as C-43. WBID 3246 is within LOPP basin S-4. Agriculture is the predominant land cover in the WBID followed by residential. It is likely the percentage of residential land cover has increased since 1999 due to urban sprawl. 1.3.5 L-8 Basin Drainage from WBID 3233 discharges into the L-8 Canal located on the southeastern shore of Lake Okeechobee. The L-8 Canal starts at Sand Cut and ends at the intersection with the West Palm Beach Canal. Before discharging into the West Palm Beach Canal, the L-8 Canal connects to several other canals and waterways, including the M-Canal, the M-0 and M-1 canals, and the L-40 Canal. Land cover in WBID 3233 is predominately wetlands (44%) and forest (23%). Agriculture accounts for about 16 percent of the land cover, predominately citrus groves, sugarcane, and corn. Most of the undeveloped area in the WBID is within the J.W. Corbett National Wildlife Refuge. The L-8 canal is a conveyance for excess stormwater from Lake Okeechobee and agricultural areas. The canal is undergoing dramatic changes to its flow and basin-drainage pattern, which may alter future water quality conditions. WBID 3233 is listed for DO, nutrients and turbidity. Depressed DO levels are common in constructed waterbodies having small surface to cross-sectional area ratio and an aquatic weed control program necessary for the canal to efficiently transport water SFWMD, 1999). 21 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 1.3.6 Everglades Agricultural Area The Everglades Agriculture Area (EAA) is located on the southern tip of Lake Okeechobee and is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the State. Over 505,000 acres of the EAA are under production with sugar cane that accounts for over 80 percent of total crop coverage. Farmers grow vegetables, sod, and rice during the winter months. Six major canals were built in the 1920’s to drain and irrigate the EAA, many of which are included on the 1998 303(d) list as impaired for nutrients and DO. These canals underwent major renovations in the 1960’s as part of the central and South Florida Project (C&SF Project). As part of the C&SF Project, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE) constructed a network of canals, levees, control structures, and pumps to control flooding and provide water supply to the EAA. This project resulted in the back pumping of nutrient rich water into Lake Okeechobee, exacerbating water quality problems in the lake. In 1979, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (now the Department of Environmental Protect (DEP)) approved the Interim Action Plan (IAP), an operating permit issued to the SFWMD to regulate back pumping into Lake Okeechobee. The IAP states that EAA drainage water can only be discharged into the lake under declared emergency conditions for water supply or flood control purposes. Runoff from the EAA produced by normal rainfall is discharged into Water Conservation Areas (WCAs) to limit the amount of nutrient rich water being released into the lake. Prior to the IAP the northern one third of the EAA was routinely back pumped directly into Lake Okeechobee. Since implementation of the IAP, back pumping for water supply has occurred four times, the most recent in 2001 (Audubon of Florida, 2005). Back pumping is associated with dry periods. Water management during droughts is essential for preventing lake levels from getting too low. The 1994 Everglades Forever Act required EAA landowners to reduce the total phosphorus in the runoff from their land by 25 percent (Rule 40E-63). Landowners are implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) to manage water, sediments, and nutrients that balance water quality improvements and agricultural productivity. Since January 1995, EAA Basin reductions have exceeded the state law required reductions. In December 2001, DEP proposed the first numerical ambient water quality standard for phosphorus in the Everglades Protection Area at 10 parts per billion (ppb). There are 10 WBIDs in the EAA included on the 1998 303(d) list as impaired for nutrients and DO: WBID 3238 (West Palm Beach Canal); 3238E (M Canal); 3248 (North New River Canal); 3248A (Hillsboro Canal); 3253 (South Bay); 3244 (East Beach); 3247 (715 Farms); 3251 (S-3); 3250 (S236); and 3252A (Knights Farm Field 1). Land cover for the impaired WBIDs is predominately agriculture. The following discussions of each WBID are summarized from Ecosummary reports prepared by the Florida Southeast District Assessment and Monitoring Program. The West Palm Beach Canal (WBID 3238), also known as the C-51 Canal, was originally dug in the 1900’s to lower Lake Okeechobee and drain a part of the Everglades in order to farm the land. Today the canal is part of the Central and South Florida flood control system. The canal starts at Lake Okeechobee at structure S-352 (S5A basin) and flows southeast before emptying into the Lake 22 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Worth Lagoon in Palm Beach County. This report addresses WBID 3238 located in the EAA. About 96 percent of land cover in the WBID is agriculture and is used primarily for growing sugarcane. The M Canal (WBID 3238E) was constructed in the 1950’s by the City of West Palm Beach to augment its water supply. The M Canal receives water from Lake Okeechobee via a short interconnecting canal (the L-8 Tieback Canal) connecting the M Canal to the L-8 Canal. The L-8 Canal flows southeasternly from Lake Okeechobee to the West Palm Beach Canal. Water is pumped upward from the Tieback Canal into the M Canal to create an artificially elevated condition, protecting the quality of water by limiting inflows from external sources. WBID 3238E is the portion of the M Canal flowing from the Tieback Canal through citrus groves before entering the West Palm Beach Water Catchment Area. About 93 percent of land cover in the WBID is agriculture and is used primarily for citrus groves. The North New River Canal (WBID 3248) was created to provide drainage as well as a navigable connection between the Gulf of Mexico via Lake Okeechobee and the Caloosahatchee River. The North New River Canal is one of the major canals in Southeast Florida. The canal starts at the southeastern corner of Lake Okeechobee at the lake’s Rim Canal at South Bay’s Pump Station S-2. It then runs south through the EAA, WCA2 and WCA3. WBID 3248 includes the northern portion of the canal and land cover in the area is primarily agriculture. The Hillsboro Canal (WBID 3248A) is located on the southeast shore of Lake Okeechobee and transports flow between WCA-1 and WCA-2. The canal also receives flow from the Closter Farms Drainage System. The impaired portion of the canal is located within the EAA. Land cover within the WBID is primarily agriculture. South Bay (WBID 3253) is located at the southeastern tip of Lake Okeechobee southwest of Belle Glade. The S-2 Pump Station at South Bay discharges into the North New River and Hillsboro Canals. South Bay is located in the EAA and land cover is primarily agriculture. Due to the IAP the S-2 Pump Station no longer back pumps water north into Lake Okeechobee, except under declared emergencies. East Beach (WBID 3244) is located on the southeast shore of Lake Okeechobee within the EAA. There are four main canals, C-1 through C-4, in the WBID that are connected to a complex network of smaller lateral canals. When excess amount of stormwater collects in the canal system, water can be back pumped to Lake Okeechobee by Pump Station #1 or to the West Palm Beach Canal by Pump Station #3. A component of the Everglades Forever Act required 80 percent of the drainage from East Beach to be diverted away from Lake Okeechobee by December 2000. The East Shore Drainage Canal was constructed to transport water away from Lake Okeechobee to the Hillsboro Canal for discharge into Stormwater Treatment Area (STA) 1-West and 1-East at the northern tip of WCA-1. East Beach is under permit to the SFWMD following Rule 40E-63. Land cover in WBID 3244 is primarily agriculture followed by residential. 23 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Closter Farms, also known as 715 Farms (WBID 3247), is located on the southeast shore of Lake Okeechobee south of East Beach, within the EAA. There are approximately four miles of main draw canals and 37 miles of lateral canals. A major element of the drainage works is a pump station at culvert 12-A. The pump station contains three pumps and is used to back pump stormwater collected by the network of canals to Lake Okeechobee whenever excessive water levels occur. Closters Farms Drainage System is included in the Everglades Best Management Practices Program and was issued a 40E-63 permit. Under the permit, Closter Farms discharges into the EAA and STAs through the North New River and Hillsboro Canals with discharge going into Lake Okeechobee only as a backup. Land cover in the WBID is primarily agriculture. WBID 3251 (S-3) includes the S-3 pump station located on the southern end of Lake Okeechobee at Lake Harbor. The S-3 pump station constitutes the beginning of the Miami Canal at the lake’s Rim Canal. Prior to implementation of the IAP, the northern one third of the EAA was routinely back pumped directly into Lake Okeechobee through pump stations S-2, S-3, and S-4. Under the current IAP the S-2 and S-3 basins are routed south to the WCAs. Land cover in the S-3 basin is primarily agriculture. WBID 3250 (S-236) is located on the southern tip of Lake Okeechobee in the EAA. Stormwater runoff from the WBID discharges into the Caloosahatchee River. The SFWMD is proposing to construct a reservoir for storing water originating from S-236 as well as other basins and releases from Lake Okeechobee. Land cover in the WBID is primarily agriculture. 2 STATEMENT OF WATER QUALITY PROBLEM Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires states to submit to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists of waters that are not fully meeting their applicable water quality standards. FDEP has developed such lists, commonly referred to as § 303(d) lists, since 1992. As part of that process, tributaries in the Lake Okeechobee watershed were included on Florida’s 1998 § 303(d) list as impaired by excess nutrients, depressed dissolved oxygen (DO), unionized ammonia, and BOD. The most common water quality problems in the Lake Okeechobee Basin are elevated levels of nutrients and low DO. TP and TN levels are higher than statewide medians, and most of the DO observations fall below the 5.0 mg/l water quality criterion. Many of the impaired waterbodies have been channelized or are canals. In constructed waterbodies it is difficult to consistently meet DO standards developed for natural water systems. In addition, there is an ongoing aquatic weed control program in the basin, which is necessary to allow the waterbodies to efficiently transport water; however, this exacerbates DO problems due to the decaying plant material. In the EAA, the impaired WBIDs are located in areas of wetlands and organic soils where low DO concentrations occur naturally. In addition to nutrients and BOD, water temperature, flow velocity, and sediment oxygen demand (SOD), can influence the DO concentration in a creek. Temperature can influence DO concentration by influencing the solubility of DO in the water, the metabolic activities of organisms (for example, 24 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 respiration rate), and to a lesser extent, rate at which oxygen consumption chemical reactions are taking place (organic materials oxidization). Theoretically, the difference in water temperature at different stations can be caused by differences in canopy coverage. SOD data were not available in the impaired WBIDs. Flow velocities can influence the accumulation of organic sediments, the DO reaeration, and water residence time in a given creek. Many of the impaired WBIDs are characterized as wide swampy areas, which diminish the momentum of the stream flow and cause the flow velocity to decrease resulting in depressed DO concentrations. Several of the WBIDs are impaired for unionized ammonia. In ambient water, unionized ammonia is in a chemical equilibrium with ammonia, and the equilibrium coefficient is primarily controlled by pH, water temperature, and sometimes ionic strength, especially water pH (Wetzel, 2001). Usually, a higher fraction of the ammonia is in the form of unionized ammonia under a high pH condition. The photosynthetic consumption of carbon dioxide (CO2) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) creates hydroxide ions (OH-) in the water and increases the pH of the water, which in turn raises the portion of unionized ammonia in the equilibrium. Controlling TP and TN should decrease the total algal biomass in a waterbody and photosynthetic activity should decrease. This decreases the pH of the water and therefore decreases the concentration of unionized ammonia. 3 WATER QUALITY STANDARDS Water quality criteria established by the State of Florida are described in the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), Section 62-302.530. The individual criteria should be considered in conjunction with other provisions in water quality standards, including Section 62-302.500 F.A.C. [Surface Waters: Minimum Criteria, General Criteria] that apply to all waters unless alternative or more stringent criteria are specified in F.A.C. Section 62-302.530. Lake Okeechobee tributaries are Class III water bodies, with a designated use of recreation, propagation and maintenance of a healthy, well-balanced population of fish and wildlife. The Class III water quality criteria applicable to the impairment addressed by this TMDL are DO criterion, BOD criterion, unionized ammonia criterion and the narrative nutrient criterion. 3.1 Nutrient Criterion Florida’s nutrient criterion is narrative only - nutrient concentrations in a body of water shall not be altered so as to cause an imbalance in natural populations of aquatic flora or fauna. Accordingly, a nutrient related target was needed to represent levels at which an imbalance in flora or fauna is expected to occur. 3.2 Dissolved Oxygen Criterion The statewide default Class III DO criterion for predominantly fresh waters is a minimum DO of 5 mg/l. The narrative nutrient criterion is also controlling as it related to dissolved oxygen [62302.530(48)(a)]. The discharge of nutrients shall continue to be limited as needed to prevent 25 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 violations of other standards contained in this chapter. The water quality standard for DO also considers the definition of natural background and the directive not to abate natural conditions. Florida standards (62-302.200(15) FAC) states that, “’Natural Background’ shall mean the condition of waters in the absence of man-induced alterations based on the best scientific information available to the Department. The establishment of natural background for an altered waterbody may be based upon a similar unaltered waterbody or on historical pre-alteration data.” Florida standards also state at 62-302.300(15) FAC, “Pollution which causes or contributes to new violations of water quality standards or to continuation of existing violations is harmful to the waters of this State and shall not be allowed. Waters having water quality below the criteria established for them shall be protected and enhanced. However, the Department shall not strive to abate natural conditions.” In the TMDL context, without a SSAC, calculating allocations would be targeted to achieve the natural background loading and instream concentrations in the waterbody. Any allowance of increased pollutant loadings beyond natural background would likely cause other than natural dissolved oxygen levels which would not be a proper application of the Florida definition. Because the standard prevents abatement of natural conditions, the TMDL can provide an allocation, where necessary, that results in natural conditions. Therefore, the allocations are being established so that all loading results in natural condition concentrations in the waterbody. 3.3 Biochemical Oxygen Demand Criterion Florida’s BOD criterion is narrative stating BOD values shall not be increased to exceed values which would cause DO to be depressed below the limit established for each class or a natural condition concentration and, in no case shall it be great enough to produce nuisance conditions [62302.530(12)]. 3.4 Unionized Ammonia Criterion Florida’s criteria for unionized ammonia requires levels must be less than or equal to 0.02mg/l [62305.530(3)]. 4 TARGET IDENTIFICATION TMDLs must provide a remedy for listed impairments and return the subject waterbody to a condition that is fully supporting the applicable water quality standard. Additionally, allocations in a TMDL must not result in, or contribute to, any violation of other water quality standards for the waterbody or water quality standards downstream. This presents a special challenge for developing nutrient TMDLs, given the very nature of nutrients and their interaction in aquatic systems. Nutrients are only a driver of a process, and that process, known as primary productivity, is ubiquitous. Since that process can generally be assumed to occur 26 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 throughout an entire network of interconnected waterbodies, nutrient TMDLs should consider the near-field, intermediate, and far-field impacts of nutrients and associated biomass. 