TITLE Optimization of the diagnostic work-up in patients with suspected obstructive lung disease. Authors: Frank J Visser1 Milena JMM van der Vegt1, Gert Jan van der Wilt2, Julius P Janssen1 Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Departments of Pulmonary Medicine1 Canisius-Wilhelmina Hospital, Nijmegen; The Netherlands. Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Health Technology Assessment2, Radboud University Hospital, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Corresponding Author: F.J. Visser, MD Canisius-Wilhelmina Hospital Weg door Jonkerbos 100 6525 SZ Nijmegen, The Netherlands Tel: +31-24-3658755 Fax: +31-24-3658978 e-mail: f.visser@cwz.nl Requests for reprints: FJ Visser Funding source: none No sources of support Short title: diagnostic work-up in patients with obstructive lung disease 1 ABSTRACT Background: Pulmonary function testing is a key procedure in the workup of patients suspected of asthma and COPD. Major contributions to costs include visits and pulmonary function tests (PFT). Objective: To assess whether diagnostic test protocol contributed to optimising the work up in these patients Methods: A prospective single blind, randomised controlled study was performed. In the control group (CG), all PFT as ordered by the lung specialist were carried out. In the experimental group (EG), PFT were performed according to protocol. The primary end point was the costs incurred to reach a final diagnosis . Results: Total number of patients included was 179: 86 in the CG and 93 in EG. The mean number of tests to diagnosis was 3.8 in CG versus 2.9 in EP (P<0.001) The mean number of redundant PFT before diagnosis was 1.2 in the CG versus 0.08 in the EG (P<0.001) .The number of patients requiring an additional outpatient visit to complete diagnosis was higher in the CG (P=0.02). The mean costs of workup per diagnosis were €227 in the CG versus €181 in the EG (P<0.001). Conclusions In this group of patients with suspected obstructive lung disease, pulmonary function testing following a PFT protocol is more costeffective than pulmonary function testing at the discretion of lung physicians. 1 Key words: COPD, asthma, cost-effectiveness, pulmonary function tests, diagnostics., redundant tests Introduction Diagnosing asthma and COPD is an important part of the everyday practice of pulmonary physicians. Pulmonary function tests (PFT) play a key role in the workup of obstructive pulmonary diseases (1-3) No exact figures exist for the annual costs associated with current diagnostic processes, but they must be substantial. Finding the optimal diagnostic work-up in patients with obstructive lung disease is a challenge. The physician who largely orders PFT as a logical next step in the work-up of astma and COPD runs the risk of unnecessary testing; the physician who is more sparingly in test-ordering, on the other hand, runs the risk of unnecessary outpatient visits. In view of the high incidence of patients with obstructive lung diseases, it is important to find the optimal diagnostic work-up in these patients. To this end, we have developed a diagnostic protocol (Figure 1) , to be jointly used by physicians and pulmonary function assistants. In our group some physicians did already used this diagnostic protocol and some ordered function tests liberally . Until the outset of this study there is no evidence that protocol-driven lung function test ordering is more efficient. Our hypothesis was that protocol driven test ordering will be more efficient than liberally test ordering. 2 The aim of this study was to assess whether protocol-driven test ordering reduced the number of redundant pulmonary function tests, decreased outpatient visits and increased cost effectiveness. the work-up in these patients, as compared to physician-driven test-ordering. METHODS A prospective randomised single blind trial was conducted at our outpatient unit. When we submitted the study for IRB approval, the chairman of the IRB stated that this study was only a formal stratification of the current practice, and would not lead to an extra burden of examinations to patients, or expose patients to an increased risk. Therefore, formal informed consent was not considered necessary. And therefore the IRB approval was waived. Study design Our trial included during 10 months consecutive adult patients suspected at the end of the first outpatient visit of having an obstructive pulmonary disease; none of the patients had recently (in the preceding three years) been diagnosed with asthma or COPD by a pulmonary physician. Patients were referred mainly by general practitioners two patients referred themselves to our outdoor department and some were referred by cardiologists. We excluded patients not able to complete pulmonary function tests adequately, patients who were referred to a pulmonary physician because of an abnormal X-ray, pre-operative consultations, and 3 patients who have had an infection of the upper or lower airways, or a possible exacerbation of obstructive airway disease in the past two months. In the first visit the physician takes a medical history, physical examination, makes a differential diagnosis and ,orders laboratory