MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS AND DNA TAXONOMY Identification of Neotropical felid faeces using RCP-PCR S . RO Q U ES ,* B. ADR ADOS, * C . C HAVE Z,† C . K E LLE R,‡ W . E . M AGN US S ON,‡ F . P ALOMARES * an d J. A. GODOY* *Department of Conservation Biology, Estación Biologica de Doñana, CSIC, Calle America Vespuccio s/n, 41092 Sevilla, Spain, †Laboratorio Ecologia y Conservación de Fauna Silvestre, Instituto de Ecologı́a, UNAM, 04510 Mexico D.F., Mexico, ‡Department of Ecology, INPA, Manaus 69000, Brazil Abstract Faeces similarity among sympatric felid species has generally hampered their use in distributional, demographic and dietary studies. Here, we present a new and simple approach based on a set of species-specific primers, for the unambiguous identification of faeces from sympatric neotropical felids (i.e. puma, jaguar, jaguarundi and ocelot ⁄ margay). This method, referred to as rapid classificatory protocol-PCR (RCP-PCR), consists of a single-tube multiplex PCR yielding species-specific banding patterns on agarose gel. The method was optimized with samples of known origin (14 blood and 15 fresh faeces) and validated in faecal samples of unknown origin (n = 138), for some of which (n = 40) we also obtained species identification based on mtDNA sequencing. This approach proved reliable and provides high identification success rates from faeces. Its simplicity and cost effectiveness should facilitate its application for routine surveys of presence and abundance of these species. Keywords: Felidae, noninvasive, species identification, mitochondrial Many carnivores are elusive, which has traditionally hampered their study and prompted the use of indirect signs such as tracks or faeces to monitor their presence, activity and behaviour (Schwartz et al. 2007; Long et al. 2008). Despite its great information potential, using faeces has been limited by the difficulty in distinguishing between faeces of related sympatric species (Kohn & Wayne 1997; Davison et al. 2002; Waits & Paetkau 2005). Several molecular techniques have been developed for the genetic identification of elusive carnivores from faeces and other noninvasive samples (Dalen et al. 2004; Waits & Paetkau 2005; Livia et al. 2007). Direct sequencing of informative PCR products followed by phylogenetic analysis has remained a common approach (Bartlett & Davidson 1992; Farrell et al. 2000; Miotto et al. 2007; Haag et al. 2009), while other indirect methods rely on the detection of species-specific DNA sequence patterns, either through single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis (SSCP), polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) (Foran et al. 1997; Paxinos et al.1997; Pilgrim et al. 1998; Hansen & Jacobsen 1999; Mills et al. 2000; Cossı́os & Angers 2006), or multiplex diagnostic PCR systems (Palomares et al. 2002; Bhagavatula & Singh 2006; Sugimoto et al. Correspondence: Severine Roques, Fax: +34 954 621 125; E-mail: 2006; Fernandes et al. 2008; Nonaka et al. 2009,). However, some of these methods are costly and laborious, which limits their use in large-scale studies, or require specialized equipment and expertise. Additionally, they may produce false positives (by the presence of the same banding patterns coming from a different species), or false negatives as a result of undetected intraspecific polymorphism that might compromise their reliability outside the areas for which they were developed. Here, we present a new and simple approach based on a set of species-specific primers for the unambiguous identification of several sympatric neotropical felid species (jaguar, Panthera onca; puma, Puma concolor; jaguarundi, Herpailurus yagouaroundi and ocelot, Felis pardalis or margay, Felis wiedii). This method, referred to as rapid classificatory protocol–PCR (RCP-PCR; Dalen et al. 2004), consists of a multiplex diagnostic amplification system, designed based on NADH5 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences, that yields species-specific banding patterns on agarose gels. The method was optimized using faecal samples of captive individuals and validated with field samples that were concurrently identified using mtDNA sequencing. For the optimization of sequencing and RCP-PCRbased protocols, a total of 15 fresh faecal samples and 14 blood samples, belonging to the five felid species (18 jaguars, five pumas, two ocelots, two margays and two Common (All) Jaguar (Po) ND5-FEL-130F 166 bps ND5 -Po-149F 147 bps Puma Jaguarundi Ocelot Margay ND5 -FEL-274R ND5 -Pc/Hy-183F 113 bps ND5 -FEL-274R ND5 -Pc/Hy-183F 113 bps ND5 -FEL-274R (Pc) (Hy) ND5 -Hy-58F 238 bps (Fp) (Fw) ND5 -FEL-167F 129 bps ND5 -FEL-274R ND5 -FEL-167F 129 bps ND5 -FEL-274R ND5 -FEL-274R Fig. 1 Illustration of the RCP-PCR assay for the identification of the five felid species: jaguar (Po), puma (Pc), jaguarundi (Hy), ocelot (Fp) and margay (Fw). The use of both F (ND5-FEL-130F) and R (ND5-FEL-F-274R) common primers which will amplify all species, along with the four species-specific primers will provide a characteristic banding PCR pattern specific of one or two of the species. For example, ND5-Pc ⁄ Hy-183F will amplify in presence of both puma and jaguarundi DNA, but these two species can be distinguished based on the jaguarundi-specific amplification of a 238 bp fragment primed by ND5-Hy-58F. The resulting patterns will be different in each species, except for ocelot and margay. Table 1 Primers designed in this study. Primer names include a code that indicates their species specificity as follows: FEL, all five target species; Po, Panthera onca; Hy, Herpailurus yaguarundi; Pc, Puma Concolor; Fp, Felis pardalis; Fw, Felis wiedii. Numbers indicate the position of their 3¢ end within the targeted sequence. CN, final primer concentration in PCR Primers Sequence (5–3) CN (in lM) PCR product ND5-FEL-274R ND5-FEL-130F ND5-Po-149F ND5-Hy-58F ND5-Pc ⁄ Hy-183F ND5-Fp ⁄ Fw-167F YGTAGCACTTTKYGTCACATGA CCTTYACYATCAGCATAAT TCCGGCTATAGTATTTATTTCTTCC TCATTATAACCGGCACCCAACTG GCAGTCATCTCAAACTGACACTG TYTCCCAGGACAAGAAGCAGTA 0.25 0.30 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.20 166 BPS 147 BPS 238 BPS 113 BPS 129 BPS jaguarundis), were collected in zoos of Brazil (Manaus) and Europe (Sevilla, Madrid, Tenerife) or were wild captured in Mexico (Quintana Roo). For four zoo jaguars, matched blood and faecal samples were available. We validated our methods on a total of 138 faeces collected during field surveys between 2004 and 2009 in Brazil (40 from Adolfo Ducke Forest Reserve, Manaus, DUC) and Mexico (32 from Ejido Caobas, Quintana Roo, CAO, and 66 from El Zapotal Ecological Reserve, Yucatan, ZAP). DUC faecal samples were also analysed by DNA sequencing. Except DUC samples that were directly conserved in silica pellets, the rest of the faecal samples were collected in sterilized plastic vials with approximately 30 ml of absolute alcohol, subsequently transferred to 100-ml plastic jars containing silica pellets (Wasser et al. 1997) and stored at room temperature until DNA extraction. DNA isolation from blood samples followed standard phenol–chloroform extraction protocols (Sambrook et al. 1989). DNA was extracted from faecal samples using protocols based on the GuSCN ⁄ silica method (Boom et al. 1990; Hö ss & Paabo 1993; Frantz et al. 2003). To avoid contamination of faecal samples, all steps were performed in a separate laboratory, free of PCR product and especially designated for the manipulation of noninvasive material. Extraction controls were added to monitor for contamination every 15 samples. Available sequences of the NADH Dehydrogenase subunit 5 (NADH5) region of the mtDNA for the five felid species targeted were obtained from the GENBANK database and aligned. Primers NAD5c2-F (5¢-YTAY GCCTTYACYATCAGCA) and NAD5c2-R (5¢-AAGTGC TACRGGGAYRAAGA) were designed for the PCR amplification of a 160 bps variable segment from degraded DNA. The fresh faecal samples (of known species identity) and the DUC-field faecal extracts were amplified using the newly designed primers. Products © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd were cleaned by ultrafiltration through Centricon-100 (Millipore Corp.) and sequenced in both forward and reverse directions using the BigDye v 3.1 Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems) and an automated DNA sequencer (ABI-3130xl; Applied Bisoystems, Inc.). Sequences were edited, assembled and aligned using the program Sequencher 3.1.1 (Gene Codes Corporation) (Genbank accession numbers HM068603HM068610). Neighbour-joining trees were constructed from p-distance matrices using the MEGA.3 program (Kumar et al. 2004) and used to assign unknown faecal samples to their species of origin. For the RCP-PCR-based protocol, species-specific primers were designed based on the alignment of NADH5 sequences obtained in this study plus those retrieved from GenBank, which covered a broad range of geographical origins. Thus we took into account both inter- and intraspecific nucleotide differences, which minimized the probability that intraspecific polymorphisms within the targeted sequences generate false negatives. For the puma, sequenced individuals encompassed the whole distribution