Chapter 11: Human Heredity

Chapter 11: Human Heredity
Section 3: Sex-Linked Inheritance
Sex-Linked Inheritance
Genes that are located on the _______________________________________ of
an organism are inherited in a sex-linked pattern
As in many organisms, the sex in humans is determined by the
In females, meiosis produces _________________________ that contain one
_______________________________ and ______________________________
In males, meiosis produces ___________________________
of which
____________________ contain one X chromosome and 22 autosomes
The sex of a person is determined by whether an egg cell is fertilized by an Xcarrying sperm or a Y-carrying sperm
The Human XY System
Although meiosis is a precise mechanism that separates the two sex
chromosomes of a diploid cell into single chromosomes of haploid gamete cells,
errors sometimes do take place
The most common of these errors is ____________________________________
Nondisjunction is the failure of chromosomes to separate properly during one of
the stages of meiosis
Nondisjunction Disorders
Roughly __________________________________ is affected by an abnormality
involving nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes
o ____________________________________________
Female in appearance but their female sex organs do not develop
at puberty and they are sterile
___________ or __________________
o ____________________________________________
Male in appearance, and they, too, are sterile
What can we learn from these abnormalities of the sex chromosome?
o An X chromosome is absolutely essential for survival
o Sex seems to be determined by the _______________________________
__________________________ of a Y chromosome and not by the
number of X chromosomes
o The
_______________________________ the male pattern of growth during
embryological development
If this gene is absent, the embryo follows a female pattern of
Sex-Linked Genetic Disorders
Genes that are carried on either the X or the Y chromosome are said to be
In humans, the small Y chromosome carries very few genes
The much larger X chromosome contains a number of genes that are vital to
proper ___________________________________________________
Recall that males have one X chromosome
Thus all X-linked alleles are expressed in males, even if they are recessive
In order for a recessive allele to be expressed in females, there must be two
copies of it
Colorblindness is a recessive disorder in which a person cannot distinguish
between certain colors
Most types of colorblindness are caused by sex-linked genes located on the X
The alleles for colorblindness render people unable to make some of the
pigments in the eye necessary for color vision
Most common is ___________________________________________________
In humans, color vision depends on the varying sensitivity of three groups of
specialized ________________________________ in the retina of the eye
One group is sensitive to _________________ light, one to _____________
light, and one to _____________________ light
Colors of any given shade excite a specific level of activity from each of the
three groups of nerve cells
Because the gene for color vision is carried on the X chromosome, the dominant
allele for normal color vision is represented as ____________ and the recessive
allele for red-green color blindness is represented as ____________
Homozygous (ZCZC) and heterozygous (XCXc) females have _________________
color vision
A female who is heterozygous for colorblindness is said to be a
_______________________ because she carries the recessive allele but does not
express it
Although she is not colorblind, she is capable of passing on the allele for
colorblindness to her offspring
Only homozygous recessive females _____________________ are colorblind
Because males have only one X chromosome, they are either colorblind (XcY) or
have normal color vision (XCY)
Another recessive allele on the X chromosome produces a disorder called
hemophilia, or ________________________________________
In hemophilia, the protein ______________________________________ (AHF)
necessary for normal blood clotting is __________________________
People with hemophilia can bleed to death from minor cuts and may suffer
internal bleeding from bumps or bruises
Hemophilia can be treated by injecting AHF isolated from donated blood
Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular dystrophy is an inherited disease that results with the progressive
wasting away of ______________________________________
Children with muscular dystrophy rarely live past early adulthood
The most common form of MD is caused by a defective version of the gene that
codes for a muscle protein known as ____________________________
This gene is located on the X chromosome
Researchers are now using molecular techniques to _______________________
________________________________________ of the dystrophin gene into
muscle cells
Sex-Influenced Traits
Many traits that may seem to be sex-linked, such as male pattern baldness, are
actually caused by genes located on ____________________________, not on
sex chromosomes
Why then is baldness so much more common in men than it is in women?
Male pattern baldness is a ____________________________________________
A sex-influenced trait is a trait that is caused by a gene whose
__________________________________ differs in males and females