4.1 Basis and Rationale For Nutrient Targets Numeric targets for this TMDL are required to provide for a level of nutrients in the tributaries that will ensure protection for aquatic life in the tributary WBIDs. Additionally, the allocations of those TMDLs must not impact, but protect, downstream waters of Lake Okeechobee and its subsequent drainage to the coastal estuaries of the St. Lucie and the Caloosahatchee. The demonstration that allocations do not contribute to downstream problems is often dependent on the technical ability to make such assessment. The targets of this TMDL were developed to support the State of Florida’s narrative water quality standard for nutrients by not causing an imbalance in natural populations of aquatic flora and fauna and also to not produce or contribute to conditions that violate the Dissolved Oxygen standard, including natural conditions clauses. Aquatic life becomes impaired by nutrients when excess amounts of nutrients are expressed in excess primary productivity. Primary productivity refers to the collective actions of plants (autotrophs) to utilize the energy of sunlight through the process of photosynthesis to fix carbon and available nutrients into biomass of living organisms. This is, of course, an essential process on which all plants and animals depend, and it serves as an intersection of the global cycles of critical elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus (C, H, O, N, & P). In aquatic systems, the normal cycles of C, H O, N, and P can be distorted by anthropogenic activities in the watershed which generate extra N & P that can enter adjacent waterbodies by surface runoff and ground water inflow. These excess nutrients then drive excess primary productivity, and the extra accumulated biomass is seen as an over-abundance of aquatic plants, i.e., algal blooms and/or increased macrophyte vegetation. This produces nuisance conditions which affect aesthetic values and recreation. When certain algal species are involved which are able to produce toxins, as in Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs), human health can be affected by exposure through drinking water, direct contact, or inhalation. Aquatic life use can be impacted directly by excess algal blooms and/or macrophyte abundance through loss of habitat or other competitive disadvantages. But even more widespread impact occurs indirectly through depression or depletion of dissolved oxygen that occurs when excess primary production eventually decomposes and creates a great demand for dissolved oxygen. This lowers the available oxygen for other aquatic life. Most aquatic life becomes stressed by chronic low oxygen conditions and is virtually eliminated when oxygen depletion persists for a significant period of time. Impairment of aquatic life use is the common result of excess eutrophication of a waterbody. Since excess primary production is what creates the problem in the waterbody, and that results directly from excess available nutrients, protection of aquatic life requires control of available nutrients, in order to restrict primary productivity. But it should be kept in mind that resultant productivity may lag introduction of nutrients in space and time, and that fact must be considered when correlating nutrient levels and response. Proximal production may be temporarily suppressed 27 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 by limitation of light, the amount of one nutrient, high velocity/turbulence, or lack of substrate, but transported bio-available nutrients will be utilized at some point. When these excess nutrients are expressed, they will drive excess productivity and adversely affect aquatic life in that location. The frequency and extent of these low oxygen events affects organisms differently, with non-motile and long-lived organisms among the most sensitive. Primary productivity as a process is driven by a number of factors, and moderated by others. The major nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus (N & P), along with certain minor nutrients, are required as inputs for intermediary metabolic steps associated with photosynthesis. Since these steps are a series of chemical reactions, their net stoichiometry is what ultimately determines the utilization of the inputs to the process. These stoichiometric relationships provide some explanation for the ratios originally reported by Redfield, and widely used today to interpret aquatic nutrient dynamics and manage water quality. The Redfield ratio for nitrogen and phosphorus is given as N : P = 16 : 1 (or N : P = 7.2 : 1 by weight). In general practice, a functional range is used with a ratio greater than 30 considered P limited, between 30 and 10 considered co-limited, and less than 10 considered nitrogen limited. This practice allows for a wide mid-range of co-limitation where neither nutrient conclusively controls primary production. Limiting nutrient analysis by Redfield ratio comparison can be a useful tool for insight into nutrient limitation, but it should be applied with understanding of its limitations. Appendix D contains calculations of the limiting nutrient in each WBID as well as a figure showing the geographic distribution of the results. Limiting nutrient analysis is based on “Liebig’s Law of the Minimum,” which is strictly applicable only under steady-state conditions, that is, when inflows balance outflows of energy and materials. The practice of identifying only a single nutrient target to address a problem of excess cultural eutrophication presumes that the system is, and will remain, in steady state equilibrium, an oversimplification whose weakness has been noted before. In 1971, Dr. Eugene P. Odum in Fundamentals of Ecology, stated “Since cultural eutrophication usually produces a highly “unsteady” state, involving severe oscillations (i.e., heavy blooms of algae followed by die-offs, which in turn trigger another bloom on release of nutrients), then the “either/or” argument may be highly irrelevant because phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and many other constituents may rapidly replace one another as limiting factors during the course of transitory oscillations. Accordingly, there is no theoretical basis for any “one factor” hypothesis under such transient-state conditions.” It is important to realize that the Redfield ratio is a generalization that is thought to capture stoichiometry of reactions that occur inside of cells, and that actual uptake of nutrients by cells (or organisms), may be moderated by adaptation for things like storage capability or alternative biochemistry. These adaptations can be particularly effective in highly enriched situations. In addition, aquatic macrophytes can respond differently than algae to nutrient limitation ratios in the water column, and often exactly opposite. This could be very important in cases where impairment can involve either, and the overall effect on nutrient dynamics should not be underestimated. 28 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Calculation of Redfield ratios from an existing data set of ambient grab samples by averaging over time and space tends to over-simplify the system. While this will effectively characterize the prevailing pattern of nutrient limitation, it may not reflect periods or events of shorter duration when very different nutrient conditions exist. Nutrient dynamics in aquatic systems are complex, with often considerable fluctuation in the water column concentrations of nutrients, and therefore, the ratio of nutrient concentrations varies. As previously noted, over-enriched aquatic systems are not steady state systems; they are dynamic systems, and a complex dynamic at that. Traditionally, many nutrient TMDLs have relied on comparing calculated nutrient ratios to Redfield ratios to identify the limiting nutrient as a target and then to manage that nutrient over an averaging period to control productivity. Doing so, mistakenly assumes a steady state for the diagnosis, and then again for the application of the remedy. This increases the risk that excess productivity will not always be controlled, and during shifts in limitation short term events would be allowed within the averaging period that would not sufficiently protect aquatic life use. To illustrate this point, a daily Redfield Ratio was calculated for each WBID where both TP and TN measurements were taken. The percent of time the ratio was P-limited, Co-limited, and N-limited was calculated by dividing the number of times the WBID was limited by the total number of sampling events. Results of this analysis for existing conditions are shown in Table 5. A similar analysis was performed using a single nutrient control (i.e., TP) and is shown in Appendix D. When the limiting nutrient is identified, by default the other nutrient is identified as the excess nutrient. Transport of un-reacted nutrients, as well as products of excess production, must be considered when determining appropriate protection of downstream waterbody conditions, immediate and long distance. Expression of bio-available nutrients in primary productivity may be delayed. Conditions change over space and time, and nutrient limitation shifts. Even short duration events of excess production can significantly affect aquatic life that cannot be sustained over long term averaging periods. While controlling one nutrient can prevent productivity, control of both nutrients, N and P, in upstream waters can also provide additional assurance that excess productivity will remain in control. In a highly enriched system, it is important to avoid even brief episodes that can escape the prevailing control during periods of weakened limitation of one nutrient. This additional biomass is the product of excess productivity initially driven by excess nutrients and should not be ignored. Even if less significant locally, it will be transported downstream and because it represents an additional biomass to be processed instream, it may continue to burden the normal dynamics as it cycles, and recycles downstream. This spiraling effect can be underestimated in its effect on aquatic life in the intermediate and far-field. Under conditions of phosphorus limitation, even if local excess primary productivity is controlled to a large extent by phosphorus reduction alone, there will be consequent export of the excess nutrient, nitrogen, because the excess of that nutrient would not have the opportunity for uptake into biomass. The larger the excess of nitrogen, the greater the contribution to nitrogen sensitive downstream systems; therefore, concurrent reduction of nitrogen in the basin is often warranted in order to protect downstream use. But there may also be an additional near-field justification for nitrogen reduction, 29 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 arising from the fact that at those times when local primary productivity is being effectively suppressed by phosphorous limitation, biological uptake of N is restricted, which may leave the chemically reduced constituents of the nitrogen series, i.e., ammonia and organic N, to directly exert their oxygen demand in a setting that is already under oxygen stress. Table 5. Existing Limiting Condition in Impaired WBIDs (based on TP and TN data) WBID No. of Observations Average Condition Limiting Condition (% of time) Phosphorus Nitrogen Co-Limited 3186B 520 P-Limited 83% 3% 14% 3186C 46 Co-Limited 4% 50% 46% 3186D 37 P-Limited 73% 8% 19% 3188 689 N-Limited 19% 40% 42% 3188A 150 Co-Limited 25% 9% 66% 3192C 18 Co-Limited 28% 11% 61% 3199B 50 N-Limited 2% 86% 12% 3203A 2681 N-Limited 6% 67% 27% 3203B 583 N-Limited 1% 82% 18% 3205 433 N-Limited 2% 62% 36% 3205D 492 N-Limited 8% 58% 34% 3213A 201 N-Limited 0.5% 40.3% 59.2% 3213B 231 Co-Limited 15% 37% 48% 3213D 179 N-Limited 2% 83% 16% 3204 273 Co-Limited 61% 0% 39% 3213C 107 Co-Limited 67% 1% 32% 3233 229 P-Limited 66% 0% 34% 30 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load WBID No. of Observations Average Condition US EPA Region 4 Limiting Condition (% of time) Phosphorus Nitrogen Co-Limited 3238 448 Co-Limited 35.5% 0.4% 64.1% 3238E 339 P-Limited 92% 0% 8% 3244 124 P-Limited 71% 1% 28% 3246 545 P-Limited 85.9% 0.2% 13.9% 3247 252 P-Limited 98% 0% 2% 3248 270 P-Limited 95% 0% 5% 3248A 153 P-Limited 92% 0% 8% 3250 99 P-Limited 99% 0% 1% 3251 168 P-Limited 91% 0% 9% 3253 133 P-Limited 99% 0% 1% 3206 291 Co-Limited 34% 4% 62% 3209 1307 P-Limited 70% 2% 27% 1436 48 P-Limited 98% 0% 2% 4.2 Nutrient Target Development The Lake Okeechobee drainage basin is a highly enriched system with elevated levels of both TP and TN throughout and conditions of low dissolved oxygen are somewhat common. In this situation, control of both TP and TN as nutrient inputs may be necessary to prevent adverse impacts in both near-field and far-field waters. Potential targets for phosphorus and nitrogen that reflect least impacted conditions were derived from three independent approaches developed by FDEP and EPA. A summary of each approach is discussed below. The results of these approaches were averaged to provide values supported by a convergence of three lines of evidence. Those values are 0.077 mg/L TP and 1.2 mg/L TN. 4.2.1 Approach #1: Reference condition value from reference streams dataset (FDEP) In this approach candidate reference sites were selected in the Central Peninsula bioregion based on 31 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 the Landscape Development Intensity (LDI) Index. LDI scores were calculated at individual stations within a WBID and those stations having LDI scores less than 2 were considered to represent minimally disturbed areas. Currently, insufficient data are available at the candidate WBIDs to correlate low LDI scores with biological health. A number of candidate WBIDs identified on the Verified List as impaired due to nutrients or DO were removed as potential reference sites. Statistical outlier analyses using standard statistical methods (i.e., 75th percentile +1.5 * interquartile range) were performed on the individual candidate data points to exclude any data not characteristic of the bioregion (i.e., natural phosphate deposits). The annual geometric mean was calculated for each WBID having four or more samples collected in a year. This dataset was reduced to one value by calculating the 75th percentile of the lognormal distribution of the annual TP and TN concentrations. The resulting TP and TN concentrations calculated using this method are 90 ppb and 1.3 mg/l. FDEP continues to develop this approach to nutrient criteria development and plans to seek the input of the Nutrient Technical Advisory Committee regarding the approach. Should the outcome of that process provide a value that is sufficiently supported by the technical rationale, EPA may use this value as the endpoint of the TMDL upon finalization. EPA recognizes that this approach more closely compares nutrient concentrations to unimpacted streams which should fully support an aquatic life use. Given technical support regarding the approach, EPA would prefer to target such a value. While the other approaches have merit, they are more related to conditions expected to approximate background and not related to an actual biological condition. Given EPA’s interest, we specifically request comment on the method of targeting this line of evidence at the exclusion of the others. FDEP continues to develop this approach to nutrient criteria development and plans to seek the input of the Nutrient Technical Advisory Committee regarding the approach. Should the outcome of that process provide a value that is sufficiently supported by the technical rationale, EPA may use this value as the endpoint of the TMDL upon finalization. EPA recognizes that this approach more closely compares nutrient concentrations to unimpacted streams which should fully support an aquatic life use. Given technical support regarding the approach, EPA would prefer to target such a value. While the other approaches have merit, they are more related to conditions expected to approximate background and not related to an actual biological condition. Given EPA’s interest, we specifically request comment on the method of targeting this line of evidence at the exclusion of the others. 