area (Culver et al. 2000), while sequences covered large sympatric areas from Mexico to south Brazil for the remaining species (this study, Johnson & O’Brien 1997) Additionally, sequences available in GenBank from several of the most common felid preys, or their taxonomically closest species (caiman, Caiman crocodilus, 14190593; the tufted deer, Elaphodus cephalophus, 111380720; the white-lipped peccary, Pecari tajacu, 223972345; the coati, Nasua nasua, 110226402 and the tapir, Tapirus terrestris, 37496461), were aligned with the felid ones to evaluate the possibility of amplification of contaminant prey DNA. General primers ND5-FEL-130F and ND5-FEL-F-274R were designed to anneal to all felids, whereas additional forward primers (ND5-Pc ⁄ Hy-183F, ND5-Po-149F, ND5-Hy-58F, Fp ⁄ Fw-167F) were designed to be speciesspecific by selecting their 3¢ ends to match speciesspecific sequence patterns and to anneal at different distances from the reverse general primer (Fig. 1; Table 1). The use of all primers in a single-tube PCR results in amplified fragments ranging in size between 113 bps and 238 bps depending on the species, short enough to allow a high probability of amplification from degraded DNA (Fig. 1). Primer annealing positions, concentrations and PCR conditions were selected to favour the amplification of the species-specific PCR fragment over the general one and over potential nonspecific products, so that the absence of amplification will indicate DNA degradation, inhibition or that the sample belongs to a nontargeted species. It was not possible to design species-specific primers to differentiate between ocelots and margays because of their high genetic similarity in the short sequence segment selected (see Fig. 1). The final species-diagnostic assay is based on a sixprimer single-tube 20-lL PCR consisting of 6 ll DNA extract, 0.2 mM of each nucleotide, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.8 mg ⁄ ml BSA, between 0.2 and 0.3 lM of each primer (Table 1), 1· PCR buffer and 0.75 units of Taq polymerase (Bioline). The cycling parameters for the PCR reaction (a) (b) Fig. 2 Amplification results from RCP-PCR on samples of different felid species. a. Blood (n = 7) and fresh faeces (n = 16) from captive or captured individuals. b. Faecal samples (N = 60) collected in the Ecological Zapotal Reserve (Yucatan, Mexico). P, Puma; Jr, Jaguar; Ji, Jaguarundi; O, Ocelot or Margay; Oc, Ocelot; Mg, Margay; NI, Non-identified sample, L, 100 bp DNA ladder. + indicates blood samples used as positive controls. were 94 °C denaturation for 2 min, followed by 40 cycles of 94 °C denaturation for 30 s, 57 °C annealing for 30 s, and 72 °C extension for 30 s, and ending with a single 10-min final extension at 72 °C. Our RCP-PCR protocol was standardized using blood and fresh faecal DNA samples extracted from captive individuals, and its suitability to identify species was tested on the 138 faeces collected in the field and compared to the mtDNA sequencing in the 40 DUC faecal extracts. PCR and extraction controls were included in each reaction set to monitor contamination. Although primers were specifically designed to avoid prey amplification, blood samples of two prey species (peccary, Pecari tajacu, and coati, Nasua nasua) were also included in the analysis to check whether they may yield false positives. The amplified DNA fragments were visualized in a 2% agarose gel. RCP-PCR unambiguously and reliably identified blood and fresh faecal samples from captive jaguars, pumas, jaguarundis and ocelots ⁄ margays (Fig. 2a). The latter two species could not be distinguished by this assay or by direct sequencing because of the absence of reciprocal monophyly for the targeted fragment, including shared polymorphisms across species. Other mitochondrial DNA regions or the use of other types of polymorphic markers, such as autosomal microsatellites, should be explored. The success rate of faeces identification for the 40 field samples from DUC was 82.5% for DNA sequencing (N = 40) and 85% for the RCP-PCR method (Table 2). The species assigned by the RCP-PCR assay matched the species assigned by sequencing in all 28 DUC faeces that could be identified by both methods. Furthermore, six of the seven samples that could not be identified by sequencing gave interpretable patterns with RCP-PCR. Success rate for this latter method in the other two study areas was 89.2 and 90.3% (Table 2). Failed identifications were mostly because of the low DNA quantity and ⁄ or quality resulting in amplification failures (both methods affected), weak or ambiguous sequences (DNA sequencing), and