WESTERN COLLECTION Purpose: The purpose of the Western Collection is to preserve and provide limited access to materials which pertain to the Great Plains and Kansas, with an emphasis on Western Kansas, and to the American West which includes various topics such as the cattle industry and cowboy life of the Great Plains area from 1800 up to W.W.I. Geographic Area: The geographic area may encompass Fort Hays State University, the city of Hays, Ellis County, the state of Kansas, or the area as large as that referred to as the Great Plains and the American West. Types of Materials: Fiction and non-fiction materials about the Great Plains and Kansas, with an emphasis on Western Kansas Fiction and non-fiction materials about the American West which will include the cattle industry, military history, Indians, the “Wild West” and cowboys of the Great Plains area prior to World War One. Ramon Adams' The Rampaging Herd can be used as a guide for finding materials for the cattle industry and cowboys of the Great Plains area. The emphasis for collection will be currently published materials rather than out-of-print materials. Hard backs or laminated paperbacks will be acquired unless paperback is the only edition available. Most items purchased will be print materials, although exceptions can be made to occasionally purchase non-print items such as DVD’s, software, etc. Emphasis will be placed on obtaining the following types of materials if they are available, and if they pertain to the selection criteria for the Western Collection: Primary source materials (such as journals, diaries, reminiscences, memoirs, etc.) Unpublished materials Signed, numbered or limited editions Publications by those who lived in the area Biographies or autobiographies First editions Books published by the University Press of Kansas if they meet the selection criteria for the Western Collection. Exclusions from the Western Collection Although material for juveniles may meet the selection criteria for the Western Collection, they will not be collected. Materials published before 1801 (for European publications) and 1840 (for American publications) will be placed in the C Collection even though they meet the selection criteria for the Western Collection. Other guidelines for the Western Collection Although others may purchase reference books for the reference collection which deal with the selection criteria for this collection, reference books may also be purchased specifically for the Western Collection and used as resource tools in this area. Although fiction, poetry, and short stories by Kansas authors will be collected, nonfiction books by Kansas authors will not be collected unless they pertain to the selection criteria for the collection. The Eartha and Elmer Pugh Trust Fund stipulates that materials brought with monies received from the fund meet the following criteria: o Books dealing with Kansas history, whether fiction or nonfiction, with particular emphasis upon the Hays and Ellis County areas o Books and artwork by authors and artists whose roots are in Kansas GUIDELINES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF MATERIALS IN SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (All items should meet the selection criteria for each collection specified within Special Collections) Kansas church, county and town histories and Kansas history – Western Collection o If the items relate to the Volga Germans, Bukovina Germans, Nicodemus – Center for Ethnic Studies Kansas native or Kansas immigrant tribes – Western Collection o The Kansas State Historical Society has named 25 tribes. (see appendix 1) Hays city directories and the like – Western Collection One copy of each FHSU thesis – University Theses Collection o A second copy of the thesis – General Collection If a thesis meets the selection criteria of the Western Collection, the second copy will be placed in the Western Collection. The Fort Hays Studies publication – Western Collection o Extra copies – University Archives Materials that must be handled with care – Western Collection Vertical File o Items are in acid-free envelopes which have the call number, title, author, bar code, Western label, and stamped with "For Use in Library Only" as well as "Forsyth Library" on the front of the envelope o Vertical File is two file cabinets located along the east wall of the room Kansas history textbooks – Western Collection o Extra copies – Juvenile or General Collection Cassette tapes, CD’s and DVD’s o Western Collection o Center for Ethnic Studies o University Archives Multiple copies of an item if they are signed or numbered, or are found in American Book Prices Current, or have historical significance – Western Collection Material written by a person from Fort Hays State University – Western Collection o If a second copy is available, it will be placed in archives Material written by a person from Fort Hays if it pertains to Fort Hays State University or does not fit the selection criteria for other collections – University Archives o If a second copy is available, it will be placed in the Western Collection Titles located in the Western Collection that are found in American Book Prices Current are identified by placing the initials ABPC and the dollar amount on the inside cover in the upper left hand corner. Reveille (if library has only one copy) – University Archives o Any second copies – Western Collection o Remaining copies – University Archives Kansas cookbooks – Western Collection Updated versions of titles Periodicals Volga Germans, Bukovina Germans, Nicodemus – any second copies can be placed in the Western Collection if they meet the selection criteria Kansas authors (non-fiction, fiction, short stories, and poetry) – Western Collection Stories with a Kansas setting or about a Kansas personality by any author – Western Collection Non-fiction, fiction, short stores and poetry of the American West or the Great Plains – Western Collection o Any second copies – General Collection Materials by private publishers will remain in the appropriate special collection. University Press of Kansas publications o If they meet the selection criteria Western Collection Center for Ethnic Studies o Do not purchase them, as they are given to the library from the President’s office and the Provost’s office The Albertson, Tomanek, and Bartholomew materials – University Archives APPENDIX I Indian Tribes in Kansas history Arapaho Cheyenne Comanche Kansa Kiowa/Kiowa Apache Missouri/Oto Osage Pawnee Plains Apache Wichita Pottawatomie Shawnee Iowa Sauk Fox or Sac Fox Cherokee Chippewa Delaware Kickapoo Munsee Ottawa Wyandot Peorias and Kaskaskias. 1833 Weas and Piankeshaws. 1833 Indians who lived on the Miami Reserve (1839-1841) Indians who lived on the Quapaw Strip in 1834