Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures

Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures
Grade 8 -- Physical Science
 Colored paper
 Colored Pencils
 Scissors
 Glue = chemical bond
 Small and Large Atom
Complete this is the “Notes” section of your binder on lined paper. You will need 6
pages to complete this activity.
Making the Atoms:
1. Using the SMALL stencil provided trace 23 small circles on the purple paper. Cut
out each circle. These will be hydrogen (H) atoms. Draw the symbol for hydrogen
(H) on each atom.
2. Using the LARGER stencil provided trace 26 circles on the colored paper identified
below for each atom.
Color 17 blue – these will be oxygen (O) atoms. Draw the symbol for oxygen (O) on each circle.
Color 2 yellow – These will be chlorine (Cl) atoms. Draw the symbol for chlorine (Cl) on each circle.
Color 2 green – These will be sodium (Na) atoms. Draw the symbol for sodium (Na) on each circle.
Color 2 pink – These will be helium (He) atoms. Draw the symbol for helium (He) on each circle.
Color 2 orange – These will be nitrogen (N) atoms. Draw the symbol for nitrogen (N) on each circle.
Color 1 red – This will be a carbon (C) atom. Draw the symbol for carbon (C) on the circle.
3. Element Directions:
a. At the top of one page write the word “Element”.
b. Take 4 atoms of hydrogen (H) and glue them under the column labeled “Element”.
At the bottom of the column write “4 atoms of Hydrogen (H)”.
4. Molecule Directions:
a. At the top of the next page write the word “Molecule”
b. Take 2 atoms of hydrogen (H) and 2 atoms of oxygen (O).
c. Glue together the 2 oxygen (O) atoms. The glue acts just like a chemical bond.
d. Glue together 2 hydrogen (H) atoms. You just made an O2 and an H2 molecule.
d. Paste the hydrogen (H2) molecule and the oxygen (O2) molecule in the “Molecule”
column. At the bottom of the column write “Hydrogen Molecule (H2)” and “Oxygen
Molecule (O2)”.
d. Then write “2 or more elements joined by chemical bonds”.
5. Compound Directions:
a. At the top of one page write the word “Compound”.
b. Take 6 hydrogen atoms (H) and 3 atoms of oxygen (O). Glue the atoms together to
create THREE water molecules (H2O) – you just made a compound!
c. Paste the H2O molecules in the “Compound” column. At the bottom of the column
write “H2O –Water”.
d. Then write “2 or more different elements joined by chemical bonds”.
6. Mixture of Elements Directions:
a. At the top of the next page write the words “Mixture of Elements”
b. Take 4 atoms of oxygen (O) and 2 atoms of helium (He).
c. Glue the oxygen (O) atoms together to create TWO oxygen molecules (O2). Glue
the helium atoms (He) and the oxygen molecules (O2) in the column labeled “Mixture
of Elements”.
d. At the bottom of the column write “O2” and “He”.
e. Then write “Elements NOT chemically bonded create a mixture”.
7. Mixture of Compounds Directions:
a. At the top of the next page write the words “Mixture of Compounds”.
b. Take 4 atoms of hydrogen (H), 2 atoms of oxygen (O), 2 atoms of sodium (Na) and
2 atoms of chlorine (Cl).
c. Combine the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to make TWO water molecule (H2O) and
combine the sodium and chlorine atoms to make a TWO sodium chloride, or salt
molecule (NaCl).
d. Glue the water molecules (H2O) and salt molecules (NaCl) in the column labeled
“Mixture of Compounds”.
e. At the bottom of the column write “H2O and NaCl – Salt Water Mixture”.
f. Then write “Compounds NOT chemically bonded created a salt water
8. Mixture of Compounds and Elements Directions:
a. At the top of the next page write the words “Mixture of Compounds and
b. Take 5 atoms of oxygen (O), 2 atoms of nitrogen (N), 2 atoms of hydrogen (H), and
1 atom of carbon (C).
c. Make 1 oxygen molecule (O2), 1 nitrogen molecule (N2), 1 water molecule (H2O),
and 1 carbon dioxide molecule (CO2).
d. Glue the molecule in the column labeled “Mixture of Compounds and Elements”.
e. At the bottom of the column write “Air – a mixture of oxygen (O2), nitrogen
(N2),water (H2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules”.