1 MINISTRY OF HELTHCARE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN TASKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY APPROVED Vice-rector for studying process Senior Prof. Teshaev O.R. «_________» __________2011y Uniform tutorial Theme: ACUTE ABDOMEN (Lesson 18) Prepared by: assistent Murodov AS Tashkent - 2011 2 APPROVED On conference in department of surgical diseases for general practitioners Head of department___________________senior prof Teshaev O.R. Text of lecture accepted by CMC for GP of Tashkent Medical Academy Report №___________from____________2011 y Moderator senior professor Rustamova M.T. 3 Exercise: number 18 Syndrome: acute abdomen Topic 6.3.: Perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. The clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. The tactics of the SPM. Rehabilitation. 1. Venue activities and equipment: Hospital, Training Room, House of the hospital, dressing room, operating. Case patients, hospital records and outpatient hospital patients, blood and urine tests, the results of instrumental examinations, radiographs, guidelines, training manual on practical exercises, case studies, test questions, algorithms, performance skills, scripts, interactive teaching methods, standard protocols, handouts materials from the Internet, slides, EMC. 2. Length classes 327 minutes. 3. Session Purpose 3.1.Uchebnye objectives: , Form an overall concept and idea of perforation of gastric ulcer and duodenum. -To know clinic and a plan for perforated ulcers surveys stomach and duodenum. -Teach students to diagnose perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal -To develop the students' clinical myschlenie. -Be able to provide emergency medical care at the time of doctors and GPs admitted to hospital in patients with perforated stomach ulcer and duodenum. - Treatment of patients with perforated ulcer. 3.2. The student should know: -Anatomy and physiology of the stomach and duodenum. Etiopathogenesis and clinic-perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Diagnostic methods, perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. - Types of surgical treatment for perforation of gastric ulcer and duodenum. 3.3.Student should be able to: - Conduct a clinical examination of patients with perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. -Be able to palpate the abdomen - Identify the range and volume of surgical treatment of perforated gastric and duodenal ulcers depending on the length of hospital stay of patients in the hospital. 4 -Formulate and justify the clinical diagnosis. -Maintain regular check-up cards of patients. 4. Motivation Perforated ulcer - a formation of a defect in the wall of the stomach or duodenum 12, to exposure of gastric contents into the free peritoneal cavity, resulting in her infection. In the absence of a history of ulcer ulcer called a "dumb". Perforated gastroduodenal ulcers often in men with a short history of peptic ulcer (3 years) is usually in the fall or spring, which appar ¬ ently connected with the seasonal exacerbation of peptic ulcer. During the wars and economic crises increased the frequency of perforation in 2 times, connected with the deterioration shown ¬ power and negative psycho-emotional background. In order to reduce mortality and improve outcomes of surgical treatment to diagnose and hospitalize patients with perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 5. Interdisciplinary communication and vnutripredmetnye: biochemistry, pathological anatomy, patfiziologiya, therapy, anesthesiology and resuscitation, clinical pharmacology, gynecology, urology, internal medicine. The stomach is located in the upper abdomen. Much of it is in the left upper quadrant, a smaller in the epigastric oblasti.Pri average degree of stomach fullness greater curvature of the projected midway between the umbilicus and xiphoid process (Fig. 1, 2). 1. Skeletopy and the projection of the stomach to the anterior abdominal wall. 2. The position of stomach in the abdomen. 1 - lig. hepatogastricum; 2 - lien; 3 - ventriculus; 4 - lig. gastrocolicum; 5 - duodenum; 6-lig. hepatorenale; 7 - foramen epiploicum (Winslovi); 8 - lig. hepatoduodenale; 9 - vesica fellea; 10 hepar; 11 - lig. teres hepatis. In the stomach distinguish the front and rear walls, into each other in the small and large curvature. Place of junction of esophagus and the stomach is called input, ostium cardiacum, and the initial part of the stomach, adjacent to the entrance - Cardio or cardiac part, pars cardiaca. To the left of the entrance is a vault or the gastric fundus, fundus ventriculi, delimited from the cardiac part of the cardiac sulcus, incisura cardiaca. In some cases the bottom of the stomach acts up, so that between the esophagus and the bottom is clearly indicated by cardiac furrow. In other cases, the esophagus and gradually expands, becomes part of the cardiac, cardiac groove with poorly expressed the right of the entrance is part of the body and pyloric stomach, the latter being subdivided into the entrance vestibule, antrum pyloricum, and the pyloric canal, canalis pyloricus, rolling into the duodenum ( Fig. 3). Between the body and gastric pyloric part in most cases there is a well-defined intermediate groove. Exit the stomach, pylorus, duodenum isolated 5 from the circular groove, which corresponds to the ostium pyloricum. On the lesser curvature of stomach, close to the pyloric region of a corner notch, incisura angularis; areas of small curvature is formed angle stomach. 3. The anatomical nomenclature departments zheludka.1 - fundus ventriculi; 2 - pars cardiaca; 3 - curvatura ventriculi major; 4 - corpus ventriculi; 5 - pars pylorica; 6 - antrum pylori; 7 - ostium pyloricum; 8 - curvatura ventriculi minor; 9 - ostium cardiacum. In radiological practice, the division of the stomach to the department is somewhat different. The lowest lying part of the stomach, situated against incisurae angularis, referred to as sinus ventriculi. Several distally from sinus ventriculi is a physiological sphincter, sphincter antri, which separates the body from the stomach antrum pylori. Vault, the body and sinus are the digestive sac, saccus digestorius, a pylorus and antrum pyloricum evacuation channel form, canalis egestorius. Fig. 4 shows the scheme of division into sections of stomach, used for radiographic studies. 4. Rentgenoanatomicheskaya nomenclature of the stomach. 1 - polus cranialis; 2 - formix; 3 pars cardiaca; 4 - corpus; 5 - sinus; 6 - polus caudalis; 7 - antrum pylori; 8 - pylorus: 9 - bulbus duodeni; 10 - angulus; 11 - cardia; 12 - oesophagus. Position, the projection and skeletopy. Most often the stomach for a considerable distance (about 3 / 4 of the surface) is located in the left upper quadrant, and only part of the pyloric serves the epigastrium. In more rare cases, the entire stomach is located in the left upper quadrant. This situation is more common in the stomach or crescent shape retortoobraznoy. Sometimes, when distended stomach or abdominal organs omitting only the cardia and gastric fundus are located in the left hypochondrium, while most stomach (body and pyloric part) lies in the epigastric region. Log in stomach, ostium cardiacum, is located on the left of the spine at the level of X thoracic vertebra, about 1-2 cm down from hiatus oesophagei, at a depth of 9-15 cm from the anterior abdominal wall. The front of the chest wall, respectively, are projected ostium cardiacum cartilage VI-VII rib 2-4 cm from the midline to the left. Cardia is at 3 cm below the entry-level XI thoracic vertebra. It is the most constant in its position and firmly fixed to the upper abdominal wall by ligaments, as well as abdominal esophagus, which has a short length (1.5-2 cm) and connected to the diaphragm. The bottom of the stomach carries left dome of the diaphragm and is located at the X-XI thoracic vertebra. Small curvature of the pylorus can be located at different levels in relation to the xiphoid process. According to our data, it is most often located at the xiphoid process, at least - at a distance of 5-7 cm below it. The distance between xiphoid process and the large curvature in the range of 0 to 15 cm, on average - 7 cm Place transition stomach into the duodenum is at the level I lumbar vertebra, which corresponds to midway between the xiphoid process and umbilicus. 