4.2.2 Approach #2: Reference condition value from an all streams dataset (EPA Region 4) A reference condition approach consistent with EPA’s peer-reviewed nutrient criteria guidance was used to develop a local (i.e., WBID) target (USEPA, 2000). Depending on the type and extent of available data, EPA suggests three methods for determining nutrient targets: 1) directly determined 32 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 from an unimpacted reference site; 2) empirically determined from a dataset from unimpacted reference sites (similar to FDEP’s approach described in Section 4.2.1); or 3) empirically determined from an all stream dataset. Application of these methods requires robust datasets consisting of multiple stations, samples, seasons, and years. A sufficient number of unimpacted reference sites with sufficient datasets was not available to EPA in the Lake Okeechobee watershed to establish targets based on reference stream measurements. EPA’s guidance manual encourages selecting a reference condition from a smaller geographic scale (i.e., watershed versus state-wide) with a robust dataset as this improves similarity and comparability of the streams. Information from all streams in the Lake Okeechobee watershed provides a sufficiently robust dataset representing a range of conditions that approximates a normal distribution. The spatial distribution of WBIDs and monitoring stations used to calculate the TP and TN targets is shown in Figure 5 . EPA developed a target for these TMDLs using the all stream approach by considering all WBIDs in the Lake Okeechobee watershed having TP and TN measurements. Data stored in IWR Run 24 for all streams (listed and non-listed) in the Lake Okeechobee watershed were considered in the analysis. The all stream dataset considered in the analysis includes 113 WBIDs containing about 550 stations where TP and TN samples were collected over a 13 year period. This robust dataset of 32,242 TP measurements and 18,422 TN measurements was collapsed to station median values and statistically ranked. When plotted, the TP data approximates a normal distribution. According to EPA nutrient criteria guidance the 25th percentile concentration should correspond to an inherently protective value. The 25th percentile annual average concentrations for TP and TN are 70 ppb and 1.23 mg/l, respectively. A limitation of this approach is that it does not factor in the aquatic condition of streams used in the dataset. Therefore it is not clear whether the value inherently protects aquatic life. However, given the distribution of data values and the expected levels resulting from taking the 25th percentile of the dataset, it is expected that the value generated from this approach is inherently protective. 4.2.3 Approach #3: A modeling approach removing land disturbance (EPA Region 4) A modeling approach was used where disturbed landuse was changed in select WBIDs to reflect natural conditions (i.e., forest and wetlands). A spreadsheet based on EPA’s Pollutant Load (PLOAD) model (EPA, 2001) was used to develop TP and TN targets. The spreadsheet was used to calculate nonpoint source loadings for nutrients as the product of the water quality concentration and runoff volume associated with certain land use practices. Seven WBIDs representing headwater tributaries in the Lake Okeechobee watershed were selected to calculate the TP and TN target concentrations based on undisturbed conditions. Landuses classified in the 1999 SWFWMD coverage as urban, agriculture, pasture, commercial, industrial, extractive or barren were considered disturbed categories and were changed to undisturbed categories (i.e., forest and wetlands). Runoff volumes were calculated using estimates of annual average rainfall and Event Mean Concentrations (EMCs) for the various landuses. Annual average rainfall for the Lake Okeechobee area is about 60 inches (University of Florida, 2001). Event Mean Concentrations (EMCs) assumed for each land use 33 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 type in Florida were selected from those compiled by Harper and Baker (2003). Model results from the seven WBIDs indicate TP concentrations for natural conditions range from 70 to 74 ppb, with an average value equal to 71 ppb. Model results for TN range from 1.04 to 1.05 mg/l, with an average concentration of 1.04 mg/l. Model calculations are provided in Appendix F. This procedure is designed to estimate loading to the stream. It does not contain any water quality dynamics or a link to aquatic life use support. Aquatic life use support is assumed under natural conditions. The utility of this tool is best used to predict background, or undisturbed, loading to the stream which is then used to estimate natural resulting concentrations. 4.3 Nutrient Target Application The averages of existing nutrient values for each WBID were used to provide the ratio for comparison to the Redfield ratio to determine the prevailing nutrient limitation condition of that WBID. There were 14 P limited WBIDs, eight co-limited WBIDs, and eight N limited WBIDs. After the P target was applied, all WBIDs were P limited with existing levels of N (see Appendix F). However, it is understood that with variation in nutrient concentration the ratio will change and limitation will shift accordingly. Targeting only the limiting nutrient, without addressing the other can be expected to restrain primary production only as long as that nutrient is clearly limiting. If P is targeted in all WBIDs at a level that will maintain or establish P limitation in each, then excess primary production should be controlled over the averaging period, as long as clear P limitation is maintained throughout the WBID. Under those circumstances, the WBID should be protected in the near-field and P transport reduced downstream to Lake Okeechobee (where primary productivity is to be controlled by a TMDL for P). However, this approach would be incomplete without an assessment of N for several reasons. Forms of N available for primary productivity can remain in excess and directly exert a negative influence on dissolved oxygen. High levels of excess N can have a direct effect on DO. During the majority of the time under P limitation, when local primary productivity is being effectively suppressed by control of P, biological uptake of N is restricted. This may leave the chemically reduced constituents of the nitrogen series, i.e., ammonia and organic N, to more directly exert their oxygen demand in WBIDs that are already under oxygen stress. In many of these WBIDs with high ambient N concentrations there is significant animal agriculture in the watershed, which could be expected to increase the organic N and ammonia fractions of total N delivered to the waterbody. News reports of oxygen depletion fish kills associated with agricultural runoff are easy to find. This potential for increased nitrogenous oxygen demand and allochthonous carbonaceous oxygen demand under P limitation provides justification for concurrent reduction of N. In the near field, with P only control, there may also be high levels of N present. Many WBIDs have such significant P limitation precisely because of existing high levels of N. Allowing these high ambient levels of N increases the risk of failure of the control scheme. The strength of P limitation 34 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 can be expected to vary during the averaging period, and shifts to co-limiting conditions with high N present may result in loss of control of primary production. And during these times, events of short duration could significantly affect aquatic life. In order to minimize the risk of water quality standards violation, concurrent control of N may be warranted in these WBIDs. Additionally, N can, or will be, the excess nutrient in all P limited WBIDs, and as such remains in the watershed for transportation downstream while productivity is restrained by P control. The farfield effects of exported N from WBIDs under P only control must be considered if downstream uses are to be adequately protected. Under conditions of P limitation, with local excess primary production controlled to a large extent by P reductions alone, there will be consequent export of the excess nutrient, N, which will impact nitrogen sensitive downstream systems. And without concurrent control, the larger the excess of N, the greater will be the impact. There are documented nutrient impairments in the downstream estuaries of the St. Lucie (see Proposed Nutrient TMDL for St. Lucie Estuary TMDL, USEPA, 2006) and the Caloosahatchee River (SFWMD, 2005) with excess nitrogen loading attributed to discharge from Lake Okeechobee. To avoid establishing, or failing to establish, allocations that allow contribution to violations of water quality standards in these downstream waters, concurrent control of N may be warranted. With control targets for tributaries based upon estimations of least impacted conditions, levels may approach a natural background condition which would be acceptable for transport to Lake Okeechobee. As a result of the considerations described above, a dual nutrient approach will be followed in assigning nutrient targets to each impaired WBID in the Lake Okeechobee watershed. The decision rationale for controlling nitrogen in a particular WBID is summarized below. Additional detail can be found in Appendix G. Step one: If the DO is not meeting the water quality standard for the WBID based on the verified list binomial test or, if the data set is too small, greater than 10% of the samples violate, then a regression analysis is run to determine if nitrogen has an effect on DO. If so, nitrogen will be controlled. If not, step two is applied (which would also apply if the DO were meeting the water quality standard because it targets control of primary productivity throughout the year). Step two: If a phosphorus only TMDL results in phosphorus limitation for less than 90% of the time using the TMDL target concentration as the phosphorus condition, nitrogen will be controlled. This avoids the risk associated with dependence on a single nutrient control approach where that condition would be expected for less than 90% of the time. Inherent fluctuation in phosphorus levels will still be observed post TMDL implementation. Step three: A third check will be made to ensure that excess nitrogen, post TMDL implementation, is not delivered downstream recognizing that there are documented nitrogen caused impairments in the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Bay. This will be done by using the reductions necessary from the Lake Okeechobee watershed in the St. Lucie TMDL being concurrently proposed by EPA to calculate a target condition for Lake Okeechobee. If the target condition in Lake Okeechobee expressed as a median is less than the median of 35 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 existing TN concentrations in the WBID, nitrogen will be controlled. As expected, the concentrations of nitrogen in Lake Okeechobee inflows are not significantly different, after mixing, than those in Lake Okeechobee outflows. 4.4 DO and BOD Target In waterbodies listed for both nutrients and DO, controlling nutrients should result in improved DO conditions. In most of the WBIDs, insufficient data are available to correlate elevated BOD concentrations with depressed DO levels, with the exception of WBID 3186B which is listed for DO and BOD and not nutrients. In that case, a regression analysis between DO and BOD was performed using the limited data available in the WBID. The analysis was conducted at both a single station and using all data collected in the WBID. The correlation is stronger at a single station rather than the results obtained when all data are used in the analysis. Although DO and BOD measurements are collected at several stations within the WBID, only data collected at Station 21FLSFWMKRFNC38 include times when DO criteria are achieved in the stream. This station is located upstream of Kissimmee River Restoration project restoration activities and was the only station where a range of BOD and DO measurements were collected. The data were filtered to remove non-detect samples. Using the trendline equation shown on this plot, the BOD concentration corresponding to the DO criterion of 5 mg/l is about 2.36 mg/l and is used as the target in this WBID. Details of the BOD target calculation are provided in Appendix E. Elevated chlorophyll levels are an indication of nutrient productivity; however, insufficient data are available in most WBIDs to indicate a correlation between these parameters. An assumption in these TMDLs is DO conditions should improve when management strategies are implemented to return nutrients loadings to natural background levels. 4.5 Unionized Ammonia Target WBIDs 3244 and 3247 are listed for unionized ammonia. The TMDL targets the numerical criteria of 0.02 mg/l in calculating allowable loads. Achieving the nutrient targets in these WBIDs should result in lower unionized ammonia concentrations. 36 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 N ## ## # # ### # ## ## ## ## ## # ## ## ## # # ## # # ## # # # ### ## ## # # # ## # # ## # ## # # W ## ## ## # # # S # # ## # # # # # ##### E # ### # # ### ## # ## # # # # ## # ## ## ## # # # # # # # # # ##### ## # # # # ### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # ### #### # ##### # # # # # # # # ## # #### # ## ## # ## # # ## # # # ## ### # # ## #### # # ## ### # ## # # # # ## ## ## ## # # # ## # # ## # ## # #### ### #### # ## # ## ## # # #### # # # # # ## # # ## # # ## ### # # ## # ## # # # ###### ## # ## # ## # ## # ## # # #### ## # # ## # ## # # ## ######## ####### # # # # # # # ## # # # ## ## # ## # # ## # # # # # # ## ## # # # # ## # ## # # ### # ### ## # # # #### ## ### ### # # # ## # # # ### # ## ## ## # # ## # # # # # ## # ### ###### ## # # ## # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # ### # #### # # ## # # # ## ## # ### # ## # ## # ## # ####### # # # ## # ## # #### ## # # ## # # ## # # ## # ### ## # # # # # ## ## ## ## # # # Monitoring Stations County Target Setting WBIDs Waterbody LAKE/POND RESERVOIR SEA/OCEAN STREAM/RIVER CANAL/DITCH SWAMP/MARSH 0 10 20 ## ## ## # # # # # # # # 10 # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # ## ### # # # ## # # # # ## # # ## ### ### # #### ### ## # #### # ## ### # ## ##### # ## ## ## ## # ## # # ## ## #### # # # # # # ## # ## 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Miles Figure 5. Location of WBIDs and Monitoring Stations Used to Calculate a Nutrient Target per Section 4.2.2 37 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 5 WATER QUALITY RESULTS Data collected during the Group 4 listing cycle were used to assess water quality in the impaired waterbodies. Data compiled in IWR Run 24 were used in the data analysis and is summarized in Table 6 and Table 7. This covers data collected between 1993 and 2004. For WBIDs listed for nutrients, TN, TP, chlorophyll-a and unionized ammonia, data are reported. A summary of BOD and DO data for WBIDs listed for DO is shown in Table 7. The spatial distributions of average TP, TN, and DO values are shown in Figure 6, Figure 7, and Figure 8, respectively. As shown in these figures, areas of high nutrient concentrations correspond to areas of depressed DO concentrations. WBIDs 3186B and 3186D are listed for DO and/or BOD. Samples collected at the same station and on the same day and analyzed for DO, BOD, Chl-a, TP TN, and temperature are plotted to determine a correlation, if any, between these parameters. Select correlation plots for WBID 3186B and 3186D are provided in Appendix A. As expected, DO has a positive correlation with temperature, most likely a benefit of tree canopy. In these WBIDs, DO does not have a strong correlation with Chl-a or any of the nutrient parameters. WBID 3186D does not have sufficient data collected at any station to correlate depressed DO concentrations with either BOD or chlorophyll-a. Chlorophyll concentrations measured in the WBID are low (maximum value is 6 g/l) and would not be indicative of nutrient rich waters. WBID 3186D is predominately forest and rangeland. The correlation between DO and TN for WBID 3186D is shown in Appendix A. The correlation is weak, but in general as TN concentrations decrease, DO concentrations increase. WBIDs 3244 and 3247 are listed for unionized ammonia, nutrients, and DO. The 95th percentile concentration of unionized ammonia data is selected to represent existing conditions. This percentile concentration (i.e., 0.05 mg/l for WBID 3244 and 0.0283 mg/l for WBID 3247) is considered conservative, as the average concentrations measured in WBIDs 3244 and 3247 are 0.02 and 0.01mg/l, respectively, which are equivalent to or less than the water quality standard. Plots of unionized ammonia data collected in the WBIDs and percentile calculations are provided in Appendix A. 38 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load Table 6. US EPA Region 4 Summary of Nutrient and Unionized Ammonia Data for Impaired WBIDs WBID TP (mg/l) Obs TN (mg/l) Mean Min Max Obs Mean Min Chlorophyll -a(µg/l) Max Obs Mean Min Unionized Ammonia (mg/l) Max Obs Mean Min Max 3186B 1,904 0.08 0 3.39 586 1.31 -0.49 6.97 320 24.24 1 293.8 164 0 0 0.02 3186C 46 0.39 0.01 1.49 45 1.86 0.84 9.51 20 29.17 1.4 365.07 1 0 0 0 3186D 45 0.07 0.01 1.08 43 1.08 0.33 3.8 17 2.4 1 6.3 - - - - 3188 711 0.47 0 3.92 258 1.77 0.5 8.4 23 7.24 1 74 13 0 0 0 3188A 152 0.19 0.03 1.19 108 1.42 0.52 4.64 6 83.02 1 480 - - - - 3192C 18 0.27 0.04 1.3 18 1.98 1.11 4.71 12 30.03 1 150 - - - - 3199B 104 1.587 0.05 5.78 92 2.99 0.92 11.00 14 157.77 6.00 979.36 - - - - 3203A 2,869 0.484 0.01 15 557 1.6 0.78 11.36 3 13.78 3.89 26.67 191 0 0 0.02 3203B 591 0.943 0.19 3.72 203 2.6 1.04 9.68 3 5.28 4.41 6.17 2 0 0 0 3204 988 0.15 0 0.73 987 1.96 0.07 6.41 21 51.55 1 440 399 0 0 0.01 3205 567 0.48 0.02 1.47 405 1.83 0.51 7.91 23 50.32 1 370 1 0.01 0.01 0.01 3205D 