- Institutional Repository of IAIN Tulungagung

This chapter discusses the background of study, formulation of the research
problem, purposes of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the
study, definition of key terms and organization of the study.
Background of the Study
Education is self-enlightening process. Taken from Oxford Pocket
Dictionary, “Education is knowledge and character resulting from such training”.1
National formulation about education term stated, “Education is a conscious effort
to prepare learners through teaching educating and or training for their role in the
future” (Law No. 2/1989).2 Some say, education is the process of gaining
information about the surrounding world. Education makes us capable of
interpreting rightly the things perceived. It is important component of life.
Education is important as it teaches us the right behavior, the good manner thus
making us civilized. It teaches us how to lead our lives. Education is the basis of
culture and civilization.
Manser Martin, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary. (New York : Oxford University Press,
1995), p. 134
Oemar Hamalik, Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran. (Jakarta : Bumi Aksara, 2003) p. 14
School and colleges define the basis framework of education. It is the
most important institution in process of education. Schooling gives us the base of
knowledge, shapes our characters and improves our interest. For many people,
school is convinced as an exact institution for determining their children future.
Education has big a influence for human life. Because of this reason, education
becomes Indonesian Government’s development agenda.
The Law on National Education System No. 20/2003 and the
Constitution Amendment III emphasize that all Indonesian citizens have right to
get education.3 The Government has an obligation to finance basic education
without charging fees and the Government is mandated to allocate 20% of its
expenditure on education. The Teacher Law No. 14/2005 introduces important
changes to the employment conditions and requirements for the certification of
teachers, aiming at improving education quality. The Ministry of National
Education’s strategic plan for 2005-2009 has three main pillars.4 They are: (a) to
increase access to education, (b) to improve education quality, and (c) to create
better governance of the education sector.
In accordance with the strategic plan above, in 2003 the Ministry of
National Education made a regulation in pioneering schools to have an
international standard. Implementation of International Standard School is based
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional No. 20 Th. 2003,
(Jakarta : Penerbit Asa Mandiri, 2009), p. 23
World Bank and Education in Indonesia in http://www.web.worldbang.org/WBsite, acces on
April 2 , 2010
on the Law of National Education System No. 20/2003. In this regulation,
government holds a high quality of education that produces graduates is admitted
nationally and international.
According to Satria, an International Standard School is a school that
holds its schooling based on National Standard of Education and it has
international quality.5 National Standard of Education is a national standard
consists of eight main components. They are: standard of material, process,
graduates competency, educator and educational staffs, facilities and infrastructure,
management, financing and assessment.6 Fulfillment of the National Standard of
Education is minimum indicator for International Standard School. Its extra
indicator is education standard from members of OECD (Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development) countries or other advanced countries.
The implementation of the International Standard School is done in all
of education levels, including Junior High School. Haryana stated that the
implementation of International Standard School on Junior High School level has
been pioneered since 2007.7 There are 100 state schools and 2 private schools to be
the pioneer of the International Standard School, whereas there are more than
22.000 schools both state school and private in this level. The minimum number of
Junior High School that determine as Pioneering International Standard School is
Satria Darma, Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional SMA 1 Pandaan, in http://www.smanda.sch.id
access on April 12th, 2010
Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No. 19 Th. 2005,
(Jakarta : Penerbit Asa Mandiri, 2009), p. 101
Kir Haryana, Panduan Penyelenggaraan Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional, in
http://pelangi.dilp.go.id access on May 3rd, 2010
caused by constraint in fulfillment rule and regulations or criteria to be an
International Standard School. Junior High School 1 Tulungagung is one of school
that determine as Pioneering International Standard School.
According to the International Standard School guide book, teaching
learning process of Mathematic and Science have to use bilingual: Indonesia and
English.8 The focus of this study is the use of English only. The use of Indonesian
is not a problem for the students and teachers, so the researcher focuses her study
in the use of English as an instructional medium of Mathematic and Science
bilingual instruction program.
For some students, learning Mathematic and Science is difficult. It will
be more complicated if the instructional medium is by using English. For English
teacher, it does not matter to use English in instructional process because they have
competency in it. On the contrary, for Mathematic and Science teachers, it needs a
lot of efforts to realize the use of English in the classroom. Mathematic and
Science teachers come from different background of education who are not
prepared to teach Mathematic and Science in English. In accordance with these
problems, the researcher is interested in doing a research about the implementation
of English as an instructional medium in the Pioneering International Standard
School classroom at Junior High School 1 Tulungagung.
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA dalam Bahasa Inggris
(Bilingual), (Jakarta : Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama, 2004) p.15
So, this study is intended to know how the implementation of
Mathematic and Science instruction using English in the Pioneering International
Standard School classroom at Junior High School 1 Tulungagung. It is also used to
find out the students and teachers advantages and constraints in implementing
Mathematic and Science instruction using English.