6 When filling the stomach pylorus is displaced by 3-5 cm to the right of the midline of the body. The relatively large portion of the stomach pyloric displaceability due to the fact that it is less fixed to the surrounding organs, as part of the cardiac. Ligamentous apparatus. Ligaments surround the stomach by continuous circle and play an important role in its fixation. In the ligaments between the peritoneum enclosed adipose tissue, blood and lymph vessels, lymph nodes and nerve branches. There are following gastric ligament (Fig. 5). 5. Bundles of the stomach. A - anterior surface, B - posterior surface. 1 - gastro-pancreatic ligament, 2 - gatekeeper-pancreatic ligament, 3 - gastro-diaphragmatic ligament, 4 - gastro-splenic ligament, 5 - gastrocolic ligament, 6 - hepatoduodenal ligament, 7 hepatogastric ligament. Hepatogastric ligament, lig. hepatogastricum, a dublikaturu peritoneum stretched between the gate of the liver and small curvature of stomach, it goes to the left of the abdominal esophagus, the right continues in the hepatoduodenal ligament. Both of these ligaments are small gland, omentum minus. In conjunction hepatogastric distinguish the hard part, which lies closer to the cardiac portion of the stomach, and the unstressed portion located to the right of the previous one. Bunch has a trapezoid shape, its width at the base (near the small curvature) is 10-19 cm, at the gates of the liver - 5.10 cm, the length of the gate of the liver to the stomach angle between 6-14 cm in the peritoneum hepatogastric bond is adipose tissue, which layer in the direction of the liver is reduced. Sometimes the fatty tissue between the sheets hepatogastric ligament near the gate of the liver is almost completely absent. In such cases, through the transparent sheets of it is visible tailed share a liver and part of the body of the pancreas. In the upper part of the ligaments pass hepatic branch of the anterior vagus trunk. At the bottom of this link, in some cases is the left gastric artery, accompanied by the same name veins, most often, these vessels lie on the stomach wall along the lesser curvature. In addition, often (16.5%) in a tense part of the ligament is extra hepatic artery coming from the left gastric artery. In rare cases, there is the main trunk, left gastric vein or tributaries of it. In the mobilization of the stomach along the lesser curvature, especially if a bunch of cut through the gate near the liver (stomach cancer), consider the possibility of passing this additional left hepatic artery, as its intersection may lead to necrosis of the left lobe of the liver or part of it. Right at the base of hepatocellular gastric ligament is the right gastric artery, accompanied by the same name veins. 7. Acute inflammation of the uterus, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian apoplexy, twisting legs cysts or ovarian tumors, necrosis of the uterus or myoma node tumor of ovary. The main clinical signs of acute abdomen: abdominal pain, anemia, and shock. 7 Vistserosomaticheskaya pain with inflammation of the organ. Vistserosomaticheskaya pain, sepsis, peritonitis. Acute spasmodic pain in the obstruction of a hollow organ (intestine, bile ducts). Anemia of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract or abdominal cavity. In the primary research methods include the following patient. History: time and the start of pain (sudden, gradual), the localization of pain and dyspeptic dizuricheskie conditions, temperature, transferred in the past, diseases of the abdominal cavity and abdominal organs surgery. Inspection: the forced position of the patient, patient anxiety, changes posture, weakness, lethargy, signs of dehydration (pointed facial features, dry mucous membranes of the mouth), pallor, jaundice, discharge (vomiting, stool, blood). Temperature: axillary and rectal. Hemodynamics: heart rate, blood pressure, auscultation of the heart. Research stomach: inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation, the volume of the stomach, rectum examination (tenderness, overhanging walls). To determine the indications for urgent admission is sufficient to establish whether there was peritonitis, an inflammation or blockage of the body, bleeding. In any case not to introduce drugs and analgesics, as under their influence may change the clinical picture of the disease, which greatly complicates diagnosis and may delay surgery. The diagnosis at the direction of the hospital or acute abdomen during the diagnosis of acute abdomen indicate nosological form of the disease. By direction of hospitalization make an extract from the history of the disease (clinical history and carried out the treatment). If you need to shock during transportation in a specially equipped vehicle an antishock treatment. In the methods of investigation include the patient in a hospital general clinical research: history, physical examination data on systems. In the study of the cardiovascular system, along with percussion and auscultation of the heart, determination of heart rate, blood pressure in cases of suspected myocardial infarction make ECG. Perforated ulcer - a severe complication of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, leading to the development of peritonitis. Perforated gastroduodenal ulcers often in men with a short history of peptic ulcer (3 years) is usually in the fall or spring, which appar ¬ ently connected with the seasonal exacerbation of peptic ulcer. During the wars and economic crises increased the frequency of perforation in 2 times, connected with the deterioration shown ¬ power and negative psycho-emotional background. Perforated ulcers can occur at any age, as a child - up to 8 10 years, and in old - after 80, but mainly occurs in patients 20 to 40 years. For young people, characterized by perforation of ulcers, are localized ¬ yuschihsya in the duodenum (85%), for the elderly - in the stomach. In 10% of patients with perforation of gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding accompanied ¬ tion in the gastrointestinal tract. In these cases the source of hemorrhage is not itself Perforated ulcer (she punches in connection with obliteration of the vessels and the development of necrotic area of intestinal or gastric wall), and the mirror ("kissing"), sore back wall of the duodenum, often penetrating into the head of the pancreas, or the gap mucosal and submucosal layers of gastric cardia (Mallory-Weiss syndrome). Classification 1. On the etiology of perforation distinguish chronic and acute symptoms ¬ matic ulcers (hormonal, stress, etc.); 2. Localization: a) gastric ulcer (small or large curvature, ne ¬ anterior or posterior wall of antrum, prepiloricheskom, pyloric, cardiac department or in the stomach; b) duodenal ulcer (bulbar, postbulbarnye). 3. Clinical forms: a) rupture into the free abdominal cavity (typically, covered); b) atypical perforations (in the omental bursa, small or large gland - between the sheets of the peritoneum, in retroperitoneal fat, isolated in the induced spikes ¬ cavity); c) a combination of perforation with bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. 4. Phase of peritonitis (clinical period): a phase of chemical peritonitis (during the initial shock) phase of the development of bacterial ¬ ne ritonita and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (pseudo period of prosperity ¬) phase of diffuse purulent peritonitis (the period of severe abdominal sepsis). Pathology and pathogenesis Morphological differences between the perforated stomach ulcers and two ulcers ¬ nadtsatiperstnoy very little. Visually determined through de ¬ fect in the wall of the organ. In most cases the perforation is localized to the anterior wall of the duodenum (in bulbs) and you ¬ RF Input of the stomach. On the part of visceral peritoneum marked redness, swelling of tissues and fibrin overlay around perforated ¬ radios, long-term ulcer history - the phenomenon expressed by chronic ¬ REFLECTION perigastrita, periduodenita with deformation and scar change ¬ niyami organs and surrounding tissues. On the part of the mucous seen rounded or oval defect in the heart of ulcers. Edge of chronic ulcers of the dense to the touch as opposed to acute, which has the form ¬ paradise "cookie" holes without scarring her dye ¬ s. For the microscopic picture is characterized by destruction of 9 the layers of ventricular ¬ dochnoy or intestinal walls, excessive development of scar tissue, the presence of degenerative lesions and obliterating arterial ulcers in a circle with an abundant leukocyte infiltration. Perforated ulcer leads to a flow of gastroduodenal derzhimogo with ¬ in the free abdominal cavity, affecting the peritoneum ¬ ny cover the chemical, physical, and then the bacterial stimuli ¬ resident. Initial reaction to the perforation is very similar to the patho ¬ genesis of shock (which gave grounds to call this phase the initial stage of shock). This is due to burn abdominal acidic gastric juice, spout ¬ shimsya the abdominal cavity. Subsequently develops seroplastic and then purulent peritonitis. The rate of development of peritonitis is higher, the lower the acidity of gastric juice. That is why the phenomena races ¬ lence (diffuse) purulent peritonitis can not be over 6 or even 12 hours after perforation of a duodenal ulcer. At the same time, these terms are usually expressed in gastric ulcer perforation (very fast ro ¬ - 2-3 hours there is diffuse purulent peritonitis in the quire ¬ struction and perforation of gastric tumors). A number of patients (approximately 10% of cases), perforation, especially if it is of small diameter, concealed by a film of fibrin, a lock of Sal ¬ nick the bottom surface of the liver or colon - the so-called masked ¬ emaya Perforated ulcer. After this flow of gastroduodenal contents into the abdominal cavity stops the pain subsides, the disease process is localized peritonitis and limited sub-hepatic space and / or the right iliac fossa. In what follows, ¬ what follows, the following options of the disease. First, the defect is covered wall may reopen that accompanied the emergence of re ¬ etsya characteristic clinical symptomatic ¬ ki and progressive development of peritonitis. Secondly, with a good delimitation of the free abdominal cavity izlivshegosya infected ¬ vannogo content may be formed podpechenochnogo or subdiaphragmatic abscess or abscess in the right iliac fossa. And finally, thirdly, in extremely rare cases, perforation of a fast cover for final closure of the defect option due to the surrounding tissue, scarring, ulceration and get better gradually ¬ of the patient. In anecdotal rupture occurs in atypical vari ¬ ante: the cavity of the omental bursa, a small or large gland bundle ¬ ivaya peritoneal leaflets in the retroperitoneal space in the cavity bounded otgra ¬ spikes. In such cases, clinical disease is atypical ¬ Bani, and diagnosis is extremely difficult. In re ¬ a result of perforation of ulcers of the small curvature of stomach to the small thickness of the sebaceous ¬ ka arises inflammatory infiltrate (sometimes mistaken for FLEG ¬ Monna stomach), and then his abscess. Prolonged existence of an abscess like ¬ leads to the formation of cavities of considerable size, and the "erosion of" gastric wall over a large area. He can punch himself in the abdomen, which causes the rapid development of widespread purulent peritonitis and infectious-toxic shock. Perforated ulcers, localized on the greater curvature of stomach, into the space between the sheets of the greater omentum leads to the appearance of purulent ¬ veniyu omentita. Perforation of ulcers of the stomach wall leads back ¬ leads to ingress of gastric contents in the first packing a bag and then through Winslow's foramen into the right lateral canal and stomach under ¬ vzdoshnuyu hole. Of the factors causing the perforation of ulcers include: overflow ¬ ludka same food, errors in diet and alcohol intake, physical exertion, accompanied by increased resistance ¬ intragastric pressure. 10 The clinical course and symptomatology In a typical course of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer conventionally divided into three periods, in general, the corresponding phases of the development of peritonitis, but having some of its features: 1) "Abdo ¬ minalnogo shock" (phase chemical peritonitis), lasting an average of 6 hours, 2) " imaginary being "(development phase seroplastic of peritonitis and systemic inflammatory reactions ¬ tion) - usually 6 to 12 hours, and 3) diffuse purulent peritonitis (hard ¬ of abdominal sepsis) occurring usually after 12 hours of the mo ¬ ment of perforation. The first period is characterized by sudden onset through ¬ tremely severe epigastric pain that patients com ¬ Niva with a knife ("dagger-like pain") or a whip. Strength and appearance bys ¬ trot it can match any other pain in Ms. ¬ vote. H. Mondor figuratively wrote: "The sad state of adult and pose a courageous man of eloquent epithets talk about ispy ¬ Pipeline them suffering." The pain initially localized in the upper abdomen separated ¬ crystals, more to the right of the midline at the duodeno ¬ tional burst ulcer. Pretty soon it spreads to the right polo ¬ fault abdomen, including the right iliac region, and then grabbing ¬ em all its departments. There is a characteristic irradiation of pain in his right shoulder, supraclavicular region and right shoulder blade, depending on the stimuli ¬ zheniya izlivshimsya phrenic nerve endings of the content. Vomiting during this period is not typical (it can be observed at radio ¬ perforated ulcers stenosing piloroduodenalnyh against the stretched and fullness. In such cases, vomiting may precede perforation). Typically, it occurs much later - in developing TII ¬ peritonitis. On examination, attention is drawn to the appearance of the patient: he lies motionless on his back or right side, with those given to the stomach lower limbs, hands covering his stomach, avoid changes in body position. Face sunken, pale, with a frightened expression, and sunken eyes. Maybe a cold sweat. Respiration is rapid and shallow. Ha ¬ teristic initial bradycardia: pulse rate often drops to 50-60 beats per minute (so-called vagal heart rate) due to burn tires and Bru ¬ nerves acid. Blood pressure can be reduced. Language in the first hours after the perforation remains clean and moist. Abdomen in breathing is not involved. Attention is drawn to stress the abdominal muscles, which reasonably characterizes the literature as doskoobraznoe ¬ Xia. Muscle tension is tonic, with ¬ than lean young men, both rectus abdominis loom prominently in the form of longitudinal rolls, split tendon jumpers in the transverse direction (scaphoid abdomen). It should be borne in mind that sometimes the anterior abdominal muscle tension ¬ Noah wall has such a pronounced character. This is possible in patients with old age, when expected rhenium and malnourished people due to the sagging tissues. Initially, the muscle tension lo ¬ kalizuetsya as pain in the upper abdomen of ¬ affairs. Gradually, it dos ¬ Tiga right iliac oblas ¬ T, following the spread of livshegosya into the peritoneal cavity of gastroduodenal contents. But even if the muscle stress ¬ mapping covers the entire anterior abdominal wall, it is almost always the highest in the first place ¬ initially 11 occurrence of pain, ie, epigastric or right upper quadrant ¬ PTO. Along with the on ¬ conjugation of the muscles in these fields of about constantly defined and other symptoms of irritation of the peritoneum. Characteristic symptom of perforation of the ulcer is the appearance of free gas in ¬ peritoneal cavity, which manifests itself a symptom of the disappearance of hepatic dullness ¬. In the patient on his back on the usual place but ¬ determined blunt percussion (two fingers above the transverse edge of the costal arch liners and okologrudinnoy lines to the right) are distinct tympanitis. More precisely, this symptom can be detected by percussion on the right middle axillary line with the patient lying on left side (it should be remembered that the shortening or disappearance of research ¬ hepatic dullness may be caused by interposition of the colon). However, in some cases because of the small honors if ¬ a gas emitted into the abdominal cavity, the characteristic symp-that can not be detected in the early hours of the disease. In the case of massive ¬ adhesions it may not appear. During this period the ne ¬ ristaltika stomach, intestines, usually does not listen. Even in the early hours of the disease in most cases can be detected ¬ live a sharp pain in the pelvic peritoneum and vaginal digital rectal examination. The second period. The patient's face becomes normal color. Pulse, blood pressure and temperature are equalized. Breath ¬ bo Lee freely, it ceases to be superficial. Language becomes dry and furred. Anterior abdominal wall less rigid, yet persists with palpation tenderness in the epigastrium and right side of the abdomen. In the case of concealed perforated ulcer pain in the upper Mrs. Vaught ¬ gradually subside. In connection with wicking or gastric contents duodeno ¬ tional on the right side channel and the accumulation of peritoneal exudate in the