Putting Things into Perspective: Glucose Transport, from Whole Body Physiology to Molecular Genetics Luc Tappy Institut de physiologie, Université de Lausanne, CH-1005 Lausanne, Switzerland phone +41-21-692-5552, fax + 41-21-692-5595, email: luc.tappy@iphysiol.unil.ch Learning Objectives To identify the nature of informations relevant to glucose uptake and metabolism which can be obtained with molecular biology (gene mutations, gene polymorphism, quantitation of specific tissue mRNA levels, microarray technologies, transgenic animals) To list the key steps controlling glucose uptake in specific cell types and tissues (glucose transporter proteins and hexokinase isoforms) To critically evaluate how molecular biology data can be used in an integrated perspective (tissue/whole body glucose metabolism) Introduction Molecular biology can be defined as the science devoted to the study the chemistry and function of genes. Its boundaries remain however poorly defined. The genome codes for all proteins of our organism, and hence for all enzymes. It therefore plays a key role in metabolic regulations. The expression of specific genes can also be modulated by several factors, such as hormones and substrates. This leads to variable specific mRNA and protein synthesis. In this lecture, we will review how gene mutations and gene expression can be monitored with the powerful tools of molecular biology. We will critically assess whether and how these data relate to alterations of metabolic pathways activities. In addition, molecular biology, by artificially altering genes in mice, can provide transgenic models relevent for the study of human genetic diseases and for the understanding of physiological metabolic regulations. The aim of this lecture will not be to describe in details the techniques of molecular biology. Instead, it will focus on how molecular biology can improve our understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology. As an exemple of gene mutation, we will focus on the metabolic alterations present in patients with glucokinase gene mutations. In order to illustrate how tissue mRNA levels and identification of gene networks can be interpreted in an integrated perspective, we will also focus on the control of hepatic de novo lipogenesis. Key-steps in Glucose Uptake and Metabolism For all cell types, glucose has first to be transported from the extracellular to the intracellular space, and then to be phosphorylated into glucose-6-phosphate to be further metabolized. Subsequent metabolism may correspond to glycolysis/oxidation, glycogen synthesis, hexose monophosphate pathway, or de novo lipogenesis (fatty acid synthesis). Various isoforms of glucose transporter proteins exists. The isoform expressed predominantly varies according to the cell type. GLUT 1 and 3 have a low Km for glucose, and are expressed in cells which continuously rely on glucose metabolism, such as CNS cells. GLUT 2 is present in pancreatic beta- and alpha-cells, liver cells, and some cells of the CNS. It has a high Km for glucose. GLUT 4 is expressed in major insulin-sensitive tissues. It also has a low Km, but has the peculiarity to be present inside the cell (microsomial fraction) in resting cells, and to be translocated to the surface of the cell in response to insulin. This translocation, by increasing several-fold the number of transporter proteins expressed at the surface of the cell, is responsible for the stimulation of glucose transport by insulin. All these GLUTs allow cell glucose uptake by facilitated diffusion. An other type of glucose transporter protein allows an active glucose transport coupled with sodium transport and is present in enterocytes (SGLT1) and kidney cells (SGLT2). After glucose has been transported into the cell, it is converted into glucose-6-P under the action of the enzyme hexokinase. Four isoforms of this enzyme are known. Most cell types express hexokinase I, II, or III, which are characterized by a low Km for glucose and a rnegative feedback of glucose-6-P on the enzyme activity. Hexokinase IV, or glucokinase is characterized by a high Km for glucose, and no feedback of enzyme activity by glucose6-P. It is expressed in pancreatic beta- and alpha cells, liver cells, and specialized hypothalamic cells. From a functional perspective, it is important to recognize that both GLUT2 and glucokinase are expressed in cell types in which glucose metabolism has to vary according to extracellular glucose concentration (glucose sensors). The high Km for glucose of both proteins, and the absence of retrocontrol by glucose-6-phosphate, ensure that glucose uptake and phosphorylation in these cells is proportional to extracellular glucose concentration throughout the physiological range of glycaemia. Gene Mutations Gene mutation is a relatively frequent phenomenon, with the consequence that several variants of virtually each gene are encountered in the general population. Gene mutations can be documented by restriction fragment gene polymorphism (RFLP) or direct sequencing of specific genes. Based on epidemiological data, it is recognized that several human diseases have a genetic origin. Identification and characterization of gene mutations can be attained by candidate gene approaches (ie the study of RFLP or the sequencing of genes which are hypothetically involved in the pathogenesis of the disease) or by genomewide scanning. These techniques have proved quite efficient to identify single gene mutations as the origin of inherited diseases. Many diseases however are thought to be multigenic (i.e. mutation of two or more genes interact to cause the disease) and/or multifactorial (i.e. the coexistence of both genetic end environemental factors cause the diseases). Identification of genes involved in such multigenic diseases has to date remained elusive. Identification of a mutation in a candidate gene by itself is not sufficient to conclude that it causes a disease. This conclusion should be based on: 1. an association between the presence of the mutation and the occurrence of the disease; this association may, however, be difficult to assess if the penetrance of the mutated gene is low (i.e. if the gene mutation does not affect the phenotype in a large number of subjects) 2. mutagenesis experiments documenting that the identified mutation leads to altered synthesis or function of the corresponding protein. Mutation of the Glucokinase Gene: Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young 2 (MODY2) MODY is a relatively rare type of familial diabetes, characterized by an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. It is caused by the mutation of a single gene. Several gene mutations have been identified as being at the origin of different subtypes of MODY (MODY 1-5). MODY2 is secondary to a mutation in the glucokinase gene. In the homozygous state, such mutations are lethal. In the heterozygeous state, they cause a mild form of diabetes. Several different mutations were identified in different families. The causal role of the gene mutation in the pathogenesis of the disease was demonstrated by 1. characterization of the mutated proteins, which showed that the mutations significantly increased th Km for glucose, and/or decreased the Vmax of the enzyme. 