testing, chest X ray and so on. Only patients are included in the study for whom the most likely diagnosis was “astma or COPD”.Physicians ordered diagnostic tests as they deemed appropriate and added the reason for pulmonary function testing e.g. suspected obstructive lung disease. At the end of the first outpatient visit, nurses randomised the patients to the control group (work-up at the discretion of the physician) or to the experimental group (work-up in accordance with the protocol) by drawing an opaque envelope. PFT Lab assistants were notified of the outcome of randomisation, to allow them to perform investigations as ordered or per protocol . The pulmonary lungfunction protocol is visualised in Figure 1. Added to this figure: when the FVC < lower limits of normal a TLC measurement was done in order to exclude restrictive disease. When the patients smoked > 10 pack years than a measurement of the diffusion capacity was done. A second physician independently examined the results for each patient and classified the patients as follows: 4 Completely reversible (CR) : -1- Airway obstruction completely reversible (FEV1 reversible ≥ 9% predicted value) to normal range after beta-2 agonists and/or anticholinergic, patients on reversibility testing were tested for both bronchodilators, or -2- Airway obstruction completely reversible after 14 days of 30 mg prednisone a day or -3- a normal PFT but decreased PC20 histamine threshold. This PFT group gives support to the diagnosis Asthma. Non reversible obstructive(NRO): Reduced FEV1 and FEV1/FVC . Irreversible after beta-2 agonists and/or anti-cholinergics (FEV1 increase of <9% of predicted value) and no return to normal range after 10 days of 30 mg of prednisone a day. This PFT group gives support to the diagnosis COPD Partly Reversible Obstructive (PRO): Reversibility present yet airflow limitation persists. FEV1 increases ≥ 9% of predicted normal value but does not return to normal range after bronchodilators. This PFT group gives support to Asthma with persistent airflow limitation or COPD with partial reversibility . Normal PFT group No airflow limitation and normal PD20 histamine threshold. This group gives no support for an obstructive lung disease so other diagnosis must be considered. The second physician looked if the appropriate tests were done according to the diagnostic flow and decided on the pulmonary pulmonary function 5 classification. He also looked to the decision about the final diagnosis of the PFT referring physician The second physician calibrated his findings with the findings of the PFT ordering physician only if there were conflicting findings. In all these cases we had a consensus on the final diagnosis. A final diagnosis of COPD or asthma was made by the first physician on the basis of medical history (smoking behaviour, allergy, asthma in family , and or in childhood), PFT and clinical investigation like eosinophils count , RAST test, etc.. In the protocol, criteria for obstruction were FEV1 < lower limit of normal value and FEV1/FVC < lower limit of normal value according to Quanjer et al (4). Airway hyper responsiveness was defined as PC20 histamine < 4 mg/ml. (5).Reversibility was defined as ≥9% improvement of the FEV1 from predicted normal value.(6-8) Steroid test consisted of 30 mg prednisone for 10 days with reversal to normal range for the FEV1 as advised by the Dutch Committee : diagnosis for Asthma and COPD (7) Measurements of the Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) , Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and Airway responsiveness (PC20 Histamine) were done according to ERS criteria.(1). 6 During the follow-up visit, results of all investigations, carried out at the discretion of the physician or according to the protocol, were available to the physician who then decided whether a final diagnosis could be made. Follow-up visits and additional PFT were scheduled as deemed appropriate. Redundant PFT tests were defined as tests that were not absolutely necessary to establish a final diagnosis, e.g., when a reversible obstructive PFT was found, there was no need for a histamine provocation test, but when a normal flow volume curve was found, a reversibility test was considered redundant. The economic analysis was conducted from a health-care perspective including direct medical costs only. Where available, unit cost prices were derived from a national guideline for economic analysis of health care services (9). In other instances, real cost prices were calculated on the basis of hospital administration data. (Table 1.) Statistical analysis The "Unpaired t test with Welch's correction" was used to test for statistical significance in differences between the two groups. An alpha of 0.05 was used as significance level. For statistical calculations we used GraphPad Prism5 for windows (www.graphpad.com). Results Of a total of 183 patients, 179 patients were included: 86 patients in the control group and 93 in the experimental group. Four patients were 7 excluded; one had a malignancy, one failed to follow up, one patient died within a week of the start of the study, and in one patient the protocol was not followed. The second