Terms of References of
A.1: Background
The Conference of Plenipotentiaries of Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
Pollutants (POPs), held in May 22-23, 2001, agreed to protect human health and the
environment from the harmful impacts of POPs by reducing or eliminating releases of 12
POPs chemicals and wastes1. The semi-volatile character of these chemicals results in
long-range environmental transport hence their adverse human health and /or
environmental effects are not only confined in areas close to their release but also poses
global hazards.
Some of these chemicals are unintentionally produced and released during many
anthropogenic activities in particular industrial processes involving high temperatures
and the presence of chlorine. The rapidly growing economies in Central and Eastern
Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (CEECCA) have resulted in increased POPs releases
leading to possible negative social and environmental impacts. Measures to reduce or
eliminate releases from unintentional production are subject of Article 5 of the Stockholm
Convention. Guidelines on best available techniques (BAT) and provisional guidance on
best environmental practices (BEP) relevant to Article 5 and Annex C have been
produced under the Convention and adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its third
meeting in May 2007. These guidelines and guidance should be taken into consideration
by Parties when applying BAT and BEP as required in Article 5 of the Convention.
Based on the experience gained through promotion and dissemination of environmentally
sound industrial technologies, UNIDO has decided to expand its POPs program and offer
technical cooperation to developing countries and countries with economies in transition
to fully enable implementing the BAT/BEP related provisions of the Convention. UNIDO
has taken a programmatic approach and decided to support establishing global, regional
and subregional BAT/BEP forums.
The proposal for establishing the Regional CEECCA BAT/BEP Forum has been jointly
initiated by the Chemical Directorate of the Ministry of Environment, Romania and the
Stockholm Convention Unit of the Environmental Management Branch (EMB) of
UNIDO. The two institutions hosted the first and second consultation meetings of the
Forum on 1 and 2 November 2007 and on 27 and 28 January 2009 in Bucharest.
The meetings were attended by participants from CEECCA countries and produced
reports (copies attached in appendix II) that define the scope of work, structure of the
forum, the preparation activities to be carried out by stakeholders, and the roadmap and
The twelve POPs chemicals are: aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, polychlorinated-p-dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), mirex, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and
meetings planned towards tentatively launching of the BAT/BEP Regional Forum for
CEECCA in Bucharest on 05 November 2009. The CEECCA countries that have
attended the meetings were: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Russia,
Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey and Ukraine. It was agreed to establish the CEECCA Forum and
to develop terms of references (TORs) for the forum structure, a framework of regional
action plan on BAT/BEP, and a Trust Fund to finance the implementation of the Forum
A.2: The Objectives of the Forum
The Forum is a voluntary regional collaboration and cooperation platform on BAT and
BEP and is open to all countries of the CEECCA region - developed, developing and
countries with economies in transition. The Forum immediate objective is to serve as a
platform for information dissemination and exchange of experiences among countries on
different aspects of implementation of BAT and BEP. In addition the Forum is to provide
regular reporting on the impact of the implemented BAT and BEP measures to the
Secretariat of the Convention. The development objective of the Forum is to strengthen
the capacities of the member countries to enable facilitation of transfer of
environmentally sound technologies taking into account the increased use of local and
traditional knowledge and techniques in the industrial sector in the region.
The tasks of the Forum include but not limited to the timely completion of further work
on regional promotion, application and diffusion of BAT/BEP in line with the guidelines
and guidance document to assist the implementation of action plans, with emphasis on
the chemicals (PCDD/PCDF, PCBs and HCB), industrial production processes and their
source releases listed in Annex C of the Convention.
The state of the science with regard to both the measurement of releases and levels
present in the environment of chemicals listed in Annex C and what is considered best
available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP) will advance with
time. This guidance will be continually updated to keep up with these changes.
Depending on the process that is the source of chemicals listed in Annex C, the economic
and social conditions in a particular country, subregion or region present important
considerations influencing the choice of the BAT and BEP.
For new sources of chemicals within source categories that warrant the use of best
available techniques, as identified in their national action plans, Parties are to focus
initially on source categories identified in Part II of Annex C. Addressing existing
sources is a good opportunity for a Party to reduce overall releases. In considering
priority existing sources identified in its national action plan, a Party will need to
consider measures to encourage necessary changes to the process or management
practices that could lead to eventual attainment of BAT and BEP. Such modifications
could be phased in over time and could be part of plans to modernize a facility.
In addition to make the existing BAT/BEP Guidelines document more user friendly, the
Forum will develop a document on the best available environmental practices, where
appropriate, for the different source categories in each country.
