ANNEX B EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE Membership and Terms of Reference Equality and Diversity Committee (Joint Committee of Senate and Council) The Committee, in consultation with other relevant committees, will monitor the University’s progress against equality and diversity related legislation, will consider policies and guidelines that are drafted to support the University in meeting legal requirements, and make recommendations to the relevant committees where appropriate. Secretary: Equality and Diversity Manager Membership (11) Members: Chair - Pro-vice-chancellor Chair of Staff Committee 2 additional Lay members of Council University Secretary Vice-President Students’ Union A Dean 2 additional members of the academic staff nominated by Senate 2 members of the non-academic staff, nominated by the trade unions In attendance: Director of Student Support Services Director of Human Resources Equality and Diversity Manager Academic Registrar The Chair of Council, the Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar will receive papers, but will not be expected to attend. Terms of reference The Committee will: □ in consultation with other Council and Senate committees and key stakeholders, monitor on behalf of Senate and Council the University’s progress in areas of equality and diversity, which includes race, disability, mental health, gender, age and sexual orientation □ with the Equality and Diversity Manager, report annually to Senate and Council on compliance with relevant legislation and general progress □ inform the Budgetary Committee and Finance Committee about the level of financial resource that is required to enable the University to fulfil its obligations in the specialist areas Equality and Diversity Committee 100205 EDC/05/01 ANNEX B □ □ □ □ □ make recommendations for policy development and adaptation, in conjunction with other committees of Senate and Council as appropriate where necessary, submit proposals for policy changes/policy initiatives to Council via the appropriate person or other Council committees request adjustments to policies and procedures which are not compliant with legislation support and encourage those working directly in areas of equality and diversity, including the Equality and Diversity Manager, Personnel Managers, members of staff in the Teaching Support Unit, Access Unit, etc. and to assist cross-divisional working seek to raise awareness in the University of equality and diversity issues Quorum The quorum is five. Equality and Diversity Committee 100205 EDC/05/01