Retour vers le futur… Un devoir écrit au futur La tâche : Tu trouves une tempomobile, c’est-à-dire une machine capable de t’amener dans le futur. Planifie un voyage dans le futur et écris ce que tu verras avec les phrases au futur. t’ (te) = you (pron.pers.) amener = to bring (v.) ce que = the things that (pron.rel.) Les attentes : write 12+ sentences that describe plans for a future trip to place(s) that interest you answer the following questions: Where will you travel? Who will you travel with? Why did you choose that destination? What will you see? What will you do while you’re there? Who will you meet? What will the weather be like? What will you bring back? use verbs in futur simple et futur proche to write about your future travels put your sentences together into paragraph form your paragraph must be 75 – 125 words and the good copy must be double-spaced underline your verbs in futur simple (ex : Je voyagerai à l’Egypte.) circle your verbs in futur proche (ex : try to add pronouns to your paragraph that replace ideas (le/la/les, lui/leur, y) use your notes on vocabulary, verb conjugation, and pronouns to help make your ideas exceptional be creative! Choose unique places to travel, fun things to do, interesting people to meet, etc. conjugate your verbs, make your adjectives agree, and pay attention to punctuation and grammar Nous allons trouver un trésor d’or.) La date de remise: ______________________________________ Évaluation du paragraphe « Retour vers le futur » Tâche sommative Nom: ____________________________________ Use of les pronoms to replace ideas T&I Satisfying expectations for content Formative revisions (rough work, editing) Incomplete K&U Knowledge & use of verbs in futur simple (FS) & futur proche (FP) F Incomplete Criteria Planning Expression of ideas Creativity Incomplete Communication Transfer of knowledge (sentence structure, grammar) & skills (writing about one’s imaginary trip to the future) Incomplete Application Date de remise : ____________________________ Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 - uses 4+ futur simple verbs accurately - adds 2 futur proche verbs in paragraph - uses 4 different futur simple verbs w/ some accuracy - uses 2 FP verbs accurately - uses 6 different futur simple verbs quite accurately - uses 2 different FP verbs accurately - uses 7+ different futur simple verbs with great accuracy - uses 3+ different FP verbs accurately - makes no attempt to use pronouns to replace ideas - student attempts to add 1 pronoun in paragraph - student attempts to add 1+ pronoun in paragraph - student accurately adds 1+ pronoun in paragraph - answers few questions - answers some questions - no rough work submitted - some rough work submitted - answers most questions - writes 12-14 sentences - all rough work submitted - some verbs highlighted properly - some verbs highlighted properly - most verbs highlighted properly - answers all questions - writes 14+ sentences - all rough work submitted & paragraph is typed - (almost) all verbs highlighted properly - ideas are at times unclear/difficult to understand - ideas are sometimes clear/ easy to follow - ideas are usually clear and easy to understand - ideas are predictable - ideas are somewhat creative - ideas are quite creative - sentences are simple - verbs used are repetitive - most sentences are simple - some verbs used are repetitive - some sentences are complex - some variety of verbs used - grammar is poor - grammar is satisfactory - grammar is good at times - ideas are clear, concise, and easy to follow - ideas flow well - ideas are extremely creative - most sentences are complex - rich variety of verbs & language used - grammar is exceptional Feedback: Did I refer to the rubric at least 5 times to complete my project? Yes Sort of No Did I use verbs in futur simple / futur proche to express ideas in my paragraph? Yes Sort of No Did I answer all of the required questions in my paragraph? Yes Sort of No Am I proud of my work? Yes Sort of No Les étapes à suivre pour compléter le paragraphe au futur 1. Write a simple sentence in English in the future tense ex : Henry and I will travel to Argentina. o one verb per sentence 2. Underline the future tense verb in English ex : Henry and I will travel to Argentina. 3. Find the verb in French (in your notes/dictionary) ex : will travel = travel voyager 4. Conjugate the verb in French into futur proche or futur simple ex : voyager 5. Look in your notes/dictionary for the rest of the words in your sentence. 6. Repeat steps 2-5 for the rest of your sentences (a minimum of 12). Materials : note on how to conjugate verbs into futur simple et futur proche list of substitutions for irregular verbs in futur simple assignment handout « Retour dans le futur… » & rubric dictionary access (paper or Internet for Verbes utiles : acheter aimer aller avoir choisir constater découvrir devenir être faire finir habiter jouer monter observer parler pouvoir prendre ramener regarder rencontrer rester revenir travailler trouver visiter voir voyager