CONTENTS UDC: 622.363.1(091) (438.312): 622.834.1 (091

UDC: 622.363.1(091) (438.312): 622.834.1 (091) (438.312): 622.837 (438.312)
Kortas G.
Surface displacements above historical salt mine Wieliczka.
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 4÷12, 18 Figs, 1 Table, 10 Refs.
Surface protection. Subsidence trough. Salt mines. Mine Wieliczka.
Effects of mining workings convergence on the surface of the mine at Wieliczka are presented. Subsidence distributions in a few time
periods and an attempt to estimate the subsidence distributions in the years 1960 ÷ 2006 are shown. Also distributions of subsidence,
horizontal displacement and deformations are presented basing on measurements and influences function. It has been estimated that in the
20th century the maximal subsidence occurred in the region of Kościuszko shaft and in the years 1926 ÷ 2005 amounted 2.96 m. The biggest
increase of subsidence –71mm/year – occurred in the year 1962. Measuring points lowering shows reduction of subsidence rate from about
1980 year. Also the increases of the subsidence through volume show the same changes in the time. The analysis of the output and stowing
of workings in the years 1919 ÷ 2005 has been carried out. Diagrams of the volume balance components changes have been made, including
volume convergence estimated on the basis of subsidence through volume calculations. It is stated that the change of the surface behaviour
trend in the beginning of the years 1980th , can be connected with reduction of the workings volume affecting the post-mining areas at
Wieliczka. The further stowing and protecting operations will limit surface deformations and first of all allow to maintain the historical mine
UDC: 622.333 (438.232):65.011.8(438.232): 622.014.003
Turek M.
Concentration of production in process of technical restructuring of mines.
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 13÷22, 7 Figs, 7 Tables, 4 Refs.
Organization of production. Restructuring of mining. Polish hard coal mining.
Organization of production is the extremely important component of the output cost reduction in hard coal mines. It is not only important to
achieve low cost in a longwall face, but first of all to achieve by proper use of the particular production process cells, especially the cells
beyond the face cells, reduction of hard coal production cost. The course of the extraction process intensification from the particular
faces of the 38 studied mines in the period of 16 years of restructuring activity in the Polish hard coal mining is the subject of considerations
in this paper.
UDC: 622.882.2: 626.877(438.262): 622.228: 622.333 (438.262)
Wójcik J.
Reclamation of spoil heaps on mining areas of Wałbrzych hard coal mines in years 1960 ÷ 2005.
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 23÷28, 6 Figs, 32 Refs.
Lower-Silesian Coal Basin. Reclamation of spoil heaps.
The paper has been worked out on the basis of archival data concerning soil heaps areas as well as reclaimed spoil heap area in the years
1960÷2005. The rate of spoil heaps reclamation and dynamics of their area increase are compared. It has been stated that in the last 37 years
(1960÷2005) of coal mining development in Wałbrzych and its surroundings spoil heaps area increased from 147.6 ha to 305.1 ha (by 157.3
ha), however 181.5 ha of spoil heaps have been reclaimed (59.5 % of the all spoil heaps). After liquidation of mines in the years1997÷2005
42.3 ha of idle spoil heaps have been reclaimed. The rate of reclaiming operations has not been satisfying: the biggest in the years
1960÷1986, after 1986 the works ran considerably slower. Slowly progressing increase of reclaimed areas and low degree of spoil heaps
majority reclamation has been conditioned by:
– long-term neglects as well as relatively late started reclamation (1960),
– wrong spoil management in mines, consisting – among others – on storage
of big quantities of rock on the surface, what contributed to quick increase of spoil heap area,
– preference of the cone-shaped damps difficult to reclaim,
– lack of sufficient funds, specialised units for reclamation works as well
as long-term conception of reclamation spoil heaps in Wałbrzych and its surroundings.
UDC: 622.333(438):622.817:622.812:622.813
Nawrat St., Napieraj S., Łuska P.
Methods of gases pumping over for explosion and fire prevention.
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 28÷38, 16 Figs, 26 Refs.
Mine fire hazards. Methane hazards in mine. Hard coal mining. Monitoring of natural associated hazards.
The paper presents current issues connected with occurrence of associated hazards – methane and fire hazards – in hard coal mines, requiring
varied preventive measures to bring them under control. To bring hazards under control the composition of gases in workings and goaf –
changing permanently composition influenced by natural, internal, external and invasion external factors – should be monitored. In recent
years research and technical progress enabled to use, for control of composition and temperature of goaf gases, many invasion methods
such as feeding inert gases, methane-air mixture from underground methane drainage into the dammed workings and goaf and also fire
panels, feeding goaf gases with low content of methane into dammed workings, goaf or fire panels, and also recycling cooling of goaf gases. All
these methods are presented along with examples of use.
UDC: 622.817:622.812.2:622.012.22
Trenczek St.
Initials of methane ignition in aspect of methane hazard.
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 39÷44, 3 Tables, 32 Refs.
Monitoring of gases in mines. Methane hazard. Underground mines.
Requirements of the legislator in the range of hazards connected with mine operation recognition are reminded. Conditions of the methane
hazard activating ignition of methane and its further results are described. It is stressed that the main attention is concentrated on
determination of the methane hazard level and on the measuring instruments – what is right, but too less attention during running the mine
operation is paid to initials. Examples of 28 methane ignitions in recent twenty years of Polish mining are presented. Division of initials of
methane ignition concerning possibility of their disclosure (awareness of occurrence) into evident and discreet is given pointing out
differences in the ways of their control and their occurrence prevention. Former methane ignition occurrences are analysed in the context of
their results as well as kinds of initials causing them. In the end attention is paid to the neutralization by means of inert gases as a effective
way not to allow an explosive mixture to arise in the zone of potential occurrence of methane ignition initial.
UDC: 622.012.22: 519.27: 518.3: 65.011
Snopkowski R.
Stochastic simulation in selected algorithms of network models analysis.
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 45÷51, 9 Figs, 5 Refs.
Hard coal mining. Stochastic simulation. Convolution.
Natural conditions of the underground realized mining processes cause that a part of them fulfil the criterions of not fully determined (e.g. in
the range of realization time, whether e.g. technology which can be alternative etc.). Attention is paid to possibility of using mathematical
operation, determined as convolution, in the analysis of this type processes, using for this purpose the stochastic simulation method.
Simulation algorithms from before and after application of convolution for the two hypothetical models; of determined and alternativestochastic structure are included.