ambiguous banding patterns (i.e. unexpected product sizes for the RCP-PCR method) (see Fig. 2b). Observed success rates are higher than those previously reported for sequencing methods in the same species (60–66% success; Farrell et al. 2000; Haag et al. 2009; ) but are similar to those obtained for other indirect PCR-based techniques that targeted short PCR products (generally less than 280 bp, Palomares et al. 2002; Dalen et al. 2004; Sugimoto et al. 2006; Fernandes et al. 2008). The amplification patterns of the most common prey species (coati and peccary) were easily distinguished from the expected felid patterns (results not shown). Another possible confounding effect could arise if intraguild predation, which is common in felids (Palomares & Caro 1999), occurs among the target felid species. However, it would still be easy to know the involved species, as the amplified fragments would result in a mixed banding pattern, and it would be reasonable to assume that the faeces belong to the larger species (Palomares & Caro 1999). Another problem associated with noninvasive samples would be the nonamplification arising from undetected intraspecific polymorphism (i.e. false negative). Although we cannot totally discard this possibility, this seems unlikely given the limited diversity found in the NADH5 among the five felids (Johnson & O’Brien 1997, this study), and the high identification success rate observed for faeces sampled across broad geographic ranges. In comparison to sequencing and PCR-RFLP methods (Foran et al. 1997; Cossı́os & Angers 2006; Bidlack et al. 2007), our RCP-PCR approach is cheaper and involves fewer steps (namely DNA isolation, a single tube multiplex PCR amplification and an agarose gel electrophoresis), thus minimizing the chances of contamination, reducing costs and facilitating the screening of large numbers of samples. The application of this method provides an easy, reliable, fast and relatively cheap way to monitor demographic parameters and distribution of these neotropical felids. Furthermore, species identification is a necessary step for additional downstream analyses (e.g. diet, hormones), including the genotyping of polymorphic loci, such as microsatellites, for individual identification and for the estimate of dispersal, population sizes, relatedness and population genetic parameters, which is key for the conservation, monitoring and management of such elusive and often endangered species (Waits & Paetkau 2005). Table 2 Results (identification, success rate) of RCP-PCR amplification in field-collected faecal samples. NI means nonidentified sample. Ocel ⁄ Marg means that the sample belongs to either ocelot or margay Sampling site Mexico Ejido Caobas (CAO) E Zapotal Ecological Reserve (ZAP) Brasil Adolfo Ducke Forest Reserve (DUC) N Faeces NI Jaguar Puma Jaguarundi Ocel ⁄ Marg Success rate (%) 31 65 3 3 14 39 12 15 0 0 2 4 90.3 89.2 40 6 14 19 0 1 85 © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Acknowledgements The research was carried out under the project BIOCON 05 100 ⁄ 06 of the Fundació n BBVA and the Brazil ⁄ Spain joint project CNPq # 690085 ⁄ 02-8 ⁄ CSIC # 2004BR0009. Sampling in Brazil was carried out under licenses # 131 ⁄ 2005 CGFAU ⁄ LIC, 13883-1 SISBIO and 15664-1 SISBIO of the Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente – IBAMA. Faecal and blood samples of known captive individuals from the Amazon region were obtained through Cap. J. M. Ferreira and Cap. Carlos Palhari of the veterinary division of the Centro de Instrução de Guerra na Selva – CIGS, and MSc. Carlos Abrahão and Biol. Diogo Lagroteria of the Nú cleo de Fauna Silvestre – NUFAS ⁄ IBAMA in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Other samples of captive individuals in Spain were provided by Zoo of Las Pajanosas (Sevilla), Wildvets S.L.P. (Jerez de la Frontera), Loro Parque Foundation (Tenerife), Arca de Noe Association (Alicante), Zoo Aquarium (Madrid) and Zoo of Cordoba. Faecal samples were exported from Brazil to Spain for genetic analysis under IBAMA ⁄ CGEN Autorização de Acesso licence # 063 ⁄ 05 and IBAMA ⁄ CITES export licences # 0123242BR and 08BR002056 ⁄ DF. We are grateful to J.S. Lópes and J. Tavares for the collection of most field samples in Brazil. Several friends collaborated with the fieldwork in Brazil and Mexico, as well as the local reserve staff of El Zapotal Ecolofical Reserve (Mexico). L. Soriano and A. Piriz provided multiple technical advices. A. Garcı́a, E. Marmesat and B. Gutié rrez also participated in the analysis of samples. 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