Improved Spawning Fish Habitat R#3 so

September 9, 2012
Resolution #3
Deerwood, Minnesota
Improved Spawning Fish Habitat
WHEREAS, Minnesota has many lakes that produce fish in their natural habitat and
Minnesota needs to protect that habitat, and
WHEREAS, conditions exist that are harming natural reproduction and habitat of our
native fish, and
WHEREAS, among these conditions are invasive species such as rusty crayfish, zebra
mussels, quaga mussels, and large populations of cormorants, and
WHEREAS, these conditions also include large powerful motors on boats churning up
sediment from the bottom of the lake that cover rocks and gravel which are the spawning
beds, and
WHEREAS, the lack of good fishing can affect the local economy such as the closing of
about 30 businesses in the Leech Lake area when fishing was poor, and
WHEREAS, theses conditions are present throughout Minnesota.
NOW THEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that The Minnesota Conservation Federation
would like to see conditions improved to help the natural reproduction of fish in our
lakes, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that The Minnesota Conservation Federation would like
to see areas that are critical spawning habitat protected, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Minnesota Conservation Federation urges the
use of tools like buoys with signs marking critical spawning areas to keep boats with
large motors from churning up the bottom and control zebra mussels, rusty crayfish and
cormorants in the area, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Minnesota Conservation Federation encourages
a demonstration project to accomplish the goal of keeping critical spawning areas