Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Template
Integrating Technology into the Elementary Music Classroom
By Barbara Billings
Lesson Activity: Using the SMART Board and Gallery Essentials from Notebook to
Teach the Musical Alphabet.
MENC Standards:
1. Singing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
Grade Level: Grade 2 General Music Class – 21 Students
Teacher’s Technical Ability: Novice
The second grade general music class students will be able to arrange the musical
alphabet letters forwards and backwards to form lyrics to the melody: “Twinkle Little
Notebook: Gallery Essentials
1. Random Group Text
2. Letters: A,B,C,D,E,F,G, (42 for the musical phrases of “Twinkle Little
Duration: 35 minutes
Prior Knowledge and Skills:
Students practiced saying the musical alphabet forwards and backwards in large
and Students small groups.
Students have some knowledge of how to make a song using words and melody,
Students can sing Twinkle Little Star in large and small groups.
Students have learned to touch the SMART Board with their fingers and move
things around.
Set up the lesson activity on SMART Boar prior to the start of the class lesson,
including the random group (text) of the students in the class.
Review the musical alphabet;
1. Have the class say together the musical alphabet letters backwards and
Discuss the phrasing (ABA form) using guided questions by the teacher, noting
that the song has four musical phrases.
1. First melodic phrase uses the alphabet forwards and backwards
2. The next melodic phrase uses the musical alphabet uses the alphabet forwards.
3. The third melodic phrase is the same as number two, but uses the musical
alphabet backwards.
4. The last phrase is the identical to the first phrase.
Introduce incorporating the musical letters forwards and backwards into the form
of the “Twinkle Little Star” melody.
Show students how to move the letters on the SMART Board.
Evaluation: Method of assessment is the activity itself.
Students will be able to sing “Twinkle Little Star” using the musical alphabet
letters as lyrics to the song individually.
Students will identify and write the rhythm patterns of the melody (quarter notes,
half notes, and whole notes) on the SMART Board in a future lesson.