NOAA Coastal Storm Surge Modeling Workshop Aug 1&2, 2011 Honolulu Hi. Next Steps and Action Items. Outline for white paper Capture who the user groups are and their needs. Cross-Walk user requirements and modeling capacity White paper- identifies needs and products available. (Table?) Gap analysis of needs vs. products (Short-term vs Long) Task force recommendations centered around usergroups FUNDING: Funding opportunities (CSP, JHT, CSC, FEMA) JHT coordination for funding opportunities-Partnership with NHC, CPHC. Bring issues to JHT so that next RFP reflects needs o Get Pacific Island issues onto their radar o Get CPHC onto decision board, for example MAPS: There is a need for surge-based evacuation zone maps (similar to tsunami maps already developed and available online, phonebooks) than can guide evacuation planning, define vulnerable areas, etc. This would apply to both HI and regional islands. The tsunami zones are currently used to support any coastal flooding, and have taken “squiggly” topo-based lines and moved them back to landmarks like roads. Storm Surge Inundation Maps (pre-mapped) Immanent events- real-time can update evacuation protocols Evacuation zone maps- pre-existing Extra-tropical events (seasonal-threat) Total Water Level variables and factors (PaCIOOS) TASK FORCES: Coordination team (task force) for implementation of actions. Recommend task groups centered around user groups going forward, which will conduct a gap analysis and then pros and cons of possible solutions across a range of criteria (e.g., cost, IT, expertise, …). Create task groups centered around specific user requirements Responsible Agency CSP/NCEP (Eversole/Andre. Jesse F) Hendrik Tolman Jesse Feyen Jamie Rohne CSP initiative? SWIMS- provide first-generation maps? White paper Recommendation Dolan to lead coordination NOAA Coastal Storm Surge Modeling Workshop Aug 1&2, 2011 Honolulu Hi. Crosswalk model capabilities against requirements Identify gaps and the way forward 1. Extra tropical Operations 2. Tropical Operations 3. Tropical Long-term Planning a. Inundation Maps- Evacuation team b. Present map options to EMS/SCD. 4. Regional Team5. White paper writing team SWIMS: Task force to support SWIMS/PILOT program Follow-up with CPHC, USACE, and EMS to vet SWIMS o Eric Lau is working with USACE to initiate testing 1. Group consensus and guidance for guidance for NWS. 2. NWS will test SWIMS for case studies 3. Local validation testbed 4. SWIMS model output validation (case study of events). Can use seasonal events to validate. 5. SWIMS workshop/briefing for NWS and emergency managers. 6. Expansion into region (Guam, A. Samoa) PRiMO Special session for SS inundation guidance and forecasting. Follow on: 1. Email Address into web site. 2. Load Presentations 3. Network exchange- StormSmart Coasts? 5. SS Roadmap? USACE CSP, PDC, NCEP, UHSG NOAA Coastal Storm Surge Modeling Workshop Aug 1&2, 2011 Honolulu Hi. Panel Session 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Aug 2) NOAA NWS WFO Pacific Region– (Robert Burke) NOAA NCEP (Wave Watch/SWAN)- (Hendrik Tolman) USACE (Jane Smith) UH (Kwok Fai Cheung) DEM (John Cummings) State Civil Defense- (Danny Tengan) Needs and Opportunities Identify the forecast guidance target audience 1. Distribution of information and access to outputs. 2. State Civil Defense needs inundation maps NWS WFO –serves at the forecast lead for storm surge. 1. WFO feeds input to models and uses outputs. Tsunami protocols serves as an example Maps, task forces, evacuation groups NWS has legal mandate to provide waves (not surge) forecasts. Hurricane statements and forecasts include surge forecasts WFO 24/7 operation and is the lead forecast agency. WFO will interpret guidance for forecasts. Education of end-user and public on data (Outreach) Products and tools for forecast distribution (CSP) MMS and SWIMS exists in Hawaii May serve as forecast guidance May address capacity, infrastructure issues. Intent to expand to Guam and A. Samoa Automated forecasts with super computing capacity in Hawaii Follow up workshops and task forces for forecast guidance Facilitation of outreach and model outputs (CSP, UHSG, PDC, PRiMO, CSC, SSRM Test bed for new products and models (PaCIOOS, JHT, Move beyond publication. Challenges 5. NOAA Coastal Storm Surge Modeling Workshop Aug 1&2, 2011 Honolulu Hi. Breakout Groups Brainstorming- Force field Analysis Needs and Opportunities Challenges Best Cases Scenarios- Supporting Forces 5. NOAA Coastal Storm Surge Modeling Workshop Aug 1&2, 2011 Honolulu Hi. Worst Case Scenarios- Resisting Forces 5.