2. the production of transgenic mice expressing mutated glucokinase in pancreatic beta cells or in the liver, showing that the presence of the mutation actually altered the phenotype. Clinical studies performed in humans with MODY2 have extensively documented the consequences of glucokinase gene mutations. Patients have an impaired glucose-induced stimulation of insulin secretion, impaired post-prandial suppression of hepatic glucose production, decreased post-prandial glycogen synthesis, and stimulation of glucagon secretion and of glucose production during hypoglycemia occuring at a higher than normal glucose threshold. These alterations are consistant with a role of glucokinase as the major glucose sensor in pancreatic beta cells, liver cells, and hypothalamic cells involved in glucoregulation and the defence against hypoglycemia. Gene Expression Synthesis of specific mRNA from gene DNA template is the first step in protein synthesis. The transcription of a given gene into its correponding mRNA varies according to the physiological and environmental conditions. This modulation of gene transcription is due to the actions of intracellular substances (transcription factors, hormones, substrates,…) which act on promotor or repressor regions of the gene. Monitoring of the level of a given mRNA in a tissue can be evaluated by Northern blotting, or by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (competitive RT-PCR). These approaches have proven very useful to evaluate the expression, or level of transcription, of genes in various conditions. In particular, these methods allowed to elucidate how major hormones and nutrients alter the expression of genes coding for key regulatory enzymes. It is important to keep in mind that the level of mRNA coding for a regulatory enzyme does not necessarily correlate with the activity of the metabolic pathway. In many instances, an increase in the mRNA level does not result in an increased level of the corresponding protein. In addition, enzymes may be activated/deactivated, under the action of hormones, or be allosterically regulated by intermediate substrates, and the control of enzyme activity may override the importance of enzyme concentration. Finally, the concentrations of intermediary substrates (i.e. the precursor and product of the biochemical reaction catalyzed by the enzyme of interest) may be the most important factor in determining the activity of this metabolic pathway. These points will be illustrated by some data available regarding the regulation of de novo lipogenesis . De novo Lipogenesis and its Regulation Fatty acids (initially palmitate) can be synthesized from acetyl-CoA in the process of de novo lipogenesis. Carbohydrate and amino acids may be the source of acetyl-CoA for this process. The initial steps in this pathway are the transfer of acetyl-CoA from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm, its conversion into malonyl-CoA under the action of the enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and elongation of malonyl-CoA under the action of the enzyme fatty acid synthase. Overall, the pathway is essentially stimulated by insulin, which activates acetyl-CoA carboxylase and increases the expression of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthase genes. Hepatic de novo lipogenesis can be monitored by isotopic methods in vivo. It is very low under normal conditions, but can be increased several-fold during isoenergetic feeding when simple carbohydrates form a major portion of total calories, or during hyperenergetic feeding. It is increased in insulin-resistant obese and type 2 diabetic patients. It is also increased in critically ill patients. In these patients, de novo lipogenesis increases when carbohydrate intake increases, even under conditions of isoenergetic conditions; in contrast, inhibition of gluconeogenesis, another insulin-sensitive glucose pathway, is severly impaired. Role of Specific Genes in the Regulation of de novo Lipogenesis Several transgenic models facilitated the identification of key-genes in the control of de novo lipogenesis. Hepatic glucose metabolism involves glucose transport into hepatocytes followed by phosphorylation by glucokinase. These steps appear important in the control of de novo lipogenesis, since mice overexpressing the glucokinase gene in hepatocytes develop liver steatosis. SREBP 1c is a key transcription factor involved in the control of hepatic glucose metabolism. It is stimulated by insulin, and activates the expression of both glucokinase and fatty acid synthase genes in hepatocytes. Transgenic animals overexpressing SREBP 1c develop hepatic steatosis. Recent work has unravelled the mechanisms by which liver cells become resistant to insulin’s actions on gluconeogenesis, while de novo lipogenesis remains fully insulin-responsive. The transduction system used for insulin signalling differ for these two pathways. Suppression of gluconeogenesis involves activation of insulin receptor substrate 2 (IRS2). This protein is downregulated by hyperinsulinemia. Hence the impaired suppression of gluconeogenesis in insulin resistant hyperinsulinemic animals. In contrast, stimulation of de novo lipogenesis involves the activation by insulin of SREBP 1c, which in turn activates the fatty acid synthase gene. This pathway remains fully active in insulin resistant, hyperinsulinemic animals. These in-vitro data suggest a major role for insulin in the control of lipogenic genes. In vivo studies however indicate that not only insulin, but also, and possibly more important, the amount of lipogenic substrates reaching the liver, are involved in the control of de novo lipogenesis. This illustrates the key role played by substrate concentrations in metabolic control. References Byrne MM, Sturis J, Clément K, et al. Insulin secretory abnormalities in subjects with hyperglycemia due to glucokinase mutations. 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