Daily Program TEACHERS, ASSISTANT TEACHERS AND TEACHERS AIDES MACCC has a wonderful group of teachers hired because of their genuine love for children and willingness to commit to enriching the lives of the children for whom they care. All Staff Each has a qualified educational background as identified by the MN Department of Human Services state guidelines. Additionally they participate in continuous program of in-service education to keep them current in early childhood best practices. Each full time teacher is required to participate in over 20 hours of training each year. All personnel at MACCC must successfully pass a criminal background check. Staff wears a uniform with our logo on the back and their name listed on the front. In addition, their photos can be found on our website. Teachers and Assistant Teachers All MACCC Teachers and Assistant Teachers are required to participate in First Aid and CPR certification. At a minimum each classroom has one certified staff person at all times. We make ever attempt possible to have out Teachers Aides certified as well as the budget allows Lead Teachers All Lead Teachers are sent to curriculum and assessment training. This is a MACCC requirement not required by Department of Human Resources CREATIVE CURRICULUM Your child will participate in a well-planned program. Each day, the teachers design developmentally appropriate learning experiences to meet the children's needs for their age group. This includes opportunities for creative art, music, science, nutrition, language arts, dramatic play, cognitive (knowledge) development, large and small muscle development, outdoor exploration and play. The staff at MACCC recognizes and respects the unique differences of the families we serve. We use The Creative Curriculum, which reflects developmentally appropriate activities based on the children's individual goals and interests. Daily schedule and lesson plans of the activities presented by staff are posted in the classrooms. You are encouraged to check this area daily. Teachers develop lesson plans based on the interests and needs of their group of children. Every child is monitored for progress in the areas of physical, social and emotional, cognitive, and language development. MACCC recognizes and respects the unique differences of the families we serve, which is reflected in our curriculum. We strive to present activities that are multicultural, gender fair, and disability sensitive. There are fun events and celebrations presented in the curriculum. Children are involved in weekly intergenerational activities with the residents at the West Wind Village. Policy 17.0 SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL CURRICULUM We hope you will feel comfortable so that you can share important information with us that will help us care for your child the best way possible. Some examples are: If a loved one died, or a pet died, maybe you started off the day with a fight, a pending divorce or separation, maybe someone new moved into the house. Knowing this kind of information will give the teacher a frame of reference for meeting your child’s needs. Important information will help us to be empathetic with your child because we know there is a change to deal with. Sometimes children will have behavior issues when they are trying to work through things that they can’t verbalize. In additional, the preschool room utilizes Second Step curriculum to help our children begin to learn to self regulation in preparation for Kindergarten. ASSESSMENT AND KINDERGARTEN READINESS We utilize the Birth-Kindergarten Teaching Strategies GOLD as our assessment tool. Kindergarten readiness does not start in the preschool but the ground work is started as early as the infant room. This means that concerns about your child’s development is not left for parent-teacher conferences but done continually through out the year. Unless a concern arises outside of conference time your child will be given a more formal assessment bi-annually. You will have an opportunity to review this with your child’s teacher and make a plan individual to your child. Each family with a child going into kindergarten will be given a kindergarten checklist 18 months prior to the child’s enrollment year. This will help you prepare for what is guiding our daily activities and to assist in preparations at home as well. We will complete the checklist for the first time in the fall one year prior to enrollment and then again in the spring of that school year. We believe this gives plenty of time to prepare our children for success. Conferences include a written report from the teacher on the status of your child's intellectual, physical, social and emotional development. Additional conferences can be arranged as needed. LITERACY AIDE Through collaboration with University of Minnesota Morris Community Engagement Office we have college student that is specially trained to do a story time and activity with the Toddler and Preschool rooms. This is typically done 1-3 days a week depending on availability. INTER-GENERATIONAL ACTIVITIES Morris Area Child Care Center, the University of Minnesota, Morris and the West Wind Village (a senior retirement center) team up to offer the very young and the senior resident activities and experiences to enjoy and learn from each other. These intergenerational events between the residents of West Wind Village and the children create positive experiences for both groups. UMM