
Text Alignment Based on the Correlation of
Surface Lexical Sequences
Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Artemidos & Epidavrou, 151 25, Athens
National Technical University of Athens
Hypertech S.A., 125-127 Kifissias Ave., 11524, Athens
Abstract: - This paper addresses the problem of accurate and robust alignment across different languages. The
proposed method is inspired by automatic biomolecular sequencers and string matching algorithms. Lexical
information produced by a text handler and sentence recognizer is transformed into a lexical sequence, encoded in
a specific alphabet, in both languages. The algorithm uses a quantification of the similarity between two
sequences at the sentence level and a set of constraints, in order to identify isolated regions of high similarity that
yield robust alignments. Residues are subsequently aligned in a dynamic programming framework. The method is
fast, accurate and language independent and produces a success rate of ~95%.
Keywords: - alignment, lexical sequences, similarity metrics, sequence correlation, dynamic programming.
Real texts provide the current phenomena, usages
and tendency of language at a particular space and
time. Recent years have seen a surge of interest in
bilingual and multilingual corpora, i.e. corpora
composed of a source text along with translations of
that text in different languages. One very useful
organization of bilingual corpora requires that
different versions of the same text be aligned. Given
a text and its translation, an alignment is a
segmentation of the two texts such that the n-th
segment of one text is the translation of the n-th
segment of the other. As a special case, empty
segments are allowed and correspond to translator’s
omissions or additions.
The deployment of learning and matching
techniques in the area of machine translation, first
advocated in the early 80s (Nagao 1984) proposed as
“Translation by Analogy” and the return to statistical
methods in the early 90’s (Brown 1993) have given
rise to much discussion as to the architecture and
constituency of modern machine translation systems.
Bilingual text processing and in particular text
alignment with the resulting exploitation of
information extracted from thus derived examples,
created a new wave in machine translation (MT).
In this paper, we describe a text alignment
algorithm that was inspired by the recognition of
relationships and the detection of similarities in
protein and nucleic acid sequences, which are
crucial methods in the biologist’s armamentarium. A
preprocessing stage transforms the series of surface
linguistic phenomena such as dates, numbers,
punctuation, enumerations and abbreviations, into
lexical sequences. The algorithm performs pairwise
sequence alignment based on a local similarity
measure, a sequence block correlation measure and a
set of constraints. Residues of the algorithm are
subsequently aligned via Dynamic Programming.
The Aligner has been tested on various text types in
several languages, with exceptionally good results.
Several different approaches have been
proposed tackling the alignment problem at various
levels. Catizone's technique (Catizone 1989) was to
link regions of text according to the regularity of
word co-occurrences across texts. (Brown 1991)
described a method based on the number of words
that sentences contain.
(Gale 1991) proposed a method that relies on a
simple statistical model of character lengths. The
model is based on the observation that lengths of
corresponding sentences between two languages are
highly correlated. Although the apparent efficacy of
the Gale-Church algorithm is undeniable and
validated on different pairs of languages (English-
German-French-Czech-Italian), it seems to be
awkward when handling complex alignments.
Given the availability in electronic form of texts
translated into many languages, an application of
potential interest is the automatic extraction of word
equivalencies from these texts. (Kay 1991) has
presented an algorithm for aligning bilingual texts
on the basis of internal evidence only. This
algorithm can be used to produce both sentence
alignments and word alignments.
(Simard 1992) argues that a small amount of
linguistic information is necessary in order to
overcome the inherited weaknesses of the GaleChurch method. He proposed using cognates, which
are pairs of tokens across different languages that
share "obvious" phonological or orthographic and
semantic properties, since these are likely to be used
as mutual translations.
(Papageorgiou 1994), proposed a generic
alignment scheme invoking surface linguistic
information coupled with information about possible
unit delimiters depending on the level at which
alignment is sought.
