Llys Meddyg
Policies and Protocols
The NHS in Wales recognises that certain groups and individuals within society may
be disadvantaged and discriminated against for a variety of reasons. This Practice
recognises that it needs to adapt continuously to meet the changing needs and
demands of both the community it serves and its employees.
The Practice is committed to eliminating any inequalities that may exist in the
context of both employment and service delivery. Discrimination in employment is
unacceptable. It is in everyone’s best interests to promote fair and equal treatment.
This will help to ensure that as a Practice we value and fully utilise the skills of the
entire workforce and that the highest standards of services are provided.
The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for action:
 that puts equality and diversity into practice
 that leads to a more inclusive service for patients and clients
 that generates an improved working environment for staff which is sensitive to
the needs of all
The Practice will seek to ensure that no individual or group receives less favourable
treatment either directly or indirectly on the grounds of their race, religion/belief,
colour, creed, nationality, ethnic or national origins, gender, sexual orientation,
marital status, responsibility for dependants, medical conditions, intellect, disability,
age, membership of a trade union, professional association or political belief.
Aims and Principles
The Practice aims to:
 provide healthcare services that are inclusive of all and meet the diverse needs
of different groups and individuals, and
 recruit, develop and retain staff in a working environment which promotes
equality and adopts best employment practice and which harnesses the talents
of the workforce and values the differences between individuals and the
benefits that diversity can bring
The Policy will be underpinned by four fundamental principles:
Equality: working to eliminate inequality, discrimination, disadvantage and
Equity: being fair, reasonable and just in all its functions and activities
Quality: working for the highest achievable standards in service
Partnership: giving people real involvement in and influence over decisionmaking
October 2009
Llys Meddyg
Policies and Protocols
Equality and Diversity – Definitions
Equality is essentially based on fairness and in most part linked to legislation. It
relates to issues of detriment and the fact that no one should suffer a
detriment on the basis of age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation,
disability, race or ethnicity, religion, class, nationality, income or employment
Diversity recognises that individual differences are a natural part of society
and focuses on how to harness differences between people to create
benefits and improvements. The Practice will reject prejudice and respect the
diversity of patients, clients, employees and suppliers.
To provide healthcare services that are inclusive of all and meet the diverse needs
of different groups and individuals by:
 developing an understanding of the needs of service users through
meaningful consultation/feedback mechanisms
train staff to be knowledgeable and continually abreast of the needs of all
patient and client groups
integrate equality and diversity into future planning of clinical services;
To recruit, develop and retain staff in a working environment which promotes
equality and adopts best employment practice.
To harness the talents of the workforce and value the differences between
individuals and the benefits that diversity can bring by:
positively promoting equality and diversity in the workplace;
providing a working environment free of all forms of harassment and bullying
ensuring its equal opportunities policies are up to date and comply with the
latest legislation;
reviewing its policies, procedures and practices to ensure that individuals are
recruited, trained, developed and promoted on the basis of job requirements
and the individual’s merits and abilities for the job.
seeking to mainstream equality and diversity into every aspect of policy and
practice as an employer;
providing training to effectively deliver the Equality and Diversity Policy
1.The Practice will publicise its commitment to its Equality Policy to both existing and
potential members of staff and the wider community.
October 2009
Llys Meddyg
Policies and Protocols
2.The Policy will be supported by an equality action plan, which will include the
setting, monitoring and reviewing of objectives and targets to ensure that the policy
achieves its aims.
3.The Practice will not tolerate discrimination by any of its staff and any acts of
deliberate discrimination will be dealt with in accordance with the Disciplinary
Positive Images and Language
Images and language can have a powerful influence on people’s perceptions and
attitudes. The Practice is committed to ensuring that all its communications will
promote images that reflect the full diversity of its catchment area and will use
language that is appropriate for the communities involved.
 Recruitment and Selection
It is the policy of the Practice to attract and recruit solely on merit candidates of the
highest quality. The Practice’s Recruitment and Selection Policy will support its
Equality Policy in promoting fair and equal treatment. Recruitment practices will be
monitored to ensure that systems are open, accountable and fair and that certain
groups are not potentially disadvantaged.
Selection processes must be carried out according to objective job related criteria.
Through appropriate training and monitoring selection decisions will not
discriminate, whether consciously or subconsciously, in making these decisions
 Employment Policies and Practices
All of the Practice’s employment policies will reflect the principles of equality and
diversity as set out in this policy.
Dignity in the Workplace
Each employee is responsible for his or her own professional and personal
behaviour. All employees are required to conduct themselves in a manner that
does not cause offence to another person.
Service Delivery Benefits
The benefits of practising equality and promoting diversity for patients and clients,
carers and relatives, staff, are as follows:
Individuals from the local community will have the confidence to raise and
express concerns;
The Practice will have a better understanding of the healthcare needs of the
community it serves
Well-informed and trained staff will have a greater understanding of
individual needs and thus provide improved patient care
October 2009
Llys Meddyg
Policies and Protocols
Staff who feel valued and respected by those with whom they work have a
sense of belonging; feel confident to express any concerns and feel their
contribution is meaningful in achieving the goals of the Practice
Colleagues will be supportive of one another whatever their gender,
sexuality, age, disability, religion or ethnic background
Working environments that are free from discrimination, harassment and
bullying will improve morale, performance, attendance and retention
The Practice will develop a reputation as a good and fair employ
October 2009
Llys Meddyg
Policies and Protocols
October 2009