service learning students help facilitate the events. DENTAL HEALTH EDUCATION Morris Area Child Care Center through collaboration with Cavity Free Kids have had the opportunity to provide dental health education at the facility. It is full of activities in interest children in dental health. The program is designed for toddler and preschool age children. An activity is planned quarterly if not more often to education the young learners. STAFF TO CHILD RATIOS Similar Age Levels Staff Infant 1 Young toddler 1 Preschool 1 Schoolage 1 Children 4 7 10 15 Max Group Size 8 14 20 30 Staff Required for Max Group Size 2 2 2 2 DAILY SCHEDULE Infant Daily Schedule is as follows (Because infants have varied schedules, this schedule is to be referred to as a guideline and not a set schedule. MACCC is respectful to parent wishes and individual child need) 5:45-8:15 Arrival 11:00-12:00 Lunch 8:15-9:00 Breakfast 12:00-2:00 Naps, Diaper, and Quiet Play 9:00-10:00 Diapers/Free Play 2:00-3:00 Teacher Directed Play 10:00-10:30 Teacher Directed Play 3:00-3:30 Snack 10:30-11:00 Free Play 3:30-6:00 Large Motor Play, Free Play Infant classroom is equipped with activity materials including but not limited to: age appropriate books music building blocks noise or music making toys manipulative equipment such as shape visual and tactile sensory stimulation toys and clutch balls materials mirrors soft washable toys Toddler 5:45-8:15 Arrival and Free Play 11:30-12:15 Lunch 8:15-9:00 Breakfast 12:15-12:45 Diaper Changes and Potty 9:00-9:30 Free Play Training 9:30-10:00 Diaper Changes and Potty 12:45-3:00 Nap Time and Quiet Play Training 3:00-3:30 Snack 10:00-10:30 Outside Play 3:30-4:30 Diaper Changes, Potty Training, 10:30-10:45 Circle Time and Free Play 10:45-11:30 Teacher Directed Activities and 4:30-6:00 Outside Play and Departure Crafts Toddler classroom is equipped with activity materials including but not limited to: partially enclosed space for quiet easels activities indoor large muscle equipment age appropriate books outdoor large muscle equipment arts and crafts supplies such as clay or mirrors play-dough, tempera or finger paints, music colored and white paper, paste, collage music or noise making toys and materials, paint brushes, washable felt instruments type markers, crayons, blunt scissors washable toys and smocks sensory and science stimulation large building blocks materials small building blocks sensory table dramatic play equipment and accessories Preschool 5:45-8:15 Arrival and Free Play 8:15-9:00 Breakfast 9:00-9:30 Center Choice and Free Play 9:30-10:15 Outside Play 10:15-11:30 Circle Time, Teacher Directed Centers, Arts and Crafts, and Music 11:30-12:15 Lunch 12:15-1:00 Teacher Directed Centers or Outside Play 1:00-3:00 Nap or Quiet Time 3:00-3:45 Snack 3:45-4:15 Center Choice 4:15-6:00 Outside Play and Departure Preschool classroom is equipped with activity material including but not limited to: bulletin board display space at child's indoor large muscle equipment eye level outdoor large muscle equipment partially enclosed space equipped for mirrors quiet activity music arts and crafts supplies such as clay or music or noise making toys and play-dough, tempera or finger paints, instruments white or colored paper, paste collage age appropriate puzzles and games materials, paint brushes, washable felt manipulative equipment such as type markers, crayons, scissors, and interlocking plastic forms smocks pictures, mobiles and other items for age appropriate books pleasant environment/sensory large building blocks stimulation small building blocks sensory and science materials dramatic play equipment, materials, and sensory table accessories easels SCHOOL-AGE PROGRAM The summer program consists of daily planned activities, socialization time and many field trips. The schoolage program provides opportunities for children to explore friendships, conduct experiments, learn to make healthy snacks and use their creativity. School age care is available on all non-school days throughout the school year. MACCC also provides school age care on weather related late starts, and early dismissals. Our school age care during the school year is combined in our preschool classroom and is limited to available space. Summer School Age 5:45-7:15 arrival 12:30-1:30 independent recess/outdoor 7:15-8:00 independent computer time/free play play 1:30-2:00 teacher directed read aloud 8:00-9:30 breakfast and independent center 2:00-3:00 teacher directed quiet/sensory choice activity 9:30-10:30 teacher directed lesson/circle 3:00-3:45 snack time and project 3:45-4:30 teacher directed game time 10:30-11:45 outside play/walk to park 4:30-6:00 independent outside play and 11:45-12:30 lunch departure School Age classroom is equipped with activity material including but not limited to: bulletin board display space at child's eye level partially enclosed space equipped for quiet activity arts and crafts supplies such as clay or play-dough, tempera or finger paints, white or colored paper, paste collage materials, paint brushes, washable felt type markers, crayons, scissors, and smocks age appropriate books large & small building blocks dramatic play equipment, materials, and accessories easel indoor/outdoor large muscle equipment mirrors music player, music or noise making toys and instruments age appropriate puzzles and games manipulative equipment such as interlocking plastic forms pictures, mobiles and other items for pleasant environment/sensory