Formulation of the Research Problem
Based on the background of the study above, this study is directed to
give description about the implementing of English in teaching learning process at
Junior High School 1 Tulungagung. The problems of this study can be formulated
as follows:
1. How is English used in Mathematic and Science bilingual instruction program
of Pioneering International Standard School classroom at the Junior High
School 1 Tulungagung?
2. What are the constraints faced by teachers and students in using English in
Mathematic and Science bilingual instruction program of Pioneering
International Standard School classroom at the Junior High School 1
3. What are advantages gotten by teachers and students in using English as an
instructional medium in Mathematic and Science bilingual instruction program
of Pioneering International Standard School classroom at the Junior High
School 1 Tulungagung?
Purposes of the Study
Based on the research problem above, this study has some purposes.
They are:
1. To find out how English is used in Mathematic and Science bilingual
instruction program of Pioneering International Standard School classroom at
the Junior High School 1 Tulungagung.
2. To find out teachers and students constraints in using English in Mathematic
and Science bilingual instruction program of Pioneering International Standard
School classroom at the Junior High School 1 Tulungagung.
3. To find out teachers and students advantages in using English as an
instructional medium in Mathematic and Science bilingual instruction program
of Pioneering International Standard School classroom at the Junior High
School 1 Tulungagung.
Significance of the Study
The researcher hopes that the result of this study will be useful both
theoretically and practically.
1. Theoretically
The use of English as a means of instructional of Mathematic and
Science teaching learning process is a new matter in Indonesia. The result of
this study is expected can be used as an input or information in linguistic that
the use of English as a means of teaching non-English subjects in Indonesia
develops increasingly.
2. Practically
a. Principle
The result of this study is expected can be used as an evaluation
instrument of Mathematic and Science instruction using English at Junior
High School 1 Tulungagung. Furthermore, the principle can give a chance
to the Mathematic and Science teachers to improve their English
competency, such as hold a seminar or training for Mathematic and Science
teacher. So that, it can supports the teaching learning process more
b. Teachers
Mathematic and Science teachers need to prepare their English
competency in teaching process. The result of this study is expected can be
used as an input for Mathematic and Science teachers to improve their
English competency. It also can be used as information to reduce their
constraints in teaching learning process of Mathematic and Science using
c. Students
The result of this study can be used by students to find out their
constraints, so that they are motivated to overcome their difficulties during
teaching and learning process with English as a means of instructional.
Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study was conducted at Junior High School 1 Tulungagung. The
researcher took the second year students, one of the Pioneering International
Standard School classrooms as subjects of this study. The first year students area
still in adaptation process of the bilingual instruction program, and the third year
students have reached advanced level of bilingual instruction program, so the
second year students is the representative subjects for this study. The researcher
took the 8A class. There were 30 students. This study was conducted from April
26th, 2010 up to July 12th, 2010.
Definition of Key Terms
To avoid misunderstanding, the researcher gives the key terms of this
study as follows:
1. Conceptually
a. International Standard School is school that holds its schooling based on
the eight minimum criteria of National Standard of Education and has
international quality.9
b. Pioneering International Standard School is school that holds its schooling
based on the eight minimum criteria of National Standard of Education and
Darma, Sekolah Bertaraf…………
has international quality but still in the development phase of its component
to fulfill the determined criteria.10
c. Bilingual is speaking or using two languages.11In this case, bilingual in the
Pioneering International Standard School classroom is English and
Indonesia in Mathematic and Science teaching learning process.
2. Practically
This study was done at Pioneering International Standard School Junior
High School 1 Tulungagung. It is conducted to know the implementation of
using English in the Pioneering International Standard School classroom, how
teachers and students apply the English as means of instructional and what the
advantages and constraints are gotten by teachers and students in the
classroom. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative research design in
conducting this study. So, the data is elaborated in words or descriptively.
Organization of the Study
It is necessary to arrange thesis in a systematic way. The organization of
the thesis provides the organization of the main issues discussed. This thesis is
divided into five chapters.
Chapter I is introduction. It consists of background of the study,
formulation of the research problems, purposes of the research, significance of
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Panduan Penyelenggaraan Program Rintisan SMP
Bertaraf Internasional, (Jakarta : Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama, 2004) p. 25
Martin, Oxford Learner’s…………… p. 36
the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of key terms and
organization of the study.
Chapter II is review of related literature. It covers the National Standard
of Education, International Standard School, Pioneering International Standard
School, and bilingual instructional.
Chapter III is methodology. It presents research design, subject of the
study, data instruments, data collecting methods and data analysis method.
Chapter IV is data presentation and discussion. It covers the presentation
of data and discussion.
Chapter V presents conclusion and suggestion.