A.3: The Board of the Forum
The Board is comprised of nominated representatives of CEECCA countries, UNIDO,
Stockholm Convention Secretariat, and the bodies representing the industry, as
appropriate. Observers may also attend the meetings of the Board. The Board may report
its activities to COP-5 of the Stockholm Convention and following a dialogue and
discussion with developed country partners and if availability of additional financial
resources could be assured. The Board shall:
 Provide policy guidance to member states and partners on BAT and BEP issues to
enable building consensus and agreements in all organizational and programmatic
aspects of the Forum;
 Maintain policy coherence between BAT and BEP actions taken by public and
private sectors at national and regional levels;
 Ensure fair geographical distribution of activities in CEECCA countries and build
on the industrial expertise and experiences of BAT and BEP of the region;
 Mobilize financial and other resources needed to support implementation of the
action plans, programs and projects of BAT and BEP;
 Recommend economic and market-based incentives to accelerate introduction of
BAT and BEP transfer and reduce the negative environmental impact of industry
taking into account of the additional costs of management and investment as well
as of the local and traditional knowledge and techniques; and
 Meet once a year to approve the BAT and BEP projects annual budget and the
corresponding activities proposed by the chair.
A.4: Forum Technical Steering Committee (FTSC)
The Forum Technical Steering Committee is the operational body of the forum
responsible for implementing the Board policies, plans and programs. The members of
the steering committee are representatives of CEECCA participating countries (national
focal points or BAT/BEP experts in POPs related activities), UNIDO POPs Unit,
Industrial Associations and Private sector, Ministries of Industry, Educational
Institutions, Donor Representation, NGOs/ Foundations/ civil society, Regional
Technology Service Centre, and from other BAT/BEP Forums. The Steering Committee
 Initiate a 4-year regional BAT/BEP programs aiming at reducing the POPs
pollution load from the industry sector of the region;
 Select and establish relevant sub-committee with members and working groups
(technical & policy) based on the introduction of sector BAT and BEP and other
related issues;
 Enhance BAT and BEP related human resources capacities, institutional
strengthening and technical skills in the region;
Coordinate efforts, programs and initiatives at regional level with the other UN
organizations, bilateral agencies and Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Support the regional and national research collaboration, education, sector studies
on BAT/BEP related issues with leading regional and national academic
institutions and networks in the regions;
Mobilize resources to the trust fund in cash and/ or in kind to enable efficient
implementation of the action plan; and
Meet upon the call of the Chair of the Forum Board, in consultation with
members of the sub-committees, the two co-chairs and UNIDO.
A.5: The Forum Chairperson
The Forum Chairperson (“Chair”) and two Co-Chairs will be selected by the Board on
rotational basis of two year in office and will act on its behalf to implement the policy of
the Board. In year 2 the Chair will start to transfer tasks to the co-chair who will be the
next Chair. As in CEECCA region a group of countries can speak English and the other
group of countries can speak Russian, the rotation of the chair and the co-chair should
alternate between these two groups of countries, respectively (if the chair is from one
group, the co-chair should be from the other). It is foreseen that the Chair should be
selected at least Director or equivalent decision making level.
The Chairperson will be assisted by two co-chairs, one from the region, representing the
future chair, and one representing donors. UNIDO will provide secretarial support to the
office of the Chairperson.
The chairperson shall:
 Provide overall administrative and management support and control of the Forum
and activities;
 Call for different Forum meetings and facilitate secretarial support;
 Ensure adequate communication and flow of information between members of the
 Report to the Board on regular basis on the ongoing progress of Forum activities
and on issues to be considered for discussion and approval; and
 Assign tasks to co-chairs to perform in order to help implementing the Forum
programs, projects and action plans.
A.6: The Forum Secretariat
The secretariat of the Forum is located at the office of the Chair and shall:
Prepare the agenda and organize the planned meetings of the Board and the
Provide human resources and office space and facilities to maintain the secretariat
and the support needed;
Prepare regular communication, provision of information and exchange of
documentation with members of the Forum; and
Produce and maintain meeting reports, policy documents and other Forum files.
A.7: The Forum Co-chairs
The two co-chairs shall support the Forum activities, through the office of the Chair,
during planning and implementation stages. While the co-chair representing donors will
be selected by donors contributing to the trust fund, the regional co-chair will be selected
by member countries of CEECCA. The two co-chairs will be simultaneously proposed,
by the chair in consultation with Forum members, and appointed by the Board. The cochairs shall provide support to the Chair to:
Develop consultation strategies to enable implementation of the regional action
plan on BAT/BEP both at technical and policy levels;
Provide guidance to the secretariat to facilitate exchange of knowledge,
partnerships and experiences between countries;
Assist UNIDO establishing a trust fund for financing and co-financing of the
incremental costs associated to the introduction and implementation of the BAT
and BEP strategies in the priority industries of the region;
Support public private partnership as a vehicle to mobilize resources to implement
the action plans and continues to develop new projects; and
Endeavor to improve donor support to the Forum activities and members at
bilateral and multilateral levels.