stimulation sensory and science materials sensory table OUTDOOR PLAY Outdoor play is a special part of the child's day at MACCC. Fresh air and exercise are important to the total health of your child and to our curriculum. We have our own playground and we go outside every day. Preschool children go out every day that the temperature or wind-chill is zero or above and there is no rain or sleet. Toddlers will go outside if it is 10 degrees in temperature or wind chill. Children well enough to be MACCC are well enough to go outdoors. Infants go outside when it is 45 degrees or warmer and there is no significant wind, rain, sleet or snow. You are asked to make sure your child is dressed for the weather conditions and has appropriate outdoor attire. Failure to do so will result in a telephone call requiring you to bring in the items needed for the day. REST TIME Infants nap as needed throughout the day or per parent instruction and/or request. A quiet rest time occurs daily from 1:00-3:00 in the toddler and preschool classrooms. Although children are not required to sleep, each child must lie down and rest quietly. After the 30-minute period any child who is still awake may read or play various quiet activities offered. Each child will be provided a cot. A blanket, pillow, and/or favorite stuffed animal may be brought from home for use at rest time. The staff may rub the children’s backs and faces if needed. Relaxing music is also played. If you have any objections to this or have any suggestions for your child’s relaxation, please let the teachers know. School age children may rest on mats, sleep, read quietly, or do quiet activities for thirty minutes. SPECIAL EVENTS Through-out the year we plan special events or activities with the children and families. We encourage parents and children to participate when they are able. Here is a list of some of the events we have done in the past: Monthly: Color Day PJ Day Special Events: Trip to Story time at Public Library Splash and Play Day @ Center Sledding Trip to the Stevens County Fair Parent’s Story Time Crazy Days Fly a Kite Halloween Open House at West Wind Village Valentine’s Party School Pictures Parent’s Night at the Splash Park Scholastic Book Fair Muffins with Mom Firemen for Fire Safety Week Donuts with Dads Aerobics Class at Regional Fitness Center PARENT COMMUNICATION The staff communications with parents include the following: Daily Written Reports – Parents of Infants and Toddlers, and some Preschoolers (by request) receive a daily written report. These notes can be found in your child’s cubby or be given to you by classroom teacher Daily Verbal Reports – As parents arrive or pick up their children staff members work schedules have been designed to ensure parents get the key feedback about their child’s day. Special Events – Parents are invited to special events – watch for postings in individual classroom and the main doors for these announcements. Parent Newsletters –is provided weekly to keep families up to date on the activities, news, reminders, and upcoming special events in each classroom. Parent-Teacher Conferences - While parents are encouraged to visit the center at any time, parents/guardians have the opportunity to meet with their child's teacher at a scheduled conference each October and April. We urge parents/guardians and our staff to discuss significant events or situations that may affect your child at home or at MACCC to help ensure children's needs are met. Daily communication with staff is strongly encouraged. Parent Questions, Concerns or Problems We hope your child will enjoy attending Morris Area Child Care Center. If you should have a grievance, the following procedure has been set up so your concern can be properly addressed. A grievance is defined as a statement alleging a violation of the policies or principals of MACCC. 1. A grieved person will first attempt to resolve the conflict in an informal manner. For example, this might involve discussing the situation with the teacher or MACCC leadership. 2. If the informal process does not resolve the situation to the satisfaction of the complaint, the grievance must then be put into written form and submitted to MACCC leadership within five days of the disputed action. 3. MACCC leadership will respond to the grievance in writing within five days. 4. If the complainant is still not satisfied with the resolution of the grievance, within five days from receipt and of MACCC Director’s written response, he/she must submit a copy of the grievance and all correspondence to date to the Board of Directors. 5. The Board of Directors will then investigate the grievance and respond in 30 days to the complainant with a final resolution. A list of Board members is available on the parent information board. 