right iliac fossa, pain, lo ¬ locally muscle tension and symptoms of irritation of the peritoneum in the right iliac region. If a doctor sees a patient for the first time, during this period, he was not appreciated sufficiently in history, can make a mistake and a diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Given the large amount of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, its sloping ground on the right and left side channels define ¬ mined by blunt percussion sound. Peristalsis is weakened or non ¬ exists. At rectal examination can detect the overhang of re ¬ days of the rectal wall and its pain. Patients in this period of apparent prosperity are reluctant to make themselves look, say that it is useful to bo ¬ already almost gone, or soon will be, if only to be left alone, have been slow to consent to surgery. The third period. After 12 hours of perforation of the state ¬ tion of patients began to deteriorate progressively. The first symptom is pro ¬ gressiruyuschego peritonitis is vomiting. She repeated dehydrating and obessilivaya patient. The patient is restless. Skin and mucous membranes become dry. There is a detailed Sindh ¬ rum systemic inflammatory response. The body temperature rises, the pulse quickens to 100-120 beats per minute, blood pressure decreases to the stand ¬. Again, there is shortness of breath. Tongue dry, thickly overlaid with a touch of having the form crusts dirty-brown color. The appearance ¬ etsya bloating, peristaltic noises are heard not in the deposits gih ¬ determined locations stomach plenty of fluids. As noted, not 12 without reason, NN Samarin (1952), "... and diagnosis, and surgical care in this period are usually already too late. " Atypical perforation occurs not more than 5% of its cases. In tissue retroperitoneal perforated ulcer, located in nye ¬ fore-stomach and the back wall of the duodenum (rarely, usually penetrating into the head of the pancreas, which is complicated by profuse bleeding). In the first case, the air from the stomach can enter the mediastinum, the left fiber nadklyu ¬ chichnoy area or the left side wall of the chest, causing subcutaneous em ¬ fizemu. In the second case it appears in the umbilicus (the gas propagates from the retroperitoneal space on the round ligament of the liver) and in the right lumbar curve ¬. As a result of perforation of ulcers of the small curvature of the stomach to the small thickness of the seal may be an inflammatory infiltrate, and then its ab ¬ stsess. Atypical perforation (posterior wall of the stomach, small in thickness or greater omentum) is clinically manifested differently from the perforation into the free abdominal cavity. Abdominal pain is moderate, with no clear localization. Muscle tension anterior abdominal wall is not as pronounced. In case of delayed diagnosis of perforated ulcers develop severe septic complications of abdominal and retroperitoneal space (omental abscess, small and large glands, retroperitoneal abscess, etc.), cus ¬ technically be highly systemic inflammatory response to it and erased ¬ local symptoms. Diagnosis D iagnosis of perforated ulcers is based primarily on careful questioning ¬ rated the patient, physical examination data, laboratory and radiological investigations, if necessary ¬ STI using endoscopic techniques. Information that can be collected during the survey of patients have different diagnostic value. For this reason, all patients can be divided into several groups. The first group includes patients who have suffered in the past, peptic ulcer disease and the diagnosis was previously confirmed by under ¬ they radiologically or endoscopically. In such cases, the diagnosis presents no great difficulties. The second group consists ¬ Ute people who have not previously been examined, but a careful distribution of demand can identify typical symptoms of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer (acid regurgitation, pain soon after eating or fasting, night pain, regular consumption of drink ¬ Eve soda, periodic tarry stools, etc.). The third group includes those who, due to an uncritical attitude to the available manifestations of the disease have denied any gastric disease in history. Wrote H. Mondor, many patients have "something dispepsiches ¬ past," but they think that what happened to them at the mo ¬ ment disaster has nothing to do with some old insignificant ¬ tive digestive disorders and are therefore negative ¬ Indeed answer the question the doctor about the presence of disease in the past. And finally, the fourth group includes patients who have the most careful questioning can not be identified in the past, any violation of the solutions ¬ gastrointestinal tract. Approximately 10% of cases ¬ s perforation occurs against a background of well-being with no prior symptoms ¬ yuschih peptic ulcer disease. 13 Just before the ulcer perforation often arise prodro ¬ mal symptoms, reflected in increasing pain in the epigastric region of ¬, chills, subfebrile temperature, nausea, vomiting occasionally. ¬ torye some surgeons evaluate these signs as a condition threatening perforations ¬ radio. Unfortunately, this conclusion is only a "hindsight", in retrospect. For the diagnosis is important characteristic pose the patient, his outside appearance ¬ shny and especially, the detection of pronounced muscular stress of ¬ determined by superficial palpation. In assessing this symptom should be taken into account the time elapsed from the mo ¬ ment of perforation, since the development and progression of peritonitis to replace a pronounced strain of the abdominal wall comes on gradually increasing ¬ bloating, which is largely wt ¬ kiruet protective muscle tension. Furthermore, if the rupture pro ¬ emanated from a patient with flabby muscles and obesity, muscle voltage in ¬ it is difficult to detect. In such cases, to identify rigid ¬ sion and continuous tonic muscle tension anterior abdominal wall is possible with careful methodical palpation (should try to avoid causing the patient severe pain), during which the voltage is amplified by a swarm of ¬. The presence of free gas in the abdominal cavity can be detected by percussion of the liver in about 60% of cases of perforation of gastroduodenal ulcers. The absence of liver dullness is crucial in cases where the zone of bloat found on the liver moves with change of position by turning the patient and with the spin ¬ HN on the left side. Perforated ulcers radiodiagnosis reduced mainly to reveal ¬ leniyu free gas in the abdomen, which is found in 80% of cases. The establishment of this symptom points to the right lane ¬ perforation of a hollow organ, even in the absence of clear clinical symptoms (the surgeon must be aware that the air in the subdiaphragmatic space in older women can sometimes get in atony of the fallopian tubes). The accuracy of radiological diagnosis is directly dependent on the number of STI ¬ a gas emitted into the peritoneal cavity: the large numbers it is easy to detect, at a minimum sometimes not at all possible. Gas bolus is in the highest parts of the abdominal cavity. With the patient on his back the highest point of its location is top ¬ Nij anterior abdominal wall. On turning the patient on his side, he shifted to the appropriate hypochondrium, to the point of attachment to the diaphragm and the bo ¬ kovoy wall of the abdomen, and upright gas occupies the highest position under the dome of the diaphragm. The presence of adhesions in the abdominal cavity distorts the above laws, and accumulation of gas can be localized in the neti ¬ pichnom place. Radiographic differential diagnosis between pneumoperitoneum and interposition of the colon pnevmatizirovannoy, located between the liver and the diaphragm is based on the fact that a strip of free gas, localized in the abdominal cavity is shifted depending on the position the patient, but inflated ha ¬ Zami portion of the colon of his position usually does not change . In unclear cases, patients offered intensive drink soda water ("the effervescent mixture") releasing the gas exits through the perforated hole and can easily be detected by X-ray again. For 14 the same reason you can use any water-soluble contrast material (20-40 ml). Stepping beyond the contours of his stomach and duodenal ulcer perforation is an absolute sign of ulcers. In diagnostically difficult cases, you can use the integrated X-ray endoscopic study. It lies in the fact that after the negative results of the survey ¬ x-ray of the abdomen produce fibrogastroskopiyu patient. During