UNIDO as a specialized UN agency for industrial development has taken the global lead
in the implementation of the BAT and BEP guidelines and guidance. UNIDO shall:
Support the Regional Forum secretariat in cooperation with the Chairperson
office as well as the two co-chairs;
Provide administrative support to the steering committee meetings and to the subcommittees of the Forum;
Mobilize financial and other resources to implement the BAT and BEP regional
action plan;
Establish and administer the trust fund resources on behalf of the Forum Board
and the donors and will subject to the UN financial rules and regulations;
Collaborate with Stockholm Convention Secretariat;
Endeavor to stimulate discussion platforms on linkages between the multilateral
environment agreements, world trade, ecosystem services, and human well-being;
Initiate regional and national GEF projects on BAT and BEP priority areas that
may have significant global environmental impacts;
Cooperate with the Regional Stockholm Convention Centre;
Establish and maintain a website for the forum to improve communication among
members, provide linkages and good technical relations with other regional forms
to ensure exchange of information and experiences; and
Call for ad hoc meetings of sub-committees in consultation with the Board Chair
and the co-chairs.
UNIDO shall use and enhance the BAT and BEP guidelines with the experience gained
and lessons learnt through UNIDO National Cleaner Production Centers, Investment and
Technology Promotion Offices, Field Offices and Environment Technology Centers, as
well as others, where need be, to make it easier to understand and use by the industrial
sector of the region.
The members of the Regional Forum shall seek to reach agreement on decisions
by consensus.
Should consensus not be reached, the wide range of views of members and
observers shall be reflected in the report to be submitted to UNIDO and other
interested parties.
English shall be the working language of the Regional Forum and simultaneous
Russian interpretation will be provided.
D.1: Communication Strategy
During the steady progress of the Forum activities, UNIDO shall develop a
communication strategy that would comprise of the following tools and approaches:
Developing regular questionnaires to enhance existing communication among
members of the Forum and stakeholders at different levels;
Updating the status reports on partnerships with NGOs and civil society and link
with their information sources;
Engaging the country Forum activities with UNIDO office where applicable and
other UN office where found useful;
Establishing a dedicated website for the Forum and improve connectivity of
members on regular basis;
Linking the Forum with other UNIDO institutional networks in the region such as
cleaner production centres, investment and technology promotion centres;
Initiating a scientific and technical journal for the Forum in e-version to publish
research results;
Facilitating liaison and partnership with other POPs global forums provided by
the SC secretariat or donors; and
Producing a series of national and regional pamphlets and flyers reflecting Forum
D.2: Resources
The human resources supporting communication strategy are needed by the Forum in the
following areas at national and regional levels:
Sector best practice advocates;
Researchers and technology scholars;
IT specialists; and
Civil society and NGOs communication specialists.
To facilitate the pledging process of donors to the Forum Trust Fund, the format of
UNIDO Trust Fund agreement is attached to the document as Appendix ____.
F.1: Scope:
The Forum shall cover activities at national and regional levels grouping representatives
from governments, industry and research institutions. There is a need for designating
regional academic and/or technical institution(s) to engage in the regional level activities
agreed by the Forum members. The Forum shall collaborate with national and regional
institutions in the region in order to devise a BAT and BEP research and training program
that will lead to creation of an Information Clearinghouse in the region.
The close cooperation between governments, industry, Regional Stockholm Convention
Centre and academia is an innovative vehicle for growth in favor of sustainable jobs
creation, increase of knowledge base for industry and environmental sustainability at
regional levels. The Information Clearinghouse should address the mainstream of BAT
and BEP perception for regional development and its relationship with contemporary
trends in technological progress.
F.2: Objective
The overall objective of the Information Clearinghouse is to ensure the existence and
operation of a regional network of academic, training and technical institutions providing
services to the Forum members based on the need for technical assistance to the industrial
sector. Its specific objective is to assume BAT and BEP regional information
clearinghouse functions, in collaborative manner, and in coordination with the Stockholm
Convention Secretariat, in order to facilitate regional cooperation among Forum members
and to enhance achieving practical results.
