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State of Israel
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Office of the Spokesperson of the Ministry
November 12, 2013
9th of Kislev 5774
PR 873/13
Press Release
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The Ministry of Agriculture this morning presented its achievements
in handling the Law for Cruelty to Animals, as part of the hearing for
the Knesset Education Committee
** In 2012, 290 incidents of cruelty to animals were handled.
An average of more than 5 incidents every week.
**172 inspections were initiated in farms and on sites.
** 84 investigations were opened regarding animal welfare.
** From 2012 151 new legal cases of offenses against animal welfare were opened
at the Claims Department of the Ministry;
during this period 22 indictments of Animal Cruelty charges were filed.
** 83 animals were confiscated due to violations of Animal Cruelty against them.
The Director of the Veterinary Services at the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr Nadav Galon, in the
discussion regarding the transfer of powers: "Israel is alone in this fantasy. There is no
place in the world that has separated the health of animals from the welfare of animals,
despite the fact that the situation is no different in Israel when compared with other
developed countries. All of the global organizations, including the World Health
Organization, the UN Food Organization and the Organization for Animal Diseases, agree
that there is no possibility and no need to distinguish between public health and animal
The Education Commission of the Knesset convened a special session this morning (Tuesday,
12/11/13) following an investigation of "zoglovek" that was broadcast on the television program
"Kolbotek". During the discussion The Ministry of Agriculture presented information on how they
had been handling the affair, and even took advantage of the opportunity to present the handling
of animal welfare in general.
The Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development conducts extensive and ongoing activities at
slaughterhouses all year long in terms of matters relating to the welfare of animals; at the level of
supervision and enforcement of offenses against animal welfare; at the legislative and regulatory
level; and at the level of promoting reforms in the branch of animals in order to improve their wellbeing. Nonetheless, they cannot be everywhere at the same time. The slaughterhouses also have
a self-monitoring system that includes a veterinarian, and clear procedures for testing and
reporting any defects.
Actions taken by the Ministry of Agriculture from the moment of learning about the matter:
Maccabim Road, Rishon le Zion, P.O. Box 30 Beit Dagan, ZIP 50250, Tel. 03-9485436, Fax: 03-9485782
State of Israel
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Office of the Spokesperson of the Ministry
We carried out two immediate inspections upon receipt of the information, and prior to
broadcasting the article.
We ordered that the machine that unloads the bird by tilting the cages be stopped
We instructed that the transportation cages be checked, one by one. We banned the use of
defective cages and instructed that these be repaired, and for damaged cages to be
removed. Those that cannot be fixed will be disqualified for use. The type of cages used
meet the requirements of the law in terms of dimensions of floor and walls.
We instigated a joint investigation by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Police. We requested
that they provide us with the full and unprocessed material so that we could examine it.
We conducted a guidance and information conference for all slaughterhouse veterinarians in
As a result of the above-mentioned corrective work, work at the slaughterhouse was shut
down for a short period in order to arrange whatever was necessary - especially to repair /
replace cages. We will close the operations at the slaughterhouse for as long as necessary.
We conducted a clarification with the CEO of Soglowek in order that he would respond to the
In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture introduced the activities on the subject of animal
welfare :
In 2012, 290 incidents of cruelty to animals were handled. This equals an average of more
than 5 incidents every week.
172 inspections were initiated in farms and on sites.
Following the inspections, 76 settlements were removed in order to correct any deficiencies
on the farm, or sites wherever it was possible and relevant. Repeat inspections were held on
48 farms, and sites that are to be monitored.
The Ministry of Agriculture’s Enforcement & Investigations Unit opened 84 investigation files
on the subject of animal welfare.
From 2012, 151 new legal cases of offenses against animal welfare were opened
at the Claims Department of the Ministry; during this period 22 indictments of Animal Cruelty
charges were filed.
83 animals were confiscated due to violations of Animal Cruelty against them.
As testimony for the enforcement operations, the Ministry of Agriculture presented a large number
of indictments that have recently been filed with the branches of the Animal Welfare Society,
Maccabim Road, Rishon le Zion, P.O. Box 30 Beit Dagan, ZIP 50250, Tel. 03-9485436, Fax: 03-9485782
State of Israel
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Office of the Spokesperson of the Ministry
The Ministry of Agriculture has filed six indictments on the matter of the welfare of poultry,
since the regulations on the transportation of poultry came into force a few months ago.
An investigation at a hatchery on the suspicion of killing chicks in large quantities in violation
of the Animal Welfare Act. Hatchery managers and employees of the Company were
interrogated and the case was recommended for indictment (an indictment has already been
A hatchery was convicted in Court on an indictment that had been filed by the Ministry for
offenses against the Animal Welfare Act.
An investigation regarding cutting the tails of Doberman puppies by veterinarians for
ornamental purposes ( an indictment has been filed).
Investigation of a vet who killed and threw two live kittens into a trash bin (a complaint has
been filed ).
Investigation of a cattle farm on suspicion of animal abuse (under investigation).
A joint investigation with the Fraud Division for the use of shocker sticks and objects that
caused pain to animals in a slaughterhouse. 14 suspects have been interrogated. The case
is being handled jointly by the Claims Department and District Attorney North (two
indictments have been filed).
A woman has been detained for keeping her dog under harsh conditions, preventing the dog
from eating because she believed that everyone wanted to poison her dog - so the dog was
discovered in a condition of extreme thinness. The dog was transferred to a protected shelter
of the Ministry for rehabilitation (the case is under investigation).
Confiscating horses in a complex in Acre near the Muslim cemetery. 19 horses were kept in
stables under harsh conditions. The horses were seized and taken to a protected shelter due
to injuries, thinness, etc. (charges are being formulated).
The evacuation of 15 donkeys in serious physical condition in the area of Eilat (charges are
being formulated).
An indictment has been filed against a man who organized a competition between two dogs.
The case was reopened by the Ministry of Agriculture after the suspect was questioned by
police and the case had been recommended for closure (the defendant was convicted ).
Maccabim Road, Rishon le Zion, P.O. Box 30 Beit Dagan, ZIP 50250, Tel. 03-9485436, Fax: 03-9485782