Supporting information S1 MODEL DERIVATION Here we derive the probability of measuring a proportion of strains ( x ) given an infection rate, growth rate and the proportion of strains in the initial inoculum. We start by defining a model for the density of a strain over time given a growth rate. Then we derive the probability of an infection occurring at a certain time given an invasion rate. This is then combined into the probability that one finds a certain density of each strain at a certain time given the invasion rate and a growth rate. Based on the probability density function of the density we can then derive the probability for the proportion of two strains given the invasion rate, growth rates and initial proportion in the inoculum. Density of a strain We model growth of a pathogen after invasion. The growth is assumed to be deterministic and constant. The density n at time t can then be defined as follows: 0, t 0 t n(t ) (t t ) 0 , t0 t e with t 0 the time of invasion and the growth rate within the host. Furthermore, we assume that the time of successful invasion follows an exponential distribution, with the probability density function defined as follows: 0, t 0 t f t0 t 0 | t , 0 e , t 0 t with the successful invasion rate. We define successful invasion as an invasion event that results in a growing population. Under these assumptions the variability of the data results from the stochasticity of the invasion process and not from the growth within the cell. The setup of this model is mathematically the same as the model by (Baranyi 1998), who used it to describe lag in bacterial growth. Finally, we combine the previous results, by applying the density function method, which results in the following probability density function of the pathogen population size: 0, 0 n 1 or n e γt e t f n n , ,t = ( ) r 1 , 1 n e γt n e t , n 0 Proportion of two strains In our system there are two strains invading at the same time. If the initial proportion of each strain in the inoculum is known and both strains invade with the same base rate, then we can define the invasion rate for each strain as a function of the inoculum proportion of strain a ( p ) and the total invasion rate ( ), resulting in an invasion rate for strain a and b of, respectively, p and (1 p ) . Next we derive the probability density function of the proportion of two strains ( a and b ) at time t . We start by introducing two new random variables, i.e. the proportion: ( x na / na nb ) and the total density ( m na nb ), with na and nb the density at time t of, respectively, strain a and b . Using the generalized density function method we can then derive the probability density function of x as follow: f x x | p, , a , b , t g p, , a , b , t 0 x na m na x nb m nb 1 f n na | p, a , t f n nb | (1 p ), b , t dm n a xm ,n b (1 x ) m f n 0 | p, a , t (1 f n 0 | (1 p ), b , t ), x 0 p p bt pt a x ( ) t 1 e a ,0 x 1 e b a (1 p ) p 1 x g p, , a , b , t (1 p ) ( p ( b a ) a )(1 x) x (1 p ) at (1 p )t 1 x b 1 , 1 e ( b a ) t x 1 e b x (1 f 0 | p, , t ) f 0 | (1 p ), , t , x 1 n a n b with γa and γb the growth rate of, respectively strain a and b , and g p, , γa , γb ,t = 1 f n 0 | p, a ,t f n 0 | (1 p), b ,t a normalization factor, since x is 1 undefined when both strains have a density of 0. The number of parameters is further reduced by redefining them as follows: the relative invasion rate ( / a ), the relative growth rate of strain b ( b / a ) and the growing time ( a t ). Finally resulting in: f x x | p, , , f n 0 | p ,1, (1 f n 0 | (1 p) , , ), x 0 p 1 x p ( 1) 1 ,0 x 1 e e 1 x (1 p) p g p, , , (1 p ) 1 1 ( p( 1) 1)(1 x) x (1 p ) 1 1 1 x , 1 e ( 1) x 1 e x (1 f n 0 | p ,1, ) f n 0 | (1 p ) , , , x 1 with g p, , , = 1 f n 0 | p,1, f n 0 | (1 p), , . 1 We can further use this probability density function to analyse the population structure. A common approach for this is to calculate the relatedness. Following Queller and Goodnight (1989), relatedness is defined as follows: where we sum over all possible interactions. For each interaction: score of the actor and the -score of the recipient. is defined as the - is the average -score in the population, with the -score defined as the frequency of an allele in the actor or receiver. We are working with two strains here and assume clonal birth. Therefore the -score of strain can be set to 1 and of strain average proportion of strain with , with , with and to 01. Note that the average -score is equal to the ( ). If we now take into account all possible interactions, i.e with and weigh the interactions with the frequency they occur we can calculate relatedness as follows: 1It is equally valid to set the values to 0 and 1 respectively; this