IDS Church History Tour - In

IDS Church History Tour
Following the Life of Martin
June 22 to July 3, 2006
Tour Director and Teacher: Geoff Volker
Here is an opportunity to have church history come alive. Come join Geoff Volker on a
tour of the life of Martin Luther in Germany. We will see the sights and Geoff will give
historical and theological teaching throughout the tour. There will also be preliminary
gatherings to prepare for the trip and to provide a historical and theological context for
getting the most out of the trip.
Tour Price: around $3,300 per person and limited to 30 persons
Tour Price Includes:
 Round Trip airfare from Phoenix to Berlin and returning from Frankfurt to Phoenix on
regularly scheduled commercial airlines.
 10 nights accommodation in centrally located 3 star hotels with private facilities in all
rooms. Based on double occupancy (twins at the monastery).
 Breakfast and dinner daily.
 Private motor-coach for all land transportation.
 Professional local guides as specified in the program itinerary.
 Entrance fees to museums and attractions as specified.
 Tips, taxes and gratuities.
 Flight bags (1 person) and baggage tags (2 per person).
 Travel, medical, accident and liability insurance.
 A biography of Martin Luther
What is Not Included
 Lunches
 Items of personal nature
 Sightseeing not specified or stated as optional or “on your own.”
Itinerary (all locations in Germany)
 Berlin
Tour of significant Cold War sights, including Check Point Charlie and the
Brandenburg Gate.
 Wittenberg (2 nights)
The location of the Augustinian monastery and the University of Wittenberg where
Luther was a monk and bible teacher and where he discovered the truth of justification
by faith alone. We will visit the Castle Church where Luther nailed the 95 thesis.
Erfurt (3 nights)
The home of Martin Luther. We will be staying in his old home which is now a
working monastery (The Evangelist Augustinerkloster). We will be visiting Wartburg
Castle where Luther lived and translated the New Testament into German. We will
also be visit Buchenwald concentration camp.
Rothenberg (2 nights)
A medieval walled city with remarkable charm and excellent shopping.
We will be visiting Germany’s oldest university town and taking a guided tour.
Worms (2 nights)
Here is the famous location of the Diet of Worms where Luther defended his views
against the Roman Catholic theologian Eck. We will be taking a guided tour.
Wiesbaden (1 night)
We will take a cruise down the Rhine river and then head to Frankfurt for our flight
Getting Started
 Please contact Geoff Volker if you have an interest in taking part in this church
history tour or if you have any questions that you need answered.
(phone: 480.924.4290, email:
 More information will be forthcoming along with a brochure of the trip.
In-Depth Studies
Equipping the Believer with a Theological Foundation
3324 East Enid Avenue, Mesa, Arizona 85204-4836,