System User Credentials on the server


Technical Brief 022602

Setting System User Credentials on the Server.

Setting the System User Credentials needs to be done before performing the ePMC System Software Installation.

The System User must exist as a member of a Domain that is accessible by the ePMC Server machine. The System User name is listed in the ePMC

System Site Preparation Document.

This procedure will establish the System User as an Administrator with rights to Act as part of the operating system.

Have a local Administrator log into the Server Machine.

Select the Start button \ Programs \ Administrative Tools

Then Select User Manager for Domains

Click on the USER pull down menu

Click on the Select Domain entry

In the Domain Window enter the name of the Server Machine ie VQSERVERCS and click OK

Then select Policies \ User Rights

Click the Show Advanced User Rights selection in the lower left of the

User Rights Policy screen.

Select Acts as part of the Operating System

Look in the " Grant to " window and using the ADD button \ Show Users, select the System User ie SUSR_UDA from the appropriate domain list.

Click OK in the appropriate windows to accept this selection.
