
Kellie Organic Gardening Studentship course timetable of
assessment July 2009 – June 2010
Maintain an up to date diary of skills learned through work.
Demonstrate an understanding of the ongoing maintenance of roses throughout
summer using organic techniques where appropriate.
Harvesting summer fruits correctly to prolong shelf life.
Demonstrate and implement an understanding of organic weed control within a
garden environment.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.
Demonstrate an understanding of compost making and uses of composts.
Understand and produce risk assessments for the use of equipment used to date.
Demonstrate safe use of lawn mowers.
Demonstrate understanding of companion planting techniques.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.
Demonstrate by practical application, an understanding of organic lawn weed control
Demonstrate an understanding of maintenance of different hedge types through
practical application.
Demonstrate through practical application, and understanding, the methods and
importance of managing and maintaining public access throughout woodland and
meadow areas.
Demonstrate an understanding of pond maintenance & management in a semi- natural
or woodland environment.
Maintain an up to date diary of skills learned through work.
Demonstrate an ability to identify a range of commonly found garden pests and
diseases. Demonstrate an understanding of, and an ability to apply appropriate organic
control methods.
Complete a twelve-month lawn-maintenance schedule for a good quality organically
managed lawn.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.
Demonstrate an understanding through practical application of successional and
intercropping techniques used in a vegetable garden.
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of weed and watering control within
a vegetable garden.
Demonstrate an understanding, through practical application, of appropriate
harvesting and storage techniques for a wide range of fruit and vegetables.
Demonstrate an understanding of meadow & wild grass management.
Maintain an up to date diary of skills learned through work.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.
Demonstrate practical lawn repair techniques.
Demonstrate seed saving & storage techniques.
Demonstrate vegetative propagation techniques for herbaceous perennials.
Demonstrate bulb-planting techniques, & good design techniques using bulb
Maintain an up to date diary of skills learned through work.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.
Demonstrate an understanding of a financial system in relation to managing a garden,
including setting up, and analysing budgets.
Produce a fully costed planting plan for a given area, & demonstrate the ability to
justify the use of particular plants, which should be appropriate to that area.
Demonstrate an ability to work to a budget for a gardening project.
Maintain an up to date diary of skills learned through work.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.
Demonstrate good rose-pruning techniques.
Demonstrate good pruning techniques with a range of given ornamental shrubs.
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of creating long-term garden plans
and strategies within a historical environment.
Demonstrate an understanding of a range of administrative tasks and good
management techniques involved in looking after a historic garden.
Maintain an up to date diary of skills learned through work.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.
Demonstrate the ability to identify a range of soil types including soil textures &
Demonstrate double & single digging techniques, and an understanding of their
Demonstrate an understanding of soil borne pests and their control within an organic
Demonstrate an understanding and ability in the basic servicing and maintenance of a
range of garden machinery and equipment.
Demonstrate through practical application, an understanding of the uses and keeping
of machinery maintenance & servicing records.
Demonstrate through practical application, an understanding of glasshouse hygiene
using organic-gardening friendly techniques.
Maintain an up to date diary of skills learned through work.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.
Demonstrate through practical application, a full understanding of top-fruit pruning
techniques including a wide range of training methods.
Demonstrate the ability to plant up a border, working to a scale drawing of a planting
Demonstrate through practical application, an understanding of a range of good
woodland management techniques, including coppicing, habitat creation, tree
planting, and the establishment of shrub and herbaceous layers.
Demonstrate, through practical application, an understanding of the management of
invasive species within an organically managed woodland or grassland area.
Demonstrate an understanding of tree felling policy within a public and a historic
Maintain an up to date diary of skills learned through work.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.
Demonstrate through practical application, good seed propagation techniques and
Demonstrate through practical application, good vegetative propagation techniques by
cuttings, and their aftercare.
Demonstrate through practical application, an understanding of good watering
management, plant nutrition, temperature, and light control for a range of propagated
plant material within a glasshouse environment.
Demonstrate an understanding of pest control techniques used to protect fruit and
vegetable crops, & ornamentals within an organic garden.
Demonstrate a full understanding of practical soil management in an organic garden.
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of timing of soil cultivation, within
an organic garden.
Demonstrate the ability to carry out basic tree inspections to identify potential
problems caused by pests, diseases, and weather damage or branch structure.
Maintain an up to date diary of skills learned through work.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.
Demonstrate an understanding of good glasshouse-pest control methods within an
organically managed glasshouse.
Demonstrate a full understanding of companion planting techniques.
Maintain an up to date diary of skills learned through work.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.
Demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which soil organic matter and nutrient
levels are maintained within an organic garden, and their importance. This should
include an understanding of the role played by legumes and green manures.
Demonstrate good soil preparation techniques for planting a range of food crops.
Demonstrate an understanding of maintaining lawn fertility within an organic garden.
Demonstrate the safe and appropriate use of a range of lawn maintenance equipment.
Demonstrate an understanding of a range of vegetable planting techniques and
Maintain an up to date diary of skills learned through work.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.
Demonstrate through practical application, an ability to maintain a herbaceous border,
including staking & supporting, feeding, mulching and weeding. Demonstrate an
understanding of the timings and methods used in all aspects of this work.
Complete a detailed report on a project chosen in conjunction with the Head
Complete a presentation on your year at Kellie Castle Garden.
Maintain an up to date diary of skills learned through work.
Demonstrate good plant identification skills.