500 0.63 0.02 5.83 369 2.1 0.57 27.85 21 12.52 1 210 2 0.02 0.01 0.03 3206 444 0.185 0.04 1.93 444 1.73 -0.44 5.07 23 24.72 1 62 199 0 0 0.07 3209 3,453 0.107 0 2.59 1588 1.64 -0.47 13.62 233 10.28 1 69.3 552 0 0 0.01 203 0.455 0.07 1.76 200 1.86 0.48 3.87 8 19.83 1 67 2 0.01 0.01 0.01 3213A 39 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load WBID TP (mg/l) Obs US EPA Region 4 TN (mg/l) Mean Min Max Obs Mean Chlorophyll -a(µg/l) Min Max Obs Mean Min Unionized Ammonia (mg/l) Max Obs Mean Min Max 3213B 272 0.438 0 2.11 245 2.07 -0.37 23.38 65 38.65 3.8 144.8 34 0 0 0 3213C 422 0.109 0 2.11 397 1.69 -0.37 23.38 68 39.43 3.8 144.8 89 0 0 0.01 3213D 179 1.096 0.09 3.92 8 2.6 0.8 3.68 4 3.98 1 8.92 1 0.01 0.01 0.01 3233 346 0.135 0.01 0.85 320 2.14 0.95 8.4 18 11.8 4.27 27.3 106 0 0 0.03 3238 467 0.186 0.01 1.7 382 2.34 0.63 11.2 27 38.07 1 120.93 101 0.01 0 0.03 3238E 362 0.103 0 0.43 300 3 -0.1 9.94 60 9.65 2.3 30.1 78 0.01 0 0.04 3244 173 0.277 0.05 1.43 173 4 1.28 22.4 - - - - 60 0.02 0 0.06 3246 738 0.115 0.02 0.59 739 2.3 -0.48 7.93 1 7.9 7.9 7.9 306 0 0 0.05 3247 324 0.101 0 0.45 324 3.54 0.5 17 - - - - 130 0.01 0 0.06 3248 308 0.135 0.01 1.22 305 3.87 0.51 35.97 34 30.49 3.1 187 88 0.01 0 0.03 3248A 167 0.112 0.01 0.88 154 2.15 -0.43 13.57 13 38.52 13.9 107.6 1 0.03 0.03 0.03 3250 149 0.097 0.03 0.27 149 3.62 1.4 5.99 - - - - 56 0.01 0 0.05 3251 195 0.084 0.02 0.49 168 2.11 0.8 7.93 26 48.7 5.7 566.1 - - - - 3253 171 0.086 0.04 0.24 171 3.13 1.17 22.95 - - - - 67 0.01 0 0.05 1436 56 0.068 0.01 0.24 56 1.71 0.59 4.42 16 3.06 1 15.65 10 0 0 0 40 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Table 7. Summary of DO and BOD Data in WBIDs Impaired For DO WBID DO (mg/l) Obs Mean Min BOD (mg/l) Max Obs Mean Min Max 3186B 616 4.42 0.01 12.81 60 3.81 -2 14.6 3186C 46 4.11 0.61 7.6 16 2.91 0.7 7.4 3186D 43 4.49 0.13 9.16 15 2.05 2 2.2 3188 608 3.53 0.11 14.02 23 2.23 0 8.5 3188A 137 3.18 0.42 8.43 6 2.43 0 8.3 3192C 19 2.46 0.17 7.6 12 5.72 1 20.1 3199B 92 2.57 0.18 8.61 - - - - 3203A 1050 3.38 0 15.43 - - - - 3203B 519 3.76 0.44 9.41 - - - - 3204 949 4.31 0.2 11.63 19 3.55 0 19.2 3205 413 4.24 0.33 11.3 - - - - 1079 3.76 0.1 12.6 13 1.31 0.41 3.8 3206 435 4.19 0.13 10.69 29 2.21 0 6.1 3209 1379 5.34 0 13.42 8 2.49 2 3.4 3213A 197 4 0.69 10.5 - - - - 3213B 240 3.98 0.09 10.8 - - - - 3213C 400 4.67 0.09 13.93 - - - - 3213D 168 2.57 0.3 9.16 - - - - 3233 360 4.83 0.2 12.91 - - - - 3238 311 5.95 0.3 15.03 - - - - 3238E 275 4.39 0.8 11.13 - - - - 155 4.3 0.2 14.9 - - - - 3205D 3244 41 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load WBID DO (mg/l) Obs Mean Min US EPA Region 4 BOD (mg/l) Max Obs Mean Min Max 3246 695 7.37 0.9 11.00 - - - - 3247 305 4.08 0.1 13.72 - - - - 3248 223 4.97 0.3 13.06 - - - - 3248A 80 5.99 0.4 10.53 - - - - 3251 94 5.85 0.1 14.11 - - - - 3253 161 3.89 0 9.9 - - - - 1436 68 3.75 0.14 8.9 25 2.01 1.1 3.6 42 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Average TP Values N W E S TMDL WBID TP (ppb) 0 - 25th Percentile 25th - 50th Percentile 50 - 75th Percentile 75 - 95th Percentile > 95th Percentile Waterbody LAK E/POND RESER VOIR SEA/OCE AN STREAM/R IV ER CANAL/DITCH SWAMP/MAR SH 60 70 80 12 0 940 390 80 70 30 30 50 410 470 290 63 0 70 270 1590 480 60 150 190 50 39 0 0 # 100 # 110 30 1100 80 0 16 140 190 10 0 90 100 90 80 70 10 0 10 20 30 40 110 100 50 60 Figure 6. Distribution of Average TP Concentrations 43 70 130 80 90 100 Miles Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 N Average TN Values W E S TMDL WBIDs (2) TMDL WBID TN (mg/l) 0 - 25th Percentile 25 - 50th Percentile 50 - 75th Percentile 75 - 95th Percentile > 95th Percentile Waterbody LAKE/POND RESERVOIR SEA/OCEAN STREAM/RIVER CANAL/DITCH SWAMP/MARSH 1.67 1.86 0.9 0 1.07 1.31 2.36 1.49 2.13 1.56 1.87 2 2. .00 02 2.97 1.68 1.71 1. 90 1.94 2.21 1.92 1.90 # 2.12 2.56 # # 2.98 2.31 # 2.15 # 2.11 8.63 3.87 4.28 3.69 20 0 20 40 60 Figure 7. Distribution of Average TN Concentrations 44 80 100 Miles Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 N W E S LOWP Basin TMDL WBID DO (mg/l) 5 - 25 4.01 - 4.99 0.1 - 4 Waterbody LAKE/POND RESERVOIR SEA/OCEAN STREAM/RIVER CANAL/DITCH SWAMP/M ARSH 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Figure 8. DO Distribution in the Area Surrounding Lake Okeechobee 45 90 100 Miles Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 6 SOURCE ASSESSMENT An important part of the TMDL analysis is the identification of source categories and the amount of pollutant loading contributed by these sources. Sources are broadly classified as either point or nonpoint sources. Phosphorus originating from atmospheric deposition is allocated to background loads. Several of the WBIDs are also impaired for dissolved oxygen and unionized ammonia. The sources contributing to nutrient impairment also contribute to the low DO and elevated unionized ammonia levels. Low DO concentrations can also be attributed to hydromodification associated with channelization. 6.1 Background Loads Dry and wet atmospheric deposition of phosphorus is considered background. Phosphorus loading in South Florida is monitored through the Florida Atmospheric Mercury Study (FAMS). Wet deposition phosphorus loading rates average about 10 mgP/m2-yr, while dry deposition phosphorus loading rates range from 10 mgP/m2-yr to 20 mgP/m2-yr (FDEP, 2001). The Lake Okeechobee Technical Advisory Committee recommended that 18 mgP/m2-yr is an appropriate atmospheric loading of phosphorus over the open lake. This rate is used to estimate background loads of phosphorus in the impaired tributaries in the Lake Okeechobee watershed. The LOPP allocates 35 Mtons to atmospheric deposition. 6.2 Permitted Point Sources A point source is defined as a discernable, confined, and discrete conveyance from which pollutants are or may be discharged to surface waters. Point source discharges of industrial wastewater and treated sanitary wastewater must be authorized by National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. NPDES permitted facilities discharging treated sanitary wastewater or stormwater are typically considered primary sources of nutrients. 6.2.1 Inventory of Point Sources Several domestic and industrial wastewater point sources exist in the watershed; however, most of them do not discharge to surface waters. Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs) are located in WBIDs 3505 and 3505D but they land apply the wastewater and do not discharge to surface waters. Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAs) are large parcels of wetlands planted with specific species that act as filters to remove nutrients. Within the life cycle of these plants, plant litter will accumulate and become peat through a natural anaerobic process. The peat will trap pollutants in agricultural stormwater runoff, facilitating restoration of downstream waterbodies. STA 1 West (STA1W) is located in WBID 3238E and is permitted through the NPDES program with monitoring requirements only. Permitted facilities located in the impaired WBIDs are shown in Table 8. FDEP regulates dairy farms and other confined animal operations located in the Lake Okeechobee watershed under State Law, Chapter 62-670.500, F.A.C. (Dairy Rule). The purpose of the rule is to 46 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 control pollution of waters of the state due to the discharge of wastewater and runoff from dairies and other confined animal operations. Additionally, EPA reinterpreted its federal rules regarding NPDES permitting of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). The state was required to implement these federal rules by December 2004. Based on the EPA rules, all of the dairies and some of the CAFOs located within the Lake Okeechobee watershed must obtain NPDES permits. The permitting requirements include the development and implementation of a nutrient management plan, record keeping, transfer of waste to third parties, and annual reporting (SFWMD, 2006). Table 8. Permitted Wastewater Facilities Discharging in Impaired WBIDs Name of Facility City of Clewiston WWTP H W Rucks Dairy Barn #1 H W Rucks Dairy Barn #2 Okeelanta Power L P Cogeneration Osceola Power L P Cogeneration Palm Beach Aggregates Everglades STA1W Annual Average Nutrients Limits (existing) Permitted Flow TN TP Facility ID WBID (MGD) (mg/l) (mg/l) FL0040665 3246 FLA139173 3205 FLA139165 3505D FL0043737 3248 FL0043745 3238 FL0169081 3238E FL0177962 3238E 1.5 5 0.7 Land application of wastewater Land application of wastewater 0.423 Discharges to percolation pond 0.33 Discharges to percolation pond 5 Discharges to settling pond Monitoring requirements only 6.2.2 Estimating Point Source Loads Waste Load Allocations (WLAs) are assigned to all NPDES permits discharging to surface waters. The City of Clewiston WWTP (FL0040665) uses extended aeration to treat wastewater before applying it to an isolated sprayfield. Underdrains from the sprayfield discharge into a perimeter canal that is continuously pumped to the Class III freshwaters of an irrigation canal. This canal ultimately discharges to the Caloosahatchee River. A WLA is assigned to this facility as its wastewater has been shown to impact water quality in the Class III irrigation canal (FDEP, 2002). A WLA is calculated for TP, TN and BOD and expressed in units of Metric tons (Mtons) based on the following equation. WLA = concentration (mg/l) * flow (gal/day) * 3.785 l/gal * Mton/109 mg = Mton/day (Equation 1) The WLA for the City of Clewiston WWTP is calculated using design flow and annual average concentrations that reflect natural conditions for TP, TN and BOD (see Table 9). The NPDES permit for the Clewiston facility should be revised to reflect these new limits. If these concentrations are achieved in the effluent, the facility should not cause or contribute to water quality impairment in the WBID because the regulatory concentration in the waterbody would reflect natural conditions [62-302.200(15) FAC]. Details on the derivation of the WLA values are provided in Appendix C. 47 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Table 9. Proposed Permit Limits for Clewiston WWTP (FL0040665) Parameter Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus Biochemical Oxygen Demand Concentration (mg/l) Annual Average Load (lb/day) 1.2 15.02 0.077 0.96 2.0 25.03 Note: The expressed daily load and concentration should be achieved based on an annual average of the measured days. Dissolved Oxygen concentrations reported in DMRs between 1998 and 2004 indicate numerous violations of the water quality criteria between 1998 and 2001. Many of these violations coincide with violations measured in the Industrial Canal (see Figure C- 3 in Appendix C). This TMDL requires the City of Clewiston WWTP to comply with its permit limit for DO and to comply with revised permit limits for nutrients and BOD based on this TMDL. Site specific criteria may need to be developed for DO if the reductions proposed to achieve natural background conditions can be adjusted and still result in attainment of the designated use. 6.2.3 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permittees Like other nonpoint sources of pollution, urban stormwater discharges are associated with land use and human activities, and are driven by rainfall and runoff processes leading to the intermittent discharge of pollutants in response to storms. The 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act designated certain stormwater discharges from urbanized areas as point sources requiring NPDES stormwater permits. The three major components of the NPDES stormwater regulations are: Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (or MS4) permits that are issued to entities that own and operate master stormwater systems, primarily local governments. Permittees are required to implement comprehensive stormwater management programs designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the MS4 to the maximum extent practicable. Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities, which is regulated primarily by a multisector general permit that covers various types of industrial manufacturing facilities and requires the implementation of stormwater pollution prevention plans. Construction activity generic permits for projects that disturb one or more acres of land and which require the implementation of stormwater pollution prevention plans to provide for erosion and sediment control during construction and the treatment and management of stormwater to minimize pollution and flooding. 48 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 In October 2000, USEPA authorized FDEP to implement the NPDES stormwater program in all areas of Florida except Indian Tribal lands. FDEP’s authority to administer the NPDES program is set forth in Section 403.0885, Florida Statutes. The Stormwater Rule was established as a technology-based program that relies on the implementation of BMPs that are designed to achieve a specific level of treatment (i.e., performance standards) as set forth in Chapter 62-40, F.A.C. The Stormwater Rule requires the state’s water management districts (WMDs) to establish stormwater pollutant load reduction goals (PLRGs) and adopt them as part of a SWIM plan, other watershed plan, or rule. Stormwater PLRGs are a major component of the load allocation part of a TMDL. To date, stormwater PLRGs have been established for Tampa Bay, Lake Thonotosassa, the Winter Haven Chain of Lakes, the Everglades, Lake Okeechobee, and Lake Apopka. The NPDES stormwater program was implemented in phases, with Phase I MS4 areas including municipalities having a population above 100,000. Because the master drainage systems of most local governments in Florida are interconnected, EPA implemented Phase 1 of the MS4 permitting program on a countywide basis, which brings in all cities, Chapter 298 urban water control districts, and the Florida DOT throughout the fifteen counties meeting the population criteria. Phase II of the NPDES Program was expanded in 2003 and requires stormwater permits to construction sites between one and five acres, and to local governments with as few as 10,000 people. An important difference between federal and state stormwater permitting programs is the federal program covers both new and existing discharges, while the state program focuses on new discharges. Although MS4 discharges are technically referred to as “point sources” for the purpose of regulation, they are still diffuse sources of pollution that cannot be easily collected and treated by a central treatment facility. Most MS4 permits issued in Florida include a re-opener clause allowing permit revisions for implementing TMDLs once they are formally adopted by rule. MS4 entities covering the drainage basins of the impaired WBIDs are shown in Table 10. The cities of Pahokee, South Bay, and Belle Glade are urban areas located south of Lake Okeechobee covered by a Palm Beach County Phase I MS4 permit (FLS000018). The City of Pahokee is located in portions of WBIDs 3244 and 3238, South Bay is located in portions of WBIDs 3248 and 3253 and the City of Belle Glade is located within WBID 3248A. Polk County and the City of Davenport in the Horseshoe Creek basin (WBID 1436) are covered by a Phase I MS4 permit (FLS000015). Polk County is the “unofficial” lead permittee. The Department of Transportation is a co-permittee to this permit. There are no urban areas in the impaired WBIDs of sufficient populations in Polk, Osceola, or Martin counties covered by an MS4 permit. MS4 permittees will only be responsible for reducing the anthropogenic loads associated with stormwater outfalls that it owns or otherwise has responsible control over, and it is not responsible for reducing other nonpoint source loads in its jurisdiction. All future areas with populations meeting the MS4 requirements will be required to achieve the allocations presented in the TMDL. 49 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Table 10. MS4 Permittees in the Drainage Basins of Impaired WBIDs County Permit/Co-Permit Name Permit ID Number MS4 Type Polk Polk County FLS000015 Phase I Osceola Osceola County FLR04E063 Phase II Martin Martin County FLR04E013 Phase II Palm Beach Palm Beach County ERM FLS000018 Phase I 6.3 Nonpoint Sources Unlike traditional point source effluent loads, nonpoint source loads are diffuse sources that cannot be identified as entering a waterbody through a discrete conveyance at a single location. These sources generally, but not always, involve accumulation of nutrients on land surfaces and wash off as a result of storm events. Nonpoint sources of phosphorus and nitrogen loadings in the Lake Okeechobee watershed include: agriculture (cattle and crops), wildlife, septic systems, and stormwater runoff. The single greatest contributor to increased N in most ecosystems is fertilizer use, with other factors including deforestation, fossil fuel burning, increased planting of nitrogen fixing crops, and oxidation of organic soils (SFWMD, 2003). Major outflows from Lake Okeechobee include evapotranspiration (66 percent), the Caloosahatchee River to the west (12 percent), St. Lucie Canal to the east (4 percent) and the four major agricultural canals (the Miami, New River, Hillsboro, and West Palm Beach Canals) that drain south and southeast (18 percent). The lake contributes poor water quality to these waterbodies. Implementation of control strategies outlined in the Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan should result in improved water quality discharging from the lake. Depressed DO concentrations in the EAA are a result of nutrient-rich waters transported in the canals. Despite reductions in the organic load carried in the canals, the physical nature of the canals and their position in an area of wetlands and organic soils, DO concentrations should continue to be depressed below Class III water quality criteria. A summary of anthropogenic nonpoint sources found in the Lake Okeechobee watershed is presented below. A detail discussion of these sources and remediation actions planned for the watershed can be found on FDEP’s webpage. 