would lead to the same solution. We also know that and the variance of is , such that the relatedness can be further simplified to: Interestingly, another (mathematically equivalent) method to derive the relatedness in this case is the normalized difference between the probability of sampling two individuals from the same strain within a sub sample and the same probability, but for the population as a whole (Queller and Goodnight 1989; Bryden and Jansen 2010), i.e. defining relatedness as the probability to pick (with replacement) two individuals of the same strain from one subpopulation (insect) minus the probability to pick two individuals of the same type from the population as a whole, divided by 1 minus the probability to pick two individuals of the same type from the populations as a whole: which simplifies to the same equation as above. Parameter fitting Model fitting is done following a maximum likelihood approach. Important to note is that the data consists of counts of each strain found in a certain dilution factor. As such this data does not provide us with an exact density of the pathogens, i.e. a count of 10 individuals in a solution with a dilution factor of 3 does not mean that there were exactly 10,000 individuals in the original solution. To account for this fact we assume that in such a case the density might be anywhere between 9,500, and 10,500. The probability of our data for strain a is then: N 10 yi ( ci 0.5 ) f D c , y | , , t = yi f n (n | , , t )dn , i 1 10 ( ci 0.5 ) with N the total number of observations, c all the count data and y the corresponding dilutions. We then calculate the likelihood of our parameters giving count data from both strains and an initial proportion as follows: L( , , | ca , ya , cb , yb ) f D ca , ya | p ,1, f D cb , yb | (1 p) , , . The parameter values corresponding to the maximum of this function are found numerically by finding the maximum of the logarithm of this function. The numerical method we use is an adaptive differential evolution method(Brest et al. 2006). We fit the model both to each set of data (Table S1) separately, and also to the three sets of data combined. Bootstrap tests are used to estimate the uncertainty around the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameter. For this we resample the data with replacement and then calculate the maximum likelihood value using the resampled data. This process is repeated a 1,000 times. These results can then be used to estimate the 90 percentile interval, by finding the 50th and 950th lowest value of each parameter. Proportion of the RifR strain 0.278 No. of samples 139 0.429 52 0.806 138 Table S1. Initial inoculum proportions and the respective number of samples. S2 Lotka-Volterra competition In the full model we assume exponential growth (see S1). Here we explore the effect of assuming a more complicated growth model which includes Lotka-Volterra competition. Under Lotka-Volterra competition strain growth is defined by: with the growth rate for strain , density at time , the carrying capacity and the effect of strain on . Under the assumption that both strains are very similar we can assume neutral competition and set , resulting in. To explore how this growth model changes the dynamics of the model we focus on two different attributes, i.e. the initial proportion at the time of the second invasion change of this proportion after both species have invaded ( and the ). For notational simplicity in the following section we will assume that strain strain invades at has invaded first at time and that . The proportion at time of the second invasion ( ) is: From the growth equations it is clear that when the influence of the carrying capacity is minimal and the results are approximately the same as for exponential growth ( ). Furthermore, from the data we know that the carrying capacity will be much larger than 1. Therefore, when the density of strain resulting in is close to the carrying capacity . This shows that the introduction of a Lotka-Volterra competition only results in a minor difference in the proportion at the invasion of the second strain ( ). The second important consideration is whether the introduction of Lotka-Volterra competition influences the change of the proportion directly after invasion. Similarly as in the simpler model we can rescale and set and without loss of generality resulting in: The change over time only differs from the exponential growth model in the last term. Note that if the strains are identical ( ) the change over time is zero and both models are the same. The major difference with the simpler model is that in this model the change over time goes to zero as the