B.A./M.A. in History General Description: The combined B.A./M.A. in History degree program is intended to attract students interested in beginning pursuit of a Master’s degree in History while obtaining the Bachelor’s degree. Undergraduate history majors with a GPA of 3.2 or higher and a History GPA of 3.5 or higher (after completing at least 6 SCH of History classes at the 3000-4000 level) may apply for admission to the History MA program during their junior year of study. If accepted, they will begin taking some graduate courses during their senior year. Six hours of graduate coursework taken during the senior year will count toward both graduate and undergraduate degree requirements. Those students who elect to complete a combined BA/MA in History are eligible for either the thesis or the non-thesis option; in both cases, unlike the traditional History MA degrees, there will be no minor curriculum requirement to receive the MA degree. Except for double counting six hours of graduate coursework, all other requirements for each degree must be met by each student in the program, barring any exception noted below. Students interested in the program should strive to complete all, or nearly all, of their Core requirements by the end of their junior years, and have begun upper division coursework to satisfy major and minor requirements. Students who have not done so may still be able to enter the joint degree program, but should expect that more time may be necessary to complete the requirements for both programs. Application Process: Students seeking admission into the program will need to complete during their junior year all of the normal application steps required for admission to graduate study in History at Texas A&M International. This includes: Application to the University for admission to graduate study, application to COAS for admission to the Combined BA/MA, and submission of an official copy of the student’s undergraduate transcript to the Director of Graduate Studies. The student must also submit the application below, and two letters of recommendation, one from the student’s History faculty advisor and one from another faculty member. The GRE requirement for the Combined BA/MA will be waived so long as the student maintains continuous registration (fall and spring semesters) through completion of the MA program. The GRE waiver applies to the Combined BA/MA only. Interruption of progress toward the degree may result in the requirement to reapply to the program and include meeting the GRE requirement. APPLICATION Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle TAMIU Student I.D. Number: _________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Street _________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Email: ___________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Professors In Support of Your Application: ______________________________________________ Student Signature and Date: ________________________________________________/____/_____ (Return the completed application to the Chair of the Department of Social Sciences) Office Use Only Attached: Letters of Support _______ Data as of Semester/Year __________ Cumulative SCH: ________________ Cumulative G.P.A. _______________ Student Record ________ SCH in 3000-4000-level History: _________ G.P.A. in 3000-4000-level History: ________ Application Approved: ___________ Application Rejected: ____________