6.3.1 Agriculture Agricultural activities are the principle land uses in the impaired WBIDs and are responsible for discharging large quantities of nutrients to the waterbodies through stormwater runoff. Cattle and 50 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 dairy pasturelands are the primary agriculture activities north and northwest of Lake Okeechobee, while cropland (sugarcane and vegetables) dominates to the south and east of the lake. The most intensive land use in the watershed is dairy farming, which began in the 1950’s. In 1987, FDEP adopted Chapter 62-670 to establish treatment requirements to reduce total phosphorus concentrations in runoff originating from AFOs and dairy farms in the Lake Okeechobee watershed. Waste treatment systems were to be constructed to treat runoff and wastewater from barns and high-intensity milk herd holding areas. According to the Dairy Rule, all 49 dairies in the Lake Okeechobee drainage basin had to sell and remove their cattle or else comply with the rule by 1991. The Dairy Buy-Out-Program allowed owners of dairies to sell their dairy if they were unable or unwilling to comply with the rule. In 1997, 23 dairies were eliminated, while 26 came into compliance with the rule. The importation of phosphorus as feed, fertilizer and detergents, to support agricultural activities is a major source of phosphorus, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia to the watershed. Ninety-eight percent of the phosphorus imported to the watershed supports agricultural activities while the remaining two percent supports human activities. Land use activities that are responsible for the largest percentage of annual phosphorus imports to the watershed include: improved pasture, sugar mills, dairies, sugarcane fields, and truck crops. FDEP has demonstrated a high correlation between phosphorus imports (animal feed and fertilizers) to the watershed and phosphorus loadings to Lake Okeechobee. Sugarcane has been grown commercially in southern Florida, primarily in the EAA, since the 1920s and is one of the most economically important crops in the state. Sugarcane planting and harvesting operations are conducted during the fall and winter. During the summer wet months area farms store water by flooding vacant sugarcane fields or by growing paddy rice. Sugarcane is planted in rotation with rice, sod, spring and fall corn, and other assorted vegetables. To maximize the efficient use of plant nutrients in the soil, a rotation from higher to lower fertility requiring crops is normally practiced. Like any other plant, sugarcane requires nutrients for optimum growth. In the EAA, nutrients are provided from rainfall, irrigation water, organic soils, and fertilizer. Research studies based on yield responses have been used to establish guidelines currently used for fertilizer rates. Studies have shown that sugarcane biomass removes more phosphorus from the soil than the amount applied as fertilizer. 6.3.2 Sediment Another factor that controls phosphorus in the waterbodies involves the internal phosphorus loading from sediments that accumulates in the waterbodies. Phosphorus is typically bound to calcium, other organic matter, or iron at the surface of the sediments. The diffusive flux of phosphorus between the surface and water column is controlled by iron solubility. Under conditions of low dissolved oxygen (iron is in the form of Fe2+), phosphorus is released at high rates from the sediment in the water column and could increase from 50 ppb to over 1 ppm. This condition could contribute to algal blooms that occur in the summer months. The largest amounts of N come from the EAA as these former soils of the Everglades are organic 51 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 and decompose under current agricultural practices. So much N is released through soil loss that crops in the EAA do not need additional N fertilizer. Like P, plants and chemical interactions can absorb large amounts of N. However, ecosystems can become N saturated, and once this happens, N runoff accelerates. Dairies and sludge applications are other significant sources of N in the Okeechobee watershed. Most of the P control measures enacted in response to the Dairy Rule, especially holding more water and containing cattle waste, yield significant N control. An estimated 11,914 tons of sludge was applied in Okeechobee County in 1999, containing an estimated 275 tons of N and 133 tons of P. Large chicken farms near Indiantown transported nitrogen-rich chicken manure into Okeechobee’s watershed through 2001. A partial moratorium on sludge application was called in 2001 and BMPs for sludge application for agriculture were developed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS, SFWMD, 2002). Nutrient impairment in Lettuce Creek (WBID 3213A) is attributed to high dissolved phosphorus fraction attached to sediment particles. Baffle boxes were installed in the creek as part of the Tributary Sediment Removal Project to evaluate the phosphorus reduction benefits that could be achieved by removing sediment loads from a stream. This type of traditional sediment trap was ineffective at removing phosphorus due to the small diameter particles discharging into Lettuce Creek. The study concluded a simple settling pond with chemical coagulation would be more efficient and cost effective at removing particulate phosphorus than baffle boxes. 6.3.3 Septic Systems Residential septic tank systems and small package plants deliver contaminants (bacteria and toxic household chemicals) and nutrients to the impaired waterbodies. While urban areas comprise about 10 percent of the land uses in the basin, they only contribute 3 percent of the total phosphorus load in the watershed (SFWMD, 2001). Wastewater master plans were completed in January 2004 to address the need for connecting septic system and package plants to a central sewer system. 6.3.4 Stormwater Runoff Stormwater runoff from agricultural and urban land cover represents a significant portion of the nutrient loadings to the impaired streams. Numerous Best Available Technologies (BATs) projects have been initiated in the Lake Okeechobee watershed to reduce phosphorus loadings in stormwater runoff. In May 2004, the SFWMD completed constructed of edge-of-farm stormwater treatment BATs on select dairy properties in the watershed, one of which was on property located in WBIDs 3213A and 3203A. Dairy BATs projects consist of capturing stormwater runoff from high nutrient pasture areas; reusing the runoff onsite in current operations (if possible); and if offsite discharge is necessary, chemically treating the runoff prior to its release. Reducing nutrients entering stormwater in urbanized areas is essential to achieving the goals of the LOPP. Public education through the Florida Yards and Neighborhood Program provides weekly newspaper articles addressing proper lawn maintenance practices. The program encourages the use 52 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 of low- or no-phosphorus fertilizers for urban lawns and golf courses. 7 DEVELOPMENT OF THE TMDL The TMDLs are based on achieving nutrient concentrations that protect the actual listed waterbodies and also achieve the nutrient load to Lake Okeechobee consistent with the allocations outlined in the Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan (LOPP) and the proposed St. Lucie TMDL. The LOPP allocates an annual average load of 35 metric tons to background (i.e., atmospheric deposition) and 105 metric tons/yr between point and nonpoint sources. To achieve the TP load in the lake, the basins discharging into the lake are allocated a load such that the total load from all waterbodies (impaired and not impaired) does not exceed 105 metric tons. Details of the development of the target TP load for Lake Okeechobee can be found in the LOPP (SFWMD, 2004). The TMDLs also target TN as described in Section 4 of this report. For WBIDs listed for both nutrient and DO the TMDL targets reductions in nutrients to achieve loadings representing natural background to achieve DO natural condition criteria. In addition to being listed for nutrients and DO, WBIDs 3244 and 3247 are also listed for unionized ammonia. The unionized ammonia TMDL is calculated using a mass balance approach based on the criterion (0.02 mg/l) and estimates of flow in the WBIDs (see Table 11). The TMDL for WBID 3186B allocates to BOD loadings. 7.1 Nutrient TMDL Nutrient enrichment and the resulting problems related to eutrophication tend to be widespread and are frequently manifested some distance (in both time and space) from their source. Addressing eutrophication involves relating water quality and biological effects (photosynthesis, decomposition, nutrient recycling, etc.), as acted upon by hydrodynamic factors (flow, wind, tide, salinity, etc.) to the timing and magnitude of constituent loads supplied from various categories of pollution sources. Dynamic computer simulation models have become indispensable tools to describe these relationships. Calibrated models also provide opportunities to predict water quality conditions under alternative constituent loadings. FDEP’s TMDL for Lake Okeechobee used the watershed model WAMVIEW to develop baseline discharge and TP loads into the lake. The model time period was 1991-2003 and included the worst drought in recent history (2000) and extremely wet years (1998 and 2003). The LOPP describes how model results were used to assign annual TP loads to each of the 34 basins in the Lake Okeechobee watershed. TP loads allocated to each basin were calculated by multiplying the annual discharge (acre-ft) at each basin outflow structure, the observed flow-weighted TP concentration (mg/l), and a conversion factor (1.233 x 10-3 m3 Mton acre-ft-1 mg-1). Table 11 is a summary of impaired WBIDs located within each LOPP basin, the drainage area, and the annual average discharge. These values represent baseline conditions (1991-2000) against which alternative TP reduction plans are compared. Flows reported for WBIDs 3238 and 3238E are based 53 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 on discharge records obtained from DBHYDRO at structures S352_S and S5A_P, respectively. These flows are measured at the downstream boundary of the WBID and represent annual average flow for the period 1991-2000. Flow records from these structures are included in Appendix B. The annual average flow for WBID 1436 is based on WAMVIEW model output at the downstream end of the WBID. Flow from WBID 1436 drains to a swamp before entering Lake Kissimmee. For all other WBIDs addressed in this report, the annual average discharge values assigned to each WBID are area-weighted based on the percentage of area the WBID covers in an LOPP basin. For example, the drainage area of WBID 3205 is about 44 percent of the total drainage area of the S-191 basin. This percentage is multiplied by the total flow from the S-191 basin to estimate flow in WBID 3205. WBIDs may cover multiple basins. WBID 3250 watershed extends over the South FL Conservancy DD (S-236) and Industrial Canal basins. The discharge assigned to WBID 3250 is the sum of the values for the two LOPP basins. In most cases WBID boundaries align with LOPP basins, but in some instances the areas differ. An LOPP basin may include areas from WBIDs not on the 303(d) list. The impaired WBIDs in Basins S-65 and S-65 A, B, C, D, E account for about 53 percent of the flow from the watershed. The TMDL allocates loads to the impaired WBIDs but not to the non-listed waterbodies in the watershed. The non-listed waterbodies are expected to meet the goals for TP reduction outlined in the LOPP. The SFWMD developed a spreadsheet to evaluate the impact alternative BMPs would have on achieving the TP TMDL for Lake Okeechobee. Criteria used to evaluate the BMPs included protection of native flora and fauna in the lake and watershed, achievement of water quality standards, and cost impacts on land owners and the regional economy. A summary of estimated load reductions resulting from current BMP activities and future tools necessary to achieve the TMDL are shown in Table 3. Table 11. Area and Inflows for Impaired WBIDs and LOPP Basins (Baseline Conditions) LOPP Basin WBID Drainage Area Acres S-65 A, B, C, D, E Basin % of WBID within Basin 427,913 Annual average Discharge (acre-ft/yr) 291,845 3188 98,485 23.0% 67,169 3188A 10,680 2.5% 7284 3186B 67,689 15.8% 46,165 3186C 16,203 3.8% 11,051 54 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load LOPP Basin WBID Drainage Area Acres US EPA Region 4 % of WBID within Basin Annual average Discharge (acre-ft/yr) 3186D 24,518 5.7% 16,722 3192C 10,335 2.4% 7049 Non-Listed Areas 200,003 46.7% 136,406 Taylor Creek/Nubbin Slough (S-191) 120,754 101,946 3205 53,049 43.9% 44,786 3205D 9875 8.2% 8337 3203A 15,332 12.7% 12,944 3203B 6724 5.6% 5677 3213B 16,030 13.3% 13,533 3213A 3135 2.6% 2647 3213D 16,361 13.5% 13,813 248 0.2% 209 Non-Listed Areas 715 Farm 3295 3247 C-40 Basin (S-72) 12,045 3415 100% 43,964 3206 C-41 Basin (S-71) 44,406 16,266 100% 94,928 3204 East Beach DD (Culv 10) 96,114 16,266 49,799 100% 5275 3244 12,045 49,799 11,815 5243 100% 55 11,815 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load LOPP Basin WBID Drainage Area Acres L-59E % of WBID within Basin 14,409 3209 S-135 Basin 14,414 Non-Listed Areas S-154 100% Non-Listed Areas S-2 6395 25,408 13,582 75.1% 19,078 4,507 24.9% 6331 33,798 3199B Annual average Discharge (acre-ft/yr) 6395 18,089 3213C US EPA Region 4 24,630 12,893 38.1% 9396 20,905 61.9% 15234 106,044 31,399 3248 65,336 61.6% 19,346 3248A 40,268 38.0% 11,923 S-3 64,630 3251 S-4 64,638 9794 100% 39,673 3246 South FL Conservancy DD (S-236) and Industrial Canal 3250 South Shore/South Bay DD (Culv 4A) 3253 42,706 29,164 100% 10,596 10,623 9794 29,164 33,682 100% 2947 33,682 8151 2915 100% 56 8151 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load LOPP Basin WBID Drainage Area Acres L-8 (Culv 10A) % of WBID within Basin US EPA Region 4 Annual average Discharge (acre-ft/yr) 108,402 3233 Non-Listed Areas S-5A 63,865 88,799 81.9% 52,316 19,603 18.1% 11549 120,798 3238 73,561 60.9% 156,397 3238E 23,205 19.2% 344,111 0.3% 26,905 S-65 1,021,674 1436 Other Areas (includes impaired WBIDs not in the Group 4 Basin) 3004 862,069 Existing conditions for TP are expressed as concentrations and represent the mean value calculated from all stations in the WBID (see Table 6). The TP baseline load assigned to each LOPP basin represents existing conditions for all WBIDs discharging into that basin. Existing conditions for TN are expressed as loads. TN loads are calculated using the mean concentration measured in the WBID and area-weighted flows estimated from the LOPP. Load (Mton/yr) = Flow (acre-ft/yr) * Conc. (mg/l) * 1.2326E-03 (Equation 2) In the above equation, flow is the annual average flow estimated for the WBID and concentration is the mean value calculated using all observation data collected in the WBID. Existing conditions for total nitrogen are summarized in Table 12. Table 12. Summary of Existing Conditions for Total Nitrogen WBID Average TN Concentration (mg/l) Flow (acre-ft/yr) TN Load (lb/day) 3186B 1.31 46,165 450.24 3186C 1.86 11,051 153.03 57 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load WBID US EPA Region 4 Average TN Concentration (mg/l) Flow (acre-ft/yr) TN Load (lb/day) 3186D 1.08 16,722 134.45 3188 1.77 67,169 885.123 3188A 1.42 7284 77.01 3192C 1.98 7049 103.91 3199B 2.99 9396 287.01 3203A 1.60 12,944 154.19 3203B 2.60 5677 109.89 3205 1.83 44,786 610.18 3205D 2.10 8337 130.34 3213A 1.86 2647 36.65 3213B 2.07 13,533 208.56 3213D 2.60 13,813 267.38 3204 1.96 49,799 726.68 3213C 1.69 19,078 240.04 3233 2.14 52,316 833.51 3238 2.34 156,397 2724.64 3238E 3.00 344,111 7685.72 3244 4.00 11,815 351.85 3246 2.30 29,164 499.39 3248 3.87 19,346 557.40 3248A 2.15 11,923 190.85 58 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load WBID 7.2 US EPA Region 4 Average TN Concentration (mg/l) Flow (acre-ft/yr) TN Load (lb/day) 3251 2.11 9794 153.85 3206 1.73 16,266 209.50 3209 1.64 6395 78.08 3247 3.54 12,045 320.14 3250 3.62 33,682 278.81 3253 3.13 8151 189.94 1436 1.71 26,905 342.53 Unionized Ammonia TMDL Existing conditions for unionized ammonia is calculated using flow estimated for the WBID and the 95th percentile concentration. Calculations are provided in Table A- 2 of Appendix A. The existing unionized ammonia load in WBID 3244 is 4.4 lb/day. The existing load in WBID 3247 is 2.54 lb/day. 7.3 BOD TMDL A regression analysis using DO and BOD data collected in the upper portion of the WBID is used to develop the DO TMDL for WBID 3186B. The data are graphed and a trendline is drawn through the data points. The trendline equation is then used to determine the BOD concentration resulting in DO of 5 mg/l. The TMDL is calculated using this BOD concentration of 2.36 mg/l and an estimate of annual average flow in the WBID. Existing BOD load assigned to WBID 3186B is calculated using the average BOD measurement collected from all stations in the WBID. Existing and TMDL loads are 1309 and 811.13 lb/day, respectively. BOD load calculations are provided in Appendix E. 8 TMDL ALLOCATION The TMDL process quantifies the amount of a pollutant that can be assimilated in a waterbody, identifies the sources of the pollutant, and recommends regulatory or other actions to be taken to achieve compliance with applicable water quality standards based on the relationship between pollution sources and in-stream water quality conditions. The objective of a TMDL is to allocate loads among all of the known pollutant sources throughout a watershed so that appropriate control measures can be implemented and water quality standards achieved. 