I. General Information: Date of README file: 05-01-2012 The following 12 files are the complete results from the brain expression genome-wide association study (eGWAS) conducted at Mayo Clinic by ErtekinTaner and colleagues and described in full detail in the Zou et al. PloS Genetics, 2012 paper. The brief description of the file contents and their headings are described in sections II and III, respectively. Please refer to the manuscript for a complete description of the study including analytic details. Any remaining inquiries can be forwarded to Dr. Ertekin-Taner’s e-mail as follows: taner.nilufer@mayo.edu (taner dot nilufer at mayo dot edu). Any publications that utilize parts or all of this dataset should cite the following manuscript: Zou F, Chai HS, Younkin CS, Allen M, Crook J, Pankratz VS, Carrasquillo MM, Rowley CN, Nair AA, Middha S, Maharjan S, Nguyen T, Ma L, Malphrus KG, Palusak R, Lincoln S, Bisceglio G, Georgescu C, Kouri N, Kolbert CP, Jen J, Haines JL, Mayeux R, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Schellenberg GD, Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR, Dickson DW, Younkin SG, Ertekin-Taner N. (2012) Brain Expression GenomeWide Association Study (eGWAS) Identifies Human Disease-Associated Variants. PLoS Genet 8(6): e1002707. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002707. The size of the complete dataset in compressed format is 815 Megabytes and 4.1 Gigabytes uncompressed. II. File Names and contents: N.B. Each file has a header row. Therefore the total number of rows pertains to the total number of data rows, excluding the header row. Hap300_CER_AD.txt Brain expression GWAS (eGWAS) results obtained in the cerebellar samples of the AD subjects. The GWAS genotypes are obtained by the Illumina Hap300 platform. The total number of rows = 444372 Hap300_CER_All.txt Brain expression GWAS (eGWAS) results obtained in the cerebellar samples of the combined AD and non-AD subjects. The GWAS genotypes are obtained by the Illumina Hap300 platform. The total number of rows = 443784 Hap300_CER_Control.txt Brain expression GWAS (eGWAS) results obtained in the cerebellar samples of the non-AD subjects. The GWAS genotypes are obtained by the Illumina Hap300 platform. The total number of rows = 443171 Hap300_TX_AD.txt Brain expression GWAS (eGWAS) results obtained in the temporal cortex samples of the AD subjects. The GWAS genotypes are obtained by the Illumina Hap300 platform. The total number of rows = 450813 Hap300_TX_All.txt Brain expression GWAS (eGWAS) results obtained in the temporal cortex samples of the combined AD and non-AD subjects. The GWAS genotypes are obtained by the Illumina Hap300 platform. The total number of rows = 445356 Hap300_TX_Control.txt Brain expression GWAS (eGWAS) results obtained in the temporal cortex samples of the non-AD subjects. The GWAS genotypes are obtained by the Illumina Hap300 platform. The total number of rows = 440065 HapMap2_CER_AD.txt Brain expression GWAS (eGWAS) results obtained in the cerebellar samples of the AD subjects. The GWAS genotypes are the HapMap2 imputed genotypes. The total number of rows = 4427924 HapMap2_CER_All.txt Brain expression GWAS (eGWAS) results obtained in the cerebellar samples of the combined AD and non-AD subjects. The GWAS genotypes are the HapMap2 imputed genotypes. The total number of rows = 4483512 HapMap2_CER_Control.txt Brain expression GWAS (eGWAS) results obtained in the cerebellar samples of the non-AD subjects. The GWAS genotypes are the HapMap2 imputed genotypes. The total number of rows = 4419055 HapMap2_TX_AD.txt Brain expression GWAS (eGWAS) results obtained in the temporal cortex samples of the AD subjects. The GWAS genotypes are the HapMap2 imputed genotypes. The total number of rows = 