F.3: Activities
The following capacity strengthening activities shall be performed by the Information
Clearinghouse in cooperation with other Centres such as the Regional Stockholm
Convention and Basel Convention centers and in coordination through UNIDO with the
Stockholm Convention Secretariat:
Provide for sector studies to enable building a regional industrial database linked
to POPs;
Develop regional performance indicators and bench marking for BAT and BEP;
Conduct regular regional level training for the POPs related industrial sector;
Organize regional academic conferences, workshops and seminars;
Conduct study tours on BAT/BEP at regional and international levels;
Coordinate with other technical programs and MEAs initiatives on BAT and BEP;
Carry out regional research activities based on industrial sectors concerned;
Perform postgraduate education on related BAT and BEP issues; and
Create and maintain a website for the Forum and make links to other relevant
websites of member institutions to exchange technical information.
F.4: Resources
The designated clearing house institution(s) will provide for physically hosting the
regional training and research activities in cooperation with other academic institutions of
the region. In close cooperation with UNIDO, donors and academic partners, they will
jointly mobilize funds to finance the regional training and research activities assigned to
them under the regional BAT and BEP action plan. A Trust Fund will be established for
the mobilized funds that will be operated in accordance to UNIDO Financial Rules and
Regulations and Trust Fund agreement.
Summary Report of First Consultation Meeting on Regional BAT and BEP Forum for
Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (CEECCA)
The First Consultation Meeting on Regional BAT/BEP Forum for Central and Eastern
Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (CEECCA) countries was held in Bucharest, Romania on
1 and 2 November 2007. The meeting was opened by Mr. Silviu Stoica, State Secretary
of Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the Government of Romania
who highlighted the rationale and objectives of the Forum. Dr. Mohamed Eisa, Chief of
POPs and Chemical Management Unit of UNIDO welcomed the meeting asking the
participants to introduce themselves. Dr. Rodica Morohoi, Director, Chemicals
Directorate, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Bucharest, Romania
chaired the First Consultation Meeting.
Representatives of the following twelve (12) governments participated the meeting:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania,
Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey and Ukraine.
Dr Bo Wahlström, Swedish Chemicals Agency, Co-Chair of the BAT/BEP Expert Group
of the Stockholm Convention and other international participants (University of
Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) were
also participated in the meeting.
After the presentations of Dr. Eisa on the background of the Forum and Dr. Wahlström
on the draft guidelines on BAT and guidance on BEP, Dr. Helen Keenan, University of
Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK presented her experiences gained through the Mekong River
Project on environmental modeling and monitoring in relation to BAT/BEP.
The introductory presentations were followed by short country reporting.
Bosnia and
Priorities in national BAT/BEP action plans and national
environmental priorities (in case NIP has not yet been completed)
Chemicals and waste management, capacity building
Uncontrolled burning, treatment of POPs containing wastes,
manufacturing and use of chlorine and chlorine based organic
compounds, recycling ferrous and non-ferrous metals (aluminium and
Coal-fired power plants, waste oil refinery and metallurgical industry
Wood burning at households, uncontrolled burning, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy
Uncontrolled combustion processes, waste incineration, power
generation and heating, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, upgrading
legislation, awareness raising
PCBs and pesticides waste management, capacity building
Medical wastes, UP-POPs, PCBs, agricultural wastes, obsolete
PCBs and pesticides management, chlorine containing compounds,
waste incineration
Power generation and heating, medical waste and waste wood
incineration, metallurgy
Waste treatment of PCBs and pesticides, capacity building
Waste incineration, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy
Stockpiles of obsolete pesticides, HCB, UP-POPs, capacity building
and infrastructural strengthening
Mr. Csizer briefly described the management structure of ESEA Regional BAT/BEP
Forum launched formally on 5 October 2007. Then Dr. Eisa facilitated the discussion on
the TOR for the management structure of the Forum. As in CEECCA region a group of
countries speaks English and the other group of countries speaks Russian, it was
suggested that the rotation of the chair and the co-chair should alternate between these
two groups of countries, respectively (if the chair is from one group, the co-chair should
be from the other). This would assure the balance of representation for better
communication and information exchange between the two groups of countries in
CEECCA. In the discussion, among others, the voluntary nature of the Forum was
described, the role of EU member states vis-à-vis to non-member states in CEECCA was
clarified and the possible timelines for the preparatory work required to formally launch
the Forum was explained.
After the discussion session, Dr. Wahlström presented the trust fund model for the
Dr. Loretta Li, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada presented her
experience on BAT and BEP in sustainable land remediation through several case studies
and on electronic waste exported to developing countries by a video case study.
The meeting conscious that the Stockholm Convention Secretariat requested to initiate
activities to promote guidelines on best available techniques and best environmental
practices through awareness raising, information dissemination and publicity at regional,
sub regional and national levels, subject to available funding agreed to:
Launch the Regional Forum for developing and formulating a regional action plan
Develop industry in the region in conformity with the BAT/BEP guidelines and
provisional guidance document; and
Develop partnerships in the region for successful implementation of the regional
action plan.