it reveals the location of ulcers and for indirect signs of presence in ¬ perforation. Often during the injection of air into the stomach in pain ¬ GOVERNMENTAL dramatically intensified the pain, which directly indicates the presence of ¬ probode ulcers. The diagnosis is confirmed during the survey re-imaging, in which show the appearance of a large number of free gas under the dome of the diaphragm. These laboratory studies of blood do not reveal any specific changes in the early stages of the disease. The number of leuko ¬ tsitov remains normal or slightly elevated, with no changes in the formula. Only with the development of peritonitis appears high leuko ¬ cytosis with a shift to the left of the formula. Specific diagnostic aid in emergency situations ¬ s has an ultrasound. Detect free gas in the abdomen with it is not easy, but to identify encysted or delimited bodies of liquid content is usually successful. In cases where the above instrumental methods of study do not allow to recognize the disguised or atypical percolation perforated gastroduodenal ¬ yuschuyu ulcer, a diagnosis of peritonitis is not ruled out resorting to laparoscopy. Differential Diagnosis Perforated gastric and duodenal ulcers primarily have to differentiate from acute diseases of the upper abdomen, which is also characterized by pain in the epigastric region. Perforation of stomach cancer - a rare complica ¬ tion of cancer process. The age of patients, usually older than 50 years. During Zabo ¬ Levani has much in common with perforation of gastroduodenal ulcers, although the initial segment ¬ no such stormy, as ulcer, with the characteristic rapid development of diffuse purulent peritonitis. A history may reveal a loss of body mass, reduced an ¬ Petit, weakness, occurred as the last few months before entering the chi ¬ rurgichesky hospital. An objective examination of the assumption that a perforation of the tumor confirmed by palpation finding dense hummocky education in the epigastrium. In other clinical manifestations of the same as that of a perforation of the gastro-duodenal ulcers. If you are a laparoscopy, it reveals a tumor with perforation and do unto ¬ leniem stomach contents into the abdominal cavity. You can also see the metastases in the liver and other organs. 15 Clinical differences between acute cholecystitis, biliary colic, acute pankrea ¬ titanium, acute appendicitis and renal colic from perforated gastric ulcer and duodenum are well-known medical practitioner. These are set out in Chapters I and II. We therefore consider a more rare disease of concern in the aspect of parsed pathology. Phlegmon stomach. The disease is difficult to differentiate from perforated ulcer. The clinical picture is characterized by sudden-onset phlegmon epigastric pain radiating to the back, nausea, vomiting rarely. In history there are dyspepsia. The patient is restless, has forced supine position. Tongue coated, dry. Abdomen retracted, partially involved in breathing, tense in the epigastric region. Liver dullness preserved, sometimes determined by the blunting of sloping ground belly. Peristalsis listen. The disease is accompanied by a rapid pulse, fever, and the high ¬ kim leukocytosis. In carrying out fibrogastroskopii are pronounced inflammation ¬ tion of the gastric mucosa throughout. The control X-ray of the abdomen, made after endoscopy confirmed the absence of ¬ gives free gas in the abdomen. Acute impairment of mesenteric blood flow. Manifests itself suddenly emerging severe abdominal pain without specific localization. ¬ need be taken into account the presence of atrial fibrillation, dyspeptic complaints and anamnesti ¬ České information regarding deferred earlier embolism and available at the present time infusion ¬ chronic occlusions in the systemic circulation. Pain ¬ Noah restless, tossing in bed, can collapse. Characterized by rapid development intoxication with indistinct clinical picture of the abdominal cavity. Vomiting is rare, more often - loose stools mixed with blood. Belly swollen, soft, ne-no noise ristalticheskie from the very beginning of the disease. Pulse frequent, not rare ¬ arrhythmic. No increase in body temperature. White blood cell count dramatically but taller ¬. In the case of myocardial intestine appears symptomatic peritoneal ¬ ka. The final diagnosis in the early stages of onset, ie, the stage of intestinal ischemia is carried out by laparoscopy and radiopaque aortomezenterikografii. Retroperitoneal rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Begins abruptly with severe pain in upper abdomen. Typically, this disease occurs ¬ tion in elderly people with severe cardiovascular disease. Of history can often get information about the presence of an aortic aneurysm in a patient. An objective examination of the abdominal cavity is defined by a painful, immobile, pulsating tumor formation, which can be over ¬ h Lusha rough systolic murmur. Stomach in the early hours of the disease is not swollen, h ¬ determined that muscle tension by getting the blood into the abdominal cavity of for ¬. Pulse may be rapid, reduced blood pressure, body temperature is normal or reduced. Ripple iliac and femoral arteries abruptly oc ¬ Laboe, the lower extremities are cold. Patients who quickly comes anuria, phe ¬ of renal failure. The majority of patients are determined by signs of acute anemia. Perforated ulcer may simulate and therapeutic disease. 16 Myocardial infarction. In the case of the forms may gastralgicheskoy sudden appearance of acute pain in the epigastric area radiating to the CERD ¬ tsa and interscapular area. Increasingly ill elderly people who have previously been angina. On palpation may reveal pain and tension of the abdominal wall in the epigastric region. Liver dullness preserved, the peristaltic sounds normal. Fresh on the electrocardiogram detect violations of focal coronary circulation. Pneumonia and pleurisy. Perhaps an acute onset of pain in the upper abdomen without a definite location. Anterior abdominal wall may be moderately voltage ¬ wife in the epigastric region. Liver dullness saved. Clinical and X-ray studies confirm the presence genologicheskoe pneumonia. In conclusion, it should focus on surgeons that accurate differential diagnosis is possible only in the first hours after the perforation of gastroduodenal ulcer. During perforation of purulent peritonitis picture is smoothed and becomes similar to the clinical picture of inflammation of the peritoneum of any other prois ¬ walking. Emergency median laparotomy finally determines the cause. Treatment The volume of medical diagnostic aid in pre-hospital: 1. The most important task a doctor, suspected perforation of ulcers gastric ¬ ka or duodenum, is the organization of the fastest hospitalization in a surgical ward. 2. Reasons for the diagnosis of perforated ulcer in a typical clinical picture of Ceska ¬: a) acute onset, b) "a dagger-like pain" in his stomach, and c) expressed in ¬ signs irritation of the peritoneum during the initial period due to aggressive chemical agents, and d) the disappearance of hepatic dullness. 3. If severe the patient's condition and symptoms of shock, fluid therapy is carried out, administered vasopressors, carry oxygen inhalation. 4. We do not recommend the introduction of narcotic analgesics, which may "blur" the clinical manifestations of the disease and dezorienti ¬ strated surgeon hospital. Minutes of diagnosis in the surgical patient: 1. In the emergency department patient with a perforated ulcer suspected to be examined by a doctor in the first place. 2. Thermometry produce the body, determine the number of leukocytes in the blood and the necessary laboratory tests (blood group, Rh-factor, blood glucose, etc.). 3. In all cases, record the ECG for exclusion of abdominal form of myocardial infarction. 17 4. Perform a survey radiographs of the abdomen to detect free gas. If you allow the patient's condition, ¬ gation study carried out in a vertical position - if not in lateroposition. 5. In addition to patients with a confirmed diagnosis of perforated gastroduodenal ulcer, hospitalization in the surgical department near ¬ tain patients with suspicious clinical symptoms. 