Gabarit de situation d`apprentissage

Activité d’apprentissage no 4
Titre de l’activité d’apprentissage :
Movie review
Productions attendues :
C1 (interacts orally in English)
C2 (reinvests understanding of
C3 (writes and produces texts)
Formules pédagogiques :
Durée : 3 to 6 hours
- in a group situation and individually
Suggestion Movies : Simon Birch,
August Rush
Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.
Description de l’activité d’apprentissage
Préparation des apprentissages
The teacher decides which movie to show to the group. In this learning scenario the movie
Simon Birch will be the one chosen. The teacher tells students they will be viewing a movie
about heroes. Next, there is a teacher-led discussion about heroes. To stir up the students’
interest, the teacher can bring in a stereotypical picture of a hero, for example, Superman or
some other ‘strong man’ image. Adults will be asked to share what they think a hero looks like
and who they think is a hero and why.
Next, in groups of 4, students will be asked to brainstorm in order to come up with criteria that
define a hero. They must come to a consensus, and write down only 5 on a card. They will also
be required to come up with a picture of their hero (found on internet or in a magazine, or
made up). The students will be given a time limit of approx. 25 minutes. They will be allowed to
use all their resources (dictionaries, thesaurus, magazines, computer, etc…). The teacher will
pick up the cards and will write down each team answers on the board. Now, with the whole
group the teacher and students will compare answers and pictures.
Réalisation des apprentissages
Now the teacher will introduce the movie, Simon Birch, and will hand out a copy of the
summary on the back of the DVD box. Students will be asked to follow along as the teacher
reads the summary or the teacher could ask a willing student to read for her\him.
The teacher starts the movie in English and programs the English subtitles.
During the film, students take notes and prepare to be able to answer questions about their
understanding of the movie (who, what, where, when, why, how) during the question period
after the film. These notes will also help them write their movie review.
Intégration et réinvestissement des apprentissages
This next part is the reinvestment where the student must fill out the movie review sheet (on
next page). The students are allowed all their resources and their notes. This part must be done
individually where teacher helps and instructs students on linguistic elements such as
vocabulary, grammar and writing strategies (informing, suggesting, influencing).
Séréna Marinsky, enseignante
Elements addressed by the Learning Situation
Title of Learning Situation
Informing, expressing opinions and persuading others about a movie
Cross-Curricular Competencies
Interacts orally (C1)
Reinvests understanding by listening and
viewing and reading (C2)
Makes use of written language by writing
a text (C3)
acts methodically by adjusting and adapting
strategies on an ongoing basis
Language function
Classes or Families of Learning Situations Broad Areas of Learning
Informing, expressing and persuading
Educational Ressources
Movies : Simon Birch, August Rush
Séréna Marinsky, enseignante
Séréna Marinsky, enseignante
Séréna Marinsky, enseignante
Séréna Marinsky, enseignante
Séréna Marinsky, enseignante
Séréna Marinsky, enseignante