The consultation meeting proposed to tentatively launch the Regional Forum in the
Ministerial Meeting to be held in Bucharest, Romania on 6 June (or 10 October) 2008.
The meeting recommended preparing terms of references of the:
• Regional Forum, including the board, chairpersonship, co-chairs, steering
committee and secretariat for BAT/BEP;
• Trust Fund for financing activities of the Regional Forum; and
• Regional research, training and regional clearing house center for BAT/BEP.
The meeting requested UNIDO to develop the above terms of references and also
develop a communication strategy leading to successful launching the Regional Forum.
UNIDO will send the terms of references to the CEECCA countries for comments by 5
November 2007 and would expect receiving the responses of the countries by 7
December 2007.
The meeting also agreed to hold the next meeting in Bucharest, Romania on 6-7 March
2008 to endorse the above terms of references and organizing a donor round table. The
NIPs or draft NIPs of CEECCA countries will be handed over to UNIDO during the
second preparatory meeting in Bucharest. A third preparatory meeting is tentatively
planned to be held in Bucharest, Romania, on 4-5 June 2008 to finalize all documents for
the formal launching of the Regional Forum on 6 June (or 10 October) 2008.
The meeting agreed that political decision makers of the member countries should lead
the Regional Forum. The level of representation should be at least the level of director
general and will be decided during the second preparatory meeting of the Regional
Forum. The meeting also decided that the Regional Forum should designate the chair
(starting with Romania as the host country) and two co-chairs (one person representing
the donor community and another person, the succeeding chair representing the member
countries of the CEECCA region) to facilitate the meetings. It was agreed that the chair
will rotate. The duration of the rotation will be decided in the second preparatory meeting
or a subsequent meeting. UNIDO will provide support to the Secretariat of the Regional
Before closing the first preparatory meeting by M. Radu Cadariu, Director, Pollution
control and Risk Management Directorate, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable
Development the participants adopted this summary report.
Summary Report
of Second Consultation Meeting on Regional BAT and BEP Forum
for Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (CEECCA) Countries
to Promote Strategies to Reduce or Eliminate Unintentionally Produced
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) from Industry
The Second Consultation Meeting on Regional BAT/BEP Forum for Central and Eastern
Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (CEECCA) countries was held in Bucharest,
Romania on 27 and 28 January 2009. The meeting was opened by Mr. Doru Laurian
Badulescu, Secretary of State, the Ministry of Environment, Government of Romania. He
greeted the participants of the meeting and briefed them the implementation of the
Stockholm Convention in Romania. He highlighted the objectives and importance of the
Forum as a regional initiative and summarized the ongoing POPs program in Romania
implemented through UNIDO technical cooperation. Ms. Maria Nyholm, Enforcement
and Implementation Department, Environmental Protection Agency of Sweden outlined
the importance to introduce BAT and BEP in protecting human health and the
environment. She greeted the participants on behalf of the donor community. Mr. Frank
Moser, POPs and Chemical Management Unit, Environmental Management Branch of
UNIDO welcomed the meeting and while set the program of the meeting briefly referred
to the First Consultation Meeting held in Bucharest, in November 2007. Then Ms.
Katarina Magulova, Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention gave her opening remarks
and highlighted the importance of interagency cooperation in implementing the
Stockholm Convention, for which the Regional BAT/BEP Forum was a good example.
At the end of the opening session Mr. Moser asked the participants to introduce
themselves. Mr. Radu Cadariu, Director, Pollution Control and Risk Management
Directorate, Ministry of Environment, the Government of Romania chaired the opening
session of the Second Consultation Meeting.
Representatives of the following fourteen (14) governments participated the meeting:
Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia,
FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine.
In the second session Mr. Moser talked on the background of the Forum, the UNIDO
POPs program and the outcomes of the First Consultation Meeting held in Bucharest,
Romania, November 2007. He also presented the elements of the Forum such as
management structure, regional action plan and Trust Fund and the outcomes to be
achieved through the second consultation meeting. In the next presentation Ms.
Magulova gave an overview of the Guidelines on BAT and provisional guidance on BEP
and referred to the Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin
and Furan Releases (Toolkit) as appropriate. The third presentation of the session was
delivered by Mr. Andrea Sbrilli, UNIDO consultant, on experience gained through the
UNIDO-Sino-Italian POPs program in BAT/BEP in the medical waste incineration, pulp
and paper, and iron and steel industry source categories.
The introductory presentations were followed by short country reporting. The session was
chaired by Ms. Maria Nyholm.