6. In the surgical department of diagnostics must be completed and a diagnosis of perforated ulcer is confirmed or rejected. This can be used laparoscopy. If you can not run it for whatever reasons, have to resort to a diagnostic medium median laparotomy. I n the surgical ward the patient should explain the severity of illness, the need for immediate surgical intervention, to cheer, to quiet, to get his consent for the operation. It is not rare to ¬ tact and at the same time hard to convince the patient in the absence of another way out of this situation. Indications for surgical intervention. The diagnosis of perforated gastroduodenal ulcer is an absolute indication for urgent surgery. This applies to covert perforation. Conservative treatment must be carried out in the extremely red ¬ FIR when the patient categorically refused the operation. Thera ¬ anisotropy by the method of Taylor is the following. Under local anesthesia 1% solution injected into the stomach dikaina thick tube, through which it is freed from the content. After removal of the large hall-probe transnational ¬ conducting thin gastric tube and connect it to the apparatus for continuous aspiration, which is carried out over several days is not ¬. The patient is attached to the position of Fowler. Put ice pack on his stomach. Correction of fluid and electrolyte balance, gender ¬ notsennoe parenteral nutrition, detoxication therapy and ¬ denotes massive doses of antibiotics for 7-10 days. Before Uda ¬ leniem probe on it and introduce water-soluble contrast radiology ¬ cally convinced of the absence of its wicking the contours of the stomach or two ¬ nadtsatiperstnoy intestine. Meanwhile, even in the case of distinguishing the perforations of gastroduodenal ulcers, the probability of the formation of lo ¬ locally abdominal abscesses is very high. Therefore, this method can be recommended in extreme cases, since it is inef ¬ ciency is lost time, suitable for rapid BME ¬ shatelstva, and the patient is doomed, despite its belated agreement on these things ¬ operation. The choice of method operations. The type and amount of benefits is determined strictly Institute ¬ vidual, depending on the type of ulcer, the time elapsed from the moment of perforation, degree of peritonitis, the patient's age, the nature and severity of comorbidity, employing the technical capabilities ¬ ing teams. Distinguish palliative surgery (suturing of perforated ulcers) and radical (resection of gastric ulcer excision with vagotomy and others). Choosing a method of surgery, you should keep in mind that the main purpose of the operation is to save patient's life. For most patients this ¬ closure of perforated ulcer is shown. This operation is the power of any surgeon, in extreme cases it can be satisfied ¬ filament under local anesthesia. Suturing perforated ulcers is shown in the presence of diffuse ne ¬ ritonita (usually with perforation of the old more than 6 hours), a high degree of operational risk neither ¬ (severe 18 comorbidity, starches cue ¬ age), younger patients with "fresh" ulcer without visual signs of a chronic process and ulcer history, in the case of symptomatic perforation of stress ulcers. "Youth" ulcer after suturing and antiulcer medic ¬ mentoznogo treatment tend to heal and bezretsedivnomu flow in 90% of cases. In determining the amount of surgery for perforated ulcers of the same ¬ ludka, be aware that they are, especially in elderly patients ¬ Comrade, can be malignant. Therefore, if possible, desirable to carry out resection of the stomach. If this is not feasible, you need to take a biopsy. Perforations in the stomach wall, "close" two rows uzlo ¬ O sero-muscular sutures. Each of them ¬ Dyj impose a longitudinal axis ¬ rated to the stomach (ulcers) ¬ lenii direction. A number of joints located ¬ assumed in the transverse direction, thus avoiding the narrowing of the lumen of the organ. Perforated ulcer piloroduodenalnoy zone preferably single-row suture synthetic suture ¬ cally, without seizure slizis ¬ one in the transverse direction, so as not to cause a narrowing of Enlightenment ¬ ta. If the walls of the ulcers in circles ¬ T ¬ perforated holes immobile Vision, loose seams and imposed by tying begin to erupt, they can reinforce podshivaniem strand packing or gastro-colic ligament on the stem (Fig. 9.3). Sometimes when you have to take advantage of seams erupting by Polikarpov, who suggested not pull the edge of the ulcer suture ¬ E, and a free strand of backfill hole perforated seal on the stem. This strand with a long string into the lumen of the stomach carried through perforated holes ¬ stie, and then record the same thread, drawn through the stomach wall at the back of serous ¬ surface. When tying con ¬ ples thread seal tightly pack ¬ induces a hole. After that, the app ¬ ruzhnosti ulcers, and some lag ¬ fifth of it, packing extra fix from outside the individual joints (Fig. 9.4). Retroperitoneal perforation ¬ you are by the presence of air and tissue paraduodenal pro ¬ pityvaniya bile. For closure of such ulcers requires pre ¬ relatively mobilization of the duodenum by Kocher. After suturing perforated ulcers of the tissue drained lyumbotomicheskogo access. If perforation of ulcers in debilitated patients in addition IME ¬ etsya pyloric stenosis, closure of perforated holes must complement forced back gastrojejunostomy. As the experience of surgeons at the same time also need to make vagotomy (from this it is evident that such intervention should not be considered optimal in such situations is better to perform resection of ulcers piloroplasti Coy (see below). The final stage of surgery for perforated gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcers should be careful toilet abdominal cavity ¬ Noah. The more carefully removing the remnants were produced gastroduodenal contents and fluid, the easier it occurs after an operating period of ¬ and fewer opportunities for education pyo ¬ Cove in the abdomen. If at the time of surgery in the abdominal cavity there were large number ¬ stvo content, despite a careful toilet, the abdominal cavity to drain advisable. 19 Endovideohirurgicheskoe intervention. At the appropriate operating system ¬ naschenii and training of doctors may laparoscopic suturing of perforated ulcers. Detection of diffuse peritonitis, the inflammatory infiltrate or signs of intra-abdominal abscess is a testimony ¬ eat to go to laparotomy. Stump of the duodenum sutured purse-string suture. Superimposed anastomosis between the stump of stomach and a loop of jejunum, held behind the transverse colon through the "window" in mezokolon. Fig. 9.6. Vydi pyloroplasty. Resection of the stomach is shown in cases of chronic, kalleznyh gastric ulcers (especially if they suspect a ¬ malignancy), as well as in ¬ dekompensirovanom pylori-duodenal stenosis. This opera ¬ tion is possible under the following conditions ¬ tions: 1) the absence of diffuse peritonitis fibrinopurulent, ¬ tory to develop after 6-12 hours after perforation, and 2) age less pain ¬ Nogo 60-65 years and the absence of severe concomitant diseases ¬ Nij and 3) a sufficient qualification surgeon and the availability of conditions for this technically complex operations ¬ Noah. Resection of the produce, as a rule ¬ rule, by the method of Billroth II, a modification ¬ fication Finsterera Hofmeister, and in particularly favorable conditions ¬ s - the method of Billroth I. At the bottom of the FIR ¬ duodenal ulcers, technical difficulties FIR ¬ ¬ tional processing of the duodeno-Ups, it is advisable you complement ¬ anastomosis by Roux. Demon ¬ unhindered evacuation con ¬ ¬ zhimogo duodenal quiche ki avoiding insolvency ¬ sequence of the stump. Technique re-zektsii stomach described in detail in special manuals and monographs ¬ mo. It wants only to mention that it is preferable to impose gastrojejunostomy single layer seromuscular suture vnutriuzelkovym (Figure 9.5), for a good comparison, and tissue regeneration. This avoids the development anastomozita. Perforated ulcer excision with vagotomy and pyloroplasty. As shown in ¬ perforated ulcer front wall of the bulb twelve ¬ duodenal ulcer with no significant inflammatory infiltrate. Radio operator ¬ is performed under the same conditions as the resection of the stomach. The operation is as follows. On the edge of the ulcer dvenadtsatiper ¬ stnoy intestine impose two racks so that they could stretch the gut in the transverse direction. Ulcer excised within healthy tissue along with the gatekeeper in the form of a rhombus, which dlinnik directed along the axis of stomach and duodenum (Fig. 9.6-a). By ¬ tyagivaya for racks, a defect in the duodenum sutured in transverse direction to ¬ one-or two-story joint, thus producing a pyloroplasty on Geyneke-Mikulicz (Figure 9.6-6). When soche ¬ Britain perforation with stenosis of the outlet of the stomach the most adequate drainage