Many algorithms were developed for sequence
alignment in molecular biology. The NeedlemanWunsch method (Needleman 1970) is a brute-force
approach performing global alignment on a dynamic
programming basis. Wilbur and Lipman (Wilbur
1983) introduced the concept of k-tuples in order to
focus only on areas of identity between two
sequences. (Smith 1981) describes a variation of the
Needleman-Wunsch algorithm that yields local
alignment and is known as the Smith-Waterman
algorithm. Both FASTA (Pearson 1988) and BLAST
(Altschul 1990) place restrictions on the SmithWaterman model by employing a set of heuristics
and are widely used in BioInformatics.
Alignment Framework
Alignment, the Basis for Sequences
Aligning two sequences is the cornerstone of
BioInformatics. It may be fairly said that sequence
alignment is the operation upon which everything
else is built. Sequence alignments are the starting
points for predicting the secondary structure of
proteins, for the estimation of the total number of
different types of protein folds and for inferring
phylogenetic trees and resolving questions of
ancestry between species. This power of sequence
alignments stems from the empirical finding, that if
two biological sequences are sufficiently similar,
almost invariably they have similar biological
functions and will be descended from a common
ancestor. This is a non-trivial statement. It implies
two important facts about the syntax and the
semantics of the encoding of function in sequences:
(i) function is encoded into sequence, this means:
(ii) there is a redundancy in the encoding, many
positions in the sequence may change without
perceptible changes in the function, thus the
semantics of the encoding is robust.
Lexical Information, Alphabets and
Generally speaking, an alphabet is a set of
symbols or a set of characters, from which
sequences are composed. The Central Dogma of
Molecular Biology describes how the genetic
information we inherit from our parents is stored in
DNA, and how that information is used to make
identical copies of that DNA and is also transfered
from DNA to RNA to protein. DNA is a linear
polymer of 4 nucleotides and the DNA alphabet
consists of their initials, {A, C, G, T}.
The text alignment architecture that we propose
is a quantification of the similarity between two
sequences, where the model of nucleotide sequences
that is used in molecular biology is replaced by a
model of lexical sequences derived from the
identification of surface linguistic phenomena in
parallel texts.
Inspired by the facts presented in 3.1, about
encoding function in sequences, we convert the text
alignment problem into a problem of aligning two
sequences encoding surface lexical information
characterizing the underlying parallel data. Yet,
although Descartes reductionism has turned out to be
a home run in molecular biology, we understand
that, by and large, global, complete solutions are not
available for a pairwise sequence alignment, and we
try to constrain the problem with information that
can be inferred from the nature of the text alignment
Handling Texts
Recognizing and labelling surface phenomena
in the text is a necessary prerequisite for most
Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems. At this
stage, texts are rendered into an internal
representation that facilitates further processing.
Basic text handling is performed by a MULTEXTlike tokenizer (Di Christo 1995) that identifies word
boundaries, sentence boundaries, abbreviations,
numbers, dates, enumerations and punctuations. The
tokenizer makes use of a regular-expression based
definition of words, coupled with downstream
precompiled lists for abbreviations in many
languages and simple heuristics. This proves to be
quite successful in effectively recognizing sentences
and words, with accuracy up to 96%. The text
Handler is responsible for transforming the parallel
texts from the original form in which they are found
into a form suitable for the manipulation required by
the application. Although its role is often considered
as trivial, in fact it is crucial for subsequent steps
that heavily rely on correct word boundary
identification and sentence recognition. The lexical
resources of the handler are constantly enriched with
abbreviations, compounding lists, dates, number and
enumeration formats for new languages.
A certain level of interactivity with the user is
supported, by indirect manipulation of pre-fixed
sentence splitting patterns such as a new line
character followed by a word starting with an
uppercase character. The text handler has been
ported to the Unicode standard and the number of
treated and tested languages has reached 14.
Sequences of lexical symbols
The streams of characters are read into the
handler from the parallel texts and then successively
processed through the different components to
produce streams of higher level objects, that we call
tokens. Streams of tokens are converted into
sequences according to mapping rules that are
presented in Table 1.
left parenthesis
Table 1: Summary of sequences alphabet
Figure 1 details an extract of 5 sentence
sequences that were created by a conversion of
Including all right brackets such as ( , { , [ , « , etc.
Equivalently, left parenthesis includes all left brackets
such as ) , } , ] , » , etc.
2 Such as comma (,), star (*), plus (+), etc.
3 Such as colon ( :), exclamation ( !), semicolon ( ;), etc.
lexical information according to the rules presented
in Table 1. For instance, the fourth sentence of the
extract contains an enumeration symbol (e), a
number symbol (d), four punctuation symbols (u)
and finally a semicolon (t) that is functioning as
sentence delimiter. The corresponding sentence
index precedes each sentence sequence.
Figure 1: Example of lexical sequences
Algorithm Description
Problem Formulation
A = {a, d, h, e, i, k, m, u, t, p} is the symbol
Each sentence of the parallel texts is
transformed into one sequence, according to Table 1.
Empty sequences are valid sequences.
S is the set of all finite sequences of characters
from A, having their origin in the Source text.
T is the set of all finite sequences of characters
from A, having their origin in the Target text.
S i denotes the i-th sequence in S,
corresponding to the i-th sentence of the Source text.
T j denotes the j-th sequence in T,
corresponding to the j-th sentence of the Target text.
The basic presupposition is that parallel files
present local structural similarity. A certain degree
of structural divergencies is expected at the level of
divergencies, as well as of blocks of sentence
sequences due to assymetric m:n alignments,
between source and target language blocks.
We argue that, parallel files contain a
significant amount of source and target language
blocks of surface lexical sequences, of variable
length, that display a high degree of correlation.
These blocks can be captured, in a highly reliable
manner, based solely on internal evidence and local
alignments can be established that play the role of
anchors in any typical alignment process.
To this end, similarity is sought along two
different dimensions (Figure 2): a)Horizontal or
Intra-sentential, where corresponding source and
target language sentence sequences are compared on
the basis of the elements they contain, and
b)Vertical or Inter-sentential, where corresponding
source and target language blocks of sentence
sequences, of variable length, are associated, based
on the similarity of their constituent sentence
At each iteration, the search space of potential
source anchors is reduced (Search Space Reduction)
by examining only those source points n that could
constitute the starting sequence of an anchor block.
In order for a point ns to be considered as such, it
should meet the following criteria :
 Target File Point nt :
SIM(Sns,Tnt)  CCS,
SIM(Sns,Tnt) - SIM(Sns-1,Tnt)  CCD (2)
SIM(Sns,Tnt) - SIM(Sns,Tnt-1)  CCD (3)
Figure 2: Intra/Inter-Sentential
The overall alignment process flow is depicted
in Figure 3. At each iteration, candidate blocks of
sequences of variable size (N), starting at source file
point n, are examined against the target file blocks
of sequences, through a crosscorrelation process
described in detail in the following section.
Crosscorrelation is a mathematical operation, widely
used in discrete systems, that measures the degree to
which two sequences of symbols or two signals are
similar. As shown in Figure 2, only pairs with
maximum normalized deviation less than
w  O file _ length ,
a threshold originally
introduced by (Kay 1991), are considered, where
file_length is the mean value of the number of
sentences contained in the parallel texts (Compute
Target Search Window).
Search Space Reduction:
Find Next Candidate Starting Point n
Compute Target Seacrh Window
[ n-w , n+w ]
Crosscorrelation Process
Store Anchor Block
Figure 3. General Process Flow
where, SIM( ) is the intra-sentential similarity
measure, and CCS and CCD are the similarity
threshold and deviation threshold respectively,
descibed in detail in the following section.