Priorities in national BAT/BEP action plans extracted from the
National Implementation Plans (NIP)
Open burning, chemical industry, cement and lime industry,
metallurgical industry
Waste incineration, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, power
generation and heating
and Power and heating generation, metallurgical industry
Czech Republic
Power generation, household sector, transport sector
Non-industrial combustion plants
Waste incineration, power generation, metallurgical industry
Uncontrolled combustion, power generation and heating and waste
Uncontrolled combustion processes at dumping sites and illegal
landfills, waste incineration, power generation and heating
Uncontrolled combustion processes, power generation and heating,
production of mineral products (cement and lime production), ferrous
and non-ferrous production
Waste incineration, ferrous and non-ferrous metal production,
transport sector, power generation and heating
Waste incineration, chemical industry, ferrous and non-ferrous
metallurgy, pulp and paper industry, building materials industry
(cement and lime)
Power and heat generation, waste incineration, metallurgical industry
Production and use of chemicals, waste incineration
Disposal of obsolete pesticides including HCB, power generation,
metallurgical industry
Mr. Sbrilli presented a desk survey on all 31 countries of CEECCA region on UP-POPs
releases from the source categories listed in Annex C of the Stockholm Convention based
on the NIPs and other relevant available documentation. The survey resulted that the
main release source category that is the priority sector of the region was the power
generation and household heating. 23 countries in the region listed this sector among
priorities No. 1 to No.4. The second source category in the region was waste incineration
in 21 countries. The third source category was metallurgical (ferrous and non-ferrous)
industry in 18 countries and the fourth was open burning of wastes and uncontrolled
burning of landfills in 16 countries.
The meeting agreed that the above table will be updated by the participating countries by
28 February 2009.
The sessions of the second day of the consultation meeting was chaired by Mr. Moser.
The morning session continued with the country presentations.
Then the Terms of Reference of the Forum was reviewed by the participants. The
exercise was led by Ms. Alena Pilvanova and Mr. Zoltan Csizer, UNIDO consultants. It
was agreed that the participants will make suggestions on the next chairperson. In the
following session the meeting started to discuss the Regional Plan of Action for 20092013. The discussion continued in the afternoon and was facilitated by the UNIDO team
and Ms. Magulova. The indicative measurement programs of unintentionally released
POPs in selected industrial sectors were discussed at length. The meeting was advised
that UNIDO will facilitate and promote fund raising to obtain financial assistance and
resources to carry out the properly designed indicative measurement programs of the
individual sectoral projects that would be endorsed by the participants. It was also agreed
that the title of the Regional Plan of Action should be changed to “Points that might be
considered in the regional action plan”. Outcomes 1 to 3 were discussed of the latter
document an d the comments of the participant on the rest of the document would be sent
by the end of April 2009.
The meeting agreed that the 3rd consultation meeting will be held during the Fourth
Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention in Geneva, Switzerland on 5 th
May 2009. It was also agreed that the Forum participants will prepare their suggestions to
the Terms of Reference of the Forum and the Points that might be considered in the
regional action plan by the end of April 2009. Then UNIDO will be able to finalize the
documentation and send it to the participants before the launching meeting to be held
tentatively in Bucharest on 29 October 2009. Mr. Cadariu requested the participants to
give the representation of their respective countries in the launching meeting during the
COP 4 in Geneva. Before the launching ceremony the fourth consultation meeting will be
held on 27 and 28 October 2009.
The meeting agreed that political decision makers of the member countries should lead
the Regional Forum. The level of representation should be at least Director or equivalent
level. The meeting also decided that the Regional Forum should designate the chair
(starting with Romania as the host country) and two co-chairs (one person representing
the donor community and another person, the succeeding chair representing the member
countries of the CEECCA region) to facilitate the meetings. It was agreed that the chair
will rotate. The duration of the rotation will be decided in the third consultation meeting
or a subsequent meeting. UNIDO will provide support to the Secretariat of the Regional
Before closing the second consultation meeting by Mr. Radu Cadariu, Director, Pollution
control and Risk Management Directorate, Ministry of Environment, the participants
adopted this summary report in draft form. It was agreed that the participants would send
their comments and endorsement by 28 February 2009. All the presentations were given
to the participants in CD ROM.