strains increase in size, since they reach a stable coexistence. Crucially, as long as the strains are very similar ( on the outcome of the model will be small. ) the influence of neutral competition S3 Model comparison In the main manuscript we assumed that the time between successful infections was enough to explain the finding that after co-infection of two neutral strains we normally only found one of the strains. It is of course possible to focus on other aspects of the infection process and here we explored an alternative hypothesis. This hypothesis assumed that only a limited number of bacteria from the inoculum survived the initial invasion process and the final population ratio of each strain could be explained by the ratios in these surviving populations. To explore this possibility we defined a model very similar to our other model, but with the crucial difference that both strains invade at the same time, but have different (founding) population sizes at time 0. Under a given survival rate ( ) the surviving population size will be Poisson distributed: Fitting this alternative model was performed using the same methods as described in Supplementary Information S1. This model could, theoretically, result in high bimodality, because at low survival rates there was a high probability that only one of the strains successfully invaded, resulting in a final strain proportion ( ) of 0 or 1 (depending on which strain invaded). Interestingly, we found that the model did not adequately explain that large number of results that were close to 0 or 1, but not exactly 0 or 1, because when both strains invaded the founding populations were most likely to be relatively similar in size. Furthermore, to adequately explain the large variation in final population sizes found in the data, the model predicted high initial population sizes. As a result our fitted model did not exhibit the same distribution as the experimental data. See table S3.1 for the results from the model fitting. Inoculum ( ) Parameter Max L all data 841.277 all data 0.993052 all data 6.83063 0.278 923.656 0.278 1.00533 0.278 6.84091 0.429 1094.05 0.429 1.46507 0.429 4.62993 0.806 530.957 0.806 1.21497 0.806 5.53622 Table S3.1: Maximum likelihood parameters for the model given the data. Model is both fitted to all the data simultaneously and separately to each different experiment. The maximum likelihood value of this fitted model was extremely low leading to numerical problems, because the probability of some of the data points given the model was 0 (i.e. below numerical precision of the computer). We dealt with this by introducing a minimal (log) probability value that was just above the numerical precision of the computer allowing us to complete the maximum likelihood based fitting. Likelihood based model comparisons using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) are based on the fact that models that explain the data better have a higher maximum likelihood (Akaike 1973; Burnham & Anderson 2002). The likelihood of a model is the product of the probability of each data point given the model. As mentioned above the probability of some of the data points for the second model was 0, therefore the likelihood of this model is also 0 and the AIC which is based on the log likelihood is . As a result the difference in AIC between this second model and the model presented in the main manuscript is infinite and we can conclude that there is essentially no empirical support for the second model (Burnham & Anderson 2002). S4. Differences in life-history between competing Bt strains. Figure S4. Differences in life history traits of isolates used in coinfec on experiments. A. Pathogenicity was assessed at three doses using 30-45 larvae per dose using the droplet method described in the main body of the paper. B. The number of spores produced from cadavers containing a single bacteria strain. Data are means ±SE. ** indicates significant difference at the P < 0.01 level. See main text for sta s cal analysis. A 1 mortality 0.8 0.6 0.4 RifR NalR 0.2 0 2 2.5 3 log10 spore dose in droplets (cfu) ** B spore producitivity in cadaavers log 10 cfu/ul 5 4 3 2 1 0 RifR NalR 3.5 REFERENCES 1. Akaike, H. (1973). Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. In: 2nd Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (eds. Petrov, B.N. & Csaki, F.). Publishing house of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, pp. 268–281. 2. Baranyi, J. (1998). Comparison of Stochastic and Deterministic Concepts of Bacterial Lag. J. Theor. Biol., 192, 403–408. 3. Brest, J., Greiner, S., Boskovic, B., Mernik, M. & Zumer, V. (2006). 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