59 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load 8.1 US EPA Region 4 Allocation A TMDL can be expressed as the sum of all point source loads (Waste Load Allocations or WLA), nonpoint source loads (Load Allocations or LA), and an appropriate margin of safety (MOS), which accounts for uncertainty concerning the relationship between effluent limitations and water quality: TMDL = WLAs + LAs + MOS Federal regulations provide that TMDLs can be expressed in terms of mass per time (e.g. pounds per day), toxicity, or other appropriate measure (40 C.F.R.§ 130.2(i)). TMDLs for the Lake Okeechobee tributaries are expressed as annual average loads for consistency with the allocations in the LOPP. Allocations are to both TP and TN to ensure complete protection of aquatic use support. Strategies implemented in the watershed to achieve the nutrient TMDLs should achieve DO and BOD criteria. The TMDL components for TP are expressed as concentration at the WBID scale and as loads in metric-tons/year and pounds/day at the LOPP basin scale. Annual average LOPP basin loads are divided by 365 days/yr to obtain daily loads. The TMDL components for TN, unionized ammonia and BOD are expressed in terms of daily loads in lb/day. The target TP and TN concentrations represent annual average values and the TMDLs should be implemented to achieve the annual average concentrations and LOPP loads. Loads allocated to the impaired WBIDs are calculated by multiplying the target concentrations and an estimate of annual flow. TMDL components for TP and TN are provided in Table 13 and Table 14; for unionized ammonia in Table 15; and for BOD in Table 16 . LOPP basin loads converted to daily loads are provided in Table 17. An implicit Margin of Safety (MOS) is assumed in all TMDLs as described in Section 8.4. The percent reduction required to achieve water quality standards is calculated using the following equation: % Reduction = (existing load – TMDL) / (existing load) * 100 (Equation 3) Table 13. TMDL Components for Total Phosphorus Lake Basin/WBIDs WLA LA (ppb) MOS TMDL Lake Load (Mton/yr) S-65A ,B, C, D, E % Reduction WBID Conc. (ppb) 19.25 Lake WBID 76% 3188 0 77 Implicit 77 84% 3188A 0 77 Implicit 77 58% 3186B 0 77 Implicit 77 4% 3186C 0 77 Implicit 77 80% 60 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load Lake Basin/WBIDs WLA LA (ppb) MOS US EPA Region 4 TMDL Lake Load (Mton/yr) % Reduction WBID Conc. (ppb) Lake WBID 3186D 0 77 Implicit 77 6% 3192C 0 77 Implicit 77 72% Taylor Creek / Nubbin Slough (S-191) 76% 19.01 3205 0 77 Implicit 77 84% 3205D 0 77 Implicit 77 88% 3203A 0 77 Implicit 77 84% 3203B 0 77 Implicit 77 92% 3213A 0 77 Implicit 77 82% 3213B 0 77 Implicit 77 83% 3213D 0 77 Implicit 77 93% 0.41 715 Farms 3247 0 77 Implicit C-40 Basin (S-72) 77 2.32 3206 0 77 Implicit C-41 Basin (S-71) 0 77 77 Implicit East Beach DD (Culv 10) 77 77 Implicit L59-E 0 77 Implicit 61 49% 76% 77 0.36 3209 58% 76% 2.12 72% Reduction 24% 76% 6.17 3204 3244 75% 72% 76% 77 28% Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load Lake Basin/WBIDs WLA LA (ppb) MOS TMDL Lake Load (Mton/yr) S-135 Basin 3213C % Reduction WBID Conc. (ppb) 0.82 0 77 Implicit S-154 Basin 3199B US EPA Region 4 77 77 Implicit S-2 Basin WBID 76% 29% 76% 5.72 0 Lake 77 1.98 95% 76% 3248 43% Reduction 77 Implicit 77 43% 3248A 31% Reduction 77 Implicit 77 31% S-3 Basin 3251 0.56 0 77 Implicit S-4 Basin 3246 0.15 (Mton/yr) 77 Implicit 0 77 10% Reduction 76% 77 0 77 21% 76% 10% 1.89 Implicit S-5A Basin 3238 1.07 33% Implicit L-8 (Culv 10A) 3233 76% 0.26 77 8% 77 Implicit South Shore / South Bay DD (Culv 4A) 3253 77 1.67 South FL Conservancy DD (S-236) & Industrial Canal 3250 76% 76% 77 43% 77 59% 0 59% 77 Implicit 62 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load Lake Basin/WBIDs WLA LA (ppb) MOS US EPA Region 4 TMDL Lake Load (Mton/yr) % Reduction WBID Conc. (ppb) Lake WBID Reduction 3238E 0 77 Implicit S-65 (Lake Kissimmee) 1436 77 25% 16.96 0% Reduction 77 Implicit 76% 77 0% Notes: 1. Reduction proposed for WBIDs are based on achieving 77 ppb as an annual average of measured days. Lake reduction based on achieving the load allocated in LOPP. 2. WBIDs in S-5 Basin discharge to the Water Conservation Areas and not into Lake Okeechobee. 3. City of Clewiston WWTP is located in WBID 3246. WLA is based on facility design flow and a TP concentration of 0.077 mg/l. 4. WLA values assigned to these WBIDs represent contributions from MS4s and are assigned a percent reduction equivalent to the LA component necessary to protect the WBID. 5. Implicit MOS based on conservative assumptions including using all data collected in the WBID to determine existing conditions rather than considering one time period (season or year). Data represents all flow conditions including drought (1999-2002) and hurricane years (2004). Table 14. TMDL Components for Total Nitrogen WBID WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) MOS TMDL (lb/day) % Reduction 3188 0 600.09 Implicit 600.09 32% 3188A 0 65.08 Implicit 65.08 15% 3186B 0 412.44 Implicit 412.44 8% 3186C* 0 98.73 Implicit 98.73 35% 63 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 WBID WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) MOS TMDL (lb/day) % Reduction 3186D 0 149.39 Implicit 149.39 0% 3192C* 0 62.98 Implicit 62.98 39% 3205 0 400.12 Implicit 400.12 34% 3205D 0 74.48 Implicit 74.48 43% 3203A* 0 115.64 Implicit 115.64 25% 3203B* 0 50.72 Implicit 50.72 54% 3213A 0 23.65 Implicit 23.65 35% 3213B 0 120.90 Implicit 120.90 42% 3213D* 0 123.41 Implicit 123.41 54% 3247 0 107.61 Implicit 107.61 66% 3206* 0 145.32 Implicit 145.32 31% 3204* 0 444.90 Implicit 444.90 39% 3244 70% Reduction 105.56 Implicit 105.56 70% 3209 0 57.13 Implicit 57.13 27% 3213C 0 170.44 Implicit 170.44 29% 3199B* 0 115.19 Implicit 115.19 60% 3248 69% Reduction 172.84 Implicit 172.84 69% 3248A* 44% Reduction 106.52 Implicit 106.52 44% 3251* 0 87.50 Implicit 87.50 43% 3246 * 15.02 lb/day 251.89 Implicit 266.91 48% 64 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 WBID WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) MOS TMDL (lb/day) % Reduction 3250 0 92.42 Implicit 92.42 67% 3253 62% Reduction 72.82 Implicit 72.82 62% 3233 0 467.39 Implicit 467.39 44% 3238 53% Reduction 1397.25 Implicit 1397.25 49% 3238E 0 3074.29 Implicit 3074.29 60% 1436 30% Reduction 240.37 Implicit 240.37 30% Notes: 1. WLA for WBID 3246 is based on TN concentration of 1.23 mg/l and design flow. 2. The expressed daily TN load should be achieved based on an annual average of the measured days recognizing natural variability. Allocations provided for WBIDs marked with an asterisk are provided primarily for the purpose of protecting downstream waterbodies. EPA recognizes that projects can legitimately be designed, located, and implemented downstream in the future for treatment of nitrogen to address estuary impairments in lieu of implementing reductions in the waterbodies. At such time, these allocations can be modified to account for those projects. Implementation of this TMDL, or the St. Lucie estuary TMDL, can include such treatment projects. Until then, reduction of nitrogen in these WBIDs is provided by these allocations for the protection of those downstream waterbodies. Practices for reduction of nitrogen in agricultural lands are identified in Section 9 TMDL Implementation. The allocations given to the sources (continuous and stormwater) in the above tables can also be modified (i.e. trading/offsets) as long as the overall load does not exceed the TMDL WLA. Table 15. TMDL Components for Unionized Ammonia WBID TMDL (lb/day) WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) Percent Reduction 3244 1.76 0 1.76 60% 3247 1.79 0 1.79 29% Note: TMDL = 0.02 mg/l * flow (acre-ft/yr) * 1.2326E-03 (Mton/(acre-ft*mg/l)) 65 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Table 16. TMDL Components for BOD WBID TMDL (lb/day) WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) Percent Reduction 3186B 811.13 0 811.13 38% 3246 433.90 25.03 408.87 48% Table 17. TP Allocations for LOPP Basins Expressed as Daily Loads Basin WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) TMDL (lb/day) S-65A, B, C, D, E 0 116.19 116.19 Taylor Creek / Nubbin Slough (S191) 0 114.74 114.74 715 Farms 0 2.47 2.47 C-40 Basin (S-72) 0 14 14 C-41 Basin (S-71) 0 37.24 37.24 77% Reduction 12.8 12.8 L59-E 0 2.17 2.17 S-135 Basin 0 4.95 4.95 S-154 Basin 0 34.50 34.50 S-2 Basin 76% Reduction 11.95 11.95 S-3 Basin 0 3.38 3.38 S-4 Basin 0.96 9.11 10.07 South FL Conservancy DD (S-236) & Industrial Canal 0 2.05 2359 South Shore/ South Bay DD (Culv 4A) 76% Reduction 1.57 1.57 East Beach DD (Culv 10) 66 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load Basin US EPA Region 4 WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) TMDL (lb/day) L-8 (Culv 10A) 0 11.41 11.41 S-5A Basin 0 0 0 S-65 0 102.37 102.37 8.2 Load Allocation The LA includes nonpoint source loads from air deposition and unimpaired tributaries. The LA assigns necessary reductions expected in the upstream load from areas above Lake Kissimmee. However, the LA does NOT take into account changes in nonpoint source loads due to projected changes in land use. The LOPA states changes in land use cannot result in increased phosphorus loading over existing conditions. Compliance with these load allocations can be measured in the WBIDs at locations commiserate with implementation strategies. This can occur at locations in the WBID relative to reduction schemes implemented for protection of the waterbody. 8.3 Wasteload Allocations The WLA is a combination of the WLAs for all of the NPDES wastewater facilities and the stormwater discharge from MS4 entities. To estimate the MS4 load, the urban stormwater component of the nonpoint source loads was moved from the nonpoint source inventory to the WLA. Urban stormwater from smaller municipalities not yet covered under Phase II of the NPDES stormwater program was included in the LA component. The City of Clewiston WWTP (FL0040665) discharges in WBID 3246 and is assigned WLA values based on target TP, TN and BOD concentrations necessary to achieve background conditions. WLA calculations are provided in Appendix C. All future point sources discharging to surface waters impacting the impaired WBIDs will be required to meet the loads established in these TMDLs. 8.4 Margin of Safety An implicit MOS was provided in the TMDL analysis through the selection of nutrient target concentrations that incorporate natural background conditions. It is assumed that each waterbody contains a certain amount of assimilative capacity above natural background before the standards are exceeded. Including natural background as part of the averaging in developing a target provides an implicit margin of safety. 67 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 An implicit MOS was provided in the TMDL analysis for unionized ammonia by representing existing conditions as the 95th percentile concentration. This is considered conservative as less than 10 percent of the samples collected in the WBIDs exceed the target. In WBID 3244 four of 60 measurements, or 7 percent, exceed the 95th percentile concentration of 0.05 mg/l. In WBID 3247 seven of 130 measurements, or 5 percent, exceed the 95th percentile concentration of 0.0283 mg/l. 8.5 Seasonal Variability Seasonal variability was addressed in the selection of the nutrient target concentrations by considering data collected during all seasons. The data used in the TMDL analysis were collected during both drought (2000-2001) and wet conditions (1998). South Florida experienced an extremely rare occurrence of a series of hurricanes during August and September 2004. High rainfall, high surface water flows, and rises in water levels in lakes were experienced during the events and following months. Water quality data collected in the fall of 2004 reflects the devastation caused by these events. 9 TMDL IMPLEMENTATION The Clean Water Act [Section 303(d)(2)] directs that a TMDL established by the Environmental Protection Agency be implemented by a State pursuant to subsection 303(e). A State can establish its own procedures for implementation. Federal regulations provide direction on implementation of TMDLs in the permitting process. At a minimum, NPDES permits must include a permit limit consistent with the assumptions of an approved wasteload allocation. However, the State may also establish a compliance schedule to provide time for implementation of effluent limits more stringent than currently permitted. Control of nonpoint sources is much more dependant on local efforts to reduce pollution. There are many methods for controlling nonpoint sources. The predominant land uses in the areas covered by this TMDL is agriculture. For guidance on controlling nonpoint loading into waterbodies from agricultural sources, please refer to EPA's guidance, National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Agriculture, EPA also recently published a report, "Riparian Buffer Width, Vegetative Cover, and Nitrogen Removal Effectiveness: A Review of Current Science and Regulations", which provides a synthesis of existing scientific literature on the effectiveness of riparian buffers to improve water quality through their inherent ability to process and remove excess anthropogenic nitrogen from surface and ground waters (USEPA, 2005). 68 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 REFERENCES Audubon of Florida, 2005. Lake Okeechobee: A synthesis of information and recommendations for its restoration. P.N. Gray, C.J. Farrell, M.L. Krauss, and A.H. Gromnicki, Eds., Audubon of Florida, Miami. 106 pp. + appendices. Chapra, Steven C. 1997. Surface Water-Quality Modeling. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York, 840 pp. Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) 62-302.530. Criteria for Surface Water Quality Classifications. FDEP, 2006. Water Quality Assessment Report, Kissimmee River and Fisheating Creek. Division of Water Resources Bureau of Watershed Management. March 2006. FDEP, 2005. 2005 South Florida Environmental Report, Chapter 3: Lake Okeechobee Annual Report. FDEP, 2004. Water Quality Status Report Kissimmee River and Fisheating Creek. Division of Water Resource Management, South and Central Districts, Group 4 Basin, 2004. FDEP, 2003. Basin Status Report, Caloosahatchee. Division of Water Resource Management, South District, Group 3 Basin, June 2003. FDEP, 2003. Water Quality Status Report, Lake Worth Lagoon – Palm Beach Coast. Division of Water Resource Management, Southeast District, Group 3 Basin, July 2003. FDEP, 2002. Biological Assessment of Clewiston WWTP, Hendry County, NPDES #FL0040665, Sampled July 2001. FDEP, Biological Section, Bureau of Laboratories, Division of Resource Assessment and Management, March 2002. FDEP, 2001. Total Maximum Daily Load for Total Phosphorus – Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Submitted to the USEPA Region 4. Tallahassee, FL. FDEP, 2001. Basin Status Report, Lake Okeechobee. Division of Water Resource Management, Southeast District, Group 1 Basin, 2001. Harper, H. H. and D.M. Baker. 2003. Evaluation of Alternative Stormwater Regulations for Southwest Florida. Environmental Research & Design, Inc. Odum, Eugene P., 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology, Third Edition. WB. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA. Odum, Howard T., Dissolved Phosphorus in Florida Waters. Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, Report to Florida Geological Survey, January 9, 1953. 69 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 SFWMD, 2006. Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan: System-Wide Performance Measures, RLG Review Draft, Central and Southern Project. March 16, 2006. SFWMD, 2005. Caloosahatchee River/Estuary Nutrient Issues. White Paper prepared for the South Florida Water Management District, October 10, 2005. SFWMD, 2004. Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan (LOPP), South Florida Water Management District, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs. January 1, 2004. SFWMD, 2003. Lake Okeechobee Surface Water Improvement and Management Plan (SWIM), Division of Water Resources Management, Southeast District, 2003. SFWMD, 1999d. Ecosummary, East Beach Water Control District Palm Beach County. FDEP, Southeast District, Assessment and Monitoring Program, December 1999. SFWMD, 2000. Ecosummary, North New River Canal, West Palm Beach and Broward Counties. FDEP, Southeast District, Assessment and Monitoring Program, June 2000. SFWMD, 1999c. Ecosummary, South Bay, Palm Beach County. FDEP, Southeast District, Assessment and Monitoring Program, October 1999. SFWMD, 1999a. Ecosummary, L-8 Canal, Palm Beach and Martin Counties. FDEP, Southeast District, Assessment and Monitoring Program, May 1999. SFWMD, 1999e. Ecosummary, SFWMD Pump Station S-3, Palm Beach County. FDEP, Southeast District, Assessment and Monitoring Program, December 1999. SFWMD, 1999b. Ecosummary, West Palm Beach Canal. FDEP, Southeast District, Assessment and Monitoring Program, July 1999. SFWMD, 1999f. Ecosummary, Water Conservation Area 1, North Sector, Palm Beach County. FDEP, Southeast District, Assessment and Monitoring Program, December 1999. SFWMD, 1999g. Ecosummary, Closter Farms, Palm Beach County. FDEP, Southeast District, Assessment and Monitoring Program, December 1999. University of Florida, 2001. Florida Water Resources. University of Florida Extension Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences WQ101. Gainesville, FL April 2001. USEPA, 2006. Proposed Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrients in North St. Lucie River (WBID 3194), St. Lucie Estuary (WBID 3194B), and C24 Canal Watershed (WBID 3197), USEPA Region 4, Atlanta, GA. September 2006. USEPA, 2005. Riparian Buffer Width, Vegetative Cover, and Nitrogen Removal Effectiveness: A Review of Current Science and Regulations. USEPA, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, Cincinnati, OH EPA/600/R05/118, October 2005. USEPA, 2000. Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual, Rivers and Streams. USEPA, 70 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Office of Water, Washington, DC EPA-822-B-00-002. USEPA, 1991. Guidance for Water-Quality Based Decisions: the TMDL Process. USEPA, Office of Water, Washington, DC EPA-440/4-91-001. April 1991. 71 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 APPENDIX A: Water Quality Plots Sta 21FLSFWMKRFNC38 BOD (mg/l) 16 14 12 y = -1.6707x + 10.618 R2 = 0.401 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DO (mg/l) Figure A-1. Correlation Between DO and BOD in WBID 3186B Correlation between DO and Chla(corrected) at Sta 21FLSFWMKREA97 140 Chla (ug/l) 120 y = -1.1795x + 28.138 R2 = 0.017 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 DO (mg/l) Figure A-2. Correlation Between DO and Chlorophyll-a in WBID 3186B 72 14 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Sta 21SFWMS65A 40 Temperature (C) 35 30 25 20 15 y = -1.1392x + 29.92 R2 = 0.2989 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 DO (mg/l) Figure A- 3. Correlation Between DO and Temperature in WBID 3186B Sta 21FLSFWMKREA97 in WBID 3186B 0.2 y = -0.003x + 0.0783 R2 = 0.0772 TP (mg/l) 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 DO (mg/l) Figure A- 4. Correlation Between DO and TP in WBID 3186B 73 12 14 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 DO and TN Correlation Plot at Sta 21FLSFWMKREA 78 1.6 1.4 y = -0.0698x + 1.0378 R2 = 0.0244 TN (mg/l) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DO (mg/l) Figure A- 5. Correlation Between DO and TN in WBID 3186D Station 21FLSFWMKREA78 in WBID 3186D 35 Temperature (C) 30 25 y = -3.3585x + 42.694 R2 = 0.6885 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DO (mg/l) Figure A- 6. Correlation Between Temperature and DO in WBID 3186D Unionized Ammonia in WBID 3244 Criteria Figure A- 7. Unionized Ammonia Data in WBID 3244 74 11 /1 /9 8 4/ 15 /9 8 9/ 27 /9 7 3/ 11 /9 7 8/ 23 /9 6 2/ 5/ 96 7/ 20 /9 5 1/ 1/ 95 Concentration (mg/l) Unionized Ammonia 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 8 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Unionized Ammonia in WBID 3247 Unionized Ammonia Criteria Concentration (mg/l) 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 10 /2 /1 99 9 12 /6 /1 99 8 2/ 9/ 19 98 4/ 15 /1 99 7 6/ 19 /1 99 6 8/ 24 /1 99 5 10 /2 8/ 19 94 1/ 1/ 19 94 0 Figure A- 8. Unionized Ammonia Data in WBID 3247 Table A- 1. Percentile Concentrations for Unionized Ammonia in WBID 3244 and 3247 Percentile WBID 3244 (mg/l) WBID 3247 (mg/l) 10% 0.0023 0.0012 25% 0.0058 0.0045 50% 0.0143 0.0095 75% 0.027 0.0148 90% 0.042 0.011 95% 0.05 0.0283 Table A- 2. Calculation of TMDL and Percent Reduction for Unionized Ammonia WBID Flow (acre-ft/yr) Existing Conditions Conc (mg/l) Load (lb/day) TMDL Conditions Conc (mg/l) Percent Reduction Load (lb/day) 3244 11,815 0.05 4.40 0.02 1.76 60% 3247 12,045 0.0283 2.54 0.02 1.79 29% Load (lb/day) = flow (ac-ft/yr)*Conc(mg/l)*yr/365.25day*43560ft2/ac * 28.32 L/cf * lb/453592 mg 75 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Appendix B: Flow Records from DBHYDRO for WBIDs 3238 and 3238E WBID 3238: DBKEY P0794 STATION AGENCY S352_S WMD COUNTY TYPE PAL FLOW UNITS CFS STAT MEAN FQ DA START END LAT LONG 1965 2003 265150 803755 Period of Record Statistical Summary by Year For DBKEY P0794 For Period 19910101 to 20001231 DBKEY Station Data ----------------P0794 S352_S FLOW P0794 S352_S FLOW P0794 S352_S FLOW P0794 S352_S FLOW P0794 S352_S FLOW P0794 S352_S FLOW P0794 S352_S FLOW P0794 S352_S FLOW P0794 S352_S FLOW P0794 S352_S FLOW average annual flow (1991-2000): WBID 3238E: DBKEY STATION AGENCY 6739 S5A_P WMD Type ------ Year ---1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 216.0177 cfs 156396.8 acre-ft/yr COUNTY TYPE PAL FLOW Sample ------ Size ----365 366 365 365 365 366 365 365 365 366 UNITS CFS STAT MEAN Minimum Mean Maximum Std. Dev. ------------- ------------- ------------- -----------0 38.419 636 109.3 0 225.492 1,050.00 313.28 0 265.94 910 304.99 0 109.641 924 240.2 0 334.784 962 341.65 0 270.38 798 277.74 0 123.123 755 207.56 0 251.303 1,100.00 370.64 0 305.013 921.22 310.33 -53 236.082 931 283.78 FQ DA START END LAT LONG 1985 2006 264104 802203 Period of Record Statistical Summary by Year For DBKEY 06739 For Period 19850531 to 20060502 DBKEY Station Data Type Year Sample Size Minimum Mean Maximum Std. Dev. ------------------------------------------------ ------------- ------------- -----------6739 S5A_P FLOW 1985 215 0 549.297 4,173.07 898.36 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1986 364 0 266.296 3,502.01 582.21 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1987 359 0 366.862 4,706.30 856.68 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1988 365 0 303.989 3,635.56 712.94 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1989 359 0 207.677 2,532.73 510.41 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1990 365 0 137.51 2,600.84 390.23 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1991 365 0 394.972 4,769.98 781.47 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1992 366 0 571.772 4,503.82 950.58 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1993 365 0 551.488 3,863.70 830.81 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1994 365 0 753.22 4,724.50 1,074.84 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1995 365 0 596.236 4,520.15 919.78 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1996 366 0 284.581 3,361.20 608.87 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1997 365 0 366.84 4,231.94 598.34 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1998 365 0 353.673 4,778.59 851.67 6739 S5A_P FLOW 1999 365 0 530.973 4,530.77 839.68 6739 S5A_P FLOW 2000 366 0 349.165 4,275.48 677.62 6739 S5A_P FLOW 2001 365 0 324.897 3,991.22 711.23 6739 S5A_P FLOW 2002 365 0 764.04 3,736.14 820.35 6739 S5A_P FLOW 2003 365 0 533.673 3,127.59 697.88 6739 S5A_P FLOW 2004 366 0 596.881 4,837.29 979.74 6739 S5A_P FLOW 2005 365 0 327.089 4,053.99 619.92 6739 S5A_P FLOW 2006 122 0 133.344 3,663.61 517.21 average annual flow (1991-2000): 475.292 cfs 344111.4 acre-ft/yr 76 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Appendix C: Derivation of WLA for Clewiston STP (FL0040665) Table C- 1. Summary of Effluent Data Effluent Data Summary (5/31/98 - 6/30/04) BOD TP TN Ave. Annual Conc (mg/l) 3.260 0.203 2.620 Ave. Annual Load (lb/day) 55.842 3.235 44.977 Max. Daily Conc (mg/l) 4.280 0.305 3.323 Ave. Monthly Conc (mg/l) 3.057 0.199 2.417 142.889 6.133 59.728 Ave. Annual Conc (mg/l) 20 0.7 5 Ave. Monthly Conc (mg/l) 25 0.875 6.25 Max. Daily Conc (mg/l) 60 1.4 10 Ave. Annual Load (lb/day) Report Report Report Ave. annual load (lb/day, based on existing permit limits) 250.38 8.76 62.59 Ave. monthly load (lb/day, based on existing permit limits) 312.97 10.95 78.24 Ave. Monthly Load (lb/day) Permit Limits Note: DMR reports indicate annual average flow from the facility is about 2.18 MGD. WLA using TMDL target values (TP=77ppb, TN=1.2mg/l, BOD=2 mg/l): WLA (lb/day) = Flow (MGD) * Conc (mg/l) * 3.785 l/gal * 106 * lb/453,592.4 mg WLA (Mton/yr) = lb/day * 365.25 day/yr * Mton/2204.623 lb Using the design flow of 1.5 MGD and annual average TP conc. of 0.077 mg/l the WLA is: WLA (for TP) = 1.5x106 * 0.077 mg/l * 3.785 l/gal * lb/453,592.4 mg = 0.96 lb/day WLA (for TN) = 1.5x106 * 1.2 mg/l * 3.785 l/gal * lb/453,592.4 mg = 15.02 lb/day 77 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 WLA (for BOD) = 1.5x106 * 2 mg/l * 3.785 l/gal * lb/453,592.4 mg = 25.03 lb/day In terms of Mton/yr, the WLA values are: WLA (for TP) = 0.96 lb/day * 365.25 day/yr * Mton/2204.623 lb = 0.16 Mton/yr WLA (for TN) = 15.02 lb/day * 365.25 day/yr * Mton/2204.623 = 2.49 Mton/yr WLA (for BOD) = 25.03 lb/day * 365.25 day/yr * Mton/2204.623 = 4.15 Mton/yr Table C- 2. TMDL Components for WBID 3246 Parameter WLA (lb/day) LA (lb/day) TMDL (lb/day) TP 0.96 9.11 10.07 TN 15.02 251.89 266.91 BOD 25.03 408.87 433.90 Note: The LA component is calculated as the difference between the TMDL load and the WLA. The TMDL load is based on the allocation provided in the LOPP. Verify Concentrations corresponding to LA values are achievable (using LOPP flows): The LOPP states the annual average flow is 29,164 acre-ft/yr (or 40.3 cfs = 26 mgd); the TP concentration corresponding to an LA of 1.51 Mton/yr (or 9.11 lb/day) is: LA concentration = 9.11 lb/day * 453592.4 mg/lb / (26 mgd * 3.785 l/gal * 106) TP Conc. = 0.042 mg/l = 42 ppb. This concentration is achievable. The TN concentration corresponding to the LA component is calculated as follows: LA = (41.73 Mton/yr * 2204.623 lb/Mton) / 365.25 day/yr = 251.89 lb/day TN Conc = 251.89 lb/day * 453592.4 mg/lb /(26 mgd * 3.785 l/gal * 106) = 1.16 mg/l BOD TMDL Calculation: TMDL= (26 x 106 gal/day * 2 mg/l * 3.785 l/gal) / 453592.4 mg/lb = 433.90 lb/day = 71.89 Mton/yr BOD reduction (from point sources) = (55.842 lb/day – 25.03 lb/day)/55.842 lb/day * 100 = 55% In conclusion, permit modifications are required for BOD, TP and TN. The facility should not cause or contribute to nutrient impairment in the WBID as the concentrations associated with these loading values represent natural background conditions. Site specific alternative criteria may need to be developed for DO as it may not be possible to achieve the statewide DO criteria of 5 mg/l after controlling pollutant loading or concentrations to a natural pollutant condition in the waterbody. 78 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Annual TP Load for Clewiston WWTP Existing WLA Load (lb/day) 6 5 4 3 2 1 1/ 1/ 1 7/ 99 8 20 /1 9 2/ 98 5/ 1 8/ 99 9 24 /1 99 3/ 11 9 /2 9/ 0 00 27 /2 00 4/ 15 0 /2 11 0 01 /1 /2 00 5/ 20 1 /2 12 0 02 /6 /2 00 6/ 24 2 /2 1/ 0 03 10 /2 7/ 0 04 28 /2 00 4 0 Figure C- 1. Annual average TP Load in Effluent of FL0040665 12 /6 /2 00 2 10 /2 /2 00 3 7/ 28 /2 00 4 10 /2 8/ 19 98 8/ 24 /1 99 9 6/ 19 /2 00 0 4/ 15 /2 00 1 2/ 9/ 20 02 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1/ 1/ 19 98 Load (lb/day) Annual TN Load for Clewiston WWTP Figure C- 2. Annual average TN Load in Effluent of FL0040665 79 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 DO Measurements and DMR Data DMR Data Criteria 1/ 1/ 19 98 9/ 8/ 19 98 5/ 16 /1 99 9 1/ 21 /2 00 0 9/ 27 /2 00 0 6/ 4/ 20 01 2/ 9/ 20 02 10 /1 7/ 20 02 6/ 24 /2 00 3 2/ 29 /2 00 4 11 /5 /2 00 4 Concentration (mg/l) WQ Data 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Figure C- 3. Comparison of DO in Effluent of FL0040665 and DO Measured in Industrial Canal Instream DO Concentrations and Effluent BOD and DO levels Effluent DO (mg/l) Instream DO Conc. (mg/l) 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 9/ 30 /1 99 8 2/ 27 /1 99 9 7/ 27 /1 99 12 9 /2 4/ 19 99 5/ 22 /2 00 10 0 /1 9/ 20 00 3/ 18 /2 00 1 8/ 15 /2 00 1 1/ 12 /2 00 2 6/ 11 /2 00 2 11 /8 /2 00 2 4/ 7/ 20 03 9/ 4/ 20 03 2/ 1/ 20 04 6/ 30 /2 00 4 Concentration Effluent Daily BOD (mg/l) Figure C- 4. Comparison of Effluent DO and BOD Concentrations to Instream DO Concentrations 80 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Appendix D: Calculation of Limiting Nutrient Table D- 1. Limiting Nutrient Conditions for Existing and TMDL Conditions WBID Existing Conditions (ave. values) TN TP TMDL Conditions Limiting Nutrient/value TN TP Limiting Nutrient/value 3186B 1.31 0.08 Phosphorus / 36.26 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3186C 1.86 0.39 Co-Limiting / 10.56 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3186D 1.07 0.07 Phosphorus / 33.85 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3188 1.49 0.47 Nitrogen / 7.02 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3188A 1.42 0.19 Co-Limiting / 16.55 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3192C 2.13 0.27 Co-Limiting / 17.47 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3199B 2.97 1.59 Nitrogen / 4.14 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3203A 2 0.5 Nitrogen / 8.86 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3203B 2.18 0.94 Nitrogen / 5.14 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3204 1.94 0.15 Co-Limiting / 28.64 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3205 1.87 0.48 Nitrogen / 8.63 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3205D 2.22 0.63 Nitrogen / 7.80 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3206 1.71 0.19 Co-Limiting / 19.93 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3209 1.68 0.11 Phosphorus / 33.82 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3213A 1.86 0.45 Nitrogen / 9.15 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3213B 2.02 0.39 Co-Limiting / 11.47 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3213C 1.9 0.29 Co-Limiting / 14.51 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3213D 1.92 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 1.1 Nitrogen / 3.86 81 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load WBID Existing Conditions (ave. values) TN TP US EPA Region 4 TMDL Conditions Limiting Nutrient/value TN TP Limiting Nutrient/value 3233 2.12 0.14 Phosphorus / 33.53 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3238 2.56 0.19 Co-Limiting / 29.83 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3238E 2.98 0.1 Phosphorus / 65.99 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3244 4.28 0.3 Phosphorus / 31.59 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3246 2.31 0.1 Phosphorus / 51.15 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3247 3.77 0.1 Phosphorus / 83.48 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3248 3.87 0.13 Phosphorus / 65.92 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3248A 2.15 0.11 Phosphorus / 43.28 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3250 3.69 0.1 Phosphorus / 81.71 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3251 2.11 0.08 Phosphorus / 58.40 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 3253 3.3 0.08 Phosphorus / 91.34 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 1436 1.69 0.07 Phosphorus / 53.46 1.2 0.077 Phosphorus / 34.5 Limiting nutrient calculations are based on molar ratio of average TN to TP concentrations measured at all stations in the WBID. Concentrations are converted to molar values by dividing TN and TP concentrations by their molecular weight, or 14 for Nitrogen and 31 for Phosphorus. The spatial distribution of the limiting nutrient in each impaired WBID is shown in Figure D- 1. An example calculation is as follows: WBID 3186B: TN/TP = (1.31/14) / (0.08/31) = 0.0936/0.0026 = 36.26 For TMDL conditions: TN/TP = (1.2/14) / (0.077/31) = 34.5 82 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 N W LOPP SWMM Basin TN:TP Ratio Nitrogen Co-Limiting Phosphorus Waterbody LAKE/POND RESERVOIR SEA/OCEAN STREAM/RIVER CANAL/DITCH SWAMP/MARSH E S S-65A S-65D S-65B S-191 C-40 C-41 C-44 S-133 S-135 L-8 S-5A S-4 S-2 S-3 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Figure D- 1. Spatial Distribution of Limiting Nutrient (based on average conditions) 83 90 100 Miles Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Table D- 2. Post