Child protection Statement



Safeguarding children and child protection statement

Statement of intent

Our constitution states that no child under the age of 18 is allowed into the garden on his or her own and must always be accompanied by their parent or guardian.

Bath Organic Group will work with its members and the community and any children they bring to the Community Garden or Bath Organic Group function to ensure the safety of children.

Our key commitments for safeguarding children are to create an environment in our garden setting that encourages children to develop an interest in organic gardening which can include their heritage arising from their ethnicity, language spoken at home, religious beliefs, cultural traditions and home background.

When a school visits the garden they are always supervised by their own teachers and accompanied by several parents and/or guardians.

We will work to ensure that no unauthorised person has unsupervised access to any children present in Community Garden or at a Bath Organic Group function.

Our designated person who co-ordinates the visits from the local schools is : Sheila Blethyn

Our designated committee member who oversees this work is : Sheila Blethyn

Signed on behalf of the Bath Organic Group Committee: Peter Andrews

Role of signatory Chair

This policy was reviewed on 22 nd June 2009