At the end of each iteration, the best matching
anchor area is stored in the global set of anchor
Intra-sentential Comparison
Sentences are encoded into one-dimensional
sequences based on their respective surface lexical
elements. However, during translation certain
elements act as optional, thus introducing a
significant amount of noise into the corresponding
target language sequences. In order to reduce the
effect of such distortion on the pattern matching
process, sequences are normalized (k,m optional,
d+d, u+u, duddd) and comparison is also
performed on the normalized forms. The final
similarity measure is produced by averaging the two
individual scores. We have experimented with two
alternative methods of intra-sentential comparison,
Edit Distance and shared N-gram matching,
described below. The latter, proved to be more
efficient since it performs equally well while
requiring 30 times less processing time (Willman
Edit Distance
An "enhanced" edit distance between source
and target language sequences, that is, the minimum
number of required editing actions (insertions,
transpositions) in order to transform one sequence
into the other, is computed. The process was
implemented through a dynamic programming
framework that treats pattern-matching as a problem
of traversing a directed acyclic graph. The method
originally proposed in (Wagner 1974), was enriched
by introducing additional actions (movements,
transpositions), frequently occuring in the translation
Shared n-gram method
The similarity of two patterns is assumed to be
a function of the number of common n-grams they
contain (Adamson 1974). In the proposed
framework association measures between sequences
are calculated based on the Dice Coefficient of
shared unique overlapping n-grams. We have
experimented with bigrams (n=2) and trigrams (n=3)
as the units of comparison and discovered that
bigrams performed better.
Inter-Sentential Comparison
Alignment between blocks of source and target
language sentence sequences is performed based on
the structural similarity of consecutive sequences.
Let Sn and Tk be the source and target language
sequences at position n and k, respectively and
L = k-n be the lag between the respective file
offsets, in number of sentences (see Figure 1). Then,
the crosscorrelation (CC) between blocks of size N,
starting at position n and k (= n+L ) is given by the
following formula :
CC(n, L, N ) 
crosscorrelation values between the current source
block and the preceding and following target blocks
is above a deviation threshold (CCD). Therefore, a
tuple <n,L,N> constitutes a candidate anchor when
the following conditions are met :
CC(n, L, N)
 CCS,
CCpreceding = CC(n,L,N) - CC(n,L-1, N)
CCfollowing = CC(n,L,N) - CC(n,L+1, N)
We have experimented with a wide range of
threshold values (60-90% for CCS and 70-90% for
CCD) and measured respective recall and precision
values. A maximum occurred when both thresholds
were set to approximately 80%.
Crosscorrelation Process : The correlation
process is presented in detail in Figure 4. For each
candidate start point n found by the previous
Step-1: The process examines blocks
continuously increasing in size (N), starting at point
n, until no candidate anchor block is found.
N 1
 sim  x(n  i), y(n  L  i) 
i 0
Since the total sum of similarity scores between
corresponding sequences, increases with the size N
of respective blocks, longer blocks tend to produce
higher similarity values. For that reason, the total
value is normalised over the size of blocks in
number of sequences under comparison.
Alignment is performed through an iterative
process. For every source file position n, blocks of
variable size N starting at this position are matched
against target blocks of the same size (Figure 2). As
already mentioned, for each source pattern starting
at position n, only target patterns in
the window [n-w, n+w] are examined, where
w  O file _ length is the maximum deviation
Our goal is to discover the source points n,
along with the particular L (target block lag) and N
(block size) values, for which we get the highest
degree of correlation between the respective source
and target blocks (starting at positions n and n+L
More specifically, we define as an anchor each
tuple <n,L,N>, for which the crosscorrelation value
CC(n,L,N) is above a predefined similarity threshold
(CCS) and also, the deviation from the
Step-2: For each candidate source anchor
sequence, the respective target file area (Lmin,Lmax) is
computed, based on the deviation threshold w,
within which the corresponding target sequence will
be sought:
Lmin = n – w
Lmax = n + w – N + 1
Step-3: The crosscorrelation CC(n,L,N)
between the current source block of size N, starting
at point n and each target block of the same size,
within the previously specified area (Lmin,Lmax), is
Step-4: (Condition [A]) If conditions (4), (5),
and (6) are met, then the current tuple is stored in the
local set of candidate anchors (Step-5), else we
ignore it and continue with step-6.
Step-5: The tuple <n,L,N> is stored in the set
of local candidates, along with the respective
correlation measures (CC, CCpreceding,CCfollowing).
The best candidate tuple will be selected at the end,
before examining the next candidate starting point n.
Step-6: If there are still target blocks to
examine, go to Step-7, else go to Step-8.