physician calibrated his findings with the findings of the PFT ordering physician only if there were conflicting findings. In all these cases we had a consensus on the final diagnosis. Patient characteristics at baseline are presented in Table 2. Classification on the basis of PFT group and final diagnoses are presented in Table 3. In the control group, 35 patients were diagnosed with asthma versus 39 patients in the experimental group. For the Non Reversible Obstructive group, these numbers were 8 and 9 patients, respectively. For the Partly Reversible Obstructive group the numbers were 12 and 14, respectively. Diagnosis in the normal PFT group consisted of sarcoidosis (1), Gastro Oesophageal Reflux (GER) (5), rhinitis and or sinusitis (7) , hyperventilation syndrome (3) , persistent cough (21 of whom 15 smokers or ex smokers) or dyspnoea (8 of whom 3 smokers). On the basis of clinical assessment, 52 patients were found to have COPD of whom 7 in GOLD stage 1 , 24 in stage 2, 13 in stage 3 , and 8 in stage 4, The costs of procedures used to reach a final diagnosis in patients suspected of obstructive lung diseases. In the control group, mean total costs of testing and outpatient visits per diagnosis were €227.17; in the experimental group these costs were €180.89 (P<0.001) Figure 2. meaning a 20% reduction in costs 8 The number and costs of outpatient visits until diagnosis In the control group, two outpatient visits were needed to reach a final diagnosis in 71 patients; in 15 patients three outpatient visits were needed (mean 2.17 median 2 ). In the experimental group, 90 patients had two visits and 3 patients had three visits (total of 189 visits, mean 2.03, median 2 ) The difference in total visits between these groups was statistically significant (P=0.02). Mean costs were 88.80 in the control group and 83,00 in the experimental group (P=0.02) Figure 2. The number and costs of PFT needed for diagnosis: In the control group, a mean number of 3.81 PFT per patient were necessary to diagnose asthma or COPD. In the experimental group, a mean number of 2.94 tests were necessary (P<0.001) Figure 2. In the control group mean costs of PFT were €138,37 and in the experimental group €97.89 (P<0.001). The number and costs of redundant PFT used for diagnosis: In the control group a mean number of 1.20 redundant PFT per patient was performed. In the experimental group 0,08 unnecessary PFT were performed (P<0.001). Mean costs of redundant tests for diagnosis in the control group were €51.35 and in the experimental group €3.30 Figure 2. Histamine provocation test and added costs of reversibility testing were the two most important sources of redundant costs (Table 4) . 9 Time until final diagnosis In the control group, a mean number of 33.02 days was necessary to reach a final diagnosis, whereas in the experimental group, a mean number of 35.94 days was needed. (P=0.51). POST-HOC We evaluated the added value in making a diagnosis of asthma with the steroid test in our patients. Conforming to the protocol we needed in the control group 11 steroid tests and in the experimental group 10 In none of these tests the diagnoses changed to asthma because of a complete reversibility after steroid use DISCUSSION In general, our study showed that the introduction of a problem-oriented protocol for ordering lung function tests in patients with suspected obstructive pulmonary disease can reduce redundant PFT and outpatient visits. This resulted in a 20 % decrease of costs without an increase in time to final diagnosis. Given the high incidence of PFT for obstructive lung diseases, this results in a substantial saving of costs at a population level. In our practice of 600 patients per year with suspected obstructive lung disease, protocol-guided test-ordering can lead to an annual cost reduction of €27.768 = €46.28 per patient. The most important part of the saving is the reduced need for reversibility testing when there was a normal flow volume curve obtained, and a reduced need for the time- 10 consuming unpleasant hyperresponsiveness (PC20 histamine) test when obstruction with reversibility was obtained. Our lung function protocol is based on the asthma and COPD guidelines (7) of The Netherlands. It can also be used as a lung function protocol within the ERS and ATS standards(3;4;6;10). Our patients we think are not different from most other countries except that most patients were referred to us from a family doctor, in some other countries a family physician will be skipped more often. So a sort of selection bias is possible. However the criteria how to diagnose COPD or asthma does not depend on the physician the patient is going to. Of course the skills and the tools are different between general practitioners and pulmonary physicians but for this study we included only the most basal lung function tests and omitted test as e.g. diffusion capacity or exercise testing. These test are not always needed to confirm a diagnosis of asthma or COPD. We think indeed that this protocol (or workflow) will be suitable for general practioners too except they need a lunfunction lab or have to order it e.g. in a hospital based lungfunction lab as is possible at