(CEECCA countries, UNIDO, SC
Secretariat, bodies representing
Regional Technical
Resources Service
Centres /Regional
Clearing House
Forum Chair:
(Rotational among
CEECCA countries with an
Administrative Secretariat)
CEECCA countries
(future Forum chair)
Forum Technical
steering committee
Representatives of CEECCA countries
UNIDO Representatives from the
Stockholm Convention Unit and other
related Units
Industrial Associations and Private Sector
Ministry of Industry
Regional Stockholm Convention Center
Educational Institutions
Donor Representatives
NGOs/ Foundations/ Civil Society
Representation from other BAT/BEP
Outcomes of the Regional BAT/BEP Action Plan
Adopted guidelines and guidance on BAT/BEP addressing specific features
of industry, common practices in the region and related socio-economic
Pollution prevention measures/cleaner production (PP/CP) applied prior to
introducing BAT/BEP (Annex C, Part V,A).
Unintentional POPs baselines/inventories derived from representative
industrial sources and projected at regional scale
Established regional coordination of developing human resources
Support the establishment of adequate capacity in sampling, laboratory
standards and analysis of unintentional POPs
Points that might be considered in CEECCA BAT/BEP Regional Forum
Action Plan for years 2010-2014
The Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (CEECCA) forum on BAT
and BEP is the second regional forum of this kind, following the East and South East
Asia (ESEA) BAT/BEP Forum, which was adopted on 5 October 2007. The CEECCA
Forum is initiated and proposed in cooperation with Ministry of Environment of Romania
and the Stockholm Convention Unit of the Environmental Management Branch (EMB) of
UNIDO. The two institutions have agreed to jointly host the first consultation meeting of
the Forum in Bucharest, Romania on 1 and 2 November 2007. The meeting, conscious
that the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention in its decision SC-3/5.6
invited Parties and others to fund awareness-raising and training workshops on the
guidelines on BAT and BEP and to fund awareness-raising and training activities
pursuant to decision SC-1/20. Decision SC-1/20 requested the Secretariat to initiate
activities to promote guidelines on best available techniques and best environmental
practices through awareness raising, information dissemination and publicity at regional,
subregional and national levels, subject to available funding.
Outcomes, objectives and activities of Regional Action Plan
The Regional Action Plan will be in line with Article 5 and Annex C of the Stockholm
Convention. In addition the Regional Action Plan will follow the Guidelines on BAT and
Provisional Guidance on BEP adopted by COP at the third meeting in Dakar, Senegal,
from 30 April to 4 May 2007. Accordingly, the Regional Action Plan will include the
following elements:
Adopted guidelines and guidance on BAT/BEP addressing specific features of industry,
common practices, including local and traditional practices in the region and related
socio-economic considerations.
Objective 1.1: Regional BAT/BEP to be developed and made available for local officials
to supplement the UNEP guidelines and guidance documents.
Activity 1.1.1: Regional guidelines and guidance drafted in English and after adoption
translated into local Russian language by 2014
Objective 1.2: Regional guidelines and guidance adequately addressing technical and
socio-economic considerations to be developed.
Activity 1.2.1: An additional document on socio-economic considerations drafted in
English and translated into Russian language by 2014
Objective 1.3: Implementation schedule and enforcement of regional guidelines and
Activity 1.3.1: The regional guidelines and guidance should be promoted at the national
Activity 1.3.2: The regional guidelines and guidance will be enforced in due course
Pollution prevention measures/cleaner production (PP/CP) applied prior to introducing
BAT/BEP (Annex C, Part V, A)
Objective 2.1: Pollution prevention measures applied immediately as appropriate
Activity 2.1.1: Phase 1 - Short term actions will be applied immediately through existing
institutions, such as National Cleaner Production Centers (NCPCs), industrial research
institutions, and regional research institutions, but not later than 2014
Activity 2.1.2: Phase 2 - Long term actions shall continuously be applied beyond 2014
Unintentional POPs data, baselines/inventories derived from representative industrial
sources and projected at regional scale
Objective 3.1: Properly design and carry-out indicative measurement, programs of
unintentionally released POPs for selected industrial sources
Activity 3.1.1: Indicative measurement programs are designed and carried out in 2-3
incineration facilities including uncontrolled medical and municipal waste incineration
Activity 3.1.2: Indicative measurement programs are designed and carried out in 2-3
facilities of pulp & paper mills
Activity 3.1.3: Indicative measurement programs are designed and carried out in 2-3
facilities of cement production
Activity 3.1.4: Indicative measurement programs are designed and carried out in 2-3
facilities of secondary metallurgical industry
Activity 3.1.5: Indicative measurement programs are designed and carried out in 2-3
facilities of power generation, industrial boilers and household heating
Activity 3.1.6: Indicative measurement programs are designed and carried out in 2-3
open burning sites
Activity 3.1.7: Providing measured data to further revision of I-TEQ emission factors in
UNEP Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan
Releases (UNEP 2005)
Objective 3.2: Preparation of inventories based on questionnaires for each industrial
sector listed in part II source categories, Annex C of the Convention.
