Useful Caribbean References


5. Sample Caribbean Anthropology References

Baldacchino, G. (1993) ‘Bursting the Bubble: The Pseudo-Development Strategies of


Development and Change 24: 29-51.

Benthall, J. (1993) Disasters, Relief and the Media , London: I.B. Taurus & Co Ltd.

Besson, J. and J. Momsen, (1987) ‘Introduction’, in Jean Besson and Janet Momsen (eds)

Land and Development in the Caribbean , London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1-9.

Besson, J. (1987) ‘A paradox in Caribbean attitudes to land’, in Jean Besson and Janet

Momsen, (eds) Land and Development in the Caribbean , London: Macmillan

Publishers Ltd..

Besson, J. (1984) ‘Family land and the Caribbean Society: Toward Ethnography of Afro-

Caribbean Peasantries’, in Elizabeth Thomas-Hope (ed.) Perspectives on Caribbean

Regional Identity , Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 57-83.

Burnell, P. (1991) ‘Introduction to Britain’s overseas aid: between idealism and selfinterest’, in P. Burnell and A. Bose (eds) Britain’s overseas aid since 1979: Between idealism and self-interest , Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1-31.

Greenfield, S. (1967) ‘Land tenure and transmission in rural Barbados’, Anthropological

Quarterly 33 (1960): 165-176; Michael Horowitz, Morne-Paysan: peasant village in

Martinique , New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Fog Olwig, K. (1993) Global Culture, Island Identity: Continuity and Change in the

Afro-Caribbean Community of Nevis , Philadelphia: Harwood Academic Publishers.

Hall, S. (1996) ‘When was the “Post-colonial?” thinking at the Limit’ in, I. Chambers and

L. Curti (eds) The Post-Colonial Question , London: Routledge, 237-252.

Hammock, J. and J. Charny (1996) 'Emergency Response as Morality Play: The Media, the Relief Agencies, and the Need for Capacity Building', in R. Rotberg and T. Weiss

(eds) From Massacres to Genocide: The Media, Public Policy, and Humanitarian

Crises , Washington: The Brookings Institution, 115-135.

Heringman, N. (2003) 'The Style of Natural Catastrophes', The Huntington Library

Quarterly 66 (1/2): 97-133.

Hesse, B. (2000) ‘Diasporicity: Black Britain’s Post-Colonial Formations’ in, B. Hesse

(ed.) Un/settled multiculturalisms: Diasporas, Entanglements, Transruptions ,

London: Zed Books, 96-120.

Hoffman, S. (2002) 'The Monster and the Mother: The Symbolism of Disaster' in, S.

Hoffman and A. Oliver-Smith (eds) Catastrophe & Culture: The Anthropology of

Disaster , Oxford: James Currey, 113-142.

Klor De Alva, J. (1995) ‘The Postcolonization of the (Latin) American Experience: A

Reconsideration of “Colonialism”, “Postcolonialism” and “Mestizaje” in, G. Prakash

(ed.) After Colonialism – Imperial History and Postcolonial Displacements ,

Princeton: Princeton University Press, 240-264.

Lewis, J. (1999) Development in Disaster-prone Place: Studies in vulnerability , London:

Intermediate Technology Publications.

Lowenthal, D. (1987) ‘Social Features’, in C. Clarke and T. Payne (eds) Politics, Security and Development in Small States , London: Allen and Unwin, 26-49.

Mintz, S. (1974) Caribbean Transformations , Chicago: Aldine.

O’Callaghan, S. (2001)

To Hell or Barbados: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland , Dingle,

Co. Kerry: Brandon Books.

Sheller, M. (1994) ‘Demobilizing and remobilising Caribbean paradise’, in J. Urry and

M. Sheller (eds) Tourism Mobilities: places to play, places in play , London:

Routledge, 13-21.

Smith, R. (1964) ‘Ethnic difference and peasant economy in British Guiana’, in Raymond

Firth and Basil Yamey (eds) Capital, saving and credit in peasant societies , London:

George Allen and Unwin, 303-323.

Trouillot, M-R. (1992) ‘The Caribbean Region: An Open Frontier in Anthropological


Annual Review of Anthropology 21: 19-42.

Trouillot, M-R. (1988) Peasants and Capital: Dominica in the World Economy , London:

The John Hopkins Press.