6. No adverse action will come to the grieved party as a result of his/her filing the grievance and using these procedures. Additional Ideas for Parent Involvement MACCC strongly encourages parents to become involved. You can do this in many ways: 1. Serving on the Board of Directors 5. Helping with fundraising 2. Showing interest your child’s activities 6. Volunteering to help with field trips 3. Reading newsletters and taking time to 7. Sharing hobbies, skills, and careers with the discuss your child’s day with his/her children teacher 8. Talking with your child about his or her day 4. Attending special functions BEHAVIOR GUIDANCE We find that behavior guidance issues arise infrequently when the children are actively involved with other children, our staff, and the curriculum they present. Daily activities are designed to be developmentally appropriate for the individual age groups of the children served at the center. Harsh or threatening methods of discipline will not be permitted at MACCC. Preferred behavior guidance techniques include setting clear, enforceable limits, modeling acceptable behavior, structuring the environment to maximize good behavior, planning engaging activities, giving choices, teaching the use of acceptable alternatives, anticipation problems, redirection and use of direct and logical consequences. Children may be separated from the group temporarily, if less intrusive methods of behavior guidance have been ineffective and the child's behavior threatens the well being of other children or staff. All separations are noted on a separation log and you will be informed. If staff is unsuccessful in calming a child, parents may be called to come and calm him/her. If such behavior continues, a conference will be set up to communicate and write a plan to assist in guiding the mistaken behavior. Persistent unacceptable behavior requires an increased amount of staff guidance and time. The procedures for persistent unacceptable behavior require staff to: Observe and record the behavior of the child and staff response to the behavior; and Develop a plan to address the behavior documented in a consultation with the child's parent, the child’s Lead Teacher, and the Director. The plan will have a timeline for expected improvement on a case by case basis Consider and/or recommend seeking other outside professional assistance when appropriate If improvement is not made in the persistent unacceptable behavior then the plan will be presented to the Board of Director’s for possible termination of care. This will be present by the Director of the program GUN/WEAPON PLAY There is a strict policy of allowing no weapon play. Children are not permitted to play with weapons of any type or size or to pretend that other items are weapons, including their fingers, hands, or blocks. Redirection will be used when a child is engaging in weapon or violent play. If a child brings a weapon to the weapon should be placed out of sight and sent home the same day with a note explaining the policy about weapons. Competitive behavior is minimized in our programs. In young children, competition often increases negative behavior and decreases acceptance of others. Bullying is not considered acceptable behavior; all efforts will be made to guide children in finding appropriate ways to interact with others. DRESS CODE Each child should have a change of clothing to keep in their box in case of an accident. Children should wear clothing that is comfortable and appropriate for play. It should be easy to take on and off so the children can be as independent as possible. Please do not use safety pins in the child’s clothing. During cold weather, each child should have snow pants, mittens, scarf, hat, and boots for protection against the cold. Please try to avoid cloth mittens that easily get wet with snow. Since many winter clothing items look the same, please make sure to clearly mark your child’s name on all items including boots. When it is necessary to change the child’s clothing, the soiled clothing will be sent home at the end of the day. Please don’t forget to send another change of clothes the next day. The Department of Health does not allow us to launder or wash any soiled clothing. We use paint shirts when we paint or do messy projects. Even with paint shirts, the children can still get dirty, so please do not send them in clothes that are special. Please provide shoes that are not slippery or hard to run and play in. Tennis shoes work the best. The State Fire Marshall requires that children wear closed toed shoes at all times. ITEMS FROM HOME Children are NOT allowed to bring in any beverages, food, or treats unless prearranged with the child’s teacher. Please only bring toys or items from home if the class project or teacher requests and is planning for a sharing of those items. Favorite toys are very hard to share and manage. Toys need to be shared with classmates. Toys are intensely played with and this may not be good for your child’s special toys. MACCC is not responsible for lost or damaged items from home. FIELD TRIPS When weather permits, children may participate in walking field trips. Many field trips occur on-site when a visiting “expert” comes to share their work or a project with the children. When off site field trips are planned, the teacher will give you the information about that trip and a permission slip that must be signed if your child is to participate. Walks are often taken around MACCC perimeters of the West Wind Village property supervised by the staff. By signing the enrollment form parents/guardians, give permission for staff to take children on these walks. There is also a separate field trip authorization to as a part of the enrollment packet that includes the surrounding neighborhood that is updated annually. PETS From time to time non-allergenic small pets or animals are kept at the center. However, “guest” pets may only visit after we have gotten permission slips from each family in consideration to any possible allergies. If you would like to arrange a pet visit, talk with your child’s teacher or MACCC management. Sorry, but no cats or dogs.