Step-7: Move to the next target candidate
sequence by increasing the lag (L=L+1) and return
to Step-3 (Crosscorrelation).
The best candidate for each point n is selected
from the set of all candidates based on the following
maximization criteria, listed
in order of
Step-8: (Condition [B]) If a candidate has been
found, then return to Step-1, and continue the search
for larger sequences.
N >CC(n,L,N) > (CCpreceding+CCfollowing)/2 > (1/L)
If there was no candidate found during the last
iteration, then end the process. Find the best
candidate anchor tuple <n,L,N> from the local set of
candidates (if any) and store it in the set of global
anchor blocks.
Increase Sequence Size
(N =N+1)
Compute lag (L min , L
In Figure 5 we present the Crosscorrelation
results for 3 subsequent block size values of
candidate blocks starting at the same ns position
(dashed line for N=3, continuous line for N=4,
dotted line for N=5). The horizontal axis represents
the lag value L, where Lmin=0, while the vertical axis
represents the respective Crosscorrelation (CC)
Values. The only tuple that meets the required
criteria (7), thus producing an acceptable anchor
block is for block size value N=4: <ns,L,4>.
CC (Source Starting Point, L , N)
Condition [A]
Store Candidate Anchor Block
L < L max
Figure 5: 2-D CrossCorrelation Plot for 3 different
values of the anchor block size N (3,4,5)
Increase lag (L =L + 1 )
Condition [B]
Select Best Candidate
Anchor Block
Figure 4: Crosscorrelation for
source start point n.
Figure 6: 3-D CrossCorrelation Plot for 3 different
values of the anchor block size N (3,4,5)
Figure 6, is a 3-dimensional representation of the
same space defined by all tuple values <CC, L,N>
corresponding to the previous blocks of sequences.
Through this diagram we obtain a more complete
and thorough view of the crosscorrelation variation
with respect to the lag (L) and block size (N) values.
Residues Alignment by Dynamic
The sentence-level alignment of residues (regions
between anchor blocks that remain unaligned), is
based on the simple but effective statistical model of
character lengths introduced by (Gale 1991). The
model makes use of the fact that longer sentences in
one language tend to be translated into longer
sentences in the other language, and that shorter
sentences tend to be translated into shorter
sentences. A probabilistic score is assigned to each
pair of proposed sentence pairs, based on the ratio of
lengths of the two sentences (in number of
characters). The score is computed by integrating a
normal distribution. This probabilistic score is used
in a dynamic programming framework in order to
find the Viterbi alignment of sentences.
Experimental Results and
Ongoing Work
We have evaluated our algorithm in a Translation
Memory environment that is designed to enhance the
translator’s work by making use of previously
translated and stored text. Dealing with users’ real
world documents has proved much different than
aligning the Hansards or the Celex directives. We
have aligned texts where the lexical unit and
sentence recognition error rate varied from very low
to very high - almost 50% - due to the peculiar
format of the input documents. The testing corpus
comprised user manuals, laws, conventions and
directives in 11 languages. Handler errors were left
intact and the whole process was fully automated.
We have tested the method on a European
Convention document that was aligned in 11
languages and contained 750 alignments in each
pair, manually inspected and corrected. The portion
of the bitext that was aligned by the algorithm was,
on average 20%. An error of 5% was reported while
the error in the residues that were aligned via
dynamic programming was approximately 10%. For
a user manual alignment in English and French
where the dynamic programming framework yielded
a 20% error, due to sentence boundaries
identification errors, our algorithm was able to
identify stable regions of robust alignment, resulting
to a 10% error. In general, we have been able to
identify homology between surface lexical
sequences by isolating regions of similarity, that
constitute significant diagonals in a dot-plot, by
using minimal information.
Another important characteristic of the method is
the low running time and the small amount of
memory space required by the computations, since
the core strategies of the algorithm are pattern
matching and window sliding. There are several
important questions that are not answered by the
paper, such as the existence of crossings in the
alignment and large omissions in one of the parallel
texts. Yet, we do believe that using surface linguistic
information for a robust sentence alignment is a very
promissing idea that we aim at further exploiting in
the future.
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