TMDL Conditions Using a Single Nutrient Approach (Phosphorus) WBID 3186B 3186C 3186D 3188 3188A Median TN (mg/l) 1.20 161 1.03 1.55 1.37 Predicted Concentration Limiting Condition (% time) P-Limited Co-Limited N-Limited Low (58 ppb) 95% 4.7% 0.2% Mean (77 ppb) 71% 29.2% 0.2% High (98 ppb) 34% 66.2% 0.2% Low (49 ppb) 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% Mean (77 ppb) 96% 4% 0.0% High (127 ppb) 36% 64% 0.0% Low (63 ppb) 68% 27% 5% Mean (77 ppb) 49% 46% 5% High (152 ppb) 3% 84% 14% Low (35 ppb) 99% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 84% 15% 0% High (183 ppb) 17% 77% 6% Low (53 ppb) 98% 2% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 83% 17% 0% High (122 ppb) 22% 77% 0% 84 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load WBID 3192C 3199B 3203A 3203B 3205 3205D Median TN (mg/l) 1.81 2.66 1.54 2.37 1.73 1.73 Predicted Concentration US EPA Region 4 Limiting Condition (% time) P-Limited Co-Limited N-Limited Low (44 ppb) 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% Mean (77 ppb) 94% 6% 0.0% High (122 ppb) 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% Low (54 ppb) 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% Mean (77 ppb) 98.0% 2.0% 0.0% High (111 ppb) 88.0% 12.0% 0.0% Low (53 ppb) 98.5% 1.4% 0.0% Mean (77 ppb) 90.3% 9.7% 0.1% High (96 ppb) 72.8% 27% 0.1% Low (49 ppb) 100% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 99% 1% 0% High (120 ppb) 83% 17% 0% Low (54 ppb) 97% 3% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 85% 15% 0% High (111 ppb) 60% 40% 0% Low (40 ppb) 100% 0% 0% 85 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load WBID 3213A 3213B 3213D 3204 3213C Median TN (mg/l) 1.79 1.75 2.14 1.76 Predicted Concentration US EPA Region 4 Limiting Condition (% time) P-Limited Co-Limited N-Limited Mean (77 ppb) 89% 11% 0% High (121 ppb) 54% 46% 0% Low (54 ppb) 99% 1% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 98% 2% 0% High (132 ppb) 50% 50% 0% Low (39 ppb) 99.1% 0.5% 0.5% Mean (77 ppb) 96.7% 2.8% 0.5% High (121 ppb) 56.6% 42.5% 0.9% Low (39 ppb) 100% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 96% 4% 0% High (132 ppb) 68% 32% 0% Low (52 ppb) 99% 1% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 94% 6% 0% High (123 ppb) 57% 43% 0% Low (55 ppb) 100% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 100% 0% 0% 1.58 86 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load WBID 3233 3238 3238E 3244 3246 Median TN (mg/l) 1.78 1.96 2.80 3.21 1.95 Predicted Concentration US EPA Region 4 Limiting Condition (% time) P-Limited Co-Limited N-Limited High (119 ppb) 47% 53% 0% Low (58 ppb) 100% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 98% 2% 0% High (104 ppb) 81% 19% 0% Low (59 ppb) 100% 0% 1% Mean (77 ppb) 99% 1% 1% High (98 ppb) 93% 7% 1% Low (57 ppb) 100% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 97% 3% 0% High (106 ppb) 86% 14% 0% Low (48 ppb) 100% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 100% 0% 0% High (171 ppb) 58% 42% 0% Low (55 ppb) 100% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 99% 1% 0% High (110 ppb) 80% 20% 0% 87 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load WBID 3247 3248 3248A 3250 3251 Median TN (mg/l) 3.15 3.47 1.71 3.55 1.65 Predicted Concentration US EPA Region 4 Limiting Condition (% time) P-Limited Co-Limited N-Limited Low (59 ppb) 100% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 99% 1% 0% High (113 ppb) 88% 12% 0% Low (53 ppb) 99% 1% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 99% 1% 0% High (118 ppb) 86% 14% 0% Low (53 ppb) 99% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 99% 0% 1% High (118 ppb) 75% 0% 25% Low (55 ppb) 100% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 100% 0% 0% High (120 ppb) 96% 4% 0% Low (53 ppb) 100% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 97% 3% 0% High (116 ppb) 60% 40% 0% 88 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load WBID 3253 3206 3209 1436 Median TN (mg/l) 2.52 1.60 1.36 1.63 Predicted Concentration US EPA Region 4 Limiting Condition (% time) P-Limited Co-Limited N-Limited Low (62 ppb) 100% 0% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 100% 0% 0% High (117 ppb) 80% 20% 0% Low (53 ppb) 98% 1% 1% Mean (77 ppb) 91% 8% 1% High (138 ppb) 30% 68% 2% Low (54 ppb) 97.2% 2.6% 0.2% Mean (77 ppb) 77.6% 22.1% 0.2% High (116 ppb) 39.6% 60.1% 0.3% Low (60 ppb) 94% 6% 0% Mean (77 ppb) 88% 13% 0% High (87 ppb) 81% 19% 0% The low and high values in the table represent the expected fluctuations of phosphorus under a post TMDL implementation scenario. Existing fluctuations were analyzed and applied to each WBID under a post TMDL condition. Existing fluctuations were derived by applying the percent departure from the median that is represented by the 75th and 25th percentile of existing data. Those same percent departures were applied to the post TMDL concentration of 77 ppb to represent the low and high end of natural variability. This analysis demonstrates the complexity of applying a limiting nutrient only strategy in a non steady state environment. 89 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 DO and BOD Correlation at Sta 21FLSFWMKRFNC38 in WBID 3186B 16 BOD (mg/l) 14 12 y = -1.6495x + 10.595 R2 = 0.3735 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 DO (mg/l) 5 6 7 The trendline equation shown in the above plot is used to determine the BOD target. To maintain DO levels above 5 mg/l, BOD would need to be equal to or less than: BOD = -1.6495x + 10.595 BOD = -1.6495 (5) + 10.595 BOD = 2.3655 mg/l Average Annual Flow estimated for WBID 3186B is: Average Annual BOD load is: Daily BOD load is: 46165 acre-ft/yr 134.291 Mton/yr 811.1263 lb/day [LOPP, 2003] Conversion Factors: 2204.623 lb/Mton Existing Conditions: Existing BOD loads are calculated using the average concentration measured at all stations in the WBID between 1998 and 2001. This concentration is multiplied by the annual average flow and converted to load as follows: Mean BOD concentration = 3.81 mg/l Existing Load = 3.81 mg/l * 46165 acre-ft/yr * 0.0012326 = 216.8 Mton/yr Existing Load (lb/day) = 216.8 Mton/yr * yr/365.25 day * 2204.623 lb/Mton = 1309 lb/day Conversion Factor: mg/L*acre-ft/yr * 43560 ft2/acre*28.317 L/cf * Mton/109mg = 0.0012326 Percent Reduction: % Reduction = (Existing Load – TMDL Load) / Existing Load * 100 % Reduction = (216.8 – 134.291) / 216.8 = 38% 90 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Appendix F: Modeling Results of Natural Landuse Conditions EPA’s PLOAD spreadsheet was used to estimate annual average TP, TN and BOD concentrations resulting from a natural landuse condition. In the analysis existing “disturbed” landuse were changed to half wetland and half forest for purposes of representing “natural” or undisturbed conditions. In the analysis disturbed lands ere assumed to be all landuse categories with the exception of forest, water, and wetlands. Seven WBIDs representing headwater tributaries in the Lake Okeechobee watershed were selected for this analysis. Results of the analysis are shown in Table F- 1. Table F- 1. Model Results of Nutrient and BOD Concentrations for a Natural Landuse Condition WBID BOD Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus Load (lb/yr) Conc (mg/l) Load (lb/yr) Conc (mg/l) Load (lb/yr) Conc (mg/l) 3246 49598 2 26091 1.05 1742 0.07 1436 3697 2.08 1853 1.04 129 0.073 3188 125197 2.13 60905 1.04 4365 0.074 3203A 18435 2.04 9434 1.04 646 0.071 3213A 3696 2.01 1926 1.05 130 0.07 3206 54256 2.07 27366 1.04 1898 0.072 3213D 19100 1.99 10041 1.05 671 0.07 Average: 1.044 0.071 Note: disturbed land = all categories with the exception of water, forest and wetlands % Disturbed 49% 45% 43% 48% 48% 46% 44% The PLOAD model uses annual average rainfall and event mean concentrations (EMCs) to estimate the loading transported off a particular landuse. The model assumes all lands are connected to the stream, resulting in a conservative estimate of the load. The PLOAD model is based on the following equation: RVU = 0.05 – (0.09 * IU) Where: RVU = runoff coefficient for land use type u, in inches runoff/inches rain; and IU = percent impervious. The pollutant load is calculated with the following equation: LP = Ó U (P * PJ* RVU * CU* AU * 2.72 / 12) Where: LP = Pollutant load, lbs P = Precipitation, inches/year PJ = Ratio of storms producing runoff (default = 0.9) RVU= Runoff Coefficient for land use type u, inchesrun/inchesrain CU = Event Mean Concentration for land use type u, milligrams/liter AU = Area of land use type u, acres (In BASINS areas calculated from GIS data are in square meters. PLOAD converts areas from square meters to acres prior to using the information in the above equation) An annual average precipitation value of 60 in/yr was assumed for the selected WBIDs based on 91 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 information found on SFWMD web page. The precipitation and storm ratio values are entered by the user interactively. The loading rates are derived from the EMC tables while the land use areas are interpreted from readily available landuse and watershed GIS data. EMC values assumed for the various landuses are shown in Table F- 2. Table F- 2. Land Use Runoff Concentrations (Event Mean Concentrations) in Southwest Florida 1 FLUCCS ID 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 1 Land Use Urban Open Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Residential Commercial and Services Industrial Extractive (mines) Institutional Recreational Agriculture Rangeland Forest/Rural Open Water/ Wetlands Water/ Wetlands Rangeland Communication and Transportation BOD 7.4 4.3 7.4 11.0 17.2 9.6 9.6 7.4 4.3 3.8 3.8 1.23 2.63 2.63 3.8 6.7 Total N 1.12 1.64 2.18 2.42 2.83 1.79 1.18 1.12 1.64 2.32 2.32 1.09 1.01 1.01 2.32 2.23 Total P 0.180 0.191 0.335 0.490 0.430 0.310 0.150 0.180 0.191 0.344 0.344 0.046 0.090 0.090 0.344 0.270 Source: Harper, H. H. and D.M. Baker. 2003. Evaluation of Alternative Stormwater Regulations for Southwest Florida. Environmental Research & Design, Inc. (Table 7) 92 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 Appendix G. Rationale for Controlling Nitrogen in Impaired WBIDs Three conditions were considered in determining whether to control nitrogen in the Lake Okeechobee tributaries. Table G- 3 displays these conditions for each WBID. If any one of the three conditions were true, controlling nitrogen was considered essential to meeting the designated use in the WBID. Table G- 3. Decision Rationale for Controlling Nitrogen in Lake Okeechobee Tributaries WBID Does DO Correlate with Nitrogen (see note 1) Is TP Limiting Is TNWBID > Threshold TNLAKE Condition LESS than (see note 3) 90% time (see note 2) No Yes – control N (TP No limited 71% of time) No No No Yes – control N (TP No limited 49% of time) No Yes – control N (TP Yes – control N (TN: 1.55 > 1.2) limited 84% of time) No Yes – control N (TP Yes – control N (TN: 1.37 > 1.2) limited 83% of time) 3192C No No Yes – control N (TN: 1.81 > 1.2) 3199B No No Yes – control N (TN: 2.66 > 1.2) 3203A No No Yes – control N (TN: 1.54 > 1.2) 3203B No No Yes – control N (TN: 2.37 > 1.2) 3204 No No Yes – control N (TN: 1.76 > 1.2) No Yes – control N (TP Yes – control N (TN: 1.73 > 1.2) limited 85% of time) No Yes – control N (TP Yes – control N (TN: 1.73 > 1.2) limited 89% of time) 3186B 3186C 3186D 3188 3188A 3205 3205D Yes – control N (TN: 1.61 > 1.2) 93 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load WBID Does DO Correlate with Nitrogen (see note 1) US EPA Region 4 Is TP Limiting Is TNWBID > Threshold TNLAKE Condition LESS than (see note 3) 90% time (see note 2) Yes – control N (TN: 1.60 > 1.2) No No No Yes – control N (TP Yes – control N (TN: 1.36 > 1.2) limited 78% of time) 3213A Yes (control N) No Yes – control N (TN: 1.79 > 1.2) 3213B Yes (control N) No Yes – control N (TN: 1.75 > 1.2) 3213C Yes (control N) No Yes – control N (TN: 1.58 > 1.2) 3213D No No Yes – control N (TN: 2.14 > 1.2) 3233 Yes (control N) No Yes – control N (TN: 1.78 > 1.2) 3238 Yes (control N) No Yes – control N (TN: 1.96 > 1.2) 3238E Yes (control N) No Yes – control N (TN: 2.80 > 1.2) 3244 Yes (control N) No Yes – control N (TN: 3.21 > 1.2) 3246 No No Yes – control N (TN: 1.95 > 1.2) 3247 Yes (control N) No Yes – control N (TN: 3.15 > 1.2) 3248 Yes (control N) No Yes – control N (TN: 3.47 > 1.2) 3248A No No Yes – control N (TN: 1.71 > 1.2) 3250 Yes (control N) No Yes – control N (TN: 3.55 > 1.2) 3251 No No Yes – control N (TN: 1.65 > 1.2) 3253 Yes (control N) No Yes – control N (TN: 2.52 > 1.2) Yes (control N) Yes – control N (TP Yes – control N (TN: 1.63 > 1.2) limited 88% of time) 3206 3209 1436 1. Data indicates correlation with ammonia, nitrate-nitrite, and/or total nitrogen 2. TP limiting condition reflects Post TMDL condition for implementing TP controls only 94 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 3. WBID TN represents median value for the WBID (IWR 24); threshold TN for Lake Okeechobee corresponds to the proposed TMDL for St. Lucie Estuary (USEPA, 2006). WBIDs showing a correlation between DO and Nitrogen are illustrated below. TKN WBID 3213A 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 y = -0.1416x + 2.2542 R2 = 0.2153 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 DO Figure G- 1. Correlation Between DO and TKN in WBID 3213A TN WBID 3213A 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 y = -0.1131x + 2.2973 R2 = 0.1374 0 2 4 6 8 DO Figure G- 2. Correlation Between DO and TN in WBID 3213A 95 10 12 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 3213B 4 y = -0.1345x + 2.227 R2 = 0.1887 3.5 3 TKN 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 DO Figure G- 3. Correlation Between DO and TKN in WBID 3213B 3213B 4.5 4 y = -0.1064x + 2.2722 R2 = 0.1184 3.5 3 TN 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 DO Figure G- 4. Correlation Between DO and TN in WBID 3213B 96 8 10 12 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 3213C 0.3 y = -0.0099x + 0.104 2 R = 0.2062 0.25 Ammonia 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 -0.05 DO Figure G- 5. Correlation Between DO and Ammonia in WBID 3213C 3233 3 2.5 y = -0.051x + 0.4128 R2 = 0.2025 Ammonia 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 -0.5 DO Figure G- 6. Correlation Between DO and Ammonia in WBID 3233 97 10 12 14 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 3238 3.5 3 y = -0.107x + 0.8951 R2 = 0.3014 2.5 Ammonia 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 -0.5 -1 DO Figure G- 7. Correlation Between DO and Ammonia in WBID 3238 3238E 12 10 y = -0.3794x + 4.7827 R2 = 0.2551 8 TN 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 -2 DO Figure G- 8. Correlation Between DO and TN in WBID 3238E 98 8 10 12 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 3244 6 y = -0.1938x + 1.9526 R2 = 0.2851 5 4 Ammonia 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 14 16 -1 -2 DO Figure G- 9. Correlation Between DO and Ammonia in WBID 3244 3244 12 y = -0.3509x + 5.0746 2 R = 0.2176 10 8 TKN 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 -2 DO Figure G- 10. Correlation Between DO and TKN in WBID 3244 99 10 12 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 3247 6 5 y = -0.1625x + 1.461 R2 = 0.4101 4 Ammonia 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 14 16 -1 -2 DO Figure G- 11. Correlation Between DO and Ammonia in WBID 3247 3247 10 9 y = -0.1884x + 3.9827 2 R = 0.1163 8 7 TKN 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 DO Figure G- 12. Correlation Between DO and TKN in WBID 3247 100 10 12 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 3248 3 y = -0.0908x + 0.8094 R2 = 0.3609 Ammonia 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 12 14 -1 DO Figure G- 13. Correlation Between DO and Ammonia in WBID 3248 3248 7 y = -0.1679x + 1.5396 R2 = 0.2006 6 5 4 NOx 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 -1 -2 DO Figure G- 14. Correlation Between DO and Nitrate-Nitrite (NOx) in WBID 3248 101 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 3250 12 10 y = -0.3794x + 4.7827 R2 = 0.2551 8 TN 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -2 DO Figure G- 15. Correlation Between DO and TN in WBID 3250 3250 6 y = -0.3001x + 3.9095 R2 = 0.2912 5 4 TKN 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 -1 DO Figure G- 16. Correlation Between DO and TKN in WBID 3250 102 8 10 12 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 3250 3.5 y = -0.1135x + 0.959 R2 = 0.2476 3 2.5 Ammonia 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 10 12 -0.5 DO Figure G- 17. Correlation Between DO and Ammonia in WBID 3250 3253 7 y = -0.3028x + 3.8918 2 R = 0.4887 6 5 TKN 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 DO Figure G- 18. Correlation Between DO and TKN in WBID 3253 103 8 Lake Okeechobee Tributaries – Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load US EPA Region 4 3253 3.5 y = -0.2294x + 1.7608 R2 = 0.5962 3 2.5 Ammonia 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -0.5 -1 DO Figure G- 19. Correlation Between DO and Ammonia in WBID 3253 1436 5 4.5 y = -0.1453x + 2.2419 R2 = 0.1591 4 3.5 TN 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 DO Figure G- 20. Correlation Between DO and TN in WBID 1436 104 6 7 8 9 10