will be provided by Finneyu pyloroplasty (see Chapter XV, fig. 15.1). After the reorganization of the abdomen performed vagotomy. In an emergency operation should be preferred the most technically simple method - stem vagotomy (Fig. 9.7). Fig. 9.7. Stem vagotomy: 20 When combined with perforations and bleeding is a more reliable means of excision of bleeding ulcer (or resection of the stomach). Piloroantrumektomiya with stem vagotomy. Shown pain ¬ nym duodenostasis (dramatically expanded and atonic duodenum) or in the case of combined forms of peptic ulcer disease when they detect perforation of duodenal ulcer and chronic ulcer. Selective proximal vagotomy with ulcer perforated suturing performed in patients younger and middle-aged in presence of ¬ peritonitis and rough scar deformation and two pyloric ¬ nadtsatiperstnoy intestine. This operation is used in a limited extr ¬ rennoy surgery. Outcomes. The main causes of mortality in perforated duodenal ulcers gastroesophageal are peritonitis, postoperative pneumonia, and severe concomitant diseases. An unfavorable outcome is often a consequence of delays in seeking medical patient for ¬ assistance and delayed diagnosis. In recent years, the pain in most hospitals ¬ mortality in surgical treatment of perforated gastric and duodenal ulcers decreased and the composition ¬ lyaet 5-7%. Long-term results depend not only on the type of surgery, but also on the correctness of the chosen operational tactics. Used in this lesson, the new educational technology: A method of "round table" method of "questioning" the ball. Using the "round table": Embarks on a circle with a piece of paper assignments. Each student writes his answer sheet and passes the other. Responses should not be repeated. All write down their answers, followed by discussion: crossed out the wrong answers on the number of right - assessing students' knowledge. Examples: -Specify the reasons for the etiopathogenesis and clinic of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer - Provide a diagnostic algorithm of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer - Call instrumental methods of diagnosing perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer -Define the tactics of GPs in gastric ulcer and perforated duodenal ulcer Interactive game "question" the ball. Write questions about the little pieces of paper and stick the ball modeling ribbon so that it is possible to read the questions completely and remove the following response. 21 Throws the ball to one of the students. A student who receives the ball, pulls one of the questions and answers the question written on a piece of paper. If the answer is correct the game continues and the student answered the question throws the ball to another student. Thus, the game continues until you have answers to all questions. Questions and answers: 1.Vysokoinformativny instrumental method for diagnosis of perforated gastroduodenal ulcers. - A highly informative tool method of diagnosis of perforation of gastroduodenal ulcers is a panoramic radiograph of the abdomen. 2.What is the triad Mondor? Triada Mondor - sharp dagger-like abdominal pain, wooden belly; ulcerative history. 3.Taktika GPs in identifying patients with perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer? -Detection of patients with perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer tactic is to organize the fastest GP admissions to a surgical hospital. 4.Kakoy diagnostic method can be applied with a negative result of the survey radiography of the abdomen? With a negative result, the survey radiography of the abdomen can be used pnevmogastrografii method - introduction of air into the lumen of the stomach through a tube, gastroscopy, or effervescent mixtures reception, gastroscopy, laparoscopy. 5.Vidy used surgeries in perforation of gastroduodenal ulcers. - With perforation of gastroduodenal ulcers perforated holes run closure, excision of the perforated ulcer with pyloroplasty and vagotomy, gastric resection. 6.Pokazanie to perform resection in perforated gastroduodenal ulcers. -Indications for resection of gastric perforation in gastroduodenal ulcers are: -Lack of diffuse fibrinous purulent peritonitis that developed after 6-12 hours after perforation; -The patient's age less than 60-65 years and the absence of severe concomitant diseases; Is a sufficient qualification surgeon and the availability of conditions for this technically challenging operation. 7. What is the essence of the method of Taylor? -Taylor method is rarely used in the categorical refusal of the patient's surgery. The technique Taylor is as follows: under local anesthesia, a 1% solution injected into the stomach dikaina thick tube through which the stomach is freed from the content. After removal of the large probe transnasal a delicate stomach tube and connect it to the machine for continuous aspiration, which 22 is carried out over several days. At the same time carry out correction fluid and electrolyte balance, a full parenteral nutrition and massive antibiotic therapy for 7-10 days. Teacher offers to disassemble management of patients with perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. The teacher divides the group into 3 subgroups calculation 1,2,3, 1,2,3, 1,2,3 etc. All rooms are a subgroup of one and transplanted into the left half of the audience, all 2 - 2 subgroup - to the right, all 3 numbers in the middle of the audience. By lot drawn out task: 1.Diagnostika perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 2. The differential diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 3.Lechenie perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Then given time to prepare for writing answers in workbooks. Then one of the members of each group in turn read the answer. At this time, the rival group, together with the teacher are expert. Briefing - 3 min. Divide the group - 2 min., Preparation time - 10 minutes. Speech groups to 10 minutes (30 minutes). Properly respond to a group winner. Card number 1. Diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. A. Non-invasive diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 1.Rasspros patient identification and history of ulcer, the collection of complaints. 2.Osmotr patients - Clinical examination of patients with perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer - palpation (identification of muscle tension in the abdominal wall), percussion (the absence of hepatic dullness, stupidity, revealing a side of the abdomen). B. Non-invasive instrumental methods of investigation: X-ray radiography 1.Obzornaya or abdomen (the identification of free gas under the dome of the diaphragm, the disappearance of gastric bubble). 2.Pnevmogastrografii with no signs of perforation on plain film of the abdomen. 3.Kontrastnoe X-ray examination of stomach and duodenum - the output of contrast material beyond the stomach. 4.Fibrogastroduodenoskopiya - revealing holes perforated ulcer. When concealed perforation of gastroduodenal ulcers can be detected W. Invasive diagnostic methods perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 1.Diagnosticheskaya laparoscopy - detection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity with bile and gastric contents. 2.Laparotsentez. 23 3.Diagnosticheskaya laparotomy. Card number 2. The differential diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. A perforated differential diagnosis of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer with other acute surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity. 1. The differential diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer with acute appendicitis. 2. The differential diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer: with acute cholecystitis. 3. The differential diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer: with acute pancreatitis. 4. The differential diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer with acute intestinal obstruction. 5. The differential diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer with acute mesenteric thrombosis. B. Differential diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer with complicated forms of acute infectious and parasitic diseases of the abdominal cavity: Perforated ulcer 1.Differentsialny diagnosis of gastric and duodenal ulcer perforation festering cyst. Perforated ulcer 2.Differentsialny diagnosis of gastric and duodenal ulcers with perforation of the colon dysentery. 