4426363 HapMap2_TX_All.txt Brain expression GWAS (eGWAS) results obtained in the temporal cortex samples of the combined AD and non-AD subjects. The GWAS genotypes are the HapMap2 imputed genotypes. The total number of rows = 4484344 HapMap2_TX_Control.txt Brain expression GWAS (eGWAS) results obtained in the temporal cortex samples of the non-AD subjects. The GWAS genotypes are the HapMap2 imputed genotypes. The total number of rows = 4425955 III. Column names and definitions: a. For the “Hap300” files: CHR SNP BP A1 TEST NMISS BETA STAT P PROBE txStart txEnd SYMBOL hasSNP Chromosome SNP rs number Physical position (base-pair) according to NCBI Ref Seq, Build 36.2 Tested allele (minor allele by default) The "additive" SNP genotype test. Number of non-missing individuals included in analysis Regression coefficient. Based on the SNP minor allele using an additive model. Coefficient t-statistic Asymptotic p-value for t-statistic (uncorrected) WG-DASL Illumina Probe ID Starting base pair for the RefSeq gene the brain level of which is tested for associations. (Based on Build 36.2) Ending base pair for the RefSeq gene the brain level of which is tested for associations. (Based on Build 36.2) Gene symbol for the RefSeq gene tested in the eGWAS. If the probe sequence harbors ≥1 SNPs, then this is shown as "TRUE" under the "SNP-In-Probe" column, and "FALSE", otherwise. b. For the “HapMap2” files: CHR SNP BP A1 TEST NMISS BETA STAT P PROBE txStart Chromosome SNP rs number Physical position (base-pair) according to NCBI Ref Seq, Build 36.2 Tested allele (minor allele by default) The "additive" SNP genotype test. Number of non-missing individuals included in analysis Regression coefficient. Based on the SNP minor allele using an additive model. Coefficient t-statistic Asymptotic p-value for t-statistic (uncorrected) WG-DASL Illumina Probe ID Starting base pair for the RefSeq gene the brain level of which is tested for associations. (Based on Build 36.2) txEnd Symbol hasSNP Ending base pair for the RefSeq gene the brain level of which is tested for associations. (Based on Build 36.2) Gene symbol for the RefSeq gene tested in the eGWAS. If the probe sequence harbors ≥1 SNPs, then this is shown as "TRUE" under the "SNP-In-Probe" column, and "FALSE", otherwise. [Tissue Region][DiagnosticGroup]12point5 Results are shown for the [Tissue Region] eGWAS (i.e. either cerebellum or temporal cortex) using HapMap2-imputed genotypes for the [DiagnosticGroup] dataset (i.e. AD, Control or All), with transcripts detected in >12.5% of the subjects (TRUE=detected, FALSE=not detected). [Tissue Region][DiagnosticGroup]25 Results are shown for the [Tissue Region] eGWAS (i.e. either cerebellum or temporal cortex) using HapMap2-imputed genotypes for the [DiagnosticGroup] dataset (i.e. AD, Control or All), with transcripts detected in >25% of the subjects (TRUE=detected, FALSE=not detected). [Tissue Region][DiagnosticGroup]50 Results are shown for the [Tissue Region] eGWAS (i.e. either cerebellum or temporal cortex) using HapMap2-imputed genotypes for the [DiagnosticGroup] dataset (i.e. AD, Control or All), with transcripts detected in >50% of the subjects (TRUE=detected, FALSE=not detected). [Tissue Region][DiagnosticGroup]75 Results are shown for the [Tissue Region] eGWAS (i.e. either cerebellum or temporal cortex) using HapMap2-imputed genotypes for the [DiagnosticGroup] dataset (i.e. AD, Control or All), with transcripts detected in >75% of the subjects (TRUE=detected, FALSE=not detected). Tissue Regions: CER Cerebellar eGWAS TX Temporal cortex eGWAS Diagnostic Groups: AD Results for subjects with Alzheimer's disease pathology. Control Results for subjects with non-Alzheimer's disease pathology. All Results for the combined AD and Control samples.