out institution. As we stated before some physicians did use the protocol driven lung function protocol we made about 3 years before this study. These were the author of this study and two other physicians followed mostly the protocol driven testing. Two other physicians one more senior and one 11 younger did not implement this protocol driven ordering and stuck to their old behaviour. They were not convinced of the time and lung function tests sparing effect and wanted proof. We all had a consensus on performing this study and behaviour did change after finishing this study. Trainees stays for four years in our hospital, we had that time five trainees in all stages of their educational process. Now we asked our trainees if possible to order according to a test-protocol rather than at their own discretion. We learned them that this is more efficient. We all (physicians) have to decide what additional research is needed for of our patients and we cannot be interrupted, depending on the previous step, too often to discuss the next step to do,. So if the pulmonary function assistant can follow a diagnostic protocol without the need to ask the opinion of the physician on how to proceed, the work will be more efficient. The workflow is based on our national guideline which resembled the international guidelines of the ERS. Post hoc, we evaluated the added value in making a diagnosis of asthma with the steroid test in our patients. In none of these tests the diagnoses changed to asthma because of a complete reversibility after steroid use. So we doubted about the need for such a test in a routine setting. After this study we removed this test out of the pulmonary function protocol. At the time of this study we had waiting lists for the outpatientdepartment and for lung function tests. These waiting lists motivated us to 12 search for a more efficient and less time consuming work-up. So we expected that the waiting list in the CG would be longer, but overall only half of the patients followed the protocol, and that was not enough to shorten waiting The total time to diagnose from the first visit till the final diagnosis, was not different in both groups but without waiting lists we think we will have a difference between the CG and the EG in favour of the EG. A weakness in our study is a potential Hawthorne effect: knowing that they were involved in a trial may have affected the physicians’ behaviour (test ordering, making a final diagnosis). The only way to avoid this problem is to conduct the study retrospectively, which would challenge its internal validity. We therefore decided to conduct a random, parallel design to ensure internal validity (equivalence between groups, minimal likelihood of confounding). However, to the extent that our study suffered from a Hawthorne effect, this will most likely have resulted in an underestimate of the effect of protocol-guided test-ordering. To minimize the Hawthorne effect we discussed after the inclusion period the whole results within our group. Some doctors want to work efficiently, and they ordered more than was the absolute minimum, so there were no other visits to the physician necessary. Conclusion, 13 Problem orientated pulmonary function testing significantly reduces pulmonary function tests, costs and outpatient visits in the diagnosis of asthma and COPD. 14 Tests Costs Flow volume curve € 15,00 reversibility (bronchus € 18,00 dilators) testing TLCO (diffusion capacity) € 41,00 Hyper reactivity (histamine) € 84,00 TLC € 41,00 Outpatient visit € 41,00 Steroid test € 33,00 Table 1.: Costs of pulmonary function tests and visit Control group Experimental group 86 93 55.4 56.8 45 46 168.4 170.8 FEV1 % pred. 77.8 78.0 FVC %pred 91.3 91.0 Non smoker 41% 38% Ex smoker 20% 23% Current smoker 33% 29% 6% 10% Number of patients Avg. age (years) Sex (% male) Height Unknown smoker Table 2: Patient characteristics Classification on Control group Experimental group 41% 42% 17% 17% 14% 15% 27% 26% 41% 42% 5% 1% COPD non reversible 17% 17% COPD partial 10% 14% 27% 26% the basis of PFT CompletelyReversible obstructive (CRO) Non reversible obstructive (NRO) Partly Reversible Obstructive (PRO). Normal PFT (NO) Final diagnosis Asthma Asthma partial reversible reversible Other diagnosis Table 3 : Classification on the basis of PFT and final diagnoses Reduntant Control group Experimental group PFTfunction test Number (%) Costs in € Number (%) Costs in € 19 (22) 1596 1 (1) 84 30 (35) 540 1 (1) 18 TLC 30 (35) 1230 3 (3) 123 Diffusion 24 (28) 984 2 (2) 82 103 (120) 4323 7 (8) 307 Histamine provocation test Reversibility testing Capacity for CO Totals Table 4. Redundant pulmonary function tests Figure 1: Pulmonary function protocol for obstructive diseases. Criteria for obstruction, airway responsiveness (PC20 histamine) ,reversibility, and steroid test: see text. Figure 2: Mean costs per patient per diagnosis. Redund.= Redundant Reference List (1) Miller MR, Hankinson J, Brusasco V, Burgos F, Casaburi R, Coates A et al. Standardisation of spirometry Eur Respir J 2005; 26(2):319-338. (2) Siafakas NM, Vermeire P, Pride NB, Paoletti P, Gibson J, Howard P et al. 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