ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 24 SEPTEMBER 2003 ITEM 4 REVISED DRAFT SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING GUIDANCE ON SINGLE PLOT AND OTHER TYPES OF RESIDENTIAL INFILL DEVELOPMENT Report of the: Chief Planning Officer Contact: Ransford Stewart Urgent Decision?(yes/no) No. If yes, reason urgent decision required: N/A Annexes/Appendices (attached): Annexe 1 – List of Consultees Other available papers (not attached): Annexe 2 - Revised Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance Epsom & Ewell District-wide Local Plan May 2000 PPG3 Housing PPG12 Development Plans To seek approval of the revised draft Supplementary Planning Guidance on single plot and other types of residential infill development Notes RECOMMENDATIONS (1) That the revised Supplementary Planning Guidance on single plot and other types of residential infill development be approved. (2) That the revised Supplementary Planning Guidance on single plot and other types of residential infill development be approved for development control purposes. 1 Implications for Committee’s Key Service Priorities 1.1 2 This report relates to the Committee’ responsibility for the preparation of land use policy statements and briefs for specific areas. The preparation of this Guidance is a target in the Service Improvement Plan that arose from the Best Value Review on Environmental Protection and Community Enhancement – Role of Planning, Building Control and Environmental Health. Introduction 2.1 The thrust towards higher housing densities and the better use of urban land, in particular brownfield land, is set out in Planning Policy Guidance Note 3 “Housing”. Page 1 of 4 Cttee/Env/Agenda/03-09-24 ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 24 SEPTEMBER 2003 3 ITEM 4 2.2 However, PPG 3 is not solely concerned with higher densities; it also seeks to encourage good design, improved quality of life for all, greater choice of housing and attractive, high quality environments in which people will choose to live. 2.3 On 25 June 2003, this Committee approved for public consultation new supplementary planning guidance which set out to stress the Council’s concern to achieve and maintain a high quality environment and a high standard of residential amenity for existing residents and residents of proposed development schemes alongside the other objectives of PPG 3. 2.4 Supplementary planning guidance provides detailed information to developers, residents and others to guide the formation of development proposals to meet the Council’s standard and thereby promote the high standards of amenity sought by the Council. It can also assist in decision-making. 2.5 This report presents a revised version of the Supplementary Planning Guidance that has been amended in response to comments received through the consultation exercise. Proposals 3.1 Copies of the draft Supplementary Planning Guidance were sent to 141 separate institutions, organisations and individuals active in various ways across the Borough. The list was compiled from databases used for previous planning consultation exercises by the Planning Service and the Service Improvement Unit. A full list of the consultees is attached as Annexe 1. 3.2 Letters were sent out on 8th July 2003 inviting responses by 1st August 2003. 10 letters were returned unopened or declining the invitation. 3.3 Detailed comments were received from the following: Epsom & Ewell Local Agenda 21 Open Spaces Group Epsom & Ewell Local Agenda 21 Transport Group Surrey County Council Sustainable Development Group Government Office for the South East Epsom Protection Society Association of Ewell Downs Residents Stamford Ward Residents Association Chris Grayling M.P. Elmbridge Borough Council The Planning Bureau (on behalf of McCarthy & Stone) Allplans Ltd Mr O.W. Reynolds Mr G.R. Perry Page 2 of 4 Cttee/Env/Agenda/03-09-24 ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 24 SEPTEMBER 2003 ITEM 4 3.4 Generally, the comments received were supportive of the Supplementary Planning Guidance, recognising its role in guiding applicants and others interested in development. The Epsom Protection Society, for instance, observe that it may help to discourage town cramming: the Open Spaces Group welcome the emphasis on space around buildings and the Association of Ewell Downs Residents comment on the clarification and strengthening of local plan policy provided by the Supplementary Planning Guidance. 3.5 Surrey County Council’s Sustainable Development Group confirmed that the policy is broadly consistent with the Deposit Draft Structure Plan 2002 and policies DN12 and SE4 in particular. Policy DN12 is of particular interest as it states that below a particular threshold development should be “of an appropriate density to safeguard the character of the area”. The threshold currently proposed is 10 additional dwellings. Members will be aware that these policies have not yet been subjected to an Examination in Public. It is not therefore proposed to adopt the County Council’s threshold at the moment although this position can be reviewed at a later date. 3.6 The Government Office for the South East queries the use of specific measurements in the policy framework rather than specifying the effect being sought. Their concern is that this approach may be considered overly prescriptive and may inhibit more creative solutions. They also raise a concern that the Supplementary Planning Guidance should support the objectives of PPG3. Paragraph 2.5 of the draft Supplementary Planning Guidance has therefore been amended to clarify the link to PPG3 and how the standards in the Supplementary Planning Guidance are proposed to be applied. 3.7 Chris Grayling M.P. has advised that, in his opinion, the Supplementary Planning Guidance should seek to prevent the wholesale loss of landscaping on development sites, infill development in cul-de-sacs and developments causing an increase in traffic above a specified threshold, say 25%. The first point is already dealt with in paragraph 3.27 of the draft Supplementary Planning Guidance which is concerned with greening the setting of new development. A moratorium on new development in cul-de-sacs would be considered to be too prescriptive and would not be possible to defend on appeal without substantial direct evidence of harm to matters of acknowledged importance arising specifically out of developments in cul-de-sacs. Finally, guidance on design capacity of various categories of road is set out in Surrey County Council’s “Surrey Design, A Strategic Guide for Quality Built Environments”. This is referred to already in paragraph 3.21 of the draft Supplementary Planning Guidance. 3.8 Most of the other comments received referred to minor matters of detail which have been addressed as appropriate in the revised draft. Page 3 of 4 Cttee/Env/Agenda/03-09-24 ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 24 SEPTEMBER 2003 4 3.9 Objections to the Supplementary Planning Guidance were received from Allplans Ltd and The Planning Bureau. Both were concerned that that the Guidance was too prescriptive and could prevent modern innovative design and other solutions. This matter is dealt with above where it has been raised by the Government Office for the South East. Additionally, the Planning Bureau have asked that paragraph 2.3 is deleted as only statutorily protected buildings should be given this degree of protection. No changes are proposed in this regard as it is considered that the local planning authority is charged with dealing with applications for the demolition of residential properties and it is therefore appropriate for the Supplementary Planning Guidance to provide guidance on how the local planning authority would discharge its duties in this regard. 3.10 The revised draft Supplementary Planning Guidance is attached as Annexe 2. It is intended that the final draft will contain drawings to illustrate key detailed design elements such as the rear projection of new buildings above ground floor level. At the time of drafting this report these drawings were not yet complete. Financial and Manpower Implications 4.1 5 ITEM 4 There are no financial implications arising from this report. Human Rights and Other Legal Implications 5.1 The Supplementary Planning Guidance amplifies, but does not override, the policies in the Local Plan. It has been prepared having regard to Planning Policy Guidance Note 12 “Development Plans” which states that supplementary planning guidance should be prepared in consultation with the general public and interested parties and that their views should be taken into account before it is finalised. 6 Social Well-being As set out in Section 4 above and in the appended revised Supplementary Planning Guidance. 7 Economic Well-being 7.1 As set out in Section 4 above and in the appended revised Supplementary Planning Guidance. 8 Environmental Well-being As set out in Section 4 above and in the appended revised Supplementary Planning Guidance. 9 Risk Assessment and Conclusions 9.1 There are no implications for the Council arising from this report in this area. WARD(S) AFFECTED: All Page 4 of 4 Cttee/Env/Agenda/03-09-24