3. The differential diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer perforation typhoid ulcers of the small intestine. B. Differential diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer with other acute illnesses: Perforated ulcer 1.Differentsialny diagnosis of gastric and duodenal ulcers with abdominal form of myocardial infarction. Perforated ulcer 2.Differentsialny diagnosis of gastric and duodenal ulcers in diabetic psevdoperitonitom. Perforated ulcer 3.Differentsialny diagnosis of gastric and duodenal ulcer with acute pneumonia and pleurisy basement. Card number 3. Treatment of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. A. Prehospital emergency care. 24 1.Vazhneyschey challenge a doctor, suspected perforation of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, is the organization of the fastest hospitalization in a surgical ward. 2.In the prehospital period of severe state of a patient he can be helped by injection cardiovascular drugs, give oxygen. 3.Kategoricheski contraindicated administration of drugs. 4.Psihicheski retarded and juveniles should be operated after obtaining the consent of relatives, and in their absence - after the decision in consultation with at least three doctors. B. Surgical treatment of perforated gastroduodenal ulcers. 1.Predoperatsionnaya training. Before the operation should start Antishock and detoxication therapy - blood transfusion and blood electrolyte solutions. 2.Provedenie probe into the stomach to empty his best done under general anesthesia, since the introduction of the probe before the operation can cause the urge to vomit, leading to increased expiration of gastric contents into the free abdominal cavity. 3.Obscheprinyatym access is verhnesredinnaya laparotomy. 4.Operativnaya tactics. , The following surgical procedures: suturing of perforated holes (one of the options for closure is the method consists in the Oppel Polikarpov tamponing perforated holes seal on the stem), perforated ulcer excision with vagotomy and pyloroplasty, gastric resection. Appendix № 3. 7. Forms of control knowledge, skills and abilities. - Oral answer - Written reply -Implementation of practical skills (for OSKI) 8. Criteria for evaluating the current control: № 1 % 96-100 evaluation Criteria Excellent "5" The full presentation is on the edematous limb pain syndrome, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions gives a correct and comprehensive answer. To think independently and draw conclusions. Self-supervised patients and skillfully applies the practical skills. Interprets 25 the data of clinical and instrumental studies. Independently, with knowledge of the facts involved in the choice of treatment. Actively involved in conducting intraktivnyh games. In solving the situational problems applies unconventional approaches grounded in the responses. 2 91-95 Excellent "5" In full view of a syndrome of limb ischemia, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions gives a correct and comprehensive answer. To think independently and draw conclusions. Selfsupervised patients and skillfully applies the practical skills. Interprets the data of clinical and instrumental studies. Independently, with knowledge of the facts involved in the choice of treatment. Actively involved in conducting intraktivnyh games. In solving the situational problems applies unconventional approaches grounded in the responses. When interpreting the data biochemistry made one mistake 3 86-94 Excellent "5" The full presentation is on the edematous limb pain syndrome, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions gives a correct and comprehensive answer. To think independently and draw conclusions. Self-supervised patients and skillfully applies the practical skills. Interprets the data of clinical and instrumental studies. Independently, with knowledge of the facts involved in the choice of treatment. Actively involved in conducting intraktivnyh games. In solving the situational tasks made some errors 4 81-85% "Good" A student has full understanding of edematous limb pain syndrome, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions gives the correct answer. Selfsupervised patients and skillfully applies the practical skills. Interprets the data of clinical and instrumental studies, but not fully aware of the value of individual data. Knowingly 26 involved in the choice of treatment. Actively involved in conducting intraktivnyh games. In solving the situational tasks made some errors 5 6 7 76-80% "Good" A student has full understanding of edematous limb pain syndrome, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions gives the correct answer. To think independently. Self-supervised patients and skillfully applies the practical skills. Interprets the data of clinical and instrumental studies, but not fully aware of the value of individual data. Knowingly involved in the choice of treatment. Actively involved in conducting intraktivnyh games. In solving the situational tasks and skills made a few inaccuracies Good "4" A student has full understanding of edematous limb pain syndrome, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions gives the correct answer. To think independently and draw conclusions. Selfsupervised patients and skillfully applies the practical skills. Independently, with knowledge of the facts involved in the choice of treatment tactics, but admits mistakes. In carrying out the practical skills makes a grave error. Situational problems decides not to complete. Satisfactory "3" The student is aware of the edematous limb pain syndrome, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions do not give a complete answer. Make mistakes in presenting the classification and dif.diagnostike. The answers are not confident. Practical skills and case studies serves correctly. 71-75% 66-70% 8 61-65% 9 55-60% Satisfactory "3" At half the questions gives the correct answer. Answers are not confident. Poor knowledge of the classification of ischemia. To individual questions knows the answers, but to present their idea can not. Satisfactory "3" Half the questions asked gave the correct answer. In presenting the essence of the 66- 27 syndrome, diagnosis, diff. Diagnostic algorithm for the interpretation of medical mistakes. Uncertain poses a problem. Practical skills are difficult to perform. Situational tasks executes correctly. Unsatisfactory "2" 10 under 54% The student has no idea about the syndrome, classification, diagnosis of the disease, does not know diff.diagnostike treatment policy and is not able to perform practical skills. Chronological map stages of training form class № Duration of activity (327min) 1 Introductory speech teacher, study subjects 5 2 Discussion of homework. Interactive game "lottery" The survey, discussion (Annex № 1) 30 3 Admission of patients in the clinic, dispensary work. Study dispensary cards. Reception questioning, examination of patients. Primary surgical treatment of wounds. 60 4 Improvement of practical skills, interpretation of laboratory data, radiographs. The algorithm of 60 break 30 5 Discussion of the practical lessons with the teacher. A poll debate 35 6 Hearing the abstract of the report the student, followed by discussion as a group Abstract messages, discussion threads 32 7 Group discussion as interactive games. The solution Working in small groups, of case problems on the wound, securing the interactive game students' knowledge 8 Conclusion lecturer on the topic. Evaluation of each student on a 100 ballnoy system and announces it. Distributes tasks for self-training. (Annex № 2,3) 9 Independent work in the library Magazine, the work 65 10 28 program, questions for self-training. 10. Control questions: 1. The concept of perforated gastric and duodenal ulcers. 2. Clinic perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 3. The diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 4. Methods of investigation of patients with perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 5. Principles of surgical treatment of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 11. References: 1. Chazov EI Emergency Conditions and emergency medical care. M. 1990. 2. Saveliev VS Guide to Emergency Surgery of the abdominal cavity. M. 2004. 3. Situational problems. 4. Test questions. 5. Algorithms for diagnosis and treatment of major syndromes for training GPs. Edited by Usmanov RI T. 2003. 6. Algorithms for diagnosis and treatment of surgical. Edited by Acad. Karimov SH.I. T. 2003. - Optional: Family Medicine. Edited by prof. Krasnov AF Samara, 19