Activity 3.2.1: Inventories including number of facilities and their production outputs of
incineration sector in the region
Activity 3.2.2: Inventories including number of facilities and their production
pulp & paper sector in the region
Activity 3.2.3: Inventories including number of facilities and their production
cement production sector in the region
Activity 3.2.4: Inventories including number of facilities and their production
the secondary metallurgical sector in the region
Activity 3.2.5: Inventories including number of facilities and their production
power generation, industrial boilers and household heating
Activity 3.2.6: Inventories including number of landfill facilities and their
where open burning of waste may be practiced
outputs of
outputs of
outputs of
outputs of
Objective 3.3: Projected unintentional POPs releases in selected industrial sources at
regional level
Activity 3.3.1: Estimate unintentional POPs releases of incineration sector in the region.
Activity 3.3.2: Estimate unintentional POPs releases of pulp & paper sector in the region
Activity 3.3.3: Estimate unintentional POPs releases of cement production sector in the
Activity 3.3.4: Estimate unintentional POPs releases of the secondary metallurgical
sector in the region
Activity 3.3.5: Estimate unintentional POPs releases of power generation, industrial
boilers and household heating
Activity 3.3.6: Estimate unintentional POPs releases of landfill facilities where open
burning of waste may be practiced
Activity 3.3.7: Incorporation of data collected in objectives 3.1 and 3.2 in the web
domain of the clearing house
Established BAT/BEP regional coordination mechanism, specifically of developing
human resources and networking
Objective 4.1: Capacity building and training on in-plant assessment of selected sectors
(including materials, energy and chemicals inputs, control and optimization of process
parameters, retrofitting and upgrading, equipment rating, cost calculation, etc.)
Activity 4.1.1: In-plant training in incineration sector
Activity 4.1.2: In-plant training in pulp & paper sector
Activity 4.1.3: In-plant training in cement production sector
Activity 4.1.4: In-plant training in the secondary metallurgical sector
Objective 4.2: Training and applied research on emerging and new technologies and
processes, innovative techniques, alternative raw materials, green chemistry,
nanotechnology, sustainable laboratories, etc.
Activity 4.2.1: Training in and review of the use of modified substitute or modified
materials, products and processes in the relevant priority industrial sources
Objective 4.3:Institutional networking among regional and national research institutions,
international specialized technology centers, industrial sector institutions, chamber of
commerce and industries, industrial associations, global and local environment NGOs
and foundations
Activity 4.3.1: Establishing task forces (4 or more task forces) for each selected
industrial sector to create regional networks for collecting, compiling and disseminating
relevant technical and economic information
Activity 4.3.2: Regional networking creating links to all important stakeholders in
selected industrial sectors
Objective 4.4: Reporting of releases and other information required under Article 9 on
Information exchange, Article 10 on Public information, awareness and education and
Article 11 on Research and development
Activity 4.4.1: Developing a regional information exchange and sharing scheme
Activity 4.4.2: Developing education curricula at graduate and post-graduate level that
could be used in the region
Activity 4.4.3: Developing regional coordination for research and development
Adequate capacity in monitoring and assessment, specifically in sampling, analysis, and
reporting of unintentional POPs
Objective 5.1: Overview of UNEP guidance on monitoring, European Commission
reference document on General Principles of Monitoring, companies and/or industrial
associations agreed monitoring requirements, and model legislations and regulations
facilitating the establishment and implementation of monitoring programs
Activity 5.1.1: Review all main international guidance documents on POPs monitoring
(sampling and analysis methods)
Activity 5.1.2: Producing a summary of the above monitoring guidance documents to be
recommended for adoption and use
Objective 5.2: Train laboratory personnel in sampling methods of unintentional POPs,
and sample preparations and analysis
Activity 5.2.1: Training of laboratory personnel in sampling methods of unintentional
Activity 5.2.2: Training of laboratory personnel in sample preparation and analysis of
unintentional POPs taking into consideration the recommended UNEP list of
laboratories and other laboratories
Objective 5.3: Certification and accreditation of laboratories including hazardous
operations (Hazard Analysis, HAZAN; Hazard and Operability Analysis, HAZOP; and
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health and Environment, COSHHE)
Activity 5.3.1: Training of staff for certification of applied analytical methods for
unintentional POPs
Activity 5.3.2: Training of staff for certification of technical laboratory personnel
(training of trainers) including hazardous operations
Activity 5.3.3: Training of staff for certification and accreditation of analytical
Activity 5.3.4: To obtain a certification and accreditation of laboratories, it is necessary
to establish a proficiency testing center to meet the requirements of ISO 17025
laboratory standard