Conveners UNESCO - Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences

Side-event on Gender and Biodiversity
27 January 2010, 1:00-2:30 p.m., Room XI
UNESCO International Year of Biodiversity
Science-Policy Conference
UNESCO - Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences (Natural Sciences Sector) and
Division for Gender Equality (Bureau of Strategic Planning)
In the development and environment discourse, it is increasingly acknowledged that
incorporation of gendered knowledge and practices are not only relevant but
essential for sustainable development. In particular, the gendered division of labour
has resulted in men and women in many societies having distinct forms of traditional
knowledge related to biodiversity. Women and men have access to different spaces
and environments giving them distinctive gender-specific knowledge about local
biodiversity. However, while women are increasingly seen as embodying specific
biodiversity knowledge and an increasing number of experiences highlight the
sustainable manner in which women use biodiversity, their role in biodiversity
management and decision-making process is often ignored.
There is need to raise awareness of the gender-differentiated practices and
knowledge related to biological resources. It is essential to recognize that women and
men have particular needs, interests and aspirations, and that they make different
contributions to the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity.
This side event is therefore intended to showcase why the pivotal role of gender in
addressing biodiversity challenges merits special consideration in the formulation of
conservation policies, strategies, and projects at all levels.
Opening remarks
S. Gülser Corat, Director, Division for Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning,
UNESCO (Moderator)
Knowledge and roles - Diversity Matters
Lorena Aguilar, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Costa Rica
The role of gender in agrobiodiversity and food security
Stephen R. Wooten, Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon, USA
The work of the civil society in the field of gender equality and biodiversity
Rosalie Ouoba, Réseau d'appui à la citoyenneté des femmes rurales d'Afrique de
l'Ouest, Chad
Q&A Session
Moderated by S. Gülser Corat, Director, Division for Gender Equality, Bureau of
Strategic Planning, UNESCO
Closing remarks